4 Influential Movies That Students Must Watch

4 Influential Movies That Students Must Watch

movies to inspire
22 May 2017 15631 4 minutes

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Studying could be the best and most challenging experience in a student’s life. In recent times, learning through traditional classroom lectures are not sufficient. Every student needs inspiration in life to achieve the academic goals, and to make them come true today’s modern technologies are the best options to look for. One of the most effective ways to keep oneself motivated is to watch enlightening movies. Choose the flicks based on real-life experiences of the successful people to motivate yourself and to keep your mind focused. The films given in this blog can help you regain the lost inspiration in your life. Let’s take a read!

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

“This part of my life. This part right here? This is called Happyness.”
The pursuit of happyness is a movie based on real-life instances of Chris Gardner. The plot revolves around the struggle of a father to provide a good future to his son. He goes from being a salesman to the millionaire owner of a brokerage house with the power of courage and will power. This movie demonstrates that a person should never give up, no matter how bleak the situations get.

Lean on Me

‘Lean on Me’ is a movie based on a true story of a maverick teacher. He had been fired from his job as the high school principal But he returned to the same school as a teacher, just to find devoid of success it used to have. This film will inspire you to focus on your goals and work hard no matter how tough the circumstances are.

The Freedom Writers (2007)

“Everybody thinks we should be happy because we are young. They don’t see the wars that we go through every day.”

The freedom writers is an inspirational story of Erin Gruwell who came up with a new style of teaching that took the group of underachieving teenagers to pursue their academic goals. This movie seeks the message of motivation and encouragement for both students and teachers.

Dead Poet’s Society (1989)

Dead poet’s society is a film about the unconventional English teacher John Keating who inspires the students to challenge the school’s strict rules and improve themselves. He breaks the obstacles at the school with the help of his poetry and classic literature.

Watching these movies will motivate the students to achieve their academic goals. Such movies help them to learn and work hard in their studies.

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