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    Unit 3 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives Level 5 CBC College


    Developing marketing objective is being stated as must for every single organisation. With the help of this, it has been analysed that company can gain competitive advantages at marketplace and it also aid in attaining desired goals and objectives. This consist of various elements or factors which needs to be considered in an appropriate manner so that to sustain at both domestic and international level. Measurable, realistic, specific, achievable and time specific are some of the approaches that can be used by a firm in order to hit their targets. Report is being divided into two parts and enterprise which is being taken under this assignment i.e. A & A Coffee shop that is a specialised chain of roasted coffee products. Firm was found in the year of 1992 in New South Wales and in current it has 22 stores in almost five states of Australia. A & A Coffee shop has a good name in all over the nation but recently a downfall has been observed into the market share (Baker, 2014). Assessment is going to put light on various strategic directions that will help firm in gaining good position at marketplace. It will also help in reviewing marketing performance and opportunities which can be grabbed by organisation. Lastly, report will include proper formulation of aims and objectives in marketing so that to sustain in Australian market.

    Assesment 1

    P1. Financial Management techniques

    Financial management technique



    Common-Size Statements

    Percentage or ratio based common sized balance sheet.

    A & A's financial statement in terms of ratio.

    Trend Ratios

    Index numbers that are relevant to financial figure.

    Company consider this when it requires to make alterations.

    Funds Flow Analysis

    This sort of analysis helps in getting into details of changes in financial position of a concern between two balance sheet dates (David, 2011).

    A & A coffee shop uses this type of ratio to plan for long term achievements.

    P2. Ten legislations



    · Age discrimination act, 2004

    · Crimes Act 1914

    · Fair work regulation act 2009

    · Australian consumer act 1986


    · Anti-discrimination act 1975

    · Cloud computing security

    · Copyright act 1968

    · FOI act 1982

    · Web Publishing guide

    · Electronic transaction act 1999

    · To remove favouritism at workplace.


    · Under section 39 an individual can get behind the bars.

    · Records of employees should be kept safely.


    · This act was taken under in order to stop fraudulent activities.

    · To stop discrimination in firms.


    · To reduce risks and to keep information safe.


    · To stop duplication (Santos-Vijande, López-Sánchez and Trespalacios, 2012).

    · In order to guide publication of Australian government.

    · To make online presence.

    · In order to stop hackers.

    P3. Four regulatory bodies

    Regulatory Body



    · The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

    · Australian Taxation Office

    · Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)

    · Reserve bank of Australia (RBA)

    Promote competition



    Run federal taxation system


    In order to pull eyes of alien investors


    Run monitory in effective way

    Competition and Consumer Act, 2010.


    Tax act, 1961


    Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act, 1975


    Reserve Bank Act, 1959

    P4. Marketing evaluation concepts, methods, techniques can be used in market analysis

    Marketing evaluation concepts, methods, techniques


    Competitive analysis

    This type of analysis is being done in order to take initiatives so that to gain competitive level.

    Life cycle models

    In order to gain success for a longer period of time.

    Product portfolio analysis

    Under this, determinations are being done so that to achieve goals (Turnbull and Valla, 2013).

    SWOT analysis

    To understand the internal environment.

    Value chain analysis

    In order to analyse the internal firm activities.

    Assessment 2

    Task 1

    1.1 Organisation's mission, vision and values

    A & A Coffee Shop has a good name in all over Australia and in almost 6 states it has stores. But, in recent times it has been analysed that firm has faced issues that are related to its marketing of products and services that they are offering to consumers. But, they are manufacturing coffee products with high quality coffee beans like Robust & Arabica which has aid them in running business in continuation way that helped in maintaining its sustainability. Away from this, in order to achieve its goals and objectives it is must for this organisation to make strategies so that desired targets can get attained in specific time of period.

    Mission: A & A Coffee shops current mission is to be the “leading manufacturer and retailer of quality coffee in Australia".

    Purpose of A & A Coffee Shop: There motive is to deliver quality coffee products to consumers so that satisfactory level of them can get enhanced. This will help firm in sustaining at marketplace for a longer period of time. Along with this, they are looking forward to retain market share so that distribution can be done of equipments which has been made by them. At current moment, its goal is heighten the market share under cafe retail business up to 10%.

    Vision: A & A Coffee shop's management has given its employees a proper and clear vision that to grab a leading position in retail market of coffee sector in near future (Hays, Page and Buhalis, 2013).

    Values: Marketing research is being done by administration of A & A Coffee Shop is to keep the consistency and reliability as well in proper manner. Firm's employees do supports each other and try to maintain the decorum so that problems can be resolved right on time so that desired goals and objectives can be attained right on time.

    More About: Unit 9 International Marketing Management LSST

    1.2 Directions and targets

    Managers and leaders of A & A Coffee Shop has made some goals in order to attain them in specific time of period it is mandatory for administration to do proper analysis of market through qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Away from this, there main aim is that to carry a good market share so that sales of consumables that they are offering can be enhanced. Along with this, A & A Coffee Shop is also looking to increase its market share approximately at 10% into cafe retail business.

    Direction: A & A Coffee Shop's management and BOD has made their coffee products with quality in order to satisfy its consumer. Market share can be enhanced through this way only by doing proper promotional activities and through making coffee's with quality beans (Jiménez-Jiménez and Sanz-Valle, 2011).

    Targets: Target of this organisation is to give hard competition to its rivals like, Roasted Amigos, Mocha Del Mar, Caliente Cane phora and some others as well and to grab a good position at marketplace of Australia.

    1.3 Situational analysis

    SWOT analysis of A & A Coffee Shop are:

    Strength: A & A coffee has already grabbed a good position in some states of Australia. According to the survey which has been done to analyse the market share of famous enterprises under coffee sector this firm have 25% under this share as they are delivering prime coffee products to its consumers. Customer base, quality, effective presence in domestic level, affordable prices are some factors that are being considered by them.

    Weaknesses: Firm at this moment is less effective because they are not making alterations in their products on a regular basis according to the customers perceptions and per their needs. Some factors under this: Raise in cost of products, increasing competition, change in taste (Johanson and Mattsson, 2015).

    Opportunities: A & A Coffee Shop can enhance their productivity and profitability level through expanding its business at international level. Few factors of this element is- Solid groundwork, franchises and store presentations can help in different ways in this context.

    Threats: Under coffee sector, there are various famous companies that are giving good rivalry to A & A Coffee Shop. Organisations like Roasted Amigos, Mocha Del Mar, Caliente Cane phora and innovative ideas of new entrepreneurs are bringing competition at Australi

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