We are well aware of your situation that you are tired of writing different academic papers following different formats and structures. If your professor had explained it earlier, then there would have been no problem in it. No matter whether you are writing an assignment or a dissertation, your thesis statement can be the trickiest task to formulate it. So, if you are stuck with the same and need help with assignment, then you are lucky that you reached here. Our experts have discussed 5 easiest ways to write a thesis statement for any type of academic paper.
Here it is...
Before start writing a thesis statement, it is very important to define the type of paper. It can be analytical, expository, descriptive, or narrative. Depending upon its type, you can frame a thesis statement for it.
Break down the issue into its different components.
Claim and justify the topic with specific evidence.
Explain it to your audience in a descriptive manner.
Explain it in a manner that you are telling a story.
So, in this way define your paper first and then start with a thesis statement.
Now, you have to write your thesis statement in three cases:
Case I - Focus on evaluating an idea or a particular issue.
Case II -Explain it to the audience.
Case III- Convince the audience.
No matter how complicated a subject is, a thesis statement can only be constructed by simply answering a question. So, the best way is to frame a question first. Now, think of a question that you have to pose for your academic paper. Then, formulate it properly to give a specific answer to it. This technique can be very helpful, especially when you do not have an idea of how to write a thesis statement. Look at the following example to frame a question and thesis statement.
Question: "What are the advantages of using computers in a fourth-grade classroom?"
Thesis: “Computers enable fourth-grade students in getting technological and scientific education.”
The thesis statement act as a road map for the readers to tell the direction of the argument and shows how you will interpret the importance of the subject. For a correct thesis statement, follow the four main rules, that are:
Rule 1: It has to answer a particular question
Rule 2: It has to be an assertion
Rule 3: It has to be debatable
Rule 4: It has to take a stand
If your thesis statement contains all the above-mentioned rules, then it is perfect and you can easily go ahead with it.
A perfect thesis statement only focuses on one specific issue in detail. Instead of focusing on multiples issues, try to pick only one issue and specify it in detail. Then you have to develop the topic that is mentioned in the claim and have to explain it in detail. Remember, if there is no connection between the main claim and the core of the paper, then make the required correction. The language that you are using in your paper has to be definitive and firm.
Every assignment or dissertation is basically a unique reflection on the topics that have been already discussed. So, always try unique approaches to frame the topic. For attracting the reader, your thesis statement has to be very unique and for that, you have to represent the topic in a way that no one has used before. No doubt framing a unique topic is a bit difficult task, but with practice, it can be tackled easily. All you have to do is think creatively.
You can also read about Thesis Statement Generator Tool
Final Thought !!!
As your thesis statement is the window of your academic paper so it is important to write it effectively. Always use your own words in a thesis statement, instead of quoting it. Crafting a unique and insightful thesis statement marks a good impression on the readers and they are compelled to read it further. So for this, the above-mentioned tips can be beneficial for you. If still, you are unable to frame the thesis statement, then take thesis help from us. After that, you can proudly say that the doors of my assignment help Australia providers are always open for me.
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