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    D/601/1746 Sustainable Development of Tourism - QTA

    University: UK college of business and computing

    • Unit No: 7
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 12 / Words 3079
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: D/601/1746
    • Downloads: 1150


    Sustainable tourism development refers to making strategies to improve the attraction of tourist places along with increasing their positive impact on society and the environment. It involves an effective concept of visiting the specific historical place and putting efforts to make beneficial effects in nature, society and economy of the nation (Harris, Williams and Griffin, 2012). It is well known that tourism is responsible for promoting a culture of particular geographical area and helps to boost up annual income of country which facilitate to development of the same in a proper manner. Moreover, it is observed that tourism can involve transportation to the general location, accommodations, entertainment, recreation, nourishment and shopping for improving profits. The present report is based on the International Tourism Consultancy which has been given a contract of training by QTA in order to organise workshops on sustainability. This assignment will discuss the benefits of stakeholders in terms of planning for tourism developments with advantages & disadvantages of public or private sector partnerships for the same. It will focus on features of the tourism development plan, significance of interactive systems & procedures along with the concept of sustainability with factors that prevent or hinder the same in Qatar. The methods to resolve conflicts, balancing supply and ethical issues as well as recommendations for future development are given below.

    TASK 1

    Covered in Leaflet

    TASK 2

    2.1 Analyse features of tourism development planning at different levels

    The tourism development is very important to boost up effectiveness of tourist destinations which influence visitors to visit again. It will facilitate to improve profitability of business concerns which results into increased annual income of country and it will help to make nation economically strong. Moreover, it is essential to consider several factors like environmental, social and economic along with using quantitative & qualitative methods in order to calculate tourism impact including responsive tourism. It is observed that there are levels of planning in a country in which each of them play in effective role to build up an appropriate plan of action.

    International level - This level scan be described about such features which are applicable in different countries for developing tourism like flow tour programming and influence tourist from other nations. It will facilitate to attain development in terms of making country more attractive on the basis of nearby development strategy at global level. At the other hand, it involves marketing practices and promoting events in Qatar in which international standards are utilised to gain maximum output from effective planning.

    National level - This level can include both the short and long term objectives in development of tourism sector with help of appropriate strategies build up properly. It is also analysed that accommodation and service control is under the pin of national level of Qatar tourism development structure (Hall, 2011). In addition to this, it strictly considers legislation, polices, connections and structure at national level while establishing an accurate plan of action for achieving development in tourism sector.

    Regional level - The regional level involves the criteria to utilise overall abilities to boost up attractiveness of destinations with support of effective strategies and policies in order to promote tourism in proper way. In context of Qatar, its regional authorities consider to control transportation facilities as well as locations by making comfortable tour for visitors in accurate manner. Moreover, the features & jobs at this level can be considering as accommodation and education. Additionally, the destinations are divided as regions for applying national strategies and plan appropriately to gain desired outcomes by developing tourism industry.

    Local level - This involves several functions and features which are n diversify form into sub sections in terms of implementing desired strategies for development. It basically involves to collect situation information to apply strategic practices or services for achieving in development of tourism.

    2.2 Significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development

    The interactive planning systems and processes are helpful to analyse actual information about opportunity or threats of tourism industry which should be understand in appropriate manner. It will facilitate to reduce negative effects of problem and helps to improve profitability of travel & tourism industry of Qatar. However, the changing values and volume are determined by local authorities so that accurate data can be provided at national level. It is important to provide proper knowledge so that effectiveness of destinations and relevant services can be improved through development processes (Carlsen and Butler, 2011). In addition to this, it has been evaluated that analysis of positive and negative become quite easy because of interactive system and procedures. Meanwhile, it is due to the fact that data get shared and available to overall sources in development process. Additionally, development can be done done by several ways which are given below -

    Preservation - It involves the criteria of making effective strategies to preserve natural tourism places to maintain their beauty and ensure originality of historical evidences because it is main basis to attract more visitors towards Qatar for increasing income in tourism sector.

    Conservation - This involves to make several rules by government in order to not harm natural living beings or creatures because they are identification mark in few of natural tourist places. The given organisation should appeal to establish legal rules and put efforts on their own level to save endangered species of animals or plants in proper way.

    New build - This involves various kinds of effective holiday packages in order to increase their visiting experience of people so that they can take precious memories from Qatar which motivate them to visit the country again to enjoy the beauty and peace.

    At the other hand, it is observed and analysed that implementation of government rules or policies are easy at different tourist destinations in terms of improving development there. Moreover, it is analysed that businesses in Qatar are govern under control of local authorities in the nation in terms of their functions as well as approaches. At last, the sophisticated development of marketing, planning and responsibility in tourism sector become possible due to support of interactive systems & processes. 

    2.3 Different methods available to measure tourist impact

    There are various kinds of methods which are helpful to calculate tourism impacts to determine problems and issues so that they can be resolved immediately. It includes to apply more effective as well as efficient measures to analyse effectiveness of implemented strategies of development in travel & tourism industry at different levels respectively. In contrary to this, it is not possible to measure impacts of tourism in Qatar with single method so that two models can be utilised to fulfil the same purpose in proper way (Larson and Poudyal, 2012). Combining two models are helpful to determine various effects of tourist in correct manner. Moreover, economic models are utilised to identify economic impact and at the other hand steam model is helpful determine & monitor economic impacts with trends.

    Economic impact model - This can be described as an efficient model which is used to analyse changes in values and volume of visitors in particular nation. It is also helpful to determine created amount of income in Qatar with overall employments supported by this sector in terms of empowering the nation. In addition to this, it will render support to evaluate direct impacts from visitors on business organisations but it requires proper data from the levels in plan of development to reach the accurate final decision.

    Cambridge economic impact model - The Cambridge model include the criteria if using top down approach in order to evaluate economic values with the help of tourists (Park and Yoon, 2011). It is including the concept that Cambridge economic impact utilised the larger amount of low-level information on visitors in respect of analysing value created by them properly. Moreover, it is enhanced version as it provides more sophisticated analysis of economic effects on Qatar and it analyse impacts of visitors on the local community in the country.

    STEAM model - The STEAM stands for Scarborough Tourism Economic Activity Monitor model which helps to analyse impact by evaluating trends on day serving visitors (Hunter, 2012). It basically requires for inputs to provide appropriate result such as data of using services, the capability of accommodation, attendance of visit attractions and information provided by tourist data centre of Qatar.

    TASK 3

    Covered in PPT

    TASK 4

    4.1 Evaluate methods of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future well being of developing tourism destination

    In sector of tourism Qatar, there are some method which are crucial to resolve conflicts for well being of future in development of tourism. In this, some policies which should be considered by tourism sector for their development. In this context, some methods which are used by this sector are as evaluated under:

    Stakeholders satisfaction: Stakeholders includes local residents, government, employees, media, etc. They plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining satisfaction of tourists. The success of tourism depends upon communication and cooperation between stakeholders. It is important to main good relation with travellers for development of Qatar tourism industry. Satisfaction of stakeholder will provide valuable services and lead to development in tourism sector.

    Delegation of responsibility: This method will also improve and develop the business tourism of Qatar. They part of tourisms sector also includes such as, hotel, transportation, etc. which also helps in development of tourism sector in Qatar. It is their responsibility to follow some rules and regulation which will assist them to give their best. In this way, business of tourism sector in Qatar can be develop.

    Stakeholders engagement: While making plans and making decisions in tourism industry, it important for engagement of stakeholders in planning (Getz and Timur, 2012). Stakeholders mostly affected by plans and decisions taken by authority of tourism sector. So, in order to develop and progress of Qatar in tourism business, they should give an opportunity to stakeholders also in making plans and decision making process.

    4.2 Analyse the implications of balancing supply and demand

    The demand of tourism depends upon various ways such as, economic, psychological, geographical and political. The demand of travellers change with change in seasons. Due to this, sometimes the demand for resources is more but supply is less which affects travellers (Salazar, 2012). In some seasons, the availability for resources is low by which demand of visitors may not be fulfilled. So, it is important for Qatar tourism sectors to use eco-friendly resources and to make a balance between demand and supply which helps in sustainability development.

    Imposition of limits: The authority of tourism in Qatar should put a limit on visitors in seasonal periods. As in seasonal times, there is more and extreme use of resources which can imbalance between supply and demand for resources. So , to maintain a balance between demand and supply they should set a limit on number of travellers which can travel the destination at that particular time. This will reduce wastage of resources and will maintain sustainability development.

    Seasonal arrangement: There is a seasonal time in Qatar when the travellers increased in numbers. During that time, the demand of resources will also increase with shortage in supply. So, in this situation, the authority of tourism sectors must do some arrangements so that there will be maintain a proper balance between demand and supply. For example, They should increase services of transportation, hotels, etc. to reduce mis-balance between demand and supply. This can also be the cause for sustainability development.

    4.3 Evaluate the moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism

    Enclave tourism are places where the activities for travellers are performed in a small geographical area. In Qatar, activities are planned in one small specific areas so that all tourists can enjoy their activities in one place and cannot have top go far away. This helps tourism sector of Qatar to attract its travellers and can also offers beast services in an affordable rates. This process also provide tourists good experience (Hinch and Higham, 2011). For example, now-a- days many resorts, hotels, etc provide all types of activities in a single place to tourists which is considered as a concept of traditional destination. The process of enclave also has an advantage and a disadvantage:

    The disadvantage of enclave tourism is that it will lead to economic leakage due to restriction on foreign ownership and government policies. The high economic leakage also lead to lower standard of living of people. Through this concept, tourists cannot able to learn the culture and tradition of people of that destination (Theobald, 2012).

    In addition to this, there are also some moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism. There are so many ethical issues such as, leakage of income, green issues ethics, ethics of employment, etc. There are also some cases of children prostitution and lack of facilities of medical which impacts negatively to tourism sector. There is also lack in transportation services and security of tourists. There is no proper naturals resources systems which affects the business of tourism in Qatar. The changes for offering drugs, alcohol, etc. to tourist increase which impact negative on business of tourism.

    TASK 5

    5.1 Compare current issues associated with tourism development in a developing country and an emerging destination

    Qatar is an emerging destination on the other hand Mauritius is a developing country. There are some issues which arises in both destinations which affects development of tourism.

    Basis of comparison



    Environmental issues

    Qatar is an emerging destination which is affected by issue of conservation of oil supply. This affects the environment of Qatar along with its vegetation. In addition to this, air, water and land pollutions also affects whole atmosphere of Qatar.

    The major environmental issue faced by people of Mauritius is water pollution, soil erosion and preservation its wildlife. The country faces issues of sewage and agricultural chemicals. In addition to this, soil erosion occurs due to deforestation. 

    Socio-cultural issues

    Globalisation affects the culture of Qatar (Duval and Smith, 2013). The destination is also affected by its culture as people living in Qatar follows Islam religion. This also affected tourists because it create images of Islam in whole environment.

    The social-cultural issue of Mauritius is unemployment and living standard. In thus country, more people are unemployed which result in decrease in living standard of people. This factor also affects travellers who visits Mauritius and it will also affects business of tourism.

    Economical issues

    It includes economic conditions of country, fluctuation in economic position which is a main reason of affecting tourism business. Due to fluctuations, the country will face issues of reduction in employment opportunities, economy leakage and slow growth. All these will impact on the development of tourism industries.

    Mauritius survive under the economic issues of global financial crises. This will impact on the standard of living of people and increases poverty in the country. This also affects tourists and tourism sector.

    5.2 evaluate with recommendations the future development of tourism in these destinations

    Qatar is a popular destination for tourists for spending their holidays. On the other hand, Mauritius is a developing country for tourists destinations. In order to improve image of these destinations in eyes of tourists there are some improvements which is required to be done. In both countries there are some sections which need to be improve and will result also in development of tourism sector (Látková and Vogt, 2012). In this, some improvements which need to be done are as follows:

    • Qatar and Mauritius must follow some the rules and regulations of government which will help tourism sector in proper planning. This will also improves the reputation of countries in front of travellers.
    • Eco-friendly resources should be use by both the countries which will also help them to manage the balance of demand and supply and will increase the business of tourism sector.
    • The country should not face any issues related to environment such as, soil erosion, conservation of oil, etc. If these issues are controlled then there will be no effect on vegetation and atmosphere of country.
    • The tourism sector in both countries should make proper plans and take decisions according to the needs and demands of tourists.
    • The countries will not faces any issues of employment and poverty which will negatively affects tourist. People living in both destination should be all educated and employed which will improve the level of countries. Along with this, it will also result in increment in business of tourism.

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    In the above report, there is a discussion done in the context of Qatar and Mauritius which are emerging and developing destinations. In this, the tourism sector plays an important role and is also crucial for tour operators (Bramwell and Lane, 2013). In this, some factors such as economic, social-cultural and environmental are concentrated on sustainable development of tourism. Some current issues are also been evaluated in the report which negatively impacts tourists and the business of tourism. It is also important for the tourism sector to maintain a proper balance between demand and supply during seasonal changes. Further, some recommendations by which destinations can overcome from issues are also been stated. 

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