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Managing Communication
Introduction to Managing Communication
The actively managing organizational knowledge can bring stimulation change in the culture of organization and fosters innovation by flow of idea sharing. Role of communication is very significant in managing the knowledge and information in the organization. Thus, motivation and communication strategies are very important at the workplace. It is thus imperative to create an environment in the organization which gives an impression of careful business planning, manpower retention and flexibility.
With the help of this business report, the understanding has been developed to assess the need of information and knowledge. This is to create an understanding in the internal and external decision making of an organization (Goldsmith and et.al., 2009). The strategies have been depicted to involve stakeholders in the decision making. The process of communication has been very significantly compared and analyzed in context with the Omega Airlines. This is is a domestic airline which is based on Texas and is known for its obscenity spouting flight crew and foul-mouthed services. With the help of Tesco, an analysis has been made in understanding the system that is related to the information and knowledge needs.
Major decisions for global growth
Some major decisions has to be taken for global growth and are of great significance. The given case study depicts the scenario of current trends of market and existing international competition. With the emerging tendency of companies, the emphasis has been made in developing methods to avoid the mis-communication. However, the efforts have been made in understanding the local laws and regulation of governing body. Following are some decisions that are taken into consideration for emerging globally which are as follows:
- Decisions regarding financial decisions: To emerge in global markets, it is imperative to establish an effective plan for the investment. It is vital to deprive the information and knowledge for foreign exchange exposure (Ramos, Augusto and Shapiro, 2008). For doing business in international market, it is significant to remain aware about overseas investment decision. This is essential to know as economy of one country is entirely different from another. There is needed to make plans strategically for achieving the growth trend.
- Decisions for building business plan: Effective planning of business is very critical when the entrepreneurial company for global growth has been taken. The planning helps to access the information and knowledge building for future needs and demand (Lucas, 2008). Since the international market is unstable, the need for strategic planning for decision making is significant.
- Decisions in respect of world market penetration: It is a time consuming process where there is a need to plan for business. When the global periphery is taken, it is important to build patience to develop the business globally. This is carried out by market strategies, pricing decision-making, market research etc. This is done to identify the existing competitors at global level.
- Decision in defining the functions of the departments: The concentration lies in making strategic decisions in respect of organizational structure. When the global perspective is taken, it is crucial to define the functions of every department at an international level. This is taken on the basis of ways to carry out the allocation of resources and management of information flow for the global growth of business.
Need of information and knowledge for decision taking
The need of information and knowledge is required to ensure an effective decision taking for the process of global growth which has been highlighted. In this complex, competitive and dynamic environment,an efficient manager is identified with the best of decision taking skills There are many ways by which an organization can make a good decision (Pynnonen, Hallikas and Savolainen, 2008). Firstly, for a business where decisions are taken in favor of global growth and expansion, company needs to take their competitors in consideration. It is vital because to operate in foreign boundaries, competing against other companies is made to occupy the better place. Secondly, there is need to manage the knowledge and information with the growing and changing business world. Finally, the information about consumers and market is essential to acquire and reap future benefits.
Internal and external sources of information
The internal and external sources for gathering information is the most critical aspect for any organization for entering into the global business. The reliability and relevance of information which is collected is equally important.
Internal information can be collected from the daily activities of organization. It is inclusive of data from all departments such as sales, storage, purchase, financial etc (Demiris and et.al., 2008). The organization can make a SWOT analysis to know about the internal strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities.
External information can also be evaluated and analyzed with the help of PESTLE analysis, Porter five forces model analysis, market research, competitor analysis etc. The customers, suppliers and society can be taken for effective feedback and recommendations. This is to make the effective improvement which is required in the job process.
With respect to suitability and reliability for global growth, accessing information is very much significant. It is because with the help of collected information, the anticipated profits can be estimated. This gives better entry modes and reliability of inputs for international business growth.
Suggested: Importance of Communication in Health and Social Care
Justification of recommendations for improvement
The justification of recommendations for improvement in decision-making process for the global growth is required for future in order to attain the set objectives in efficient manner. However, the evaluation and analysis gives an overview to expand the business in international market as it is significant to laid effective investment decisions (Kotlarsky, Van Fenema and Willcocks, 2008). The investment should be planned with an objective of growth in revenue and manpower decisions. It is recommendable to develop an aim for improving the productivity or efficiency. Moreover, it is suggestible that efficient communication strategy should be used. There should be development in methods and strategies to enhance the structure of organization at global level.
Identifying stakeholder for decision making
The stakeholders play a significant role in decision-making process in the business. Hence, it is equally important to identify the stakeholders to expand their business at an international level. The personnel which are included in the stakeholders for global market are inclusive of employees, customers, suppliers, owners, creditors, international government etc (Dawes, Cresswell and Pardo, 2009). The roles played by them are used to meet the purpose of organizational growth.
Engagement of employee is significant to encourage the team work and to serve information in the organization. They are the main sources of communication and information in the enterprise. Suppliers are handled with good and open relationship so that strong and sustainable chain for communication flow can be maintained. Society is significant in the communication and information process (Newell and et.al., 2009). They are the one who are the ultimate receivers of what organization is working for. With the help of stakeholder's engagement, decision-making can become rigid and sustainable to serve long term strategy at the global level.
Contacting stakeholders and developing business relationships
Contacting the identified stakeholders and building business relationship with them is very crucial for every entrepreneur at the global level. With the business responsibility, there is emerging need to take various activities to reflect the engagement of understanding stakeholders.
- The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one such way that carries an objective of fostering business networking (Coombs, 2014). It is the dimension to present the concern of business to perform the operations by meeting the needs and demand of society.
- There is a system of networking which is carried out by business through expanding it at an international level. This is done to build an effective and interactive relationship with the government and other stakeholders of other nations.
As for example, in Britain, there is UK Trade and Investment organization which is a body that is responsible for presenting organized forum for the business enterprises. Any firm that expands business in UK can contact with its various stakeholders with the help of this body.
Involving identified stakeholders in the decision-making as appropriate
Involving the stakeholders in the decision-making process is significant so as to make the agreement decisions with the help of effective process. Following are the ways by which stakeholders can be involved as follows:
- There are various collaborative projects and policies which demands the vision of shared decision-making with the respective stakeholders. This is made to ensure the better understanding of the organization situation (Chakhar and Saad, 2014).
- With the help of new type of involvement of policies of the public, citizens can be influenced by activities such as citizen charters and citizen panels.
- Involvement of stakeholders in societal organizations can be made for providing positive feedback to undertake corrective decisions with the support of corporate social responsiveness.
- Participation of stakeholder helps in lessen the veto power of societal players and thereby can improve in decision-making of the organization (Hönnige, 2012).
- Lastly, their involvement helps in bringing the improvement in quality of decision-making and thereby compile the perception of every stakeholder respectively.
Designing strategies for improvement
The strategies for improvement in decision-making process for global growth are as follows:
- There is an integral need to make management realize about the opportunities and threats at an early stage for the competitive advantage.
- The strategy for Business Intelligence (BI) can be used to improve the finance function to serve better management information (Galliers and Leidner, 2014).
- Promoting cooperative decision making by engaging stakeholders for better outcomes.
- Bringing sophistication in strategic thinking.
Identifying the existing process of communication
According to the case study, the existing communication process has been identified. Communication process is defined on the basis of organizational structure. It is a process to exchange the information and sharing of messages in an enterprise (Yates and Paquette, 2011). With respect to the given case study, organizational structure at Omega Airlines have been defined. Communication process of this service industry have been defined as follows:
- Sender: It is the party who sends the message. Randell as a supervisor has detected an issue of work duplication. Thus, in an order to reduce ground time and passenger satisfaction contacted with Ballard who is passenger service representative. Ballard and Randell shares horizontal communication (North and et.al., 2008). This is done for bringing better understanding, cooperation and coordination to accomplish work.
- Channel of communication: It refers to method used by Randell for communication. She has chosen written memo for coordinating at horizontal level of hierarchy. Ballard is known as receiver of the message.
- Decode: It is, Ballard, who has to decode the message and process it to understand. If he was unable to decode the message, it would get fail.
- Feedback: It is sent by Ballard back to Randell to reflect the significance of message receive by him. However, it has been evident that he had not responded back to her message.
Different communication process for Omega Airlines
There are different communication process are also available for the Omega Airlines. According to the case study, to send the message to the Ballard, she uses upward communication to report to Vice President, Kent. He, then summons the meeting and called Ballard by using downward communication (Demiris and et.al., 2008). Thus, it has been showed that two mode of communication process have been used at Omega Airlines and are:
Downward Communication which refers to flow of communication from top level to low level. In the given case, the Kent summons Ballard to communicate. However, it was message from Randell which she would have been delivered to Ballard directly. But, the organization did not allow vertical communication.
Upward Communication: Randell had sent message to the Ballard by using written memo. But, when there was no response from his side, she reported top his head, Davis. It shows that upward communication is also used at Omega Airlines.
Apart from these two modes, Diagonal or multi-directional communication can be used (Ramos, Augusto and Shapiro, 2008). This is effective as it leads to foster feedback at all levels. It helps to enhance motivation and involvement of people.
Comparing different communication process
On comparing and acknowledging all the methods of communication process at Omega Airlines, the analysis have been made. On examining the current strategies used at this organization, efforts have been used to implement better ideas. There should implement Organizational Process Development (OPD) (Yates and Paquette, 2011). It is a tool used for knowing number of staff doing appropriate jobs. This is executed to regulate the effective flow of communication in this airline business.
Recently, the communication strategy which is followed has been made to improve the services for delayed departure by Randell. It has been evident from, case study, that Ballard had able to fail from his responsibility and was busy in reporting Randell. Thus, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) should be used so that employees become aware about new responsibilities. This is significant and shows that every function is integrated and communication is essential throughout. With this two appropriate strategies, SOP and OPD the airlines services can be improved more appropriately with coordinating staffs efforts.
Implement improvements to ensure greater integration of systems of communication
Communication exist due to maker person persuade or take initiative as a part of its working in an organization. The method to foster successful communication is to integrate it with the organizational systems with the support of effective communication planning. Communication planning is the essence of decision making. The objective behind the same is to focus, search opportunities, optimizing situations and monitor efforts (Chipiga and Senokosova, 2009). Omega Airlines has implemented diagonal or multi-directional communication as a process with the use of strategies namely SOP and OPD in its existing system. However, there is need to being some improvements to ensure greater integration of systems for effective communication. Following are the ways to implement integration of systems of communication as follows:
- Interpret existing situation helps to know about both internal and external working of the organization.
- Defining objectives and goals helps to focus on things such as why, how, when and who are part of process.
- Targeting mass is significant to determine and analyze the group involved (Dron and et.al., 2008).
- Central messages are required to be defined so that it can be effectively delivered among all.
- Strategy for communication includes source of channel to be implemented.
- Reviewing is essential to evaluate the success of message delivered (Kass, 2008)
Improving communication skills
Omega Airlines always consider improvements in its communication strategies. It is a tool to share, transmit and convey ideas to other. Thus, emphasis have been made in using following techniques to improve the communication skills:
- Listening is one of most effective aspect of communication. The ideas which one is sharing should be taken with interest and involvement (Goldsmith and et.al., 2009). Effective listening helps to relieve negative problems and foster understanding.
- Non verbal signals should be used to enhance effective communication. The practice of observing to listener, consider better understanding of signals are considered significant.
- Manage stress while delivering words. It is vital to develop affection, problem solving and resolve conflict connection with listener.
Existing approaches for information process
Tesco is leading retailer organization of UK and is identified with the effective management of its information and knowledge process management. The main objective of the company is to give importance to its customers need. Hence, process of information has been collected through various methods for better outcome (How Tesco use Information Systems to their advantage. 2013). Tesco collects data to give information thorough Tesco Club and loyalty Program.
Point of sale information system is used for accessing information regarding customers. Further, System life cycle is also used for formatting information and managing business functions. The company make use of software packages such as Eco-software monitoring for data screening.
Improvement in the process
The process of collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge are improved at Tesco by automation. This is computerized method of working to speed up work performance of the employees (Tesco Information System, 2014). The rationalization method can be used where Tesco align its procedures of operations to develop efficiency and knowledge information systems. Further, the process can be improved by using IT levers, designing the prototype of data used in new process, measuring the current existing processes and paradigm shift. This is a practice which is adopted to transform the old working of the Tesco with the new e-business functions and operations.
Justification of the changes implemented for improving the processes
The selection of right tool for the process of collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge is essential (Balmforth, 2013). All the three methods namely computerized, rationalization and IT levers mentioned above are relevant in following ways:
- Firstly, these methods supports in evaluating the information which are required to be communicated at Tesco.
- Secondly, the collected information with such methods are stored so that information can formatted as per the requirement of the Tesco.
- Thirdly, with the use of these methods such as Oral media (words), Electronic media (TV, radio, internet, email, fax, video, podcasts, teleconferencing, webcasts) etc, information can be transmitted to the mass (Li and Frömlohner, 2005).
Implementing strategy to access information
Tesco has developed strategies in accessing knowledge and information system. The Information Communication Technology (ICT) helps to improve the access system. The process of storage, retrieval and transmission of data are related to ICT. It also helps to share the knowledge and information with its identified stakeholders.
Further, this retail organization make use of websites, information database, workshops, news letter to access information (The Communication Process & The Elements of Communication, 2012). This is an initiative that helps to give benefits of cost efficiency, develops customer delivery, market growth, stakeholder's solution etc.
The growth of Tesco is reflected from its increase in number of super and hyper markets. The use of Communication strategy and information system helps to accomplish goals and missions of Tesco.
This is a report prepared with an intention to understand the significance of communication management. With the help of given scenario, a learning for emerging and developing in global market have been understood. It has been analyzed that networking is very crucial in developing decision making process in the organization at all levels. With the help of given case study on Omega Airlines, understanding various theories and techniques for present and improved communication strategies have been made. It has been through analysis that helps to develop new communication process for Atlanta Airlines. Lastly, understanding has been ripened to analyze the improved methods in information and knowledge at Tesco.
- Balmforth, C., 2013. Improving Diagnostic Data Communication Processes for Better Patient Care and Hospital Efficiency. ICU Director. 4(2). pp. 53-61.
- Chakhar, S. and Saad, I. (2014). Incorporating stakeholders’ knowledge in group decision-making.Journal Of Decision Systems, 23(1). pp. 113-126.
- Chipiga, A. and Senokosova, A., 2009. A method to ensure energy security of satellite communication systems. Cosmic Res. 47(5). pp. 393-398.
- Dawes, S. S., Cresswell, A. M. and Pardo, T. A., 2009. From “need to know” to “need to share”: Tangled problems, information boundaries, and the building of public sector knowledge networks. Public Administration Review. 69(3). pp. 392-402.
- Demiris, G. and et.al., 2008. Patient-centered applications: use of information technology to promote disease management and wellness. A white paper by the AMIA knowledge in motion working group. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 15(1). pp. 8-13.
- Dron, J. and et.al., 2008. New method to determine the total carbonyl functional group content in extractable particulate organic matter by tandem mass spectrometry. Journal Of Mass Spectrometry. 43(8). pp. 1089-1098.
- Goldsmith, A. and et.al., 2009. Breaking spectrum gridlock with cognitive radios: An information theoretic perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE. 97(5). pp. 894-914.
- Hönnige, C., 2012. Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies. West European Politics. 35(2). pp. 435-436.
- Kass, D., 2008. Message Delivered: How Myocytes Control cAMP Signaling. Circulation Research. 102(9). pp. 1002-1004.
- Kotlarsky, J., Van Fenema, P. C. and Willcocks, L. P., 2008. Developing a knowledge-based perspective on coordination: The case of global software projects. Information & Management. 45(2). pp. 96-108.
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