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    Heritage And Culture Tourism Management


    Tourism is a travelling experiences of individuals in which different persons visit places of their interest that includes cultural and heritage sites and similar places. The culture and heritage sites include those places which have natural and traditional sites that can attract people by demonstrating the old culture. This may also include travelling in rural areas to have a close look on the traditions and cultures in these areas.

    This gives them opportunity to enjoy various rituals and festivals that are organised in rural areas. All these natural and heritage sites are are preferred by most of the travellers that helps in growth and development of economy. Therefore, it becomes necessary for government to take necessary steps that can contribute in improvement of these sites so that number of tourism in country can be grown.

    The present report is based on heritage and cultural tourism which  represents various features of travel and tourism in these places. The report has discussed case of Lhasa regarding tourism of the country. Besides this, it has discussed about British and  natural history museum which highlights the significance of museum for visitors. Apart from this, an attempt has been made to show the roles and responsibilities and business ownership in improvement of travel and tourism industry.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Purpose of heritage and cultural sites in meeting needs of customers

    The heritage and cultural sites are an inevitable part of various attracting locations of any place in a country. They form a necessary part of tourist destinations that depicts the presence of present and traditional culture of a region. This includes a vital evidences of historical cultures and sites that can help in identifying periodic events so that modern society can be imparted knowledge related with it.

    With this purpose, the Museums are considered as an appropriate place that stores vital artefacts and things that have a historical importance (Carrier and Macleod, 2012). The museums are a warehouse for storing pieces of fine arts related to chronicles and restores different sculptures, arts etc. All these stored artefacts and other things are stored in museum and placed for exhibition for public.

    This helps in making them familiar with historical and heritage culture of a place and also creates awareness among them. The objective of tourists differ to visit these museums as some of them come for a general visit while others have the aim of research and education. Thus, museum plays an important role in accomplishing the objectives of target people and delivering them useful information (Collison and Spears, 2010).

    The British museum located in London and established in 1753, is a place where different cultural and historical evidences can be found that are restored for its conservation. The various things that represents traditional art and culture of the country helps in attracting tourists from various parts of world. This fulfils the purpose of visitors as well as research scholars who use to explore various new findings by studying these historical things.

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    It helps in attracting large number of tourists who contribute in development and economic growth of country. Therefore, it is necessary that government take necessary steps that can help in development of these places and its proper maintenance. The major collections in this museum includes various objects of Greek and Roman times, belongings from Africa and Asia etc. (Hede and Kellett, 2011). There were some articles that were in controversy as well like Rosetta stone, Four stole drawings, Achaemenid empire's gold and silver artefacts etc. thus, the museum has a large collection of different things that attract tourists across the globe

    Similarly, There is Royal academy of arts which is located in Burlington House, Piccadilly in London. This is also an institution which restores various collections of cultural and traditional significance. Distinct from The British museum, this is an independent institution which gets funding from private artists and architects. This makes exhibition of all the collections for public with a sole purpose of promoting enjoyment and admiration of various arts by educating people about it (Hudson, 2010).

    It also helps students and researchers to study about various historical arts and culture so that they can make a good study about all these belongings. The institution has large collection of books in its library as well that tells about periodical events. It has a collection of various paintings, ceramics and various drawings that helps in getting closer vision of art and crafts. The cited institution and The British museum have following motive in various fields:

    • Education: A large number of students use to visit here so that they can be made aware of various artistic and cultural things. These have helped in enhancing the knowledge of students along with creating value of heritage and culture (Nightingale, 2011).
    • Research: The said museum and institution are of great help for students as well as different research scholars to gain a deep knowledge about various topics. They can attain various information through these places which can be useful for including in their researches.
    • Entertainment: The cited places also give opportunities of entertainment or people visiting with the aim of recreation. They can enjoy the eye catching arts and various collections along with different music and entertainment (Reid and Bojanic, 2010).

     TASK 2

    2.1 Impact of different ownership styles on management in heritage and culture


    In order to manage the cultural  and heritage sites, some of the basis of ownership are identified. The major type of ownership in this field which  contributes largely in this area are: private, public and mix ownership styles. On this basis various ownership styles have been discussed in detail:

    Public ownership: This type of ownership includes various historical sites, national parks, archaeological sites etc. The public ownership helps in preservation of these sites and supply useful information and knowledge to the visitors (Scott and laws, 2012.). The public ownership clearly represents the possession of government in taking care of these sites and making decisions related to these places. In this purpose, the government can include various local bodies as well so that any act or innovative measures can be implemented effectively and rapidly. It gives the evidences that intervention of government helps in better management and efficient improvements. Apart from these, the cultural and heritage sites that are in control of government generally does not charge any cost for entry. Thus, visitors can  freely move in these sites. Thus, the government can play an important role in making improvements in these sites (Vargas-Hernández, 2012).

    Private ownership: The areas that are included under private ownerships are various museums, art galleries, heritage sites etc. These places that are managed and owned under private ownerships have the major motive of making money through it. The private firm or an individual takes the control of these places, hence they have the sole right of making decisions related to it and manage the place. They make maintenance and renovations of these places so that they can make more profits from it as it will attract more tourists (Zehrer, Pechlaner and Raich, 2010). They also charge some entry fees from visitors and amounts collected from it are invested in its renovation and maintenance. While, some of the people are ignoring its importance and replacing these buildings with commercial buildings so that they can earn more revenues.

    Mix ownership: This type of ownership entails the participation of both private and public ownerships so that management of all cultural and heritage sites in UK can be done more effectively. The major advantage of this type of ownership is various resources can be utilised more effectively and wisely. The issues related to funding in maintenance and its proper management is also resolved with the  participation of government and private owners. But sometimes, some issues can be raised if there is lack of coordination between both owners. This can also result in weak performance of both parties. It is also evident that both public and private owners have different motives which can also lead to a conflicting situations(Abankina, 2013).

    TASK 3

    3.1 Methods and media used for interpretation within heritage and cultural industry

    The evaluation of various media and methods used for interpretation in heritage and cultural industry is important. In context of the British museum and Royal academy of arts this forms an important function. It is necessary for the cited museum and institution that they take some steps and formulate plans that can help in supplying vital information and knowledge to tourists who are coming for visit purposes. assignment writing help australia

    In addition to this, it is vital for both to have a knowledge of their satisfaction level so that they can be provided with greater facilities. For this, a feedback mechanism can be made according to which the feedback of all the visitors can be collected (Hudson, 2010). Through this feedback system, the tourists can be given opportunity to share their experience and satisfaction level from their visit.

    In this purpose, the best tool that can help to cited museum and institution is digital platform. Both mentioned institutions can take help of social media sites to provide various information to various people. Along with this they can ask for their feedback on their visit to museum as well. The tourists guides cam also help in this motive to spread more knowledge about art and culture along with implications of museum and similar places in this objective. It is evident that Royal arts of academy has an online website as well where it provides desired information to interested people (Nightingale, 2011).

    The website has a collection of pictures as well that provides images of various important collections in the institution and can enhance the interest of travellers.
    Another technique that can help in this process are some sensory tools that can enhance the experience of watching all the collections in museum. It uses audio-visual techniques to show the arts and collections in the museum.

    Apart from this, the museum has collection of various books and other written articles that provides detail information about different periodic events. The peculiar tourists such as research scholars and scientists increase experience and knowledge from it in order to use it in their further research and studies (Scott and laws, 2012). Thus, media and other tools have proved to be of an important source in supplying significant information and understanding of various information for different target customers. Use of different technologies with innovative features has helped in channelising various experiences of art lovers, researchers and different target tourists.


    The present report concludes that heritage and culture are the significant part of travel and tourism sector that helps in economic growth of country by attracting large number of people. In this report, it has been reflected that the role of government is very important in restoration of various cultural sites and heritages by considering all different aspects. The report has discussed that case of Lhasa and various conflicting issues occurring there.

    In this, the role of government and people is important so that culture of the country can be saved and its traditional sites of great significance can be conserved. Apart from this, the British museum and Royal academy of arts which are the famous places of London in preservation of art and history have been discussed. It displays that media and other innovative tools can be used to deliver significant information to tourists. In addition to this, the museums are vital places that help visitors, scholars and researchers to study and collect information about heritage and cultural sites.


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    • Bremner, H., 2013. Tourism development in the Hot Lakes District, New Zealand c. 1900. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
    • Carrier, G. J. and Macleod, L. V. D., 2012. Tourism, Power and Culture. Channel View Publications.
    • Collison, M. F. and Spears, L. D., 2010. Marketing cultural and heritage tourism: the Marshall Islands. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research.
    • Hede, M. A. and Kellett, P., 2011. Marketing communications for special events: Analysing managerial practice, consumer perceptions and preferences. European Journal of Marketing.

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