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    Sample of Project Management

    Introduction of Project Management

    Project management is tool through which a unique product is being created. It can also said that it is technique consist of initiating, designing and executing the whole plan in order to attain a specific task or an activity. This process may have certain challenges which are being faced at the time of achievement of goals and objectives. In context to this, project management is a crucial activity for the organizations in order to carrying out the huge projects on minimal budgets. The impact of this technique is on the successful operations of a company in a proper manner. However, the proper understanding of this present topic can be attained with the help of the case study of Winter Hungama. This is a social event conducted with a motive to celebrate the festival season. In this event there are several activities which will be organized for the members. With the readying of this report, the learner will be able to understand the object and benefits of this events to the manager and the members as well (Artto and, 2011).

    Objectives of the project

    Winter hunagma is a social event conducted with an object to celebrate the festival season. There are different activities associated in this event such as quiz, debate, social games and refreshment will be offered to the audience. The motive behind this event to enhance the humanitarian objective. In context to this, brainstorming and increase in knowledge of the participants is another objective of the concerned event. Additionally, the major objective of this event is to enhance the interactions of the audience with each other. Besides this, socials games are conducted with a motive to improve the team management and coordination skills. Howsoever, the major focus of this project is to enhance the current skills of the audiences with the use of different activities (Bredillet, Yatim and Ruiz, 2010).

    Benefits of the project

    The winter hungama has conducted with an aim to enhance the current position of the audience with the social motive. This event is conducted with an anticipation of both the expected and unexpected benefits which are explained below.


    The expected benefits form this project are increase in the knowledge of the participants. In addition to this, the stated event also helps in boosting the interest of people towards the society. It was also expected that this event will result in knowing the new things. This project not only remain helpful for the audience but for the organizer as well. The expected benefit of this event to the college is increasing value in the society. Besides this, it provided assistance to the organizer in terms of understanding how to conduct an event in the limited budget (Burke, 2013).


    There are some unexpected benefits which is being analysed through this project such as strengthening relationships. This is the major unexpected benefit from the stated event. Here, the audience belongs to different backgrounds and came with different motives. But the ultimate benefit of winter hungama event is to stronger the relations of the audience with each other. In context to this, the another unexpected benefit of this event is fostering community pride. Events are the platform for the people of community to gain social benefits. Here, the audience come and meet with new people leads to form good relations and make a better community. This results in developing strong bonds among the audience (Schwalbe, 2015).

    Original scope

    The original scope of this project is to enhance the social interaction of the people with each other. Here are different activities associated in this event such as quiz, debate, social games and refreshment will be offered to the audience. The original scope the stated project is to enhance the sense of social interest of the people towards the society. In addition to this, different activities are being conducted in this event with a motive to improve interpersonal skills of the audience.

    Timeline, budget and project tolerances

    The name of this project is winter hungama which is conducted with a motive to uplift the social interest of the people by celebrating the festival season. This project consist of several activities like quiz, debate, social games and refreshments to the audience. All these activities are required to associate in the fixed budget of £200 in which the prices of food and decoration is covered in this amount. The timing of the stated event is form 12:30 to 2:30 PM.

    Project tolerances

    For the present project, the tolerances can be analysed with the help of PRINCE2 which provides six tolerances such as time, cost, risk, quality and benefits. All the six elements are explained below.


    The project will be completed in two hours i.e. 12:30 to 2:30 PM.

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    The budget of this project is £200 where the cost tolerance for this element is up to 10%. As a result, the amount of £210 can be spend on this event.


    The scope of this project is to improve the human relation with a motive to uplift the social welfare. It allows the audience to interact with the other members and make a good community (Artto and et.a

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