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    Function of Human Resource Management | Sainsbury

    Brief :

    Learning Outcomes

    LO1 Examine the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives.

    LO2 Analyse the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation.

    LO3 Evaluate internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation.

    LO4 Use Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.


    A Brief Description of Sainsbury UK ( LO2)

    You have been asked to lead the restructuring of the Department as a newly appointed Assistant Human Resource Manager for Sainsbury, as a part of the ongoing reforms to make the organization “a great place to work” for employees.

    Write a case study report to the management team and the report should cover the followings;

    • A brief description of the organization.
    • An examination of the purpose and functions of the HR and the key roles and responsibilities of the department.
    • A brief study of the approach to workforce planning, recruitment and selection, development and training, performance management and reward systems.
    • The technique to an effectiveness of employee relations, employee engagement, comment on the adoption of flexible organisation, flexible working practice and ‘employer of choice’.
    • Main areas of employment legislation within which the organisation must work.

     Activity A

    • Discuss the purpose, function, and scope of HRM and assess how it can provide appropriate talent and skills for the organisation, and briefly analyse the different approaches to recruitment and selection.  Give specific examples from the organisational context.
    • Analysing a range of specific examples, briefly analyse the effectiveness of different HRM practices for employee and the employer and their benefits in enhancing organisational productivity and profitability.
    • Briefly analyse the key elements of employment legislation and employee relations and the application of HRM practices and discuss their impact on HRM decision-making in an organisational context using the case study provided.

    Activity B

    You have to design a job specification for an HR Assistant role where you will work in a small team of (3-4 members) to design a and then you will take part in an interview simulation for a job role advertised by another team. The aim of your team is to test the recruitment and selection process and each person to complete an individual document portfolio to be submitted. The document portfolio should include:

    • The structure of a job specification for one of a number of given positions in the organisation.
    1. A resume for each student, tailored to apply for one of the positions advertised by another team.
    2. Preparation of documentary of preparatory notes for interviews, interview notes based on selection criteria, and a justified decision of the selected candidate.
    3. A job proposal to the selected candidate.
    4. An analysis of the process and the rationale for conducting appropriate HR practices.




    LO1 Examine the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives.

    D1 Briefly analyse the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection, with examples.

    P1 Examine the purpose and functions of HRM, that are applied to workforce planning and resourcing an organisation.

    P2 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

    M1 Analyse how the functions of HRM can help in providing talent and skills which are appropriate to fulfil the objectives of business

    M2 Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

    LO2 Analyse the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation.

    D2 Briefly analyse the HRM practices and application in organisational context, with some examples.

    P3 Discuss the benefits of various HRM practices in an organisation for both employer and employee.


    P4 Analyse the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit and productivity.

    M3 Evaluate the different methods that are used in HRM practices, with examples in organisational context.

    LO3 Evaluate internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment legislation.


    P5 Evaluate the importance of employee relations in respect to impacting HRM decision making.

    P6 Analyse the key elements of employment legislation and the influence it has on HRM decision making.

    M4 Discuss the key aspects of employee relations management and employment legislation which affects the decision making of HRM in organisational context.

    LO3 & 4

    D3 Briefly analyse employee relations and application of HRM practices which inform and impact decision making in organisational context.

    LO4 Use Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.


    P7 Explain the application of HRM practices in a work-related context, with some examples.

    M5 Give a rationale for the application of specific HRM practices in a work-related context.



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