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    Understanding and leading change


    Changes are required in every organisation according to present scenario. For this managers of a company are required to determine entire situation and trends within a market place in order to observe areas in which modifications are required. Moreover, with this they must also create policies and plans so that they can follow the same within a workplace. To observe how a manager and leader   of a company understands and lead a change within an organisation, this assignment is being prepared on  Talent Plus, a company of UK. This is a consultancy company on a small scale (Alavi and Gill, 2017).  This report shows a comparison of ways in which change impacts on an organisation's strategy and operations. It also mention influences that drivers of change have on organisational behaviour and ways in which barriers to change influence leadership decision making. A range of leadership approaches to a change initiative is also mentioned.

    TASK 1

    P1 Comparison of different organisational examples

    There are different companies who are doing their operations in various sector to earn profit. Every organisation has their way of dealing with conditions or problems arising in a market place of business. These issues arises with a change in innovation, economical fluctuations, technological development, taxation policies and many others factors of business activities. It want a company to  develop improvisation in a company's structure  in order to produce new services and products. So to add an extra value in current products or producing a new one, employers should determine entire condition before so that they are aware of parts in which modifications are required. Moreover, after doing proper analysation, one must create a proper action plan in which it elaborates entire procedure of changes which also involves tools, strategies and   techniques, etc. These factors helps in upgrading business from a national level to an international level and also produce achievements which are higher within an organisation. These moving of a business is done so that objectives and targets are achieved within a short duration of time interval (Anderson, 2016).

    Doing innovations in an environment of workplace is helpful for expanding business but it also includes different kinds of risks. It can have an affect on entire company in a positive or a negative manner.  Hence, it is important for managers of a company to determine new trend and dynamics of market place as well as customers demand in order to do changes according to their need. Under this case, Talent plus is  doing consultancy business and is treated as a small enterprise in UK. Company gives employees  to different industries as per their requirement of job by helding  different selection as well as recruitment programs or activities. But since there is a country is facing sustainable economic issue, there are many ventures who are doing business in a quick manner in a same field. This impact on major factors like productivity and profitability of this company  in order to hold a affirmative position within a market place and to provide a good competition to its competitors such as Deliotte (Doppelt, 2017). It is required to bring changes related to technologies and a part of work within a regular time interval in order to maintain growth of a business  enterprise. To be aware about changes impact on functions of Talent Plus and also its competitors Deloitte, a comparison is done which is being mentioned below.


    Talent Plus


    Changes in external factor

    environment of business includes different factors which have a affect in an indirect or direct manner. There are some factors which are included in external environment such as fluctuation in economic and tax rates, technological changes and many more. While, such elements support Talent plus to bring changes in system of working. But since it does it operations on a small scale, it does not have appropriate amount of investments or money. Therefore, it was not able top bring alterations in system of working which impact their performance as well as sustainability within a market place. Therefore, managers should implement new plans so that they can give responses to changes in an appropriate manner.     

    Hence Deloitte is a most popular and leading company of UK who does it operations of business activities on a large scale. So in order to give response to changes they have done different improvisation in structure of an organisation. By this, it has achieved success in a running business along with new trends of market place.

    Structure Change

    Talent plus is a consultancy company in UK which has its operations of business activities at different locations in a territorial region. Since it done its operations on a small scale, employees working under this are less when compared to Deloitte. Hence, main objective of this company is to expand its business on an upgrading level and achieve high success (Fragouli and Ibidapo,  2015).  

    Deloitte was founded by William Welch Deloitte in 1845 at London. It is also a consultancy firm and deals with consultancies rather than recruitment. It has also given suggestions related to finance  to various other industries with Legal Advice, Audit and Tax. Recently there are approximately 263,900  workers working within an organisation. In context with turnover, this company is earning revenue which is 38.8 billion Euros.    


    So that changes can be brought in environment of business, it is important for Talent Plus to develop policies and strategies in an appropriate manner.  Before  developing similar kind of actions, manager must measure affect of changes along with techniques which are being used in a system in order to reduce negative impact of alterations. With help of a proper plan, they are able to influence stakeholder top do investments in their new project which will also be beneficial in operations of all activities in an appropriate way.


    Once proper strategies are build, managers are required to follow the same into employees in a proper manner. They must encourage and motivate employees so that they can accept changes and according work in order to complete new projects within the specfic time which is allotted. Moreover, it is important for them to give training which is required by employees so that they are able to do their activities with a new system in an effective manner.

    Suggested: Working In A Business Team

    TASK 2

    P2 Ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership, team and individual behaviours

    In the organisation are many factors which bring change and to manage and adopt changes leaders and managers play a very important role in business organisation. Change is very important in every organisation to lead in market sphere and gain competitive advantage in distinctive situations. Leaders and managers give instructions to their subordinates to adopt changes to bring harmony in organisation.

    Drivers of change:

    There are many drivers of change in organisation that is both beneficial for employees and employers in gaining competitive advantage and it increase morale of employees to gain advance learning and development in organisation in talent plus.

    Consumer driver change:

    In an organisation changes are necessary to satisfy consumer needs and wants. Due to changes in customs and trends consumer want frequent updates in industry so that they become loyal consumers (Fullan, 2014). In organisation changes are drive on basis of needs to access consumer preference there is need to plan strategies so that they can easily grab opportunities. To adopt changes support of leader and manager is also necessary.

    Technological driver change:

    In technological driver change organisation have to adopt different changes that bring in organisation. To lead in market there is need to adopt technologies that are demand of market and that increase productivity of organisation. In organisation when technology changes role and importance of leaders and managers also enhance because they have to give proper training and development skills so that they become ready to accept that changes that arise in Talent plus.

    Competitors driver changes:

    In an organisation sometimes organisation have to adopt changes according to competitor strategy and its future expansion plan (Gupta, 2011). If competitor plan to expand its market share then organisation have to expand its market share to retain and exist long time in market.

    SWOT analysis of Talent Plus:

    Strengths: Main strength of Talent plus is that it gives best services in consulting and advisory in UK and it uses best technology to their clients that gives best results and technology also.

    Weaknesses: Main weaknesses of Talent plus is that it generates low revenue in current market and it give negative results to emerging market.

    Opportunities:Target market by exploring new and emerging markets that helps to expand its market share. It gives opportunities of tax and audit compliance and it consult with start ups and it acquired small firms.

    Threats: there are many threats before target plus that is fierce competition is exist for it and many legal issues harm its image and new consultancies coming in market that affects its economic strength.

    Pestel analysis of Target plus:

    In pestel analysis consist of different factors which consist of Political, economic, social, environmental and legal factors.

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    Political factors:

    In political factors of target plus consist of effect on its business proceedings of Brexit which create trouble for organisation. In addition to it policies of trump government creates hazardous problems for operate in dynamic environment. When government of UK change it affects its dealings and changes occurs in its work and proceddings which affect both positive and negative way to organisation (Hillson and Murray-Webster, 2017).

    Economic environment:

    Target plus suffer also economic regulations which impact on its profit ratio. In economic factors consist of fluctuations in GDP in UK which directly and indirectly affects its business and its proceedings. On other hand target plus also suffer from currency fluctuations in current economic changes. In economic factors consist of inflation rate, credit terms and fluctuations in economy which directly affects works of Target plus.

    Social factors:

    In social factors consist of recent and current trends which frequently change in preferences of consumers that affect its business. In social consist customs, traditions of consumers that affect business dealings. Social factors give contribution in bring changes in organisation by adopt different changes.

    Legal factors:

    In legal factors consist of rules and regulations of countries while operating in different countries. In UK different types of espionage practices which affect its workings and acquire digital technologies also affect business. It also suffer problem in acquire digital marketing and analytical firms.

    Technological factors:

    In competitive world due to fierce competition organisation have to adopt technologies which raise its cost (Jones and Harris, 2014). Operating cost of increase role of technology is social media involvement, advance way of payment in which block chain includes and digital disruption includes.

    Environmental factors:

    In environment factors consist of to protect environment and other estates while operate in business environment so it increase cost but in return it gives loyalty of consumers to organisation that is very beneficial.

    Effect of change on leaders, teams and individuals:




    If changes occurs in organisation leaders have to adopt different leadership style that is best according to situation and environment. Best leadership style is that fit according to situation.

    In team managers and its subordinates consist if changes occurs in organisation then manager have to change its attitude and also give instructions and guidance to accept changes so changes also help and instruct to adopt change.

    In organisation when changes occurs then in that condition individual have to change their working behaviour and remain motivate to accept changes that help to efficiency and effectiveness in organisation.


    P3 Measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change

    All the changes within a  working environment either they are large or small, it affects business in positive as well as negative manner both. Therefore,  it is important for leaders and managers to take steps and policies in order to reduce affect on change which is negative. Here, in regard to Talent Plus, they can implement various techniques in order to manage all the activities in an appropriate manner to bring changes in a positive manner. These techniques are being discussed below.

    • Creation of Pathway: When an alteration is brought in a business structure, it is recommended to leaders and managers both of Talent Plus to develop an appropriate action plan first. This involves all the activities with responsibilities and roles of every staff members for new project completion (Komives, 2016). It will also help employees to be aware about new objectives and goals of an organisation.   
    • Explain about plans: After formulating strategies and plan it is important to follow the same in a workplace. To do it is required by managers to conduct conference meetings in order to give knowledge about new procedures and plans to staff members in an appropriate manner. They must give information regarding changes in system to employees and should also take feedbacks from them for the same. This would be helpful for employees as they will work accordingly and accept same.

    Bruke Litwin Model:  

    This model is treated as an important approach which is bing used by HR manager of a company in a large extent. With the help of this theory managers can identify importance of a workforce in a specific task and also give them working conditions as well as facilities in order to produce effective work from them.  It displays different drivers of change and also measure their requirements so that they could observe the one which is important to implement in activities of business (Lawrence, 2015).  This approach involves different elements such as leadership , strategy and mission, external environment and many more. In regards with Talent Plus, this can be explained below.

    • External Environment:This involves various factors such as competitors, business ethics, political, social, environmental and more. All of these factors support Talent Plus to bring changes in current techniques in order to achieve high productivity and profit.
    • Mission and strategy:A company's mission articulates different reasons for its resistivity within a market place. With the help of an appropriate knowledge of this statement, a company's manager can create plans accordingly. Hence, major mission of Talent Plus is ,”Provide suitable candidates within an industry. To  support this statement, their employers have develop different policies as well as strategies to attain the same.  
    • Leadership:To complete and attain this mission, it is important for managers ODF a company to adapt different styles of leadership which are Autocratic, Democratic, Participative, Transformational, Laissez Faire , etc. This will also help in encouraging and motivating employees to achieve objectives of a business and direct them in a right manner (Lloyd, Boer and Voelpel, 2017).

    TASK 3

    P4 Different barriers of change and ways in which they influence leadership decision making 

    Changes are required within structure of business to achieve satisfaction and requirements of customers in an effective way. But there are different issues which are arising within an organisation which act as barrier for achieving goals and objectives of a company. According to current situation, since there is an increase in number of rivals, this company is required to bring some modifications in system of their working such as recruiting employees, adapting new technologies and many more. So there are various situations arising for doing coordination with alterations which also create complications in business. These situations decreases morale of workforce and they start switching from their job.  Hence, these different issues disturb managers and leaders both while taking important and essential decisions on concepts of business. So, to resolve such problems that act as a barrier while developing changes, managers of Talent Plus have adapted some measures which are being discussed below.

    Perception of self efficiency and resistance to change:

    In order to increase growth of an organisation, it is important for workers to bring changes in structure of business and organisational structure continuously. But to successfully follow it can be a major task of a company's manager. These changes have a great impact  to working of workforce. Therefore, managers must adapt different managerial and leadership approaches so that employees can be influenced to work with a new system. They must involve staff members in different decisions and interact with them effectively. For this, they must conduct conference meetings to initiate changes rather being imposed to them.  

    Force field analysis:

    This approach was developed by Kurt Lewin and is based on management change. It includes five phases to motivate employees to accept changes. This is helpful for leaders and managers while taking decisions. These phases are being explained below.

    • Phase 1:This is a initial stage in which managers are required to make use of appropriate techniques and  tools so that market situation can be analysed. By this they can measure requirement for change and in which field changes needs to be done.
    • Phase2: Changes within an organisation involves a kind of risk within it. Therefore, this phase has analysed risks which are occurring while initiating changes. Moreover, after doing this measurement managers can analyse strategies which will help  in reduction.
    • Phase 3:Under this phase, managers of a company determine areas in which modifications are required as well as their creation.
    • Phase 4:In this phase, action plan is made by superiors in a right manner which also involves entire process   of alteration (Painter and Clark, 2015).
    • Phase 5:It is the last step, under which managers can analyse existing strategies effectiveness and make changes according to it which is beneficial for them in future.

    Situational resistance to change: In  this approach, managers makes sure that a task is being completed within a certain period of time or not. In case it is not done in right manner that they should bring changes in a system in order to achieve objectives of project according to requirement.  

    TASK 4

    P5 Different leadership approaches to dealing with change in a range\

    Managers and leaders plays an important6 role within an organisation in order to produce effective work from staff members. They observe employees performance on an individual level and gives them conditions so that they can according to requirement of organisation. Since, there are changes within  a market place, employers must bring changes in environment of organisation. Therefore, it give rise to various issues within a company realted to scope and size of business. In regard to Talent

    Plus, manager has observed that employees can be encouraged by effective ways which are given by Hershey Blanchard model.  Under this model it shows that leadership style are dependent on kind of task given to employees.  Some leadership style are being described below.

    • Coaching: By using this leadership style, managers can make effective communication with all employees which are inside or outside the organisation and are linked to business activities of company. It provides ways of communication in which mangers can influence staff members to adapt changes and also they can contribute to employers for achieving objectives of business effectively.  
    • Supporting: Under this leadership style, it reflects that leaders must collaborate with their employees and take feedbacks from them in order to make better decisions regarding changes within an organisation. Therefore, it is helpful for bringing equality among workers within a company (Van der Voet, Kuipers and Groeneveld, 2015).
    • Delegating: Under this style of leadership, managers assign tasks to entire workforce according to their potential, capacity and skills. Moreover, with this they also monitor them so that they can evaluate their strengths and weakness accordingly. They also give required training to them in order to overcome weakness and work in an effective way.

    Hence, these leadership styles proved that Talent Plus managers have responded to changes within a market place in a proper manner. These style helps in managing employees and  influencing them to adapt changes.



    From the above report it has been concluded that changes are very necessary for both organisation and employee development. For employees it give career advancement and for organisation it give competitive advantage. In change condition employees feel uncomfortable and demotivated in that condition role of manager and leader enhance. In change environment they have to give instructions and guidelines which motivate them so that they remain positive and give their best to organisation. In that report manager and leader gives many theories and models that give different instructions to adopt change patterns and models.


    • Alavi, S. B. and Gill, C., 2017. Leading change authentically: How authentic leaders influence follower responses to complex change. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 24(2). pp.157-171.
    • Anderson, D. L., 2016. Organization development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage Publications.
    • Doppelt, B., 2017. Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge.
    • Fragouli, E. and Ibidapo, B., 2015. Leading in crisis: Leading organizational change & business development. International Journal of Information, Business and Management. 7(3). p.71.
    • Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Gupta, P., 2011. Leading innovation change-The Kotter way. International Journal of Innovation Science. 3(3). pp.141-150.
    • Hillson, D. and Murray-Webster, R., 2017. Understanding and managing risk attitude. Routledge.

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