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    Operational Process and Analysis for Dusty Knuckle Bakery

    University: BPP University School of Business and Technology

    • Unit No: 5
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 15 / Words 3734
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MBA 7061
    • Downloads: 868
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions:

    • Discuss the theory and the data  which are combine to analye the operations.
    • Explain dimensions of the mapping of speed, quality, cost, dependibility  and flexibility.
    • Evaluation of the key operations process in the Dusty Knuckle bakery.
    Answer :


    Operations management is the administration of business practices to create the highest level of efficiency possible within an organization. Operational management used to look at converting materials and labour into goods and services as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit of an organization. Dusty Knuckle bakery is the small scale bakery which used to provide the bakery product to the consumer in the market. This report highlights the operational analysis of Dusty Knuckle bakery operational of one activity that is the manufacturing activity (Hu and 2016)

    Manufacturing activity looks at converting the raw material and the efforts of different labour in such a way that it help the company in producing the good offering the consumer in the organization.

    Manufacturing operation of the business is one of the most important function for all the organization in long run of the business as all the function in the organization used to be targeted or centred upon the manufacturing function of the organization. As manufacturing function is the one which used to provide the goods or the offering to the organization on the basis of which different strategies and operation is made in the organization. There are a good deals of importance of manufacturing operation such as it help the business in presenting the current thought of the business in front of the consumer in the market (Widanapathirana, Venkatasubramanian and Zaeem, 2019)

    Also, provides the good hand of the support at the time of looking at maximizing the profit margin for the organization. Manufacturing operation also used to bring the variety of the scope for the organization such as it present the image of the organization in the market in the face of the different offering and product which is manufactured by the organization with the help of investing the variety of the resources into it.

    Dusty Knuckle bakery is the small scale bakery which used to provide the bakery product to the consumer in the market. Dusty Knuckle bakery used to operate with one outlet in the UK which is located at the Abbot St, Dalston, London E8 3DP, United Kingdom. They used to use the direct distribution channel to distribute the product of the company in the company by selling the product with the help of the outlet and also with the help of providing the services of home delivery to the consumer in the market. Dusty Knuckle bakery used to provide the variety of the cake and bread which includes the product line of seed and grain. Blended wholegrain, white and rye flours, peppered with poppy, sunflower, sesame, pumpkin and linseed. White potato sour. 100% rye tin. Raisin and walnut rye. Burger buns. Focaccia. Seeded rye.

    This report highlights operation Process of Dusty Knuckle bakery. After that the report highlights the operational analysis of Dusty Knuckle bakery which includes methodology and Analysis of the organization. After that the report highlights the Evaluation of the operation and recommendation about the same to the Dusty Knuckle bakery (Prajogo and, 2018).

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    Main operation of the organization

    The Dusty Knuckle bakery used to manufacture the variety of the product in the outlet and used to offer same to the consumer in the market. So one of the main operation of the outlet is manufacturing. Relevancy behind the same is the factor which used to drive the consumer toward the organization i.e. taste. As in the food and beverage industry it is very important for all the organization to offer the taste to the consumer so that they used to build the bond with the organization (Herzog and, 2016). As a result the manufacturing operation of the business help the organization in offering the unique taste and good quality of the product to the consumer in the market. Also manufacturing the product by own helps the organization in seeing and testing the offering of the product beforehand itself in the organization.

    Challenges faced in the operations

    There are many sorts of the challenges which is faced in the operation, Quality of the offering is one of the such challenge which is faced by the organization. As it always get difficult for the organization to maintain the good amount of the quality in all the offering of the organization. The reason behind facing such a challenge is that there are more than one factors on which the quality of the product is overdependent. Some factors are quality of raw material, quality of supplier product, Situation of the organizational resources etc. This challenge used to create the concern of losing the customer base of the company as all the customer always looks for the value of the money they are spending every time they are consuming the offering of the Dusty Knuckle bakery in the market (Byrd Tyler MILLER and, 2018).

    Another challenge which is faced by the organization is the wastage. As it is sometime seen that in the process of manufacturing the good amount of the product in the organization, The Dusty Knuckle bakery used to overlook the wastage of the resources which are invested to produce the offering in the bakery. The reason behind the same is not proper management of the manufacturing operation of the organization. This is one of the biggest concern for the company in the long run of the business. As wastage of the resources used to increase the cost of the product manufacture in the organization. This eventually has a negative impact on the profit margin of The Dusty Knuckle bakery.

    Ways to address the issues

    The Dusty Knuckle bakery has to make sure that they overcome both the challenges as soon as possible as both the issue is very crucial for the organization. To improve the issue related to the quality the organization has to make sure that they used to adopt the operational management tool in the organization, this will eventually help the company in looking at the different aspect related to the quality of the product. Overcoming this issue will help the company in building a good customer base.

    Wastage of the resources can be minimized with the help of proper planning and allotment of the resources in the organization (Denlinger and Michaleris, 2016). This will eventually help The Dusty Knuckle bakery in maximizing the profit in the organization as more amount of the product will be manufacture in the organization by investing the same amount of the resources in the manufacturing process.

    Process Map

    The above process map shows that out the organization used to procure the raw material from the variety of the supplier as in the food and beverage industry more than one type of the raw material is required by the organization to produce the good in the organization. As a result  Dusty Knuckle bakery also used to do the same as they used to collect the raw material from variety of the supplier. Dusty Knuckle bakery after that used to gather them all and used to the best combination of the raw material to produce the best offering of the organization to be offered in the organization.

    4 V's Profile

    Volume: As organization used to use the safe operational management process which used to increase the time period consume to produce the good of the organization. This used to have the impact on the volume of the good which is produce by the organization.

    Variety: This V of the portfolio is successfully managed by the organization as organization used to offer the good variety of the product to the consumer in the market to attract the customer toward the company. This help the company in presenting better and wider image of company in front of the customer.

    Variation: Dusty Knuckle bakery used to bring the variety of the variation in the offering of the organization with the help of the feedback which is revived by the organization from the customer end.

    Visibility: As organization uses the own trademark logo and name to promote the product to the company it helps them easily attract the eye of the customer in the market.



    Data was collected with the help of the variety of the sources. Books and journal related to Dusty Knuckle bakery was one of the main source through which the data was collected to analysis and interoperate the different operation which are performed in the organization and the different challenges which are faced by the organization. Books and journals which are collected was the different magazines related to the food and beverage industry of the UK and also with the help of Annual report which was published by the Dusty Knuckle bakery.

    Another technique which was used was the self observation. In this technique scholar has selected few of the customer who used to visit the Dusty Knuckle bakery on the regular basis. On the basis of the different activity which is performed by the selected customer the scholar used to collect the information regarding the Dusty Knuckle bakery. Also, Scholar used to judge the response of the customer on regular basis. Also, scholar has taken help of the Public domain information to collect the secondary data about the company.

    Scholar has taken help of the text analysis as the analysis tool to analysis the different data which was presented in front of the scholar. In this technique the scholar has transformed the raw data into the business information. In the end it can be said that this data used to examine data and deriving patterns and used to interoperate the data in the end (Bhattacharya, Bhandari and Mukerjee, 2019). Cycle time analysis is the another analysis tool which is used by the scholar as selected operation activity get easy to understand with the help of the same.


    To understand the manufacturing operation of the Dusty Knuckle bakery cycle time analysis tool was implemented as manufacturing is the biggest operation all the food and beverage organization used to perform in the organization. As cycle time analysis used to examine the total length or the time which an activity used to take to complete its cycle. In simple words it can be said that it can be measured by looking at the time which used to be taken by the organization to convert the raw material into the finished product.

    Application of the tool identified that the first step which used to be taken by the Dusty Knuckle bakery is the market analysis. This stage used to goes on in to the market on the regular basis. On the basis of the same the organization used to find out the opportunity or the issue which is there in the market. After identifying the opportunity and threat first step of the analysis is applied in which the organization used to document the different problem in the organization. In this step the organization used to write down the problem and opportunity and on the basis of the same organization used to source the different ways and techniques to overcome the same issue in the Dusty Knuckle bakery (Kim and 2018). This step generally used to take 3-4 days for the organization as they used to search the information from variety of the station such as competitor analysis, market research etc.

    After that Dusty Knuckle bakery used to implement the generate work order and schedule service steps in the bakery. In this step the organization used to plan and organize the different on boarding activity related to the manufacturing in the organization. In this step the organization used to decide the supplier form where the different raw material which will be procured in the organization and also the workflow in which the different activity which will take place in the organization. Also, organization used to delegate the roles and responsibility to the different employee in the organization who will be responsible to carry out the different activity related to the manufacturing of the product in the organization (Zajaczkowski, 2016). This activity of Dusty Knuckle bakery generally used to take 3-4 days for the bakery. As In this they used to consider the quotation of the different supplier and distribution channel on the basis of the same used to make different decision in the bakery.

    After that the main step is implemented by the organization in which the organization used to manufacture the product and test the same before offering it to the consumer in the market for consumption. This step involves conversion of raw material into the finished product for the organization by the way of using and investing the variety of the raw material into it. Some resources are Human Resources, raw material and variety of the technology. Another process which is function under this is testing the offering on the basis of the taste and the quality of the product which is offered to the consumer. This is generally done with the help of setting up the benchmark in well advanced and on the basis of the same testing the actual result. By this Dusty Knuckle bakery is able to find out the deviation and try to full fill beforehand itself. This step used to take 2-3 days in the organization to be completed.

    The last step is to decide the location and distribution channel through which the manufactured product will be offered to the consumer (Annarelli and Nonino, 2016). Dusty Knuckle bakery used to sell the product of the company with the help of the direct distribution in which product is sold with the help of the bakery outlet itself.

    Network Supply

    When looking at the supply chain network of Dusty Knuckle bakery it has been seen that the organization used to offer the product to only one location in United kingdom that is from the outlet of the London. So it can be said that the organization is using the direct distribution channel to sell the product of the company in the market. Also, organization used to provide the offering of the company with the help of the home delivery service which is provided by the organization itself to the consumer in the market. Organization used to deliver the product of the company to the consumer with the help of the delivery 2 wheeler vehicles.

    Strategy Source

    When looking at the sources through which the organization used to source the strategy which need to be implemented in and out of the bakery it has been find out that Dusty Knuckle bakery uses the two type of sources to source the strategy. First and most common one is the market research in which the marketing department of the bakery used to source the market on the regular basis and on the basis of the finding used to procure the different strategy in the organization to carry out the operation of the business (Dufosse, Patry and Reiner, 2017). Another way through which the different strategy which is procured in the organization is by looking at the big competitor in the organization. In this organization used to analysis the different strategies which is used by the big organization and used to analysis the performance of that strategy for the big bakery present in the nation. This eventually help the company in lowering down the risk of adopting the new strategy at the same time also used decrease the level of the innovation in the organization. As this process is more on coping the other work in the organization.


    After going through the analysis of the operational activity of Dusty Knuckle bakery it can be said that the organization is using the good operational process in the organization to offer the offering to the consumer in the market. The reason behind the same is that this process used to contain the less amount of the risk as compare to the other operational management process in the organization. As this operational process used to build-up all the function on the basis of the reliable information and the credibility of the information. At the same time with the help of the cycle time analysis it has been find out that this process used to increase the amount of the time which has been taken by the bakery to carry out the operation cycle in the organization. As organization used to take the variety of the corrective action at the time of carrying out the operation. It takes more than usual time for the organization to manufacture the offering (Bolyn and 2019).

    It has been understood that generating work order and schedule services is the aspect which need to be looked by the organization to improve the operational process in the organization. The reason behind the same is that this is the aspect which can be fastened up by the organization that easily by the way of taking help of the different software and technology to carry out this aspect. As the analysis shows that it used to take 3-4 days to complete this stage with the help of the advanced technology organization can lower down the time duration of this step by 1-2 days in the organization. The biggest reason behind improving this aspect is that this stage used to form the basis in the organization on the basis of the same different activity are performed in the organization. As a result it is very important to fasten up generating work order and schedule services, so that the availability of the goods can be improved in the bakery.


    After going through the analysis made it has been analysed that the wastage of the resources is one of the issue which is faced by the bakery at the time of carrying out the different activity in the organization. To overcome the same issue organization has to tighten up the resource's allotment feature of planning process in the organization. In this organization has to make sure that they used to look at the total amount of the work need to be completed in the organization and measuring the resources which will be enough to complete the task and on the basis of the same different decision need to be made about the allotment of the resources in the organization.

    Another issue which was found in the organization was maintaining the same quality of the offering to all the product which has been manufactured in the organization. This issue can be overcome by the bakery by setting up the benchmark of the quality beforehand itself and on the basis of the same measuring the actual quality and finding out the deviation to improve the same in the organization next time.

    Slow operation process is the another big issue which used to be seen by the organization in the long run of the business. This issue can be overcome by the organization with the help of the operational management tool such as six sigma's and lean production in the organization. This will help the company in looking at the different aspect which is linked to the quality of the product in the organization. As this operational tool used to synchronize and schedule the different activity in such a manner that all the activity in the organization used to follow in a sequence. This is the best way through which organization able to overcome the issue related to the slow process of operational work.


    After going through the above report it has been analysed that Dusty Knuckle bakery is the bakery which used to operate on the small scale in the market and used to offer the product of the company with only direct distribution channel. Whether with the help of the outlet or with the help of the direct delivery of the product to the customer in the market. After that the report has summarized that as Dusty Knuckle bakery is working at the small level in the nation, so they are little of consensus toward taking the step regarding the operation in the organization. As a result they are using more secure operational plan in the organization which used to create the situation in the organization where they are taking more than the usual time to manufacture the product in the organization.

    After that it has been analysed that the organization used to take the help of two strategy sourcing sources to source the different strategy first is with the help of the market research and the another one is with the help of looking at the competitor strategy and adopting the same in the organization. After that the report has summarized the recommendation to Dusty Knuckle bakery that with the help of the operational management tool and proper allocation of the resources in the organization they can overcome the different operational issue which is faced by the organization in the long run of the business.           

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