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    Achieve Results by Business Activities Management

    Managing Business Activities

    Managing business activities is the most important factors for the organisation for getting success in the market. It is helpful in improving the performance and managing all activities so that employees will produce best result and company will get success. In an organisation ,there are many no. of activities that need to be managed for getting efficiency and effectiveness in the working of the organisation (Jeston and Nelis, 2014). There are many activities like strategic function or operational function for improving the quality of the organisation. This project report is based on ABC company which is a recruitment company that are facing some issues in an organisation like inadequate leadership ,ineffective management etc. This report explains the relationship between different process or different function of the organisation and methods that will evaluate that process of organisation is going on right pathway or not so that company will get it's objectives along this it explains the system that will help in managing or monitoring the quality standards in the organisation.

    Interrelationship between different process or function of the organisation

    In ABC company ,there are many department like marketing ,financial ,production etc. that helps the organisation to accomplish the goals or objectives. For achieving this ,there are many different different process or function that helps the organisation. Organisation process involves many tasks or works that helps the company in achieving the objectives. In organisation function there are group of person that have same skills and expertise that helps the company in achieving the results and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation (Zairi, 2012). So here it is required that there should be proper coordination between the all department that will help in increasing the good relationship among various department. In an organisation there are interlink among various department function or process like-

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    Marketing department analyse the market in which it identifies that what is the demand of the products ,customers behaviour and it promotes the goods and services .And production department will produce the goods and services according to report of the marketing department and at last financial department will give the amount for all the activities that will carried out by the marketing or production department.

    So in an organisation ,all department are interlinked with each other.

    Methodology that is used for mapping the organisation 's goals

    Mapping of the organisation 's goals is very important because it ensures that process or working of the ABC company is going on the right pathway or not (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014) . It is helpful in understanding the whole process of of ABC company which is a recruitment company. In other terms ,it can be say that it is tools and techniques that is used for understanding the process of the company. It convert the process or workflow of the company in to visual diagram. DMAIC is a method that is used for mapping the goals and objectives. This method is used by ABC company in mapping the process or goals and objectives which are as follows-

    • Define phase – In this phase Objective is defined with their process to all members of the company. ABC company have objective to increase customer satisfaction and remove all deficiencies from the organisation. At this stage ,manager will define the process of mapping like flow chart or control chart etc.
    • Measuring phase- At this phase data is collected for evaluating that performance is done that will help in meeting the objectives.
    • Analysing phase - In this data is evaluated that is collected during the measuring stage and evaluates how process will help the organisation in meeting the objectives.
    • Improve phase - In this it finds the best solution and maps the process or evaluate the improvements.
    • Control phase – In this ABC company controls or maintains the process (Wheelen and Hunger, 2011).

    Evaluate output of process and quality gateways

    There are many steps that ABC company can use for evaluating the output of process that will help in achieving effective and efficient management. Quality gateways helps in providing the information that is required to the ABC Company and it provides the information in a easy way. In this information is related to the changes and developments in their sectors. It tells to the company about any wrong things which has occurred at the initial phase.

    Output of process is the last result of any activities. Before delivering any services or goods to the consumers ,company should check the output of process for giving the best services or customer satisfaction (Dumas and et.al., 2013). Evaluating the output process is very important factors that helps in improving the performance of the company and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation or the management. If ABC company will not check the output then employees will work in their manner what they want to do and will not produce the desired result. It also helpful in achieving the desired result.

    Designs plan which promote goals for own area of responsibility

    ABC company has objective to increase the customer satisfaction and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation. In an organisation area of responsibility can be anything like market research ,customer orientation ,customer satisfaction etc (Kirchmer, 2012). There are many types of tools and techniques that ABC Company can use for promoting the goals and objective of the company which are as follows-

    • Company can do brainstorming of the employees for improving the performance that will also helpful in promoting the goals and objectives.
    • Company can fill the forms from the employees.
    • It can do value chain analysis that will help in identifying the primary and supporting activities.
    • It can also promote the goals and objectives through quality control.
    • It can also promote through critical path method and Programme Evaluation Review Techniques. In CPM method ,company analyse the activities required and time required for completing that activities (Monczka and et.al., 2015).

    And in PERT method, it is used to coordinating the various activities of the project for achieving the desires result.

    Write SMART objective for aligning the people and other resources

    Objective means the desires that company want to achieve in future in an efficient and effective manner. Every company should have the SMART objectives means objective should be specific ,measurable ,achievable ,realistic and time based. ABC company have no SMART objective that's why company 's management is not good and not able to get the success in the market (Chang, 2016).

    S – It's stand for specific which means company 's objective should be specific and should be known by members of the org

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