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    MN5F51FB Level 4 Working with Leading People Assignment Sample


    Working with leading people simply means to work those who have ability to handle and control all tasks and activities in best possible manner. In an organisation, responsibility of these persons is to provide proper guidance or direction while accomplishing any task or activity. In a large scale association, there is required a systematic leadership who can manage all functions effectively and also able to make optimal utilisation of available resources (Alloway, Bibile and Lau, 2013). The present assignment help is based upon C & J Clark international Ltd., its a British based multinational Shoe manufacturer and retailer company that established in 1825. The firm offers its products and services over the world thus it requires those people who have enough capability to lead entire working procedures in systematic way. The report is going to be described entire concept of recruitment & selection and various leadership styles which can motivate staff members to work effectively.

    Task 1

    1.1 Documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff

    There is required certain documents while recruitment and selection process thus collect and keep proper records of all candidates. HR manager of the company wants all activities and tasks should be done in proper manner then he or she focus on hiring those people who have effective skills and capabilities. Following documents are required to select or recruit new employee, such as -


    There is a vacancy of Store manager in C. & J Clark international Ltd.

    Post – Store manager

    Type of Role – Permanent

    Report to – Branch manager and other senior managers.

    Salary – Up to £22,000

    Main Purpose of the job – To be responsible for strategic direction and effective management of stores and its trading activities. The person will be liable to support, coach and empower each employee within store in order to attain company's goals and objectives through service excellence, example setting etc.

    Roles and Responsibilities -

    · Demonstrate leadership skills and sense of urgency to meet company's goals and objectives.

    · Demonstrate and support employees to adhere to company's policies, expectations and standards to maximize sales and profitability.

    · Communicate solutions, suggestions and ideas to make changes for better.

    Person Specification

    Job Title

    Store manager

    Details of job

    Responsible for ensuring that all business activities are managed in proper manner. Motivate staff members to manage positive working environment.


    Should be graduate and post graduate

    Strong knowledge of finance and accounting.


    Minimum 2 years of experience in store handling and retail marketing.


    Leadership, customer focus, accountability & dependability, decision making & judgement.

    Further documents are also required at the time of joining, such as -

    • Qualification documents
    • Extra-curricular activities certificate if any
    • Identify proof
    • Passport size photo

    Suggested: Working With Leading People | Working An Organizations

    1.2 Impact of legal and ethical considerations to the enlisting & selection process

    Certain laws and legislations need to be followed by HR manager of C. & J Clark international Ltd. in recruitment process. The person has to be aware with such laws and properly followed them while recruiting people. Below is defined brief description of such legal and ethical consideration -

    • The Equality Act 2010 – The law was introduced with an aim to eradicate discrimination between employees at the time of hiring (Arnold, Fletcher and Molyneux, 2012). The equality act states that employer will not make any discrimination on the basis of caste, race, religion and color etc. So, while Clarks will conduct recruiting process it should give equal chance to all people.
    • Equal Pay Act 1970 – The law signifies that employees who works at same position should be provide equal remuneration. It helps in motivating and encouraging people to show their efficiency in best possible manner. While formulating pay-rolls, HR manager of Clarks needs to make sure that employees at same level are treated in well being manner.

    1.3 Take part in the selections process

    My role as a HR manager -

    As a HR manager, I have responsibility to take participate in recruitment and selection activities of the company. In Clarks, presently there is a vacancy of Store manager. Thus, I need to ensure that all tasks should properly conducted and right people get placed at right post. Following steps will taken while selecting suitable candidates -

    • Selecting the recruitment and selection team – Top management of the company decides who will be involved in recruitment and selection process. We are a team of 5 members while selection of new Store manager within organization.
    • Short listing the candidates – In this stage, team will identify a pool of large applicants from various sources then shortlisted few people who have goods skills and competencies to perform the job.
    • Interview session – Afterwards, shortlisted candidates called for interview sessions through which our team can decide whether or not the person is suitable for job. I also formulate certain common question to check intellectual skills of individuals.
    • Final appointment – At last, Recruitment team selects final candidate for the job and offer them appointment letter for the same.


    Candidate’s Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________________ Interviewed By: ________________________________

    Scoring Candidate evaluation forms are to be completed by the interviewer to rank the candidates overall qualifications for the position.

    Under each heading the interviewer should give the candidate a numerical rating and write specific job related comments in the space provided. The numerical rating system is based on the following:

    5 – Exceptional 4 – Above Average 3 – Average 2 – Satisfactory 1 – Unsatisfactory

    Educational Background – Does the candidate have the appropriate educational qualifications or training for this position?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Prior Work Experience – Has the candidate acquired necessary skills or qualifications through past work experiences?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Technical Qualifications/Experience – Does the candidate have the technical skills necessary for this position?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Administrative and budgetary experience: financial planning, staff supervision, management of resources – Does the candidate demonstrate the knowledge of these areas necessary for this position?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Leadership Ability – Did the candidate demonstrate the leadership skills necessary for this position?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Customer Service Skills – Did the candidate demonstrate the knowledge and skills to create a positive customer experience/interaction necessary for this position?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Communication Skills – How were the candidate’s communication skills during the interview?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Candidate Enthusiasm – How much interest did the candidate show in the position?

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Overall Impression and Recommendation – Final comments and recommendations for proceeding with this candidate.

    Rating: 1 2 3 4 5


    Interview questions to be formed by HR manager of Clarks -

    Following is given some specific questions asked by the HR managger of the company, such as -

    · What are your main strength and weaknesses?

    · What tasks, when executed incorrectly, directly impact sales?

    · How would you teach a colleague how to close the register?

    · Describe the inventory process at your previous store. What are the necessary steps?

    · How would you address shrink in your store?

    · What’s the most important decision you make every day as a store manager?

    Role of a candidate who is applying for job role -

    As an applicant, I am applying for the post of Store Manager in Clarks, it is my duty to get brief description about the job thus to recognize what roles and responsibilities I need to be performed in future. Before going to job interview, I need to carry out my CV, higher educational certificate, pass port size photo, experience letter and further other documentations. It will put good impact on HR manager of the company.

    CV of candidate 1: -

    Name – Maxine curry

    Store manager

    Summary – Having a 7+ years of experience in multinational company as a Store manager. Responsible for the store's product section, goal setting, visual merchandising, financial targets and for developing the shops online retail strategy.

    Duties –

    · Promoting efficiency within all areas of the store in order to attain service standards in line within company's expectations.

    · Completing all store administrative records and ensuring total compliance with related policies and procedures.

    · Making sure that colleagues and specifically the retail assistants to develop and manage online store shops.

    Professional skills -

    · Creating a happy and relaxed atmosphere at workplace in which people feel good,n

    · Can recognise and meet and exceed the various need of every person.

    · Have a flexible approach to working in line with needs of stores.

    · Adhering at all times to strictest interpretation of relevant codes

    Academic qualification -

    · Master in business management (2010)

    · Bachelors in business management (2007)

    CV of candidate 2


    Email -

    Summary – Resourceful assistant store manager equipped with extensive experience in retail management and sales. Employs an excellent leadership skills and multi tasking strnegth.
    Highlights -

    Inventory management

    Sales coaching

    Focus on service and result

    Recruitment and training


    Business development

    Experience – Having a 7+ years in as an assistant store executive.

    Qualification – Bachelor in business management (2013)


    After comparing CV of both candidates, HR manager of Clarks determine that both people are best at their place and befitted for the job of Store manager. But in respect of choosing one so that I would like to give preference to candidate 1 as firstly the person has defined all of its skills and duties in briefly in CV. Another one is, the person has worked with reputed company and also completed Master degree it shows that knowledge of this person is more instead of second person. Therefore, I would prefer candidate 1 for the job of Store manager.

    3.2 Demonstration of selecting one application and dealing with team members conflict as well

    As per the give scenario, recruitment team of Clarks has selected two members A and B for the job. Although both have similar skills, qualification and experience as per the job criteria. This puts recruitment team into dilemma as they have to select only one candidate; it may arises conflicts among team members. Therefore, as a HR manager its my responsibility to tackle this situation and give suitable suggestions for the same. I applied middle class approaches thus to stop disputes and select best one candidate.

    • In this manner, firstly I need to go through with CV of both candidates and evaluate carefully their skills, capabilities, past experience and achievements. Then, one who is more superior will be preferred.
    • Afterwards, I will called both applicants for re-interview and assess their leadership, managerial and decision making skills through giving them a role play. It will support me to chose the best one.

    1.4 Evaluation of own contribution in the process of selections

    HR manager of the company plays a vital role in selection process. Here, my responsibility is to collect all necessary documents, i.e. CV, identity proof, job description etc. In order to get large pool of applications, advertisements are also posted on company's website, newspapers and job portals. Afterwards, all candidates must told about the entire job profile through a job description. People who will come for face to face interaction must be judge on th basis of skills and expertise knowledge.

    I personally take interview of each candidate thus to ensure that effective people can be selected. Since knowing their skills, adequate individuals will put on hold thus to selected best one among them. I would also ensure that there will no discrimination or partiality among people on the ground of sex, colour, caste, religion, race etc.

    Task 2

    2.1 Explain the skills and attributes needed for leadership

    Clarks is needed a great leader who is enough capable to direct entire workforce in systematic manner. Having an effective leaders, refereed organization can easily attain its goals and objectives. Below is given certain necessary skills and attributes require for leadership -

    • Honesty – It is one of the foremost skills for leader, by having this attribute leaders of Clarks can easily deal with their employees. Honesty and transparency also develops a strong interpersonal relationship between leaders and their followers.
    • Decision making abilities – Having instant decision making skills within individuals helps them to become future leaders; such abilities also helps people to grab opportunities which are beneficial for firm (Azhar, 2011). Sometimes, while recruiting employees there is required to take effective and critical decisions.
    • Communication skills – Job of a leader is to convey message top to bottom and bottom to top management. In Clarks, leaders should have strong communication skills as they can interact within departments and determine best solution of problems.

    2.2 Explain the difference between leadership and management

    Most of people confused with leadership and management, they thought both are similar. But it is to be noted that these elements are completely variant from each other. In Clarks, leaders and managers perform different roles.



    Leaders are having accountability of generating attractive and innovative ideas so that Clarks can generate new and unique products.

    Mangers on the other hand have duty of examining that ideas are correct or not. They make plans how to apply such ideas or thoughts.

    Leadership skills can be achieved after training and development assistance (Bush and Middlewood, 2013).

    Whereas managerial skills comes automatically in a person with experience and over the time.

    For example – In Clarks, team leads give appropriate solutions of problems and focus on how to make tasks more effective.

    For example – As a HR manager in Clarks my responsibility is to apply various concepts that can make a job perfect and helps firm to achieve its goals and objectives.

    2.3 Compare leadership styles for different situations

    There are many leadership styles can be adopted by mangers Clarks in order to accomplish their working activities in best possible manner.

    Autocratic leadership styles

    Democratic leadership style

    In this leadership styles, only leaders or managers have authority to take any kind of business decision. Autocratic leadership styles is only used where there is an ample range of employees are working thus the leadership style is acquire to manage each and everything in proper manner (Mendenhall, 2012)

    Here, leaders also involves their subordinates in decision making process. They allowed their followers to give ideas or suggestions to make any working activity best.

    For example – when there is confusion between selection of two employees, as the HR manager of the Clarks was only responsible for re-examine the plan and take last decision.

    For example – in recruitment process of new store manage there is confusion between candidate A and B thus the entire recruitment committee was liable for selecting the best one candidate. All people were involved in re-evaluating CV and other skills of both candidates.





    Autocratic and democratic leadership style

    The autocratic and democratic style values speed, focus, and certainty. In both styles, thoroughness, participation, and consensus are treated as priority.

    In addition, Democratic and autocratic leadership styles are very different in their intent, the level of expertise of the employees and the environment where the leadership style is most effective.

    An Autocratic leader is involved in power and decision-making to himself whereas Democratic leaders ate characterised by consultation with their subordinates and also involve them in formulation of plans and policies.

    2.4 Ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives

    Employee motivation plays a lead role in growth and success of the firm; it helps attaining and retaining people at workplace for long run. In order to do this, managers are required to properly understand basic needs of employees and try to fulfil them in best possible manner (Mayfield, 2014). Therefore, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory can be suitable for Clarks' for motivating staff members to attain its goals and objectives -

    • Psychological needs – There are certain biological requirements of human beings, i.e. food, drink, air, shelter etc. as if such needs of employees are not satisfied then they cannot function in well being manner. For example – managers of Clarks needs to give proper breaks and eating opportunities to employees.
    • Safety needs – These urges involve physical, environmental and emotional safety and protection from negative aspects of society in which people live. For example – job security, financial security, health security etc.
    • Social needs – it encompasses need for love, care, affection etc. Social needs of employees link with encouraging teamwork and conduct social events.
    • Esteem needs – Every individual wants self respect, achievements, rewards, competencies, power, status, admiration and so on things. For Example – managers can inspire employees to perform well through giving them rewards and appreciate them (Lev, 2013).
    • Self actualization needs – It means realizing personal experience, seeking personal development, self fulfillment and peak experience. Managers can give staff members challenging jobs in which the employees’ skills and competencies are fully utilized.

    Task 3

    3.1 Advantages of team working for Clarks

    It is advice to companies that they need to increase teamwork within organizations so as to accomplish all tasks and activities in best possible manner. Teamwork has an important role in performing all working practices and also helps in determining various ideas or suggestions towards a specific problems (Chen and et. al., 2014). Along with this, in Clarks teamwork bring effective growth of employees as well as business organization because when people work together brainstorming comes into existence. Combining unique perspective from each team members is liable for generating effective selling solution which leads high profitability and revenues.

    Working together builds trust between entire team that raise strong relationship between all team members; trusting employees renders a feeling of safety which permits ideas to emerge. It supports staff members to open up and inspire each other.

    3.3 Effectiveness of team while achieving goals

    Employers of Clarks is facing various adverse situations within organization and it also assign responsibilities to people for resolving all such issues. In this context, all managers are required to formulate certain teams and ordered them to identify most appropriate solution of business problems. Therefore, teamwork helps in determining various ideas and thoughts thus to generate innovative and qualitative products; it results company will easily attain its production targets. In addition to this, performing in a team supports employees' to improve their abilities; it also raise speed of working that leads enhancement of production and performance level of the company (Drennan, 2012). Thus, higher production aids Clarks to achieve its goals and objectives in a certain time period. On the other side, working with others help individuals to recognize numerous ways to work as it is liable for personal development of staff members. Such activities improvise quality of work or task within association.

    Task 4

    4.1 Factors involved in planning and monitoring

    Planning and monitoring is a critical task of managers which has to be done carefully. In context of Clarks, HR managers develop certain plans and monitor them carefully before execution. Several factors are getting involved in planning and evaluating work performance of employees which are clearly defined under beneath -

    • Learning style of employees – While planning and monitoring process, HR manager of Clarks needs to ensure that employees use effective learning style; selection of learning styles based upon employees' understanding, abilities and knowledge level.
    • Sample methods – There are various methods that supports to control or tackle employees effectively; it helps in attaining firm's goals and objectives in a certain time period (Goffee and Jones, 2013).
    • Performance evaluation – Store manager appointed by the company has obligation to continuously check performance level of staff members and provide them effective ideas to improve the same. Although, performance can be measured on weekly, quarterly, and monthly basic so that firm can attain its goals and objectives.
    • Interview – In planning process of recruitment, interviews provide assistance in determining skills and knowledge level of candidates thus best one alternative can be selected.
    • Analysis of clients and customers – It is also essential for Clarks to analyse customer base and their needs and wants then current plans of the firm will be measured on the basis of same. It increase customer value for the company and draw wide range of clients towards it.

    4.2 Plan and deliver the development needs of individuals

    It is well known that Clarks is one of the most popular company of footwear for men, women and children. In order to grow and diversify more, firm is required to focus on development of its employees' as they can improve their skills and abilities. In this relation, an effective plan should be developed to fulfill development urges of staff members.

    Below is given development needs of Store manager of Clarks, such as -

    • Firstly, managers have to focus on assessing current skills and capabilities of store manager. It helps in determining focal point from where training will be started (Goleman, 2010).
    • Second stage refers that employer have to idenitify training or learning method that is befitted in current scenario. In Clarks, off the job training is most suitable method for developing existing skills of employees.
    • Afterwards, they are required make an assessment plan and set learning objectives.
    • In this stage, managers have to demonstrate all adverse points which can affect development or training program thus it can cured on or before time.
    • At last, measuring the effectiveness of development by comparing previous and current knowledge level of new employees.

    However, at this time there is also needed to observe all necessary resources and techniques which helps in executing the plan. It can be done through by eradicating all emerging obstacles.

    Plan for development needs of Store manager of Clarks -

    • Job description – While identifying developing needs of a Store manager of the company, managers should check out job description in order to determine the whether or not the person has all required skills and abilities to performed specific tasks and activities. Although, criteria in a job description aids managers establish the level of performance (desired competencies) for that position. In context of store manager in Clarks, the person should have good leadership skills and sense of urgency to meet company's goals, support employees to adhere to company's policies, expectations and standards to maximize sales and profitability. He should be also able to communicate solutions, suggestions and ideas to make changes for better. It is recognized that the store manager is not able to influence all employees of the company to follow all standards and policies. Thus, there is required to trained the person in this section.
    • Competency Standards – After this, HR manager is required to sets of standards that outline the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out specific tasks. These standards describe the personal skills, attitudes, technical skills, knowledge and attributes of Store manager of Clarks to effectively and efficiently undertake the day-to-day tasks of their work function.
    • Performance Reviews – In order to review performance level of the person, different formal sessions are conducted once in a year so as to discuss performance and professional development needs. A performance review will help to determine skill and knowledge gaps and is an opportunity to develop a learning plan for the next 12 months. For example – after review the performance of new store manager, it is determine the person is not to influence other that means there is lack of leadership skills. For this purpose, General manager of the company decided to provide training and job enlargement sessions to people thus to make improvements in the field.

    4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process

    This is fundamental for the company manager to evaluate the success of assessment plan by implementing various methods. An assessment process can be measured through opting tools and techniques that are mentioned as below:

    Feedback and Disciplinary: It is one of the best technique or method to assess success of assessment process which involves that store manager of the company take feedback from top management as well as the person will also take reviews from employees who have been involved at the time of training session.

    Appraisal and Promotion: Managers can also assess success of assessment plan through employee appraisals and promotions, because only those employees will be promoted who's knowledge and skills level actually improved in training sessions (Heath, 2012). It is beneficial for Clarks as well as its employees for their personal growth.

    Measuring individuals Productivity: Execution of assessment procedure will help in increasing the productivity of store manager of the company. In order to measure the success of the plan, managers can look out performance and productivity of each and every employee the provide them personal guidance. Individuals productivity can be also measured through face to face interaction with all workers.

    Following is given tools which helps in evaluating success of assessment plan -

    • CSI - Critical Success Factors comprises with those areas in which necessary steps are taken where high performance or success is important that is success of a business. CSI elements are vital for succession of a business strategy and objectives can be attained in proper manner.
    • KPI – Key performance indicators is a metrics that is acquired in order to quantify management objectives. It helps in measuring achievement of critical success factors. These objectives and factors are enable measure performance of each members thus to provide them feedback and reviews accordingly.


    From the above mentioned report, it get analyzed business organizations are required to work with leading people who have enough capabilities to do all tasks and activities in the best possible manner. Along with this, certain documentations, i.e. job and person specifications are required in recruitment process whereas HR manager of company must follow various legal and ethical considerations while hiring. There are two main types of leadership styles, i.e. autocratic and demonstrate which aids in providing right path to employees as they work accordingly. Leadership is used to direct employees whereas management works to manage entire activities at workplace. Furthermore, teamwork also plays a vital role in systematic completion of entire work in given time period.


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    • Bush, T and Middlewood, D., 2013. Leading and managing people in education.

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