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    HR7003 Palliative - Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information Level 5 University of East London


    In today's era of immense competition the success and growth of a firm depends upon decision making capability and efficiency of business. Gaining information is essential as it acts as backbone of firm it b

    The assignment will discuss how Costa Coffee perfectly blends up information and knowledge with effective communication network to take business related decisions. It will also discuss how company ideny analysing this company get the knowledge about the market scenario, competitor strategies, taste and preference of people etc. which further needs to be effectively communicated to formulate appropriate and most distinctive strategies to cope up with frequently achieving market environment (Barak, 2016).

    Costa Coffee is world's renowned multinational coffee house company which was established in 1971with its base in Dunstable, UK. The chain operates more than 3401 stores throughout 31 countries.tifies it stakeholders and involve them in decision making process to develop business connections with them. Moreover it will also brief about communication process Costa Coffee uses along with advising various ways to enhance its effectiveness.

    Task 1

    1.1 Range of decisions taken by Costa Coffee

    In order to be figurehead in market and to achieve and edge over competitors it is essential for a business to be very calculative in its decision making by planning out its day to day activities and setting out targets at various functional levels for achieving a specified outcome within set time frame to enhance profitability and growth of business. For making its marketing strategies effective an enterprise divides its business planning decision process into three levels i.e. strategic decision, operational decision and tactic decisions (Beebe and Masterson, 2014). The strategic levels decisions are the most important decisions having long term impact on business and involves major actions to be taken by top management which are related to companies policies, procedures or operations. For instance Costa Coffee strategic decisions involves the recent decision taken related to business expansion strategy with particular focus on China and Asia Pacific regions. The tactic decisions are taken by middle level management to implement strategic decisions and generally involves planning work flows, finding out problems related to particular process etc. For instance in Costa Coffee tactic decisions related to exploiting various market segments in China and Asia Pacific so as to penetrate the market by identifying most appropriate target audience to enhance brand growth. The operational decisions requires less business judgement and is related to day to day working in accordance with nature of events. For instance, in Costa Coffee in reference to their business expansion plan the lower level managers formulates strategies like exploring information related to various methods that could be adopted using technology (Caballero, Honeywell International Inc., 2015). These includes adapting various mobile apps for promoting their brand in selected target audience to enhance their sales.

    1.2 Information required to ensure effective judgement taking

    Information forms the key factor which helps an organisation to gain knowledge of actual market situation that facilitates efficient and effective decision making by a firm. In case of Costa Coffee requires mentioned below information for plan out decisions on its various strategies and issues:-

    • Competitors:- Firms in this industry are prone to entry and exit barriers as huge infrastructure and branding cost are involves to set up With presence of a number of local, national and international competitors like Starbucks it impacts the average revenue per customer for the firm. Also, as coffee culture is still a new trend in developing countries Costa Coffee have to carefully take decisions related to its market strategies ( Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis, 2015).
    • Customer Inclination:- It determine analysing the needs and wants of customers so that market could be captured and served by catering customers demands. In a country like UK which earlier used to have tea culture Costa Coffee manges to reverse tendency of customers resulting in people now preference both tea and coffee.
    • Market:- Information related to market reveals current trends prevailing in business environment related to taste and preferences, quality and distinctiveness of products and services offered by a firm. Along with its target audience. Costa Coffee target age group of 15-45 years who likes to experiment with new and innovative blended beverages offered by company.

    1.3 External as well as internal sources of information and understanding

    Internal Sources:- The most prominent internal source of information is sales records of Costa Coffee in various markets which help in analysing customer response to various new and existing coffee flavour variations offered by company (Coombs and Holladay, 2011). It also includes customer related records having information related to various demographic factors of consumers group and their feedbacks, balance sheets and employee's details and behaviour etc. that can be utilized for making decisions related to various business operations like4 marketing strategies, new product development etc.

    External sources:- These are the sources which are related to outside business but have a great impact on firms operations. It constitutes data related to government webs portals that can be used to generate information related to regulatory norms including taxes rates, social media statistics specific to UK that can give a brief about customers experiences, competitors services and offers and market, various research papers and journals revealing market conditions and scope of expansion etc.

    1.4 Recommendation for improvements

    Although Costa Coffee is one of the leading coffee shop brand but with emergence of many competitors like Starbucks it sales has been affected significantly as its sales fallen out by 1.5% in UK,2018. Thus, there are certain areas that company is advised and recommended to improve its profitability and performance. One of the most prominent thing analysed through various customers surveys is that company's relation management is considered as the strategic requirement that needs to improves to enhance its performance, growth, competitiveness and ultimately to improves customer loyalty for the organization (Coombs, 2014). CRM also requires reliance over the high technology and stalking consumers. Moreover company is in urgent need to provide training to its staff to be well versed with company's menu and to improve their skills required to deal with customers so as to provide them with delight. It is seen that customers are shifting towards competitors products as they are having various shops and franchises and thus company requires to develop effective strategies like opening more outlets in drive through and other travelled locations which will definitely attract more people .

    Task 2

    2.1 Various stakeholders for the process of decision making

    The decision making process of Costa Coffee involves a detailed study related to number of stakeholders so that essential information and understanding can be achieved to sustain in market or to enhance the business processing.

    1. Customers: Customers forms the key stakeholders on the basis of which the success and failure of a firm depends. Costa Coffee before launching or introducing its new beverages or menu needs to analysed its target audience, their needs and preferences so as to provide them with better and quality services (Gailloux and et. al., 2012).
    2. Shareholders: The company is strongly advocate for CSR movements. In context for same company needs to have an account about interest of its shareholders as they are major contributor in investments and new ventures of organizationals. By involving its shareholders in its strategies formation and decision making process company ensure that there is no mismatch ideas and principles of shareholders with business which may affects its operations.
    3. Government: Various laws and legislations of UK government incorporated for business processes and employee welfare greatly affect the decision making of firm. Costa Coffee has to make its local policies related to specific product and marketing strategies on basis of various government legislations (Harvey and Allard, 2015).
    4. Employees: Employees are ultimate ambassadors of a brand that represents company's values and culture. Thus, management of firm put special focus on are finally accomplished with employees. Therefore, the management of Costa Coffee put special emphasis on its employees encouraging even small sustainable success and motivating them to give their best efforts for providing consumer a satisfactory service experience.
    5. Competitors:- Various approach and marketing plans and strategies adopted by business rivals can be analysed for planning out a unique pricing , product and other marketing strategies that can provide an edge over them (Keller, Parameswaran and Jacob, 2011).

    2.2 Various Channels of communications to invite stakeholders

    In order to maintain contact with stakeholders in business, Costa Coffee can make us two most cost effective communication medium which are reliable and faster than traditional approaches:-

    Mails:- With the emergence of new and fast technology rather than posting mails that was time consuming and expensive, business can opt for sharing information through emails that is cost effective and fast mode to invite stakeholders personally. Emails forms a good medium as through it company can reach out specific stakeholders within short duration for sharing information related to new product specifications such as its pricing, features and so on. It forms a good choice as it also help in maintaining confidentiality (Morgan, Pritchard and Pride, 2011).

    Website: Official websites in addition to many other social media can be utilized to reach out various stakeholders of firm. It forms a good source to provide full description to stakeholders about new product that is to be launched along with making a personal communication with them. It also helps in building and improving customer relationship in business by asking their reviews and feedbacks. Moreover employees and customers can be encouraged to attend an event by inviting them through public advertisements.

    2.3 Interest and feedback of stakeholder

    To maintain a regular connection and to gather information related to interests different stakeholders Costa Coffee can make use of various advance and popular online tools such as video conferencing, mailing, social web communication, messaging to reach out its stakeholders like consumers, employees and other business partners. With the popularity of social media it has emerged as an effective way to get opinion about new and exciting products and services given, feedbacks for areas of improvements and so on. Online applications along with various websites can be used to have an overview of interests and feedbacks of stakeholders in particular.

    The internal resources comprising employees and shareholders can be involved in decision making process by organizing meetings and events where they can share their ideas and give suggestions. Costa Coffee should also develop its public relations for disseminating information related to business to its stakeholders.

    2.4 Strategy for new product development – Costa Coffee

    For a business to maintain effective and close connections with its stakeholders it is of vital significance to develop appropriate strategies for the success of business and its products and services in the long run. To make an new product development launch success is it essential to make it interesting for customers and other participants by engaging them in event. Costa coffee can adopt for digital advertising on internet which one of the most attractive ways to reach out target audience and market. By posting videos and audio to publicise the brand a company should strives to spread message to every corner of UK market. This will be help in building up first impression to be massive and impactful leading to initialling wining confidence of UK customers groups. The company can also organize a musical performance by some legendary singer to draw the attention of media as well which will give a hike to brand image (Norman, and et. al., 2013)

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    Task 3

    3.1 Current communication structure and system- Costa Coffee

    Currently Costa Coffee UK follow a vertical control system for controlling an decision making process. It has a formal communication system which ensures that information flows smoothly, timely and accurately. Company mainly make use of emails and bulletin boards fro communicating important information related top product and services. Costa Coffee UK maintains a centralized information system where all details regarding product is uploaded and feed for easy and quick reference by anyone who requires it. Top management make use of video conferencing and other video chat apps like Skype for conversing and sharing information to it various officials and stakeholders presented at various different locations worldwide. For intimating its employees for meeting and conference sin advance firm use telephonic calls or emails. Company also make use of various security measure like firewall and jammers to remove any scope of leakage of internal information to outside firm. Employees make use of apps like whtsapp having encryption feature for exchanging short text messages (Paterson-Jones and et. al., 2012) .

    3.2 Methods to improve the current communication mediums between Costa Coffee UK and the local community.

    The company could make use of various cost effective channels of communication to get in touch with its customers to know about their taste and preferences. can provide facilities like chat services to know the interests and feedbacks from customers. Also with emerging popularity of social media apps like Facebook company can make use of it for sending promotional offers and information related to upcoming new products, outlets etc. to its consumers. Company can keep record of its consumers email address and could use it for sending newsletters launched in markets time to time. All this will add on to building a positive image and relationship between company and its consumers (Whetten and Cameron, 2014).

    3.3 implementation plans to improvise the current communication: Costa Coffee

    In order to maintain close relationship with local community people company should hold interactive sessions with customers groups so that they can get opinions about there existing products and what would they will like to try next. Costa Coffee should provide special training to its staff to cater needs and aspirations of its customers. Moreover company could launch nation wide points based programme where cardholders will receive tactical communication throughout year. The firm should also adhere by its CSR by sponsoring local high colleges so that younger generations of consumers could be encouraged in joining in management giving innovative and creative ideas for better customer services. Thus, a good communication channel helps in promoting brand image and work done by Costa Coffee throughout across world leading to building up of positive brand image of Costa.

    3.4 Personal plan to improve your own communication skills.

    To be proficient in interpersonal and communication skills I have been attending various workshops related to p[personality development and vocational training that would assist me in interacting with customers in efficient manner. I am also working upon enhancing my listening skills so that I could catch up quickly with customers requirements without wasting time and mincing words (Wirtz and et. al., 2013). Besides I am also working over to develop British accent in m English to make local dialects more clear and understandable to consumers. As there is lot of written communication involved in communicating with various stakeholders through emails I am also polishing my writing skills besides working on my grammar as well to avoid any grammatical error. I know the importance of tone modulation while speaking to convey various emotions an state of mind and learning to develop it as well (Yoder-Wise, 2014).

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    Task 4


    The above report undertaken concludes that how efficient and cost effective communication is of vital importance for the success of firm. It also discuss different types of decision to be taken by a firm along with effectiveness and sources. It also determine the organizational communication structure followed by Costa Coffee and suggest methods to improve and enhance it with proper implementation. Moreover it analysis improvement stratgies that should be implemented for information management in organization.


    • Barak, M. E. M., 2016. Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.
    • Beebe, S. A. and Masterson, J. T., 2014. Communicating in small groups: Principles and practices. Pearson Higher Ed.
    • Caballero, A., Honeywell International Inc., 2015. Managing data communication between a peripheral device and a host. U.S. Patent 9,047,420.
    • Clegg, S. R., Kornberger, M. and Pitsis, T., 2015. Managing and organizations: An introduction to theory and practice. Sage.
    • Coombs, W. T. and Holladay, S. J., 2011. Managing corporate social responsibility: A communication approach. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Coombs, W. T., 2014. Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding. Sage Publications.
    • Gailloux, M. A. and et. al., 2012. Managing communication network capacity. U.S. Patent 8,135,388.

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