What is an Idiom? Know the Definition, Tips and Examples

What is an Idiom? Through this blog, learn the ways to compose outstanding write-up. So, read it till the end and enrich your knowledge to an impressive level.

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10 Sep 2024 747 15 minutes

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Have you ever heard the phrases that say, “That was a piece of cake for me to do” or “It's raining cats and dogs” All are called idioms! If you take the literal meaning of these words, then it would become senseless and a bit silly sounding. But if you know their hidden meaning, then it is a complete fun thing to learn! You can add a pinch of humour to your text. Through this blog, you will get to know what is an idiom and the different types, examples, and tips to use it in your content. So, start to know about it in detail!

What is an Idiom? Why Do We Use It?

An idiom is a group of words with a hidden meaning attached to it. It is a figurative way of expressing your thoughts. You can use some common idioms in English to add colour and depth to your everyday conversations. As they are unique in their sense, you can use them to add life to your text.

By going through an example, you can get a good hold on it:-

“Killing two birds with a stone” is an idiom that implies completing two tasks at the same time. But if you are not aware of it, then it might become difficult for you to understand it in one go. Most of the native English speakers will immediately.

But do you ever wonder why we use an idiom? Well, the answer to this question is quite simple.

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Enhance Your Communication Skills

You can improve your communication skills to an impressive level by using the idioms. It becomes easy to present complex ideas with clarity as there is no need to make lengthy explanations. However, to master the art of placing it in your content, you can seek assignment help from our well educated experts.

Helps to Demonstrate Cultural Knowledge

You can demonstrate your cultural knowledge by using the idioms. The native speakers can understand them and can effectively connect with them. By using them in your text, you can make it more engaging and exciting to read. So, learn them properly to get a good grip on it.

Improves English Fluency

You can improve your fluency in English by using an idiom. It deepens your understanding of the language. Further, it also allows you to express your views in a creative way. So, you must know how to use it according to the flow of your content.

Add a Pinch of Humour

Idiom helps to add a pinch of humour to your writing. You can hook the attention of the reader effectively by using them in your content. For example, instead of saying “Stay calm in stressful situations” you can use the phrase “Stay cool as a cucumber” to make the conversation more engaging.

After knowing the basic definition and the importance of using the idiom. It is time to learn some tips and tricks to insert into your content.

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Tricks and Tips on Using an Idiom!

Here are some of the tips and tricks to let you know the ways to use idioms in your conversation and writing. So, without much delay, start knowing it elaborately.

Create Your Idioms

To add a personal touch to your writing, you can create your idioms. It enables you to express your views, thoughts or emotions effectively. So, you have to make sure your language is clear and understandable to the reader.

Tip:- First, understand the intent of what you want to convey and then frame the idiom for it.

Blend Idioms With Context

Blending the idioms with the context means that you have to understand to whom you are conveying the message. Additionally, you must also keep a check on the tone of your language to make a seamless mix with your main text.

Tip:-Always ensure that the idiom that you are using is suitable according to the topic on which you are writing.

Understand Idiomatic Variations

The meaning of the idioms changes according to the different regions is called idiom variations. You have to understand the meaning of it depending upon their usage. To get a good grip on knowing it in detail, you can use essay typer to enhance your writing.

Tip:- If you want to enhance your writing with idioms, you must explore some online sources for better clarity.

Avoid the Cliche

When you stuff unnecessary idioms in your content, it becomes cliche. You must know to maintain a perfect balance of placing them in your writing. So that the reader does not feel bored by reading your text.

Tip:- You must track the number of times you place an idiom in your write-up. Keep an eye on it so that you can avoid repeating phrases in your document.

After learning the essential tips and tricks of writing idioms, it is time to know the different types of idioms in a detailed way.

Know the Different Types of Idioms

There are different types of idioms that you need to know for adding them to your text. So, understand them in an elaborate way to use them according to the demand of the situation:-

Know the Different Types of Idiom

Pure Idiom

Pure idioms are the ones in which you can not understand the meaning of it by just looking at them at your first glance. You have to read it twice to deduce it. It is metaphoric in nature. For example:-

  • Spill the Beans:- This idiom means to reveal the secret.

  • Burn the Midnight Oil:-This meansto work till late at night, it also showcases your hard work and dedication.

  • Hit the Hay:-You use this idiom to denote going to bed.

Partial Idiom

The partial idioms are the ones in which only the part of an idiom is stated. It is expected that the listener will understand the implied completion of it. So, now look at an example to know it better:-

  • The ball is in your Court:- Means that it is now someone else responsibility to take action

  • When in Rome:- It implies to adjust yourself as per the different environment.

  • Bite off more than you can:-It means when an individual takes a task beyond their capability.

Prepositional Idiom

The prepositional idiom combines a verb and a preposition to create a verb with a different meaning. So, learn it by an example:-

  • Run out of:-It implies that you are in shortage of something

  • Believe in:- It is used when you want to express faith or confidence.

  • Count on:- It means to trust or fulfil a commitment.

Binomial Idiom

The binomial idiom implies that the meaning is conveyed by pairing it with a preposition or conjunction. So, learn this with an idioms examples:-

  • By and large:- It combines by and large to convey a broad perspective of something

  • Pros and cons:- It is used to state the advantage and disadvantage

  • Neck and neck:- It denotes a very close competition

Proverbial Idiom

The proverbial is just like the preposition. So, learn it by reading some examples:-

  • Beauty is only skin deep:-It says that do not judge the person just by seeing their physical appearance

  • Curiosity killed the cat:- Use it to warn of the dangers that might come due to unnecessary investigations

  • Like a bad penny:- Means that your mistakes will come back to haunt

Expressive Idioms

Expressive idioms used to express sense or emotions. So, explore them with some examples:-

  • No hard feelings:-When you want the conversation without taking it further in the form of anger or sorrow

  • Be as hard as nails:- For denoting a person who is insensitive and who does not have empathy for others

  • To carry the torch for:-Use it to express the one-sided love for someone


The euphemisms used to describe an unpleasant and offensive idea in mild and non-harsh words. So, now look at some examples to understand it better:-

  • Bit the dust:-Means to be dead

  • Spin the truth:-You can use it in place of the phrase “Lie”

  • Big boned:- You can use the phrase “Being fat”

So, after reading all these different types of idioms, you might feel confused about how to write them in your assignment. But don't worry, opt for an essay writing service to get assistance in getting a solid grip on complex topics.

Now is the time to improve your clarity to an impressive level. So, read it further to know more!

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Idiom, Cliche, Proverb and Euphemism- How Do They Differ?

Clear your concept by reading the difference between idiom, cliche, proverb and euphemism.





What is an idiom? This question is obvious to come to your mind when you hear this term. It is a phrase or an expression whose actual meaning is not understandable in first glance.

Cliche is an overused expression or phrase that has lost originality due to frequent repetition.

The proverb is a traditional saying used to provide thoughts on wisdom based on past experiences.

Euphemisms is used in the place of harsh or unpleasant words. So, see an example to get more clarity.

For example:- 

Look at this common idiom that you might have heard, “under the weather” means to be ill. So you can use it to convey your thoughts creatively by using it.

For example:-

“As red as a rose” is a cliche, that you can use to show affection for your loved one.

For example:-

“Absence makes the heart go fonder” means being away from someone makes you appreciate them more.

For example:- 

“Not the sharpest tool in the shed” can be used to call someone “dumb”.

So, after looking at the difference between these three terms, look at some examples to get more clarity on idiom usage.

10+ Amazing Examples of Idioms

You can get the answer to the question, “What is an example of an idiom?” Here! So, have a look at some of the examples of idioms that you can read and can enrich your vocabulary.

  • A piece of cake

  • A drop of a hat

  • Bark up the wrong tree

  • Beat a dead horse

  • By the skin of your teeth

  • Every cloud has a silver lining

  • Go down in flames

  • Head in the clouds

  • Jump on the bandwagon

  • Pot calling the kettle black

  • Walk on thin ice

  • Wild goose chase

So, after looking at some of the examples, you can use them in your content. Also, it will provide you with an extra edge over others and can make a lasting impact on the reader's mind.

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