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    Marketing Communication Plan for Organisational Growth a Study on Whitepot Ltd.

    University: Ulster University

    • Unit No: 4
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 18 / Words 4457
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MKTP003
    • Downloads: 1057
    Question :

    This assessment will provide all the details in relation to: - 

    1. What are the communication practises that helps White Pot Ltd to manage communication strategies?
    2. What are the challenges faced by White Pot Ltd.
    3. Gave the appropriate ethical consideration and regulations for White Pot Ltd.
    Answer :


    Marketing is the process with the help of which organisation can communicate with consumers about product and services. As there are many organisations working in the society, so it is relevant to understand and determine the best way through which people can be communicated (Aguinis, Edwards and Bradley, 2017). With change in actions, there will proper understanding about it to consumers because it is important that they are changing feature and characteristics of their product. Marketing is important and crucial action which has to be conducted by managers of organisation to improve their image and perform actions with confidence. For improving and enhancing performance, there is requirement of participation of consumers because this is the best way to determine and understand the changes properly. While there is completion of information which makes it easy for people to determine and understand process completely. When there is complete information to consumers, then they are ready to purchase product and avail services from them. In order to compile and manage marketing activities of the organisation, it will be easy to get proper benefits of it.

    This investigation is based on Whitepot Ltd. Which is dealing in retail sector, commercial contracting, wholesaling, manufacturing, etc. so they have operations in different activities hence they have plan activities in proper and better manner. When there is change in commercial activities, then they have to perform proper marketing with the help of which individuals can get overcome with it (Anderson, Fontinha and Robson, 2019). In order to come with new and relevant changes, it is essential that marketing has to be done properly with evaluating external market changes. When consumers have knowledge about new projects and services, then it is easy to motive them to purchase it. Hence managers of Whitepot Ltd. Are thinking to conduct research about marketing communication practices and implement what changes can be made.

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    Research Problem

    As per case study of Whitepot Ltd. , it is analysed that they want to expand their business, so they want to investigate about their marketing communication strategy and improves practical implementation of business operations. Research problem is To evaluate marketing communication practices to identify practical impact on operations for organisation growth and development. With the help of this issue and conducting investigation over it, operations can be performed properly and actions can be planned for better outcome from it. When proper marketing practices are implemented in the organisation, then it analysed that activities can be performed for better and proper outcome.


    To evaluate the marketing communication practices for enhancing organisational growth prospects. A study on Whitepot Ltd.


    • To acquire knowledge about marketing communication practices.
    • To determine importance of marketing communication practices for growth and development of Whitepot Ltd.
    • To evaluate the challenges faced by Whitepot Ltd. In planning marketing communication strategies. 
    • To recommend some strategies with which Whitepot Ltd. Can implement marketing communication strategies properly.
    • Do you have knowledge about marketing communication practices ?
    • What is the importance of marketing communication practices for growth and development of Whitepot Ltd ?
    • What are the challenges faced by Whitepot Ltd. In planning marketing communication strategies ?
    • Recommend some strategies with which Whitepot Ltd. Can implement marketing communication strategies properly ?


    Significance of this investigation is to evaluate and determine changes properly and make strategies for marketing of the organisation. As compared to past years, there is more requirement of marketing because people are considering it and making strategies for better outcome. In order to make business diversified, it is important that association have to determine changes properly and make strategies for its growth and development. With this topic, knowledge about different marketing strategies can be collected and ways to implement them can also acknowledged (Andrew,  Pedersen and McEvoy, 2019). When there is change in business product and services, then it is essential that marketing strategies must also improved. If researcher conduct commercial activities in near future, then they can implement it properly.

    This investigation, can be used by researcher as base for studying role of marketings strategies in building consumer trust and confidence among consumers. Organisations get to know about current market trends and study which has to be done for evaluating and understanding policies properly. With the help of this study, people can make strategies through which the can make their business at growth. As researcher belongs to marketing field, so this topic provides career growth as well and assist in providing better services to workplace through which growth prospects can be enhanced (Bell, Bryman and Harley, 2018).


    Literature review is crucial chapter  of research because in this information collected from secondary sources are studied. This is the best way to collect complete information from the marketing communication practice (Bentahar and Cameron, 2015). To make this investigation relevant, information is collected from authentic and reliable sources, so reader gets authentic information. Literature review of this investigation is as under-

    Knowledge about marketing communication practices

    Marketing communication strategy is the procedure through which organisation can get to their consumers for providing information about products and services they are offering. This is important because when consumers does not have knowledge about specific brand, they can not avail or purchase product or services. In this marketing communication practices, there are three main aspects i.e. message, medium and target. There is some specific message or information which is communicated to target consumers  through medium (Brennen, 2017). This makes them aware about changes which are taking place and it is important for people to get that message or information properly. Hence it is essential that marketing practice has to be easy and familiar through which consumer gets its knowledge properly. When there is change in product or services, then it is essential that to communicate about it properly. With the help of marketing communication strategies, it is easy to maintain good and positive relations with consumers which assist in improving brand image in industry.

    There are many strategies with the help of which managers of Whitepot Ltd. Can communicate with workers and it is not easy for them to understand what is the demand of consumers and what improvements are required in services. As per view of M. T. Wroblewski, 2019 advertising, digital marketing, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion are used as ways to market product and services. With evaluating and understanding information, it is relevant and specific for people to determine what Whitepot Ltd. Wants to convey. This is the best and specific way to evaluate the changes which are taking place in market (Bryman, 2016). There are some pros and cons of different methods, but it is important to use out of them properly because this is the relevant and specific way to understand what has to be done. When marketing strategy is properly used, then it will not be easy for association to determine requirements and neds of their target market. This is appropriate for organisational growth and development through diversification of business activities.

    Importance of marketing communication practices for growth and development of Whitepot Ltd.

    Marketing communication is the way to communicate with other people with makes in proper understanding properly (Choi, Cheng and Zhao, 2016). With determination best marketing strategies, it is not easy for people to evaluate and understand changes properly. With change in business activities, there will proper determination of roles and responsibilities properly. As per view of Hitesh Bhasin, 2019 marketing strategies are important because it assist in improving brand name of the organisation and maintain good relations with consumers.

    Development of strategic vision- Whitepot Ltd. Operates in many sector such as wholesaler, manufacturing, etc. so it is important that managers must have some specific aims and objectives for which the are operating. It is essential to understand objective because this is the way through which workers can be motivated. When marketing is done, then there will ease in communicating to consumers about their goals. When consumers are satisfied with knowing what are the strategic view of their actions, then it will be easy for get new scope of growth and development.

    Creating brand awareness- When quality of product offered by Whitepot Ltd. Are communicated to consumers, then they prefers to avail it. This creates awareness in the society and it is not easy for people to understand and maintain positive relations (Clarke,  2018). For instance: in marketing, managers of Whitepot Ltd. Are focusing on quality, then consumers prefers this brand because of quality services. This improves goodwill and it is easy to grow in the sustainable market. With understanding this strategy, there will ease in improving brand image of Whitepot Ltd. Through which growth and development in industry is possible.

    Attracts talent- There will benefits in hiring and selection of workers when marketing communication is done properly. In order to evaluate and determine changes properly, it is easy for people to understand and determine changes properly. If there is use of proper strategies, people have faith in Whitepot Ltd., hence employees are also ready to be part of this organisation. When there is clear and specific knowledge to individuals, then talented and skilled workers wants to be part of this association. When there is presence of talented work force at Whitepot Ltd., then organisation can expand business with participation of workers (Fellows and Liu, 2015).

    Challenges faced by Whitepot Ltd. In planning marketing communication strategies

    With evaluating and understanding requirements of marketing communication strategies, it will not easy for people to determine what changes can be implemented in the organisation. There are some issues which is faced by managers of Whitepot Ltd. In planning and implementing marketing strategies. In order to understand and evaluate the policies which are taking place in market, then it will be easy for people to determine changes properly. As there is difference in trends of consumers, so it is essential to plan and take actions as per dynamic environment. As per view of Patrick McFadden, 2019 following marketing challenges are arised while planning market strategies-

    Management Support and Resources- there is requirement of individuals for conducting marketing activities properly because marketing actions can also performed by employees who have relevant and specific skills. There is lack of resources and support system to make market strategies relevant. As marketing assist in attracting consumers, then it is important to implement new and creative style of marketing. But managers of Whitepot Ltd. Does not get skilled workers and specified amount of money for it due to which individuals are not able to conduct their marketing functions properly (Jakobsen and Jensen, 2015).

    International Issues-  There is difference in culture, trends and values of people because of difference in their taste. When marketing activities are planned, then it is important to make relevant changes in operations. There are some rules and regulations which has to be considered by managers of Whitepot Ltd., so they can understand and determine changes properly. This is the issues which arise in performing marketing activities because this affects marketing operations.

    Latest Marketing Trends- There is frequent change in demand of consumers because of dynamic environment. In case of understanding and evaluating changes properly, managers of Whitepot Ltd. Are not able to be concentrate on their core operations.  If managers of Whitepot Ltd. Does not have knowledge about latest trends, then it is not easy to conduct and plan marketing strategies.

    Strategies with which Whitepot Ltd. Can implement marketing communication strategies properly

    In order to implement marketing practices properly, there is acquirement of systematic and relevant manner through which operations can be implemented properly and gets proper and relevant outcome from it (Lyon, MÅ¡llering and Saunders, 2015). As per view of Anastasia, 2019 If there is change in operational efficiency then marketing will also fruitful and organisation can expand and grow their business properly.

    Simple and deep message- Message which is communicated to consumers with marketing strategies has to be simple with use of clear and specific language. It is important for managers of Whitepot Ltd. To determine best way to communicate information properly. With use of simple and easy language, proper information can be communicated to consumers. This assist in getting positive impact on sales and profits of association.

    Consideration of target consumers- While framing marketing strategies, targeted consumers must be kept in mind. For instance: if advertisement is framed for domestic purpose use, then television advertisement, newspapers, etc. has to be used. This is the best way to target consumers and get positive impact of marketing policies over consumers. Hence cost of marketing will also recovered (McNabb, 2015).

    Proper strategy formulation- There is requirement of proper policy formulation because of understanding and determination of activities properly. In order to implement marketing activities, so it is important that association have to determine the activities which has to be involved. There must be proper planning related to implementing marketing activities properly with proper communication to consumers.

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    Research methodology section is also important in the research because in this heading, different tools and techniques are discussed which are used to complete and conduct the study properly. With understanding these techniques, it is easy to identify authenticity of the information which is presented in this study.

    Research Philosophy- The set of beliefs by including nature of reality being investigation  is consider as research philosophy. It has three types such as positivism, interpretivism and pragmatist which is used to conduct good research. Pragmatist philosophy is using by researcher in order to know the selling strategies which helps to define how they can improve their sale by collecting the information. The reason behind using this as it focused on identifying the solution of problems by using proper theories and framework (Mok, Shen and Yang, 2015).

    Research Approach – This means an approach which is taken by researcher in order to make good research and become successful. Research approach having two types that are inductive and deductive which helps to gather the information appropriately and make decision accordingly. For this research deductive approach is used by researcher because it starts from small and get bigger in order to attain good results. By using this research can get which marketing practices is relevant and profitable for increasing sale of respective company. Deductive approach will help researcher to gather information and use proper marketing plans to improve the organisational sale.

    Research Strategy- A research strategy is consider as step by step plan which directs to thoughts and efforts to conduct the research systematically and produced qualitative results. There are two types of quantitative and qualitative method which are used to conduct a proper research and increase productivity. For such research the selected strategy is qualitative method which will helps to gather the information and shows in graphs and pie chars which become easy to understand for anyone (O'Sullivan and et. al., 2016).

    Data Collection- there are some ways through which information has to be collected for making this study reliable. There are two methods of collecting information i.e. primary and secondary. While collecting data through primary information, it is essential for contact to people to collect their personal views about topic. Questionnaire will be used to collect this information because this is the easiest way to collect information from different sources. While secondary information is collected from online sources with which overall view about topic is gathered. This makes proper understanding about issues faced by association associated with marketing strategies and ways to deal with it.

    Sampling- Sampling is the best way to make study easy and appropriate. While collecting information from primary sources, it is not possible that information can be collected from whole crowd, hence some candidates are selected for this purpose. 10 managers of Whitepot Ltd. Are selected for this under simple random probable sampling. As these person have knowledge about  marketing strategies and ways to deal with it.

    Data Analysis- Data analysis is the process through which information is collected and gathered properly in systematic format. Thematic analysis is used for the purpose of data analysis because under which different themes are formulated on the behalf of question. With these themes it is easy for reader to understand it properly (Quinlan and et. al., 2019).

    Ethical Considerations- In order to make study reliable, ethical consideration must be considered so it can be used for future consideration as well. Confidential and informed consent are considered with the help of which proper and systematic study can be done. 


    Project plan is a written document which is prepared by researcher to know the activities and time to complete the project. This project is prepared for the purpose of completion of project within efficient time. This plan states that what action should be taken to complete the project and task. It covers different types of research which helps to make a make a good strategies in order to manage all functions and activities.

    This project plan reflect the Gantt chart which is a timeline used as a project management tool that states how a project would run. By using this researcher can view towards individual task, its duration and sequencing to complete the task. This charts defines completion time of multiple task through a single document which helps to accomplish the business goals and make high profits (Sarma, 2015). That's why researcher is using Gantt chart to complete its project and reach near by goals. This is special plan which helps to know which activity will be complete in specified period of time and also states timing of other activity which need to be start after completion of first activity. With the help of this Gantt chart researcher can synchronise their task systematically which helps to attain the objectives within specified time.    



    When research associate is appointed by Whitepot Ltd. It is essential that researcher ave to determine all the information properly about time, activities, etc. This assist in completing the time properly and achieve set aim and objectives. For collecting views from respondents, there is requirement of some specific way through which operations are conducted properly and in effective manner. There is complete and specific information about using proper information about time and ways to collect information, so it is easy for respondents to share their views. In this section, there is discussion designing of application, data collection ways, technique of data collection, ethical considerations. With considering all these tractors, it will easy for researcher to understand and evaluate all the factors properly about study (Takey and de Carvalho, 2015).


    In order to collect primary information and make easy for respondents to collect information, app is designed with which information can collected properly. With the help of this application, respondents can change language of question as per their preference. Questionnaire which is source for collect primary information is uploaded there. There is option of chat as well, if respondents have any issue, then they can ask their grievances here. There is option of audio recording as well. If researcher wants to ask something or have any issue, then they can record their query and post here. This is the easiest way to understand and collect information from primary sources because questionnaire can be understood properly. There is requirement of id and password to operate this application. Researcher will provide these password and id to authentic people from whom they wants to collect information.

    Respondents can login in this application free of cost but they have to visit advertisements. There is earning from individuals as well with the help of which people can understand best and appropriate information about marketing strategies (Wickert and Schaefer, 2015).


    In this investigation, information is collected from primary and secondary sources. There is use of this application because of collecting information from questionnaire. This is the best way which makes it easy for researcher to evaluate and understand properly. There are three ways through which data collection can gets easy and researcher can perform their operations properly.

    Video interview- There is facility of video interviews with respondents for collecting their views. This is the process in which respondents and researcher can do video calls for collecting views about marketing strategies. Respondents have to allow app to access their camera and audio recorders so they can share their views.

    Interview transcripts-  This is the way through which questionnaire reaches to respondents and after filling it, they revert back on online application. This interview transcripts helps researcher to make proper use of gathered information. If making and present information to tutor, they have can take out print out of filled questionnaire. This is the relevant and specific way to collect and make information authentic.

    Audio recording- There is use of audio recorder as well under which queries of respondents can be recorded. This makes primary information authentic as they get relevant and specific way to complete the study. With understanding and making proper change in actions, there will engagement of respondents as well (Zupic and ÄŒater, 2015).

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    Data analysis is the techniques in which unsystematic information will be converted into systematic information for future use. With determining and understanding use of information, researcher can evaluate the policies and they can interpret information properly. Thematic analysis will be used by researcher for data analysis. There is specific themes for questions which shows brief view about questions. This is the best way to convert information in relevant information.


    There is requirement of proper confidentiality while conducting investigation because this is ethical consideration which has to be followed. There is complete and specific information about planning marketing strategies to individuals, hence researcher will contact to them only. While collecting information through mobile application, it is easy for researcher to determine and maintain security (Aguinis, Edwards and Bradley, 2017). Password and login id for respondents are different and admin system in this application is not easy. As information about respondents is not shown to any body, so anonymity can be maintained. Hence there is proper security in using and collecting information through application.


    There is ethical consideration followed while collecting information through application. There is ethical consideration from which has to be accepted and submitted by respondents while collecting information from primary sources. There is informed consent of respondents and information is collected from people who have knowledge about planning marketing strategies and ways to deal with it. There is proper abiding of regulations by researcher while conducting investigation and this is completed with following standardised format. Personal information of respondents is not disclosed among other. It can be seen by tutor. There is complete disclosure of information storage and management, hence tutor or supervisor can access it (Anderson, Fontinha and Robson, 2019).


    From the above information, it is easy to understand launching of application for collecting primary information. In order to collect information from primary sources, questionnaire is best. With using interview transcript, it is easy to show proof to reader also. Hence possibilities of business will be nil. With the help of audio and video options, respondents can share their information and researcher can show it to reader for the purpose of authenticity. With use of technology, there is ease to researcher to collect information and make changes in research activities if required. Hence researcher observed that use of application will assist researcher in collecting information as it is time saving and quick interaction among researcher and respondents.

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    Books and Journals

    Anderson, V., Fontinha, R. and Robson, F., 2019. Research methods in human resource management: investigating a business issue. Kogan Page Publishers.

    Andrew, D. P., Pedersen, P. M. and McEvoy, C. D., 2019. Research methods and design in sport management. Human Kinetics Publishers.

    Bell, E., Bryman, A. and Harley, B., 2018. Business research methods. Oxford university press.

    Bentahar, O. and Cameron, R., 2015. Design and Implementation of a Mixed Method Research Study in Project Management. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods. 13(1).

    Choi, T. M., Cheng, T. C. E. and Zhao, X., 2016. Multimethodological research in operations management. Production and Operations Management. 25(3). pp.379-389.

    Clarke, S., 2018. Researching beneath the surface: Psycho-social research methods in practice. Routledge.

    Fellows, R. F. and Liu, A. M., 2015. Research methods for construction. John Wiley & Sons.

    Jakobsen, M. and Jensen, R., 2015. Common method bias in public management studies. International Public Management Journal. 18(1). pp.3-30.

    Lyon, F., Mšllering, G. and Saunders, M. N. eds., 2015. Handbook of research methods on trust. Edward Elgar Publishing.

    McNabb, D. E., 2015. Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management. Routledge.

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