We all know that there are many important elements every student needs to be aware of while writing an assignment. However, one of them is the introduction. After the title and abstract, it is the next most important thing your professor will access, so it is essential to start strong. It is always said that the first impression is the last impression, similarly, use your introduction as the best opportunity to grab your professor’s attention and make him realize how your assignment is different from others.
So, before you make mistake and even before you start writing your assignment and search, “who can do my assignment,” just have a look at the 5 different ways by which you can make your introduction strong and impress your professor in the very first attempt.
When you want to write a corrective introduction, mention something that people have mistakenly believed but in actual it is not, so do the correction according to your point of view. To prove your point, provide the supporting evidence and facts and at last state the thesis statement. While writing introduction in this manner, keep the following things in mind.
1. Mention Some Misconceptions
The foremost thing you need to do is address something a reader often misunderstood or has a wrong belief from the beginning. If you are sure that what you are writing is a misunderstanding among people, then you can easily mention it in the very first sentence.
2. State Your Point of View
After addressing the misconception, do the correction and state your point of view. Write your statement in a sentence about the truth of the situation. This section mainly acts as an opening of the thesis statement and also introduces the general topic.
3. Provide Some Strong Evidence to Prove Your Point
Now that you have mentioned your point of view, now you have to provide the supporting evidence to prove your point. The evidence will correspond to the main ideas that will be covered in the body paragraph. Make sure to provide strong evidence so that the reader gets easily convinced.
4. Conclude It with a Thesis Statement
From the above three points, now you can easily write a perfect thesis statement about what you will going to write further. So, finish the introduction by stating a thesis statement.
Sometimes it becomes more interesting when you start your introduction by raising a question especially when you are writing an assignment on science, law, psychology, economics, etc. So, whenever you write a thought-provoking introduction, take care of the following things:
1. Raise Some Interesting Questions
Try to raise some interesting questions so that the reader finds it interesting to read. Paint a picture on the reader’s mind so that he can easily relate what you are asking.
2. Give Some Hint of Answer and Mention How You Will Address It
It will create more suspense when you give a hint of the answer rather than mentioning it clearly. Doing so will make the reader curious to read further. You can also highlight the main points to guide him in a specific direction.
3. State Your Thesis in a Single Sentence
At last, state the thesis statement to provide an answer to the question raised above. It should specifically state what you are about to write in the main body section.
In the case of declarative introduction, there is no need to start with a question or suspense. You can write a declarative introduction when you have to start with the point directly. For that you have to take care of the following things, that are:
1. Start Introducing the Topic Directly
Without wasting more time in creating suspense or asking a question, you can start introducing the topic directly in the first sentence. Here you can elaborate the topic straightaway by highlighting the main points and facts.
2. Never Give a Direct Statement About the Assignment
There is no denying fact that in the declarative introduction, you can provide your point of view directly but that doesn’t mean you give a direct statement that addresses the topic precisely. Avoid using phrases like -
Starting with such phrases break the connectivity and mark a negative impression on the reader. So, always try to keep your writing tone formal and impressive so that the reader remains engaged.
1. Present the Introduction with Caution
The declarative introduction is only written for those cases where the reader is already interested in the topic. But, if you do not present the topic well, then it can convert into a boring one and there are chances that the reader may tune out. So, write the introduction properly.
2. Write a Thesis Statement
Once you introduce the topic, then conclude the whole paragraph in a single thesis statement. Remember, your entire assignment is built around the thesis statement, so, always write it properly.
Whenever you are writing an assignment on history, law, or anything related to history, then writing a historical introduction is the best choice for you. This introduction is slightly different from others. So, while writing a historical introduction, make sure to write it in the following manner:
1. Determine Whether to Provide Historical Review or Not
The foremost step is to determine whether there is a need to provide historical context or not. There are assignments when there is no need to provide such contexts but, if there is, then the historical introduction is the best choice.
2. Write Historical and Factual Context About the Topic
Think of some interesting historical and factual contexts that can be helpful for the reader to get essential information about the topic. Providing such a piece of information will not only provide the context but also present the general topic indirectly.
3. Narrow Down the Thoughts into a Thesis Statement
In the historical introduction, the information that you provide is fairly general, so all you need to do is focus on the last paragraph and form a perfect thesis statement.
An anecdotal introduction is basically a type of fictional context that you will let you narrate your introduction in the form of a story. So, when you want to write some creative introduction, then you can choose this introduction. You can make it more interesting by:
1. Narrate a Small Story
You can tell any type of story in your introduction to make it effective. No matter, whether you are telling a serious, humorous, or shocking story, make sure to relate it with the topic. Try to keep the story as short as possible.
2. Show the Importance of the Topic
Next, after writing a story, mention the importance of your topic and tell the reader why is it important to read. Overall, show the importance of the topic to the reader, then only he will remain engaged throughout the assignment. You can also introduce the main idea of the overall topic in the introduction section.
3.State the Thesis Statement
At last, conclude the introduction with a thesis statement that will give a slight idea about the topic to the reader. Always make sure that the thesis statement and the anecdote must be relevant to each other. For that, you need to provide strong evidence.
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Now that you know the different techniques to write an impressive introduction, do not let someone else to mark an impression on the professor instead, implement these ways in your assignment. With these unique tips, you can definitely stand out among your peers and then no one can stop you from fetching top-notch grades in your assignment.
So, just rock the professor’s mind with an outstanding introduction.
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