Plagiarism, for every student who has had enough time in their school or college, the word plagiarism rings the bell about the strict policies that they have in place for students who attempt to copy their assignments from a source. For those of you who don’t know, plagiarism means copying someone’s work and using their sentences on their own. A lot of students are familiar with this issue and hence they start using free plagiarism checker tools that are available online.
With the advancements in technology and all the other aspects of the modern education system, there are a lot of tools available for students to enhance their productivity and quality of work. The free plagiarism checker tool for students is one such tool that is commonly used by almost every sort of writer, be it a blogger or a teacher, an average student, or a topper. The difference lies in the quality of the tool that they use.
In this blog, you are to find out what exactly a free plagiarism checker tool is and how you can choose the best available tool in the market that only toppers use. So keep reading!
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First things first, let us understand what is meant by a free plagiarism tool. You might be wondering that if these tools are really important to students, why are they available for free, and why people are not charging students who use these services and you are somewhat right too. You see a free plagiarism tool in its literal meaning means a tool that is free however, what most of the students forget is that the tool is free for use but the output is limited.
A free plagiarism checker tool is the one that helps you search and run your content against a vast database to check whether the content is copied or similar to any other already published content or not, but what most of the tools present is that they limit either the size of the database or the size of the content that can be searched for plagiarism. If the size of the content is less, there are still chances that you might get what you were looking for, however, if the search parameters are tempered, the chances are that you might not get appropriate results and your content might still have some plagiarism. And that is why there is a difference between a topper’s submission and an average student’s submission.
Plagiarism is a serious offense in most schools and colleges and can even get a student expelled. Yes, a lot of universities in Australia have really strict policies for the students who attempt to plagiarize their assignments or essays. Students have no other way to verify whether the work they have done is original or it contains a few sentences here and there that are similar to some other author’s work. Teachers use the best plagiarism checker to find whether the content is original or not.
Understand it in this way, suppose that you are writing a paper that you have been assigned. Now before you started writing you read about the topic from a few sources and while writing a line or two, you realize that you are sounding exactly like those sources that you read. What would you do? You can not leave those lines just like that as it might subject you to plagiarism even though you have written them by yourself. In such cases, students have no other option than to run the content for plagiarism check. Free plagiarism checker tools are very useful for an individual in such situations as they provide a rough idea of whether the content falls under plagiarized or not so that you can refine it while you have time.
There have been incidents when students avoided the plagiarism check and ended up getting poor grades or rejection. Such cases are the biggest reason that students depend on these tools.
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Now, this process is really exciting. As mentioned above the content that you enter in the search space is matched with thousands of results on the website related to your keywords or the type of content that you have placed for examination. Then, it tries to match every single word with the words that are available in the database and if it finds a series of words repeated in the same sequence, it considers it as plagiarism.
To elaborate the process you can say that every plagiarism checker tool is connected to a database that holds a lot of data, in the case of plagiarism checker free online tools, the database is made up of websites that are available on the internet. Now as soon as you upload your file on the tool, it scans it and runs it through all the attached websites available to the tool. It is obvious that phrases like “as we know”, “what we have read so far”, etc. are commonly used phrases and these might show up in your plagiarism which is completely fine as long as the forthcoming words are not the same. Every tool has a different working mechanism but a common stat is that if there are 7 adjacent words ( 7 words in a line or a sequence are the same) that are common between two different contents then it is considered to be severe plagiarism.
The tool provides a proper analysis and that is how the tool generates its report.
It is time for the big reveal that you clicked on the blog for, what type of a plagiarism tool do toppers use to make the most out of it and the answer is simple, the tool that allows them to search and compare their work with a vast database and provides a vivid report for the same. In the currently available tools, the free plagiarism checker online and report generator tool by Global Assignment Help Australia is every topper’s first choice and this can be verified by a lot of students who already made the most out of the tool.
A lot of students only go for a plagiarism tool that tells them the sentences and how they can rephrase them, it is a rephrasing tool disguised as a plagiarism checker but, what we provide is a detailed description of your content along with the advice of what you should do with it. We have curated a database of more than a million websites on the internet and the plagiarism report generator swiftly searches through all of them to give you the best results in no time.
Now you know how toppers can get the best grades, and now you can too! Always remember, one dirty finish can spoil the whole pond and one single copied sentence can get your entire document rejected. Stay aware and use the best!
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