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    2 Construction Technology

    University: UCK

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 17 / Words 4224
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 128


    Construction is referred to as work that is a part of civil engineering and is directly for people who will be living there. There is technology involved in overall construction work. This report is on construction technology, which is being used in the construction of buildings Hotels, are located near the motorway and are connected to Heathrow International Airport (Shanbari, Blinn, and Issa, 2016. Rumane, 2017). It is decided by the investor that they can build a 5-story building which has a distance of approximately 1 kilometer. This report is based on different building types which can be industrial, residential, or commercial depending on the purpose for which it is being used. It also describes various techniques that are used in construction structures which affect all the functions and criteria for designs. For those needing assistance with related assignments, expert Assignment Help is available to guide you through the complexities of construction technology. Lastly, it discusses the supply & distribution of various service ranges and their applications.

    TASK 1

    Residential, Commercial & Industrial Buildings

    Construction technology is a concept that contributes to the construction of buildings by the usage of different types of materials like stone, concrete, building, timber, glass, various metals, etc. This also involves different projects depending on customer requirements. It is identified that different construction buildings are built with a specific purpose (Rannsand Ranns,  2016). Every type of building that is being constructed has a requirement of some technology that can help in its creation. Some differences that are present in this construction technology are discussed below:

    Commercial Building

    Industrial Building

    Residential Building

    • CommerciaA commercial is regarded as a type of building and is further being used for various purposes such as retail stores, entertainment purposes, shopping centers, hubs, etc.
      Min concern of every civil engineer is that the person using that building can have the best experience and they ensure this by using the latest technology which can help in sustainability for a longer period.
      This is a type of building which is used for the objective of manufacturing of services and goods.
      The main concern in such buildings is to develop a safe building but there are adequate safety measures that must be used to ensure the safety of people who are working in this industry(Behera, Mohanty, and Prakash, 2015).
      These are types of buildings that are developed for an individual who is willing to stay with their whole family.
      This is also a type of building that is made with the most simple technology and is not the same for a very long period but it keeps on changing and modifications are taking place according to the requirements and needs of people who are staying in that building.

    Various Ways in which sustainability is promoted in building projects

    Constructing a safe building is the responsibility of each person who has taken a contact and is regarded as a contactor in a particular project as a constructed building is used by many people. Also, it is the responsibility of the site inspector that they can make use of various was and strategies so that overall sustainability can be enhanced for this hotel. Some of the suitable ways for this Hotel are discussed below:

    Selection of Material: In this major concern is that the site inspector must choose the best quality material for the construction of a building, site inspector has a requirement that they have to analyze the raw materials which are to be used in the construction of these commercial buildings. This will help in the sustainability and life of such buildings  (Prakash and Mohanty, 201).

    Development of premises with energy efficiency: This is related to the usage of efficient sources of energy which is very important for every building that is being constructed so that sustainability of premises can be improved and increased. It is said that if high-energy material is used then it will lead to the enhancement of the capacity of the whole commercial building which will lead to optimum utilisation of available sources of energy. It is also influencing the commercial dealers so that they are using buildings so that high power usage can be handled effectively.

    Construction waste management: Managing waste is a very essential feature in construction work which helps enhance the usage of of available resources. It is the responsibility of the manager that they are using those products which can further be recycled and then used in the construction of a similar building. The project leader, of the hotel can use the crushed concrete in parking areas so that there is an effective usage of resources (Nomura, and Fukano,  Komatsu Ltd, 2016).

    Applying the terminology used in construction technology in a construction project

    Construction technology consists terminology range that possesses influence on construction projects. In the present case, the Project manager is using technology that is appropriate and updated which is helping in the construction of a building which is according to the main commercial usage for it was built.


    It is referred according to various rooms which are made on the ground floor. The site inspector of the Hotel project has a plan to build up a basement to ensure that it can be used for parking purposes.


    This is considered a device that can be used for lifting heavy vehicles and building components that are used in the construction process so that overall work can be simplified.


    It is a material that can be used for covering and ceiling of walls with a mixture of sand & water. In the construction of a hotel, the site inspector must use very high-quality of plaster so that the base is very smooth for the construction of the hotel (Jraisat, Jreisat, and Hattar, 2016).

    TASK 2

    Describe pre-design studies which is carried out & information being collected for a given construction site

    Construction of the building requires that there is a deep study of gathering information so that if the information is wrong then there can be a possibility that the building may not be able to work in the proper condition for a longer period. In the context of the above scenario, it is a requirement that the site inspector has to collect some information s that they can build a perfect building for their hotel. Some major factors which have to be considered by the site inspector are discussed below: 

    Local condition of the soil

    In this aspect,  the inspector of the site who is involved in the construction project has to gather information related to the soil which can be useful in analysing the quality of soil. It also consists of various categories such as clayey soils, clay, or sandy soils, it is also in context with the ability of a particular soil whether it will be bale to support or not. This information is beneficial in the analysis of suitability for the construction of the hotel.

    Building weight

    The information which is collected by the site inspector is that they have to make an analysis overall foundation capacity that it will be able to bear the weight or not. According to this, material is helping the site inspector to have a foundation in completing construction.

    Construction of foundations & their suitability for use

    The foundation can be regarded as the lower portion of the surface which can help in building a structure. It is very helpful in transferring load from the structure to the soil in a safe manner. There are two types of structure of foundation which are mentioned below: 

    Shallow foundations

    This is a foundation structure that is found near a finished surface of the ground where depth and width are less than 3m. These foundations have to be used when surface soils may be stiff & strong (Van Staveren,  2018).

    Shallow foundations can be classified as strip foundations, pad foundations, and raft foundations, they are also named as spread footings sometimes.

    Deep foundations

    These are those foundations that are present below the finished surface of the ground so that they can bear capacity which is getting affected by conditions of the surface and are present 3m below ground level. Different categories of deep foundations include piers caissons, piles, and compensated foundations. These types of foundations can stand for a long period and are very suitable for the construction of a hotel building (Mok, Shen, and Yang,  2015). Use of site information and impact on the overall design of the foundation

    Foundation design depends on two factors which are the type of ground on which it is built and is site visit. When it has to be studied in detail the site visit comes initially such as contractors visiting various sites and then if there are cracks that are being observed it may indicate a subsidence which is caused because of ground movement. Before any excavation is done at the site it is necessary to analyze & locate various services which are necessary to be conducted at the site. Many neighbors are also providing some services which are necessary at the time of construction. It has to be taken care that open trenches can be protected with boards of danger signs and also machinery has to be kept in proper place with adequate system of safety.

    Information and study sites are necessary for timely as well as efficient practices of construction. It is necessary to recognize the overall suitability of site construction according to the requirements of the project and the area in which it is being constructed. This also helps in the reduction of risk and causalities which are made by men which can occur in the coming future.

    TASK 3

    Characteristics & features of  superstructure as well as their  design selection or choice criteria

    The area which is above or high at the ground level is termed a superstructure. In simple terms, it is the actual using area or the carpet area of a building. In context to the construction of the Hotel building, the superstructure area is located above the lower and ground level. To build a superstructure, some of the essential elements are mentioned below which are as follows:

    Walls: The main role of walls is to support and strengthen the building. To build walls, the raw materials that are used in making walls must be of high quality. The site inspector is responsible for checking the quality of cement, bricks, concrete, and so on(Fewings and Henjewele, 2019). This will help the construction company to properly strengthen the walls.

    Roofs: The main function of the roof is to maintain heat passage. It is at the top of the building and covers the upper part. In the context of hotels, roofs play a very crucial role as they maintain the room temperature of Hotels.

    Floors- ground: It is important that the building have long-term Durability. It is necessary to have it on the ground floor of a building that is going to be constructed. The site inspector checks and adopts good quality raw materials in construction. This will contribute to increasing the durability of the building which is now going to be constructed. 

    Doors & Windows: Nowadays, customers prefer sound-resistant doors as well as windows. This will help in decreasing sound pollution and maintaining privacy. In addition to this, sound-resistance doors & windows minimize the level of disturbance that might positively affect visitors and guests.

    Staircases:  The main role of stairs in hotels is that they can resist ground moisture. This assists in increasing the stability of customers and gives security when they use staircases. The site inspector is responsible for maintaining the quality of materials that makes moisture resistant staircases (Halpin, Lucko,, and Senior, 2017)

    After analyzing the above characteristics of superstructure it has been concluded that it is important for every project inspector to consider this characteristic while constructing buildings & bridges and check the quality of raw materials. In addition, this helps in making hotel buildings strong as well as durable which further gives benefits to Hotel in the long term.

    Describe pre-design studies & kind of information gathered for a given Site of construction.

    Pre-design study plays a very crucial part in constructing a site as it examines the overall condition & situation of sites. In the context of the construction of a Hotel, the site operator must collect and assemble the proper information & data about the site so that the resources can be available easily while constructing of site(Illingworth, 2017). This will save the time of companies that construct Hotel buildings. Site inspectors collect information about labor availability as they are an important part of every company's construction of buildings. In addition to this, pre-design studies involve checking the availability of electricity at that particular location. It also includes information about transportation facilities as the construction of the hotel needs raw materials which are available to the location via transportation only. With this, the site inspector also monitors and checks the availability of materials that is used in the construction of the Hotel.

    Parts of an element that allow the fulfillment of  function

    The primary role of project managers is to create an effective structure as per the instructions as well as the requirements of customers. Thus, it is essential to finalize and settle those elements that are going to be used in the substructure. According to this, it is analyzed that the floor should be durable, sound-resistant, water-resistant, and so on. The other components that are required are mentioned below: 


    It consists of various raw materials that are used in the construction of buildings. Concrete is an essential element that helps in making strong floors. Without this, the construction of the building does not complete (Rumane,   2017).

    Floor sheet

    Floor sheets are important in constructing a building. For instance,  floor sheets are required to build water-resistant floors. The quality and durability of floor sheets are checked by the site operators.

    Compare and contrast different forms of structural frames which is used to carry elements that are primary & secondary to the superstructure

    Civil engineers follow various forms of structures while constructing. Structural frames consist of flexible, rigid & braced structures. These structures are majorly used by people which are described in detail below:

     Rigid Frame Structure

    Structure that is nonmoving, fixed, and cannot be changed. This structure is strongest as compared to other structures(Van Staveren, 2018). A rigid frame is made of blames as well as columns and is considered as a single piece. This assists civil engineers in constructing and build strong hotels.

    Braced Frame Structure- This structure assists buildings in protecting them from wind forces & earthquakes. Herein, it has been analysed that Beams with columns consist of vertical loads(Wu, Ann,, and Shen 2017).

    In the current plan of building a hotel, the civil engineers used rigid frame structures in order to build strong buildings. In addition to this, this will protect the Hotel from heavy streams that affect the structure of the Hotel. It also assists the hotel to strongly hold it in any of the circumstances.

    TASK 4

    Techniques being used for remediating the site before the commencement of work construction

    Remediation is a way which is used in correct something. It is related to the overall construction industry and remediating is a methodology that can be used in the initial stages of the construction of a site by various civil engineers (Thunberg, Rudberg,, and Karrbom Gustavsson, 2017). About constructing a hotel Building civil engineers require that they can adopt various remedies so that sustainability can be enhanced and the company can survive for a longer period.

    Some of important techniques of remedaiting are described below:

    Chemical Treatment

    This is related to the location of the site of hotel which is in the periphery area of the Thames Valley. This enhances the chances related to soil problems such as flexible clay, extra wet, etc, so it is said that while a five-story hotel building is being constructed it can not affect the sustainability of the building because of the ineffectiveness of soil. So to remediate the soil it is suggested that civil engineers have to do various chemical treatments which can strengthen the soil in terms of chemical immobilization, oxidation, etc. When these chemical treatments are used soil will be strengthened accordance with the requirement of construction work (Fewings. and Henjewele, 2019).

    Types of substructure works required for the infrastructures

    Substructure in construction which is belonging to a place below ground level. The function of the substructure includes the foundation & also basement which are constructed on the site. In the present scenario of the hotel building the site operator of this site is developing a substructure that includes different types of work. Some of these are discussed below:


    This is a part of the substructure and mainly emphasizes their workers and various methods that can be effectively adopted in construction. It also includes setting the foundation of the building according to the requirements in the overall construction plan so that the building is very strong and stable.


    Propping refers to a structure that supports the construction of the building of a hotel it works as a support to the whole infrastructure to provide more strength to the substructure in the construction process.

    Identify superstructure, civil engineering  and substructure structures necessary for building of a construction project


    This is the upper part of the construction site which is above the ground level. This particular are of the building includes the upper floor, roof walls, etc. for the construction of a five-story building the project manager can finalize some basic elements according to hotel requirements (Ansah,  Sorooshianand Mustafa, 2016).


    In context with the construction of the building of hotel, Raft Foundation is honest in the selection of a suitable structure. This is a substructure that consists of concrete that is spread across whole ground. Part of this it includes pillars on corners that support the weight of the building. This is a best substructure that can help in the construction of a five-storey building which can also have a parking space.

    Civil Engineer Structure

    This is a structure that falls under the category of civil engineering and used in designing of environment . It is a art that includes bridges, dams, buildings and canals and is designed according to the areas where they are built  (Russell-Smith, and Lepech,  2015).

    TASK 5

    Supply arrangements for various primary services

    To build a hotel the site inspector has to make arrangements for various types of services which are primary and are used for providing support for the initiation of various construction programs. It is very important for the effective utilization of various raw materials of good quality which can facilitate in building of a hotel. There are many primary activities which are involved. Such as supplying electricity, gas, and renewable sources of energy, such as water, plumbing, drainage, bricks, labor, cement, and many others. Such resources are very necessary for managing the overall supply of resources sufficiently so that overall construction work can take place more effectively.

    In addition to this, it is also important that the overall supply of primary service includes developing an understanding of actual requirements when the hotel is being constructed such as logistics, people, raw materials, and activities, it is important to build a plan of action which can facilitate the overall work of construction. It involves orders from various agencies of government on purchasing and procurement of goods for various specific requirements so that quality can be improved. To deal with various suppliers it is being confirmed by the site inspector that they are avoiding delay in supply of raw, materials as this is the most important resource for the overall process of construction  (Abbas, Din, Z and Farooqui,  2016).

    The distribution arrangements are a way to allocate various tasks and also various resources to all the workers according to their expertise so that they can get better outcomes. It is important that more effective strategies can be applied to ensure proper conducting and smooth functioning of all the primary services and activities taking place at the construction site. It is a requirement that planning of construction has major two factors which are having associated costs which can be direct or indirect, and also schedule oriented which is related to time. The site inspector has to conduct optimum utilization of various resources such as raw materials, and equipment which are used appropriately to construct a hotel, it is very important to use some effective strategies so that the distribution of resources can take place in the building up of an attractive hotel (Antunes and Gonzalez, 2015).

    The superstructure involves different elements such as roof, walls, windows, floors,  and staircase, these are various primary activities which include fire safety, control system in the building, etc. in relation with various primary activities there has to be fire safety in proper manner so that exit from windows and doors can appropriately take place (Dotter, 2016).

    The availability of lifts escalators and lifts can provide support in supplying raw materials so that laborers can perform their work more effectively. also has various components that can help in the facilitation of various activities properly.

    Distribution of primary services impacts on design of the whole building

    The distribution of primary services helps in making the design of the building as sufficient resources are required to make effective and efficient system of designs. It has criteria for making an appropriate plan of action which can provide support in having actions in a proper sequence so that outcomes can be gained in a better way. It also includes criteria for distribution of primary services according to organized design which is a very essential part of a hotel.

    Sufficient primary services are very helpful in the initiation of building a hotel to get a strong and effective time base. It also includes the better formation of a which is necessary fir performing various activities and attract more customer in the hotel. Better design is also very helpful in attracting more customers to their hotel which is a requirement to be fulfilled and decides how effectively construction work has taken place (Hager, Golonka, and Putanowicz,  2016).


    From the above study, it has been stated that it is important to do effective planning of resources and to use proper methods while doing the construction of the hotel. Different elements of the substructure are floors, walls, doors, staircase, windows, and many more to give primary services. In addition to this, a pre-design study allows construction companies to properly utilize the resources. It also helps in allocating work to the workforce as per their interest and expertise bringing out effective outcomes. Therefore, it assists in building a hotel more accurately and attractively which in turn increases the number of visitors to the Hotel. The different structures are followed by people to protect it from any hazardous situations and maintain its durability which is beneficial for the company in the long term.

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