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    Working With Leading People


    With the advent of Technology and the different marketing techniques employment has been placed as one of the most vital prospects of an individual in a company or an organisation. However the differences in the employment among individuals are evident as a result of the differences in the skills and the potential of the different individuals. In this context Avon has been intensively studied to analyse the importance of team working in the company. The different parameters for employment including the legislations have been described with the final recommendations to improve the business status and the marketing of the company with respect to the development in their realms of Management.

    Task I

    [1.1] Preparing documentation for recruiting newer members

    Company Name:


    Job Role:

    Area Manager


    Plymouth Area Manager

    Description of the Job:

    You will be provided with the responsibility of manging the personnel under the company in the jurisdiction of South Devon-Plymouth. You will be provided with the management of a team that will be working under your supervision. Additional parameters include the weekly appraisal of the performances of the employees. These evaluations are needed to be made individually and are required to be presented to the Human Resource Manager of Avon.  


    £24,000 - £30,000 per annum

    Personal Specifications:

    You are required to have these presentable skills:

    · Good communication skills

    · Proficient in multi-languages and cultures

    · Candidates must be proficient in working with teams

    · Candidates must possess efficient leadership skills

    · Candidates with 2-4 years of experience will be preferred

    · Candidates must have a management degree from a recognised college

    Additional Skills:

    · Candidates are required to have a strong moral character and value

    · Candidates must be capable of managing time

    · Candidates must have the knowledge of finance and arte required to have a sound analytical skill

    · Candidates must be desirable to undertake decisions


    · Company Car pickup and drop facility

    · Rewards and Incentives

    · Chances of thorough evaluation of performances and promotions

    · Candidates will be provided with laptops

    · Chances of grabbing huge incentives


    [1.2] Assessing impacts of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations in the recruitment procedure

    The recruitment and selection process is important for the company, as the overall sales and the internal management of the company is dependent upon the types of individuals or the employees that have been recruited. During the recruitment process it is important for the company to maintain the legal standards by implementing the Data Protection Act 1998, Sex Discrimination Act and the Equality Act 2010. These acts ensure that the confidentiality of the information provided by the employees is not forecasted and that kept secret and the legislations also support the equal chances for the employment of both men and women in the company.

    Ethical considerations are important in this prospect as the differences in the cultures drives the way for the differences in the recruitments. In this prospect the Race Relations Act minimises the differences based on the race of the individual. This provides equal opportunities for both men women and the individuals of different castes, religion, cultures, creed and race to be employed in the company. Moreover if these legislations and their applications in the company of the organisation are employed to the employees that are being interviewed, strategic management may be easier to implement in the work force of the organisation.

    You may also visit: MN5F51FB Level 4 Working with Leading People Assignment Sample

    [1.3] Role in the selection and recruitment process(Refer to PPT)

    Fixing date

    The fixing of the date for the interview for recruitment of the Area manager is important, and this is commonly referred to as the first step in the role paly.  

    Recruiting proper interview panel

    It was important for the company to have an efficient interview panel. In this process the selection of the candidates for the company was achieved. The director of Avon the Managing Director of Avon and the sales executive of Avon have been included in the interview panel to host the interview (Bryde et al. 2013, p.975).

    Involvement of one shareholder

    Interviews were held according to the different questions that were previously framed in order to test the knowledge of the candidates that appeared for recruitment interviews. This allowed the interview board to conduct and extensive interview to select one of the better complements.


    It was useful for the company to incorporate one of the shareholders for the company. This allowed the individual to be concerned with the type and the quality of the individuals or the employees that are being recruited.


    Finally the appointment was provided to the candidates that best suited the legislations and the parameters of the company this was achieved after the final consultation with the members of the interview panel (Carter et al. 2013, p.945).

    [3.2] Explaining ways that may allow to cope with the team members and select one of the candidates over the other

    In this case, two candidates have been selected in terms of their curriculum vitae. Therefore, ambiguity arose in selection of one of the candidates over the other as circumstances that were evident were muddled (Crawford and Lepine, 2013, p.35). In the case of Candidate A, the application suggested that he had 5 years of experience in the marketing and sales department of another organisation in the UK. On the other hand, Candidate B had 6 years of experience as marketing and sales executive of two different companies in the UK. Another situation evident in this case was that, Candidate B had minor communication problems as he was not capable of speaking in other languages except English.

    On the other hand, Candidate A was proficient in 4 different languages in spite of having a year experience less than the Candidate B. Therefore, it was difficult in convincing the team members to establish the fact that the company requires experience as well as communication skills to execute their responsibilities efficiently. However, it was not evident in the case of Candidate B. In this case, I discussed with the team members about the need for the communication while communicating with the clients. Therefore, after a thorough discussion with the team members I was able to convince them for selecting Candidate A on account of his communication skills and experience.

    1.4 Explaining the probable reasons that lead to the ineffective and unfair recruitment practices while recruitment

    In the modern context of recruitment and selection processes of the different companies or organisations unfair practices are increasingly evident. The most probable reasons behind these unfair and ineffective practices are the lethargic attitudes by the human resource management and the other administrative authorities of the company of the organisation (Day et al. 2014, p.65). The foremost strategy that are needed to be employed include the acute surveillance of the areas that required the employment in the organisation and filtering out the most proficient individuals with the desired characters that fits the employment for the administrative post within the organisation.

    The unfair practices also include the lack of abiding by the legislations including the Data Protection Act, Equality Act and the Health and Safety AtWork Act, etc. In the context of the Human Resource Management the lethargic approach during the interview sessions and the lack of presence of the senior Board members during the interview are some of the other possible reasons that lead to the ineffective and unfair selection and recruitment in the company or the organisation.

    Task 2

    [2.1] Explaining the leadership skills and attributes

    In the modern context the business in the company depend on the leadership skills and attributes that are exhibited by the individuals in the context of good communication skillsthat are required to be exhibited with integrated intensity as compared to other companies. Communication skills are required for interacting with the customers as the company relies on door to door sales by the company executives. Management skills are often required in order to manage the time effectively keeping in mind the different objectives that I needed to be achieved (Greiner, 2015, p.120).  Corporation is equal to work effectively in teams to convey the ideas to the other members. Coordination skills are required to adjust versatile working within the team and have the instantaneous support of the team members at the times of emergency.Versatility is another important skill that is required to be presented within the individuals. It allows them to interact freely and act eventfully to any situation that can arise within a team. Therefore, in this context, it is important for the individuals to exhibit these skills and enforce the desired skills to be presented in the organisation to have the desired leadership skills.

    [2.2] Differences between Leadership and Management

    Leadership and Management are required to be present within the individuals in the organisation. Leadership and Management have different concepts. Leadership is defined as the ability to lead the people to have the desired outputs. It is mainly focussed in the methods of team working in the companies. Coordination between team members and the maintenance of regulations within the teams are required to be presented by the effective leader within the teams (Von Krogh et al. 2012, p,245).

    On the other hand, the management skills are different from the leadership skills including the fact that the handling of the officials and the professionals in the organisation are performed by the managers. Leadership skills may not be needed within all the team members of an organisation, however, the management skills are needed to be present within all the members of the team. Therefore, it has been proved that a number of advantages are required in this aspect including the time management and the effective use of the resources is carried out by the individuals that carry management skills.

    [2.3] Comparing various leadership styles

    One of the prime leadership styles as implemented by the managers of Avon is considered to be participative leadership. Under this leadership, it could be stared that based upon the situations, that managers as well as employees, possess different active roles and responsibilities while planning any particular event or during making of decisions (Vincent, 2016, p.14). Importance of this leadership style lies underneath taking up of active decisions that are required to be formulated by the company for ensuring and upgrading several opinions that might provide utmost level of satisfaction to the employees working up in the organisation.  However, modification of effective and productive plans is supposed to be decided by individual team leader or the department.

    According to Evans (2016, p.4), another potential leadership style that has been followed up by the managers of Avon can relate to the autocratic leadership. Under this style, principal decisions are made by higher delegates or authorities of the organisation. In such conditions, employees are left with no participants that could take active part in the process of making decisions and are supposed to strictly adhere to decisions and rules of Avon. These decisions are eventually adopted by Avon at the times of manpower or financial crises encountered by the company.

    [2.4] Explaining several ways of motivating staffs

    In order to motivate the employees or the staff, it is quite necessary for the company to insist upon improving the demanded quality of services and retention of the employees (Goodsett et al. 2016, p.340). Avon Company has received the degree of motivation through applying and implementing model of Maslow’s Hierarchy of distinguished needs. As per the statements of this theory, safety and security of employees are to be given the first priority by individual administration regarding health packages as well as checkups under the company.

    Esteem needs of several employees are provided by promotions and rewarding the employees which serve as a sufficient source of motivation in them. According to the observations of Richards and Armstrong (2016, p.45), psychological needs of employees are given by administration of trips, leaves along with food facilities of the company. Self-actualisation needs are supposed to be provided through underpinning the ability of different employees while taking part in the decision making procedures and hence allowing them for displaying their creative potentialities and skills in the workplace.

    Task 3: LO3

    [3.1] Assessing benefits of working as a team in Avon

    It could be observed that implications of working under Avon would merely mean sales through independent representatives or sellers. As per the observations of Armstead et al. (2016, p.181), team working possess ample benefits since the representatives have been observed to work with their full potential and capabilities when they work as a group. Advantages and mere benefits of working as a team would include effective interaction and communicating, enhanced level of customer satisfaction and increased specialisation of work.

    Working as a team or a group might enable employees of Avon Company for managing huge workload and work pressure within a qualified yet short time period. In the workings of Wallace (2016, p.55), he observed that customers might establish connections with the working professionals which enhances the cooperation and builds up an effective relationship among them. Team working efficiently enables or allows the team members to get well qualified in their own field of work by dividing the tasks or activities which in turns bring into more specification in the work. Moreover, effective strategies and planning could be facilitated along with increased volume of sales or production that might result in fetching company greater profits and revenues (Abfalter, 2013).

    [3.3] Reviewing effectiveness of working as a team to achieve goals

    There are several factors exist that assist to meet with effectiveness of team goals. They are as follows:

    Qualitative factors

    Qualitative factors are determines outcomes that are occurred from several actions which difficult to measures (Weiner, 2016). It includes following elements:

    • External reputation: Every manager need to know about decisions that are effect external reputation of the business (Mayyas, Qattawi and Omar, 2013). This factor determines various alternatives that take account to examining projected statements to assess changes that shows profitability in Avon.
    • Labour relations: Labour relations also need to develop less spending on employees that enhance profits. With the help of this factor, Avon can make effective team that save costs to enhance profitability. Hence, better results will be gain that increase pay for employees that are take place in firm (Taylor And et.al., 2015).  
    • Creditor effect: There are various managerial accounting figures released to the public so that qualitative information that are related to the chosen organisation revealed to creditors. It involves opening and closing of retail stores and rumours of new products, etc. (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015).

    Quantifiable factors

    Quantifiable factors are those that includes various outcomes and actions that could be measures in numbers or numeric terms. In Avon, managers can quantify the effects in the effective decisions which could be measure to develop performances (Mertens, 2014). It includes following elements:

    • Measurement of cost: Cost is effective element that could be measure in number. Therefore, in success of the business operations team work is incurred high cost so that it would be beneficial to create positive results at workplace (McGill, 2014).
    • Measurement of revenue: Revenue is results that occur through making expenses at workplace. In this way, the chosen firm need to assess total revenue that would be beneficial to develops positive results (Ferrao and Ansari, 2015).
    • Measurement of non financial data: Non financial data are another factor that would be create effective results to assess the material cost that would be decreasing due to continuous production. In addition to this, when Avon implement new equipments it is also diminished to implement new things at workplace (Ulrich And et.al., 2016).

    As per the evidences, it could be stated that increase in the volume of sales is potentially available for Avon Company provided stability in team working is exerted by the members of a team or group (Martin and Siebert, 2016, p.65). Strategic planning and efficiency in making decisions also adds in the productivity of the company that ultimately increases the overall performance of the company. Division of work allows the representatives to reach to wider range of customers by visiting different customers simultaneously who potentially result in robust growth in the sales and profits of the company.

    According to the statements of Popescu and Predescu (2016, p.273), increase in approach to the customers might result in enhancing communication among the users and working professionals that produce forming up of relationships among them. Hence, elements of brand loyalty as well as customer satisfaction by receiving the delivery fo authentic products and services are improved.

    Task 4: LO4

    [4.1] Planning assessment for identifying development needs of ‘Avon manager’






    Reflective Assessment

    This would enable managers to realise about the present potential skills and capabilities and formulate their own professional as well as personal development plan based on the identification of loopholes in them.



    Evaluation Statement

    This is essential for supervising, devising future plans in order to improve or develop skills. Hence, it is quite significant to be maintained by the Human Resource Management of Avon.  

    Feedbacks from subordinates


    On receiving feedbacks from the subordinates, the store managers can gain reflective statements that would deliver them ideas about efficiencies and capabilities of managers and planning strategies based on them.


    Analysis with other managers

    In order to analyse performances, work efforts and skills of the store managers, separate departments must persist in the company. It would provide the details by keeping appropriate records about the skills and performances.

    Table 1: Plan for assessing development needs

    [4.3] Evaluating success of assessment process

    Evaluation of the performance of all the employees is considered to be significant and is efficiently maintained by the company. This is because since it allows the company to gain desired work from the existing employees and recognise their work field. Provided, these conditions are satisfied, it might lead to enhancement in the performance of the whole company since it would be reflected through the working of each of the individuals employed in the company. Another potential method could be considered as screening of supervisors’ along with their responsibilities, duties and roles in their respective departments. This could provide essential as well as additional criteria for evaluating the individual performance of managers and employees of Avon Company as well.

    Through appropriate and perfect assessment of these fields by conducting team meetings as well as annual meetings of the company, efficiency and productivity levels of the employees might increase and henceforth improve the process of assessment. In addition to the above, it could be stated that deployment of incentives provided depending upon the level of performance and the quality of services delivered by the working professional might occur at the workplace. Providing benefits that are additional along with the rewards might improve process of assessment for the organisation or the company.


    It may be deduced by the above study, that several codes of conduct and legislations those which are prepared at local, national and organisational level must be incorporated by the existing and newly hired workers of the company in order to recruit more employees further. Moreover, it could be also seen that employees shall possess skills up gradation to gain beneficial opportunities in their respective companies. It has bee equivalently noted that skills attained through team working as well as upraising leadership doubles the net productivity of company as a whole along with the responsible team since huge amount of activities are accomplished within a limited time span. As a homework helper, it's very hard to recognize the importance of these factors in promoting a conducive work environment and supporting professional growth.


    • Abfalter, D., 2013. Authenticity and respect: Leading creative teams in the performing arts. Creativity and innovation management. 22(3). pp.295-306.
    • Armstead, C. And et.al., (2016). Groups vs. Teams: Which One Are You Leading?. Nurse Leader, 14(3), pp.179-182.
    • Bryde, D., Broquetas, M. and Volm, J.M., (2013). The project benefits of building information modelling (BIM). International Journal of Project Management, 31(7), pp.971-980.
    • Carter, M. Z. And et.al., (2013). Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(7), pp.942-958.
    • Crawford, E.R. and Lepine, J.A., (2013). A configural theory of team processes: Accounting for the structure of taskwork and teamwork. Academy of Management Review, 38(1), pp.32-48.
    • Day, D.V. And et.al., (2014). Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25years of research and theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp.63-82.
    • Evans, J.P., (2016). Taking the tiger by the tail: Leading effective tiger teams and working groups on flight projects. In Aerospace Conference, 2016 IEEE (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
    • Ferrao, M. M. and Ansari, A., 2015. A Comparative Study on Credit card usage behavior across leading private sector banks. Reflections-Journal of Management. 4.

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