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    Importance of Good Relationship of Counsellors and Clients

    University: University Of Sydney

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 7 / Words 1661
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: PSYC101
    • Downloads: 949
    Question :

    Topic- Discuss the ways in which the counsellors qualities AND the counselling relationship contribute to successful outcomes in therapy

    Questions- This assessment will cover the following questions:

    • Elaborate the  role of relationship and technique in therapeutic change.
    • How important are the common factors in psychotherapy?
    • Explain the Common factors are not so common and specific factors are not so specified: Toward an inclusive integration of psychotherapy research.
    • Discuss empathic relational bonds and personal agency in psychotherapy: implications for psychotherapy supervision, practice, and research.
    Answer :


    Counselling relationship can be define as a relationship which is build between client and the counsellor. It is attitude or feelings of both client and counsellor have for each other and the way of expressing those feelings (Sue & 2019). There is a need that both the counsellor and the individual who is receiving the counselling put a corporative efforts. A good and a healthy relationship is important to bring the effective outcomes of the therapy. In this study, different ways in which the counsellor’s qualities and the counselling relationship contribute to successful outcomes in therapy will be discussed.


    Discuss the ways in which the counsellor’s qualities and the counselling relationship contribute to successful outcomes in therapy

    Relationship plays an essential part for bringing out the perfect outcomes of the therapy sessions where both client and the therapist are indulge and share each others feelings or perceptions. There is a big difference between therapy and treatment. There are a lot of therapies available which are specific for specific disorders. For example, talk therapy which is also consider as psychotherapy can be an important therapy for individuals who are going through some kind of depression or anxiety and may be some mood swings or bipolar disorders. However, a good counsellor would help the individual to deal with the problems, cope up with feelings, some behaviour change patterns facing by them. According to the statement of Noe &, 2017 Integration in counselling and psychology as the name suggests, is basically a combined approach in psychotherapy that takes number of elements  of some particular therapies. It suggests that there are number of approaches which can treat an individual facing different problems. Some of the generic approaches of psychotherapy are double listening, continuity and consistency, humour, The therapeutic alliance, self reflection as well as time structuring. Managing process parallel and to normalize the experience of client. Therapeutic alliance is also known as working alliance. Many of the researchers indicates that co-ordination between client and therapist has an impact on the outcomes of overall psychotherapy. It can be seen as a strong emotional bond and a matter of mutual understanding that can be established between client and therapist. A good human relationship is consider as a major element for efficiency and positive outcomes of psychotherapy. There are three important components of the therapeutic alliance which are agreements in relation to tasks through which the partnership will be involve, compliance with goals and bonds which are developed between counsellor and the patient receiving the therapy. According to Meier & Davis., 2019 the role of therapeutic alliance is to achieve a positive outcome in the lives of the individuals and to develop an effective relationship between clients and counsellors. A therapeutic relationship matters which is the relationship and connection which is being develop between client and therapist over a period of time. An effective and a positive relationship is necessary to order to draw a positive outcome. Without a healthy relationship there can be no meaningful or effective therapy. It can be implemented to all sorts of counselling and psychotherapy. However,regardless of any orientation provided by the counsellor the relationship develop by the client is consider to be a high important.

    Emphatic relational bond

    Researchers of the psychotherapy has developed a correlations with the clients, recollecting relationships of caregivers, and an ability to build a early therapeutic alliance in the therapy and analyse a particular contribution for the development of bonds and a positive outcomes for overall therapy. A trusted and a safe relational bond help this individuals who are taking the therapy to share and disclose their personal stories to the counsellor without any single fear of any rejection or argument which eventually facilitates the analysis of a core relational. According to the statement of Mallinckrodt, 1991, an emphatic relational bond will help the counsellor to and clients to get engage in self reflection, active and identification of the primary emotions and main beliefs which eventually lead to the development of  empowering and new personal meanings (Wosket, 2016). The overall experience of emphatic relational bond and achievement of personal agency impacts positively on individual expectancies for the change and will help to develop enhanced motivation for the involvement in therapy goals and tasks. It will also lead to disclosure of painful and personal experience of client to the counsellor. The feelings has been adapted or understood is totally rely on the corrective and new personal bonds. It will also help in to regulate self emotions of the clients during the whole therapy session. Thus, it brings overall positive change in the outcomes of the therapy receiving by the individual. Both supervisors and supervisee put focus on developing a helping hand with the client. Supervision plays a central role in transmission of the therapy skills. A research in future has been advices to find out the nature of supervisory relationship through a different perspective using a methodological approach.           According to Ekstein & Wallerstein,1972 it is important to investigate in a deeper sense for the relationship between client and therapist for a positive outcome in practice and psychotherapy supervision (Worden, 2018 ). Thus, the role of supervision and agency is an important part of direction for the research in future.

    Role of relationship and technique

    There are many general principles of the therapeutic change which has been facilitate by both relationship and technique. However, a professional counselling is consider to be a process of developing a positive relationship between counsellor and client which help to enhance mental health, career goals, education and wellness. It is a combine relationship between therapist and client. Counselling skills and technique are important in order to deliver the best service and to receive excellent outcomes. Such techniques include listening or observing which means to involve some gestures such as eye contact, nodding, smiling and so on. Putting up questions which is also an effective technique in a therapy which help the counsellor to know deeply about the client. Open and closed questions could be helpful to bring effective outcomes (Norcross & Lambert, 2019). However, just like them there are some other techniques that play an important role in overall therapy session such as refection, empathy, genuineness, positive regards and most importantly self disclosure of counsellor. Some of the theories like person centred therapy, psychoanalytic theory, family system model can be use as an effective technique or skills for understanding the nature of human. The role of relationship in therapeutic change is to provide assistance to the individuals who are receiving the therapy in order to bring changes in life for the better lifestyle. The major component of a good therapeutic relationship are respect, trust and congruence. It is essential as it is the first setting where a person is receiving the treatment shares beliefs, thoughts and opinions regarding  the issue.

    Once an effective therapeutic relationship has been develop, the impact will be positive as the client will able to open up more emotionally and will provide more details regarding the concerns. In turn, it will help the therapist to to better understand the point of view of the service user and to motivate them to make possible changes. Engaged with a complete detail of the situation, counsellor will be able to deliver the best treatment and to employ effective techniques for addressing the problem.


    The common factors of the psychotherapy are  empathy, expectations, adaptation of culture, alliance and therapist differences. They all are important for developing benefits to the psychotherapy. Alliance plays an important role in overall therapy as it benefit both client and therapist for developing a healthy relationship in order to bring out the best outcomes. It is influenced by social  procedures. It is consider as an usual relationship where the interaction is confidential with some set limits. Human connection is important as it eliminates loneliness, supports each other and create a belongingness. According to the statement of Frank JD and healing, Expectations also has a important effect on the treatment. In psychotherapy it works in number of ways They develop a sense of belief in the individual that they are going to be cured as soon as possible through the mode of particular therapy (Joyce & Sills, 2018). It will  help hem in coping up the problem and overcome from difficulties. Alliance which is the bond between client and therapist help to reach the outcomes of the therapy effectively. Empathy is also a complex process through which an individual can be effected by and can share the current situation of each other and then develop some perceptions in order to resolve such issues. It helps the therapist to see the situation through the eyes of client.   Essential findings in the psychotherapy and counselling provides practitioners and researchers with an introduction to latest investigations in the field. It basically sets out the prove of effectiveness of the psychotherapy in a free way. It also develop some factors related to positive outcomes of the therapy and give suggestions about further studies.


    From the above study, it can be concluded that relationship between client and the counsellor in a therapy is important for bringing the best outcomes. Therapeutic alliance plays an essential role in delivering the services effectively. Some of the therapeutic factors like alliance, expectorations, beliefs also has specific roles in drawing out the best results and to make the treatment effective.


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