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    New Product Launching Process For Samsung and Apple

    Brief :


    In a group, you pretend that you have been ship-wrecked and stranded in the lifeboat. Each your group has matches box and a number of the items (listed below) that you have salvaged from sinking ship. Group members requisite to agree which products are most crucial for their living and rank them. Then, you need to create a presentation that explains rankings which you have agreed and provide a reflection based on your group performance

    Instructions to complete the task

    • Members will be ranked individual.
    • Compare the individual ranking in your group.
    • Create final ranking list.
    • Explain position of each item and reflect your performance by proving following answer:
    • What were main challenges when we’re performing this task?
    • Ways to overcome such challenges.
    • What were main success factors to complete this task.
    • Have you faced the culture boundaries?
    • If yes, justify what were they and how have you overcome them?
    • If no, justify what cultural boundaries could be there and how to deal with them?  
    • What could you have done fitter in this group activity?

    Assessment Component 2

    • Give an overview of this task- explain main idea of this given task.
    • Identify essential potential theoretical concepts for this task and explain each concept in your own words by using relevant and reliable literature.
    • Develop a SMART objective to complete this task timely. Apply concept of the SMART objectives in context to the provided an assessment and develop the actions that would aid you in completing given task on time.
    1. Explain importance of the Time Management – what techniques might you utilize to help you with the time management?
    2. Recognise your personal skill-set to complete this task successfully
    3. Demonstrate that you understand how to use the MS Excel for recording and organising data.

    Check sample for Strengths & Weakness of Cocoa Delights from here

    The MS Excel task

    To complete this Task, create a spread sheet that represent following data and analysis:

    • List retail prices for the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy for the 2015-2019 period.
    • Differences in the prices between these two phones for each year? Use formula in the MS Excel for calculating this for you. (iPhone price - Samsung Galaxy price = price difference).
    • Difference in the price (as a percentage) correct to 2 decimal places between Samsung Galaxy and iPhone for each year?
    • Determine average price of iPhone and Samsung Galaxy for the 2015-2019 period?


    Table name: (create your own)


    Working Title: Samsung galaxy (£)

    Working Title: iPhone (£)

    Working Title: price difference for an iPhone

    Working Title: %

    Working Title price in 2015





    Working Title price in 2016





    Working Title price in 2017





    Working Title price in 2018





    Working Title price in 2019









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