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    BSBDIV501 Manage Equality & Diversity in the Work Place | Unilever

    Brief :

    Learning outcomes and assessment criteria:

    Learning outcomes

    Assessment criteria for Pass

    Assessment criteria for Merit

    Assessment criteria for Distinction

    LO1 Determine the suitable research methodologies and approaches in context of research process


    P1 Develop a research proposal which clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported which is supported by literature review.

    P2 Determine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research.

    M1 Identify different research methodologies and approaches and recommend the most effective one.

    LO1 & 2

    D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in the application to a business research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.



    P3 develop the prompter and secondary research using the appropriate methods and business research project which should consider costs, access and ethical issues.

    P4 Refer appropriate analytical tools, analyse research findings and data.

    M2 discuss the benefits and limitations of the data which is collected.

    LO3 Convey the outcomes of a research project in order to identified stakeholders

    P5 Communicate research outcomes in an suitable manner for the intended audience.

    M3 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the intended audience demonstrating how outcomes meet set research objectives.

    D2 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make valid, justified recommendations.

    LO4 Analyse on the application of research methodologies and concepts


    P6 determine on the effectiveness of the research methodologies in this business project  

    P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.

    M4 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in recommended actions for improvements and future research considerations.

    D3 Establish reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to recommended actions for future improvement.

    Task 1 –

    • Evaluate your research problem or prepare questions. You need to develop objectives or hypothesis for a specific theme.
    • The nest you have to provide with the literature review with the background and conceptualisation of the proposed are of the research.
    • You have to provide with the research methodologies and research processes. This will also include the understanding of pitfalls and the drawback of the methods.
    • The above points will be drawn with a proposal form.
    • Keep the track on the findings and the student need to determine on the research methodologies.
    • The student is required to carry out the research and identify the findings in relation to original research question.

    Task 2: Conclusions & Recommendations

    The student is required to reflect with the conclusions and recommendations within the findings from the data analysis. It should be present in the form of report.

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