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    Management of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Creativity

    Brief :

    Learning Outcomes


    K1. Analyze the theoretical business start-up, growth activities and its related risk to the management of the entrepreneurship, creativity process and innovation.

    K2. How to build a construct and evaluate a concept plan-with key areas of market research, human resource, finance, marketing, legal & contingencies/exit strategies.

    K3. Reflection of the impact of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity on your under or graduate journey.


    S1. Quality of resolve problems through critical, creative thinking and logical.

    S2. An ability of analyses the risk, analysis and management.

    S3. Quality to develop communication skills-written & oral by using innovative & creative approaches.

    This is the individual piece of work that is conceived, written by and develop by the student. It is vital that your contract your tutor for any kind of help during your workshops.

    Figure 1- The suggested structure of the Enterprise Portfolio

    Covering letter Cover Page                                                                  

    Executive Summary                                                                            I

    Acknowledgements                                                                            ii

    Content Page                                                                                      iii

    Glossary, Acronyms and Abbreviations                                          iv

    List of Tables and Illustrations                                                         v

                                                                                           Weighting % Word Allocation (suggested)

    Task 1: My Story: (Introduction)                                               5                      200

     Task 2. Research Questions                                                 40                     1000

    Task 3 - The Concept Plan                                                     50                     1800

    Task 4 - References, & related documents 5 References must follow the Harvard Referencing style. Evidence or related supporting materials (including CV) can be used in within the electronic report.                   100                          3000

    It is to be noted that your work should be clearly reference and if any part of the report is not completed or omitted, this could lead to the failure of the student.

    Task and Guidance notes:

    Task 1 Introduction (200-300 words)

    You need to know who are you and from environment are you coming? Is anyone being entrepreneur in your family. What are the pre-entrepreneurial skills being you’re getting to the module?

    Task 2. Research Questions (1000-1200 words)

    Choose one of the five research questions below: A, B, C, D or E. Please critically analyses the theme and issue using a range of creditable sources and related examples.

    Option A –Theme – Society

    Option B – Theme -Organisations/Products

    Option C – Theme - Idea/Concept

    Option D – Theme - Entrepreneurial Journey

    Option E – Theme-Your own optional theme to be discussed with Module head

    Task 3 – The Concept Plan (1800-2000 words)

    In this section, you are required to develop a concept plan based on an idea of your choice.

    Task 4- References, Bibliography, & Supporting Documents

    This section will also have supporting documents relevant and you must cross-reference any content in the main report back to the documents in this section.

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