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    Event Planning and Management in Apple Inc

    Question :

    As an event manager, you needs to be required to produce a complete event project plan with the help of the following questions:

    • Prepare a robust business case that is based on sound research and the given information sources.
    • Prepare the comprehensive project plan by using the events management and business management models, practices and principles.
    • Define the concept of planning in relation to events.
    • Define the link between events planning and project management.
    Answer :


    Event planning can be defined as the procedure of managing a specific project, for instance trade shows, parties, meeting etc. It can also be referred to as the process of planning as well as coordinating the event. The planning of events involves various activities such as scheduling, budgeting, arrangement of resources which requires hosting of particular event. An effective event planning is very much essential in order to successfully organizes and host specific program. Event management planning aids in reducing stress and for providing high level of satisfaction to clients.

    The purpose of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of events in context of both financially and operationally. Study will include the detailed event management plan for hosting trade show. In addition to this, Apple Inc. is being chosen for assessment. It is one of the leading multinational technology company in the world. Its headquarters are located in Cupertino, California which designs, develops as well as sells consumer electronics, computer software amd online services. Apple Inc was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Company has more than 500 retail stores.


    Earlier companies used to do door to door marketing for promoting the goods or services. But with the passage of time, there has been great transformation in the marketing activities of firm. Modern trade shows resulted from the combination of traditional British retail shops and educational exhibitions with deep-rooted trade fairs. Trade show is basically a platform utilized by business entities for launching of new products (Philip, 2014). It is considered to be as an appropriate face to face marketing event.

    Now a days, trade shows have become an effective way of promoting goods or services to customers. Promoting goods through trade shows is considered to be as an effective strategy as it helps business entity in reaching to wide number of customers (Camilleri, 2018). In context of Apple, in context of Apple, an organization has planned to organize trade shows for inform people about new models of mobile phones and applications which are recently launched by company.


    Trade show is considered to be as an exhibition organized by companies in order to showcase as well as demonstrate their latest products to customers. Purpose of organizing trade show is to influence people to buy specific mobile phone. Business entity wants to demonstrate the benefits of utilizing the specific application launched. The best advantage of trade shows is that, company not only target their customers, but they can target all of its stakeholders such as investors, suppliers, shareholder etc. In addition to this, other purpose of an enterprise is to analyze current market trends and explore as well as capture opportunities. Trade shows are sponsored by trade association for particular industry, and there are thousands of associations running shows every year (Biesenthal and, 2015). It is fact that, exhibition at trade shows is brilliant way to find the customers in order to help the development and growth of the business. As per the report of Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR), 86% of the shows attendees were the decision maker or influenced the decision of customers.


    Before planning the entertainment activities, it is very much important for event manager to develop the understanding about behavior of targeted audience to whom Apple company want to attract. The games and Quizzes will be organized by company for attracting the audience. All the workers who will be hosting an event would be providing with training. The attendance in Trade shows requires huge amount of investment. Apple company also invest huge amount of fund to maximize the Return on investment (ROI).

    Both design will be unique as well as attractive (Smith, 2017). In addition to this, interactive demos will be given as well as videos will be shown in order to attract audience attention. Free trade shows tickets will be given in order to encourage an individual to visit trade shows. One celebrity will be invited by organization for promoting their products (Gopalakrishna, Malthouse and Lawrence, 2017). Valuable give away is the strategy which is adopted by apple company for attracting crowd during trade shows. Moreover, arrangement of healthy dinner and lunch are also organized by the company.


    When it comes to marketing, it is very important to select the audience which company is going to target in trade shows. It is fact that company will not achieve anything if they don't have selected audience. Target audience is important in both marketing as well as in trade shows. The best thing about trade show is that company can target everyone who are present in the tradeshows. It is very critical and big mistake of a company is going in trade show and they do not know their target audience (Entertainment, 2016). It is very important if company want to achieve ultimate success. Apple company used to target all of its stakeholders in the trade shows. The products and services they are offering are affordable for only high-income group with high standard of living. Apple company is achieving the great heights of success because they are targeting correct audience. In order to attend the tradeshows, it requires huge amount of investment. Apple company also invest huge amount of fund to maximize the Return on investment (ROI). For example- one of the best exhibitions of Apple which is Apple Expo. It is a European Annual Sales conference as well as technology exposition which is held by Apple Inc. The conference featured by 250 exhibitors annually with Apple being its primary exhibitor. In order to target the correct audience, Apple company used to follow some steps or technique which are as follows-

    They Determine the Target Audience- This is the first step which is followed by theApple company use to identify the target audience in order to examine the existing base of customers. They recognize all the recent stories of success as well as identify the unique characteristics of those customers such as demographics, level of employment, purchasing power etc. It is fact that Apple company and all other companies are achieving the great heights of success because of their key stakeholders. After that, they turn the attention to lead management and they put more efforts on sales team of company when they are going in trade show exhibition (Ickman and,2016).

    They Compare with Trade Show Audiences- When company select the audiences thatis to be target in the Trade Show, they make sure that it fits with the trade shows or not they are going to attend. Basically, company can get all the details from the Trade Show association website. Generally, maximum Trade Shows provide all the necessary details of audience who are attending the event. Apply company attend only Trade Shows which are useful for the company like shows in which high income groups of people, high living standard people and high occupation groups. In addition to this, the management of Apple company who are responsible for looking on the trade shows are also check the timing of Trade shows. It is because if the Trade shows are organized in the working hours than they avoid that event because certain investors, professionals might be less likely to attend than if it happened on weekend. Thus, they do proper research before going to attend any Trade shows.

    At the Show- Apple company at the show are at top list because of its strategicdesigning of booth and its selling techniques. The demos of Apple company are also very attractive as it directly influences the mind of its customers and other stakeholders (Van der Wagen and White, 2014). In addition to this, Apple company allows highly trained staff to represent the company in Trade Shows.



    1st Week

    2nd Week

    3rd Week

    4th Week

    5th Week

    6th Week

    7th Week

    8th Week

    9th Week

    Planning for Expo










    Building of Team










    Sponsor/ Finding the main partner










    Finding the perfect location










    Selection of the Caterer










    Execute the Marketing Plan










    Creating the onsite Marketing material










    Wang Up










    The above Gantt Chart shows all the activities which are required to be follow while organizing the Trade show-

    1. Plan the expo- This is the first step in which event manager will focus on identifying the potential market, drafting a project specification and market plan and establishing the budget. It will take approximately 3 weeks.
    2. Building of Team- This is the next step which event manager will hire a project manager, event planner, marketing manager and sales manager in order to execute the Trade Show in a systematic manner (Ellert and,2015). In addition to this, web designer, graphic designer will also be hired. It will take 1st to 5th week.
    3. Sponsor/ Finding the main partner- This is third step which is very important because it is very essential to promote expo which is very complex task. Thus, sponsorship is the best way. It includes, sharing database of customers etc. It will take 3rd to 6th week.
    4. Finding perfect location- This is also one of the most essential activities in order to bring the entire team on a single platform (Apanaviien— and,2015). It will take 5th to 8th week.
    5. Selection of Caterer- Trade Shows also needs a good caterer and healthy food and tasty food. Event manager have to decide the the type of food and the way of serving. It will take maximum three week to decide.
    6. Execute the Marketing Plan- Once the date and place of event or trade shows is decided than event manager will start promoting through cold calls, mailing Email marketing, social media promotion, display, PPC etc. It will approximately take 4 weeks.
    7. Creating on site marketing plan- In this stage, manager want to make sure that all the exhibitors, attenders, speakers as well as sponsors will have the best experience during the event. For example- banner pasting, prhrames bags, Swag bad, Flyers etc.
    8. Wrang-up- This is the last activity where event manager will have to handle the multiple task and make the event successful. It will approximately take 5 weeks.


    In building project management team, it is very important to follow the steps which Apple company also followed fort having effective team as well as well-defined structure which are as follows-

    Determine the project goal- It is very important for everyone that they shouldidentify the goals before starting any anything. Goals can be tangible and intangible. goals which are measurable are tangible and goals which are immeasurable are intangible (Layton and Ostermiller, 2017). Apple company have both intangible and intangible goals as they desire to achieve million by making more customers aware of their goods and services.

    Determine the Project Constraints- Boundaries where the team work is knownas the planning of event, constraints might be small venue, small budget or anything. Thus, it is very essential that planner should determine them as well as keep them in kind as the progress of planning.

    Determine the team members as well as Stakeholders- In planning of projectmanagement team and structure it is very important that team members and stakeholder should bring on a single platform. Effective communication is also very essential in bringing the team members and stakeholders on a single platform.

    Determine all tasks- In planning of project management team and structure, it isvery important that event planner of Apple company should determine all the task which are required to complete the plan which is organizing Trade show. For example, venue, menu, timing etc.

    Define Leadership- In planning of project team and well-defined structure, it isalso very important that there should be a defined leadership style which is to be followed (Potkonjak, Empire Technology Development, 2016). In event planning, it requires ideas and plans for better decoration, food and etc. Thus, democratic leadership style is best in planning of trade show.



    Budget Expenses

    Actual Expenses










    Food and Beverages






    Event Documentations



    Guest Services









    Advertising or Marketing













    Risk is the vital factor in each and every organization or event or any other work. So, it is very essential to make sure that risk factor should be evaluated before planning any event or Trade Shows. It is fact that Trade show will be directly affects the company’s profitability and performance as well as image in the market (Hall and,2018). It is very important to control or minimize the risk factor which can be arise in holding an event. Risk which are included are as follows- 

    • It needs at least a day and probably more time.
    • Cost which is involved is also costly.
    • Displaying of trade shows is also very expensive.
    • Competition is also there which is also a risk.
    • Failure of tools or equipment’s due to power cut.
    • Medical emergencies 
    • Fires and flood.
    • Food safety concern.
    • Climate change or natural disasters.

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    Evaluation of the project is also very important part as it is very essential that the performance or success of the project should be evaluated. The event manager at Apple company used to evaluate the project by five ways which are as follows-

    Schedule- The plan of the project which is organizing Trade show can be evaluated bythe timing as it is completed and start on time or not. Delay in timing directly affects the quality of the project which straightly influence the image of company (Webb, 2017).

    Quality- This is also one of the most important and critical part of the project. Thequality of project can be measure by the using the instrument called key performance indicator (KPI).

    Cost- This is also another part of the project. if the cost of project is raised by thebudgeted amount than it will be not a cost-effective project but if it is under the or equal to budgeted amount than it will be cost effective budget.

    Stakeholders satisfaction- Stakeholders are the key in achieving the success because itis not possible that project will lead to success without the satisfaction of stakeholders. the success of project can be measured by stakeholder satisfaction (Arnesen and Foster, 2016).


    The above report concluded that event planning is the procedure of managing a specific project, for instance trade shows, parties, meeting etc. It can also be referred to as process of planning as well as coordinating the event. This report also concludes the background and scope of event, objectives of event in detailed manner. Further, entertainment activities, target audience was also summarized in this assignment. Budget was also prepared in this report. Moreover, potential risk factors, project management team and structure were also illustrated in this study report.

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