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    Business Administration


    Business Administration refer to the overall administration of a business organisation. It undertakes various units and takes in consideration all the managerial aspects within a company (Pearson, 2017). The assignment below is based on BBC which is a broadcasting company within the UK. is based on communication in a business environment. It covers all the facets required to facilitate communication in the workplace.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Analyse the communication needs of internal and external stakeholders

    Communication within a workplace is quite crucial and necessary for its existence. Internal stakeholders are individuals within a firm for instance, employees, directors, managers, etc. External stakeholders on the other end are people who are externally connected with the firm and has certain benefit associated with company like customers, shareholders, etc. Communication within these groups establish different objectives which are mentioned below:

    • Internal:Communication internally is pretty much informative in nature. Within BBC, this type of communication is concerned with informing employees clearly about their job roles and expectations the firm has from them; basically to establish effective working environment. It helps in employee engagement and commitment and could also be a contributing factor in their performance enhancement.
    • External:This communication depends on various factors as well as on the need of the firm from its external stakeholders (Andriof, and et. al., 2017). For instance, BBC would communicate with its viewers (customers) to provide them information through news headlines and would communicate with its shareholders in regards with profit margin, etc.

    1.2. Analyse the different communication models that support administration

    Communication is an essential element in an organisation. There are various models that effectively could support administration within a company. These models are mentioned below:

    • Shannon's Model:As one of the oldest models, it effectively helps to analyse the process and layout of conversation. In this simple yet effective model, a communication channel is established involving, sender, communication channel and receiver. In addition, it also involves barriers that could cause deviations and disturbances within the transmission and receiving of messages.

    p124                                                                                (Source: Shannon and Weaver Model Of Communication, 2018)

    • Schramm's Model:This model alters and modifies the model above and works on the principle that senders and receiver both get chance to play encoder and decoder in communication. It supports ideology of conversion of human ideas into words to establish a constant chain (Uhl, and Gollenia, 2016).

                                                                                                    (Source: Schramm's Model of Communication, 2019)

    1.3. Evaluate the effectiveness of different communication systems

    There are various communication systems which are quite effective for individuals or teams to encode and decode various messages. In context with BBC, effectiveness of these systems are evaluated below:

    • E-Mail:It is a way through which communication is established through electronic channels using computers, tablets, mobile phones, etc. It is advantageous to business organisations like BBC as it eradicates the time lag of traditional mail through instant delivery of formal messages (Deasy and et. al.,  2016). However, while passing from a system to another, there are high chances of confidential information being intercepted.
    • Telephone:Within organisations, internal and external information is widely exchanged using telephones. With enhancements in technology, this communication system is considered quite effective and easily accessed within workplaces. It is beneficial too as it enables the receiver understand the tone of the sender which helps in decoding the intention.

    1.4. Explain the factors that affect the choice of communication media

    It is imperative for organisations to choose correct and appropriate communication media to appropriately establish a communication channel. The factors that affect this choice are mentioned below:

    • Nature:The biggest factor is the nature of the message. It plays a big role in deciding the choice of communication media. For instance, if the message is formal, E-mail and Fax could be used. Whereas, if the message is informal, telephones could be used by companies (Yusung and et. al., 2016).
    • Confidentiality:Another major factor is the confidentiality of information. E-mail and telephones could be intercepted and thus, it could be viable to adopt face-to-face communication.
    • Audience’s Age:Another determinant affecting choice of communication media is the age of receivers.  For instance, Generation Y (born after 1980) are preferring more real-time communication through social media and are rejecting traditional modes of communication like postal media and telephones.

    1.5. Explain the importance of using correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling and conventions in business communications

    It is very crucial for individuals working in an organisational setting to establish appropriate communication and ensure proper application of language to enhance its effectiveness. While using written communication, organisations like BBC must focus on using correct grammar and rightful application of tenses to enable the receiver refer accurate information. Effective use of punctuations too must be considered in order to avoid confusion and allows the reader to easily anticipate the text by knowing when to pause. Sentence structures help the information to be shaped in logical order which makes interception easier for the readers. In addition, correct spellings allow the text to be as per organisational standards which is effective and necessary for communication in companies like BBC (Lee and et. al., 2015).

    1.6. Explain the factors to be taken into account in planning and structuring different communication media

    To plan and structure various communication media, it is imperative for BBC and other organisations to take different factors into consideration which are mentioned below:

    • Audience’sAbility: The most important factor to be taken into consideration is the ability of audience to understand the message accurately. This requires knowledge of audiences, their language preferences, disabilities, if any, etc.
    • Purposeof Communication: Another factor is the purpose for which communication media is being utilised. This would allow to pick appropriate media that would be feasible for the firm and aids the purpose.
    • Background:This factor requires an insight of basic information about the audience and the subject matter, the facts and figures and a basic insight which would allow the firm to pick appropriate media form for their audience (Roztocki and Weistroffer, 2015).

    1.7. Explain ways of overcoming barriers to communication

    Each company face different communication barriers while establishing internal and external channels. For a firm like BBC, there are ways described below which could help them overcome these barriers:

    • Language Barriers:To overcome these barriers, employees of the company must consider using simplified language limiting the use of technical jargon and strong accent which induces confusion in minds of the receiver.
    • Cultural Barriers:There are various barriers induced by individuals being brought up in different cultural settings. To overcome this, it is quite important to use methods of communication which are not offending in any sort. Another way is to ask questions to ensure proper understanding and alignment of perception.

    1.8. Explain the use of communications theories and body language

    Body Language refers to communication through body movements and various physical behaviours. It is a quite essential form of non-verbal communication within a company and it has different uses which are explained through certain theories mentioned below:

    • Mehrabian's Communication Theory:There are various elements which governs an individual's liking for another person. According to the theory, 7% of the message is in the words spoken, 38% is the tone in which the words has been spoken and 55% goes to body language (MEHRABIAN'S COMMUNICATION THEORY, 2018). This theory could be used to establish meaningful communication which would require these elements to be congruent or else there would arise multiple implications which would cause disturbance.

    1.9. Explain proof-reading techniques for business communications

    Proofreading refers to the procedure of reviewing the written material to ensure effective grammar, structure, formatting, spelling, etc. There are various techniques that could be used by BBC which are mentioned below:

    • Reading out aloud:One of the best techniques that could be utilised for proofreading is reading the text aloud. This would allow bring out mistakes related to tone, punctuations, structure and flow of information.
    • Alignment with company's style standards:Another way is to compare the documents with the guidelines set by the company for external documents. This would allow a stepwise comparison of the written document which would bring out the mistakes effectively.
    • Printouts:Another technique for effective proofreading is to use a physical copy to make changes which would be saving a lot of time and efforts (Raziq and Maulabakhsh, 2015).

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    TASK 2

    2.1. Identify the purpose and audience of the information to be communicated

    For any information, it is essential to identify and determine its purpose to further take action of its communication. BBC, in order to inform the changing policies must identify the purpose and audience to accomplish the task. The purpose for the same would be to enhance the familiarity of employees with the policies that are changing and the new requirements for them to work. The primary audience for this information would be the employees of the company. In addition, the secondary audience would be the managers who would be monitoring the effectiveness of these changing policies.

    2.2. Select communication media that are appropriate to the audience and information to be communicated

    Communication media is very crucial for communicating the information to the audience. Within BBC, selection of media depends upon the information and the audience. For instance, if the firm wants to communicate with potential investors about the profit margins of the firm, the firm could use written communication and media like E-mails to approach these investors. On the other hand, for communicating the employees about the changing policies, the firm would use documentation and formal circular to effectively achieve the purpose. E-mails would allow the firm to send a unanimous message to all of its investors explaining their strategies to attract their attention. Circulars on the other hand would be a viable method to internally establish an effective communication method where one-sided conversations could be appropriately distributed (Wang, Pauleen and Zhang, 2016).

    2.3. Present information in the format, layout and style that is appropriate to the information to be communicated

    It is crucial to opt effective layout, style and format which seems appropriate to the information that is being communicated. As for communicating changing policies, the firm would use a printed circular to communicate with its employees. For information regarding the changing policies, the firm must use circulars to provide information to the employees. The writing format must be in accordance with the information, i.e., explaining the situation and the purpose for which the policies are being changed. The layout must be formal, concerned with providing relevant information to the firm's  employees. The style of the circular must be precise and formal too.

    2.4. Follow agreed business practices when communicating in writing

    It is crucial for a company like BBC to effectively apply and implement written communication within and outside the firm. It is also important that agreed business practices are followed by organisations like BBC while communicating in writing. These practices are mentioned below:

    • Clarity:The utmost and most crucial practice of written communication is clarity. It is quite essential for the written communication to be clear for the receiver the accurately understand the information that is being conveyed.
    • Professionalism:Another agreed business practices in written communication requires the senders to use professionalism while writing. This requires them to use clear and simplistic language without the use of jargon and complete information backed up by authentic information.
    • Precision:This business practice is quite necessary for written communication which needs effective and precise use of sentence structure, punctuations, correct use of grammar and presence of relevant information (Suryanarayana and et. al., 2015).

    2.5. Adapt the style and content of a communication, appropriate to specific audiences

    Communication varies according to changes in situations. And audience which requires individuals and companies to adapt the content as well as the style used for it. For instance, when the firm had to communicate with its employees regarding the change of policies, it adapted a rather semi-formal style and crafted the content which was precise and explained the purpose of communication. In case company wish to contact its customers, it will have to adapt as to the best and appropriate way to reach these customers, for instance, uses of compelling videos and animation which grab their attention.

    2.6. Present written communications that are clear, expressed in correct grammar and reflect what is intended

    It is crucial for communication to be clear, with accurate grammar. It is important that communication established must be reflected to analyse whether its satisfying the purpose or not. For BBC, whilst informing the workforce about policies, the circular is intended to enhance the familiarity of employees with the change, in addition, the requirements after the change are also mentioned which satisfy the purpose effectively.



    To the members,

    As we all know, in this upbeat business environment, it is very important for the company to review its policies to satisfy the demand of the current market. The management, after seeing the practices and arranging formal meetings with the Board, has decided to change some of the policies mentioned below:

    · Policy 1

    · Policy 2

    All of the members are required to adopt these policies and modify their work practices as per the requirements.

    Best Regards,

    Human Resource Manager

    2.7. Meet agreed deadlines in communicating with others

    Communication within organisation could be very contributing for its success. However, it is important that attention be given to the deadlines provided for communication. For a big firm like BBC, deadlines are quite crucial and compulsory to be met. For instance, if the firm communicates with a government agency regarding its business reports and misses the deadline to present the same, it would lead to a big loss in their goodwill and possibly the government support. In addition to this, deadlines also might result in loss of pay or induce misunderstanding which is not good for the business.

    TASK 3

    3.1. Identify the nature, purpose, audience and use of the information to be communicated

    The nature of communication within a company must always be to exchange factual, concise and easily understood information. No matter the information, companies must ensure that it effectively leads the organisation towards success. In context with BBC, the purpose and audience might differ as per the information they wish to communicate. For instance, if the firm wants to communicate production of its new content for their media, it could be effective for the firm to opt for face-to-face communication with their customers through conferences for this purpose. The use of this information would be that, it would create a hype in the market and among the audience which effectively would help the firm to gather attention of masses. For audience, it would create an awareness about the content being brought up by the company.

    3.2. Use language that is correct and appropriate for the audience’s needs

    For ensuring clarity in understanding the information, it is necessary, that communication is established using language that is easily understood by the audience and message is clearly anticipated. For BBC, if the firm wish to establish a face-to-face communication with its audience (customers), it is imperative that language used by the representatives is not too harsh. In other words, the language must be simple which clearly reflects the idea and benefits for customers. In addition, the representatives must use precision while conveying the same to the audience to satisfy purpose of communication.

    3.3. Use appropriate body language and tone of voice to reinforce messages

    For communicating effectively, it is necessary that appropriate body language be used in order to effectively create accurate description in the minds of receivers. For BBC, the representatives must maintain appropriate eye contact with the customers and the audience to connect with them in a much better way. Plus, the body language must use gestures that reflect confidence, thorough understanding of concept and strong opinion of the representatives. However, the most important aspect while responding to a group is that representatives must utilise the stage-space to enhance the effect of their message and better reinforcing.

    3.4. Identify the meaning and implications of information that is communicated verbally

    In verbal communication, it is necessary that appropriate meaning and implication of information is identified to ensure proper delivery and understanding of information. For BBC, the representatives are required to identify effective meaning behind the information they are providing to the customers, i.e., the meaning of information must be effectively identified as the introduction of new content by the company. It must be presented in ways which are necessary to effectively ensure implication of the information the way it was intended to be. To measure this, the correct and appropriate way to anticipate the implication must be the enlightenment of customers and their enthusiasm regarding the information (Quirke, 2017).

    3.5. Confirm that a recipient has understood correctly what has been communicated

    The agenda of every communication is to ensure effective understanding of information by the recipients. This would help companies satisfy the agenda of communication as per the standards of company. For BBC, it is quite important for the firm to effectively build up accurate perception of the information they are planning to provide. Along with this, it is necessary for the company to ensure that the information provided by them are clearly understood. To confirm the same, the company might asks questions regarding the subject matter. This would allow representatives to gain a better insight as to what the customer's perspective is regarding their information. In addition, confirmation also would allow them to eradicate any sense of confusion and spread of misinformation.

    3.6. Respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation and in accordance with organisational policies and standards

    Response is very important for an organisation to present a positive and effective self image of the company in front of the recipients. This enhances the effect which information have on the receivers. In context with BBC, the representatives must respond in a way which is as per the company's standards. In addition, they must be quite confident while responding which would allow recipients to gain a better understanding of the concepts as proper effect of the information. Thus, it is quite important that the response be formal along with the tone which would be appropriate to the situation and in accordance with the standard of the company (Suryanarayana and et. al., 2015).


    Thus, it is concluded that effective communication in an organisation is quite essential to satisfy the purpose of exchange of valuable information. It is crucial to analyse communication needs, different communication models supporting administration and evaluation of the effectiveness of various communication systems. It is also important to establish effective written and oral communication along with the purpose, media channels, body languages and deadlines required to satisfy each condition for appropriate communication.


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    • Deasy, S., and et. al.,  2016. Controlling use of a business environment on a mobile device. U.S. Patent 9,247,042.
    • Lee, J.H., and et. al., 2015. Terminal and intermediate node in content oriented networking environment and communication method of terminal and intermediate node. U.S. Patent 8,996,626.
    • Pearson, R., 2017. Business ethics as communication ethics: Public relations practice and the idea of dialogue. In Public relations theory (pp. 111-131). Routledge.
    • Quirke, B., 2017. Making the connections: using internal communication to turn strategy into action. Routledge.
    • Raziq, A. and Maulabakhsh, R., 2015. Impact of working environment on job satisfaction. Procedia Economics and Finance. 23. pp.717-725.
    • Roztocki, N. and Weistroffer, H.R., 2015. Information and communication technology in transition economies: an assessment of research trends. Information Technology for Development. 21(3). pp.330-364.
    • Suryanarayana, L., and et. al., 2015. Apparatus and methods for managing widgets in a wireless communication environment. U.S. Patent 9,110,685.
    • Suryanarayana, L.,and et. al., 2015. Apparatus and methods for managing widgets in a wireless communication environment. U.S. Patent 9,110,685.

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