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    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 11 / Words 2643
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: BMA6000
    • Downloads: 124


    This proposal has described the housing crises in the UK. It has been mentioned how the housing crisis is impacting on UK economy and social life of people. Moreover, the literature review is been done based on different themes. Also, it has been mentioned about objectives and research questions to identify reasons for housing crises and what solutions can be taken to solve them. In this proposal, scholars have used several research methods to conduct the study. In this primary and secondary data collection methods and qualitative research types have been used.


    The housing sector plays a significant role in society, providing homes and buildings for people to live in. The government needs to focus on the construction sector to ensure economic growth is improved. For any nation, it becomes highly difficult to solve housing crises if they occur. This is because such crises affect the overall GDP of the nation and social life. The construction sector requires huge investments to grow and develop. Apart from that, banks play a vital role in allocating funds to people and offering various schemes related to housing. Additionally, services like Assignment Help can play a role in educating individuals on navigating these financial aspects (Wetzstein, 2017).

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    The essential needs of an individual are food, clothes, and shelter. These needs must be fulfilled to ensure enhanced social life. The role of the construction sector is to undertake various residential projects. With the rise in population, every country requires more houses. However, the government's role is to develop policy to ensure crises do not happen. A country's growth is determined by many sectors which include the construction sector. Many countries and cities are facing housing crises due to changes in laws, policy, and many other reasons. However, the UK is facing a housing crisis due to which its economic growth has declined. People are not able to afford houses. With the lack of houses and facilities, there is a need to build and construct more houses in the UK. So, one of the reasons for the UK's decline in economic growth is the housing crisis. The nation is not able to cope with this as there is no proper framework or strategy developed.


    According to Arif,  Killian, and Kaushik,  2017, for every individual housing is a basic need that must be fulfilled. In Maslow's needs theory, housing comes under the category of psychological need. Alongside, an individual needs a house to live in with their family. However, in every nation construction industry plays a vital role in its economic growth. The sector contributes a major part to GDP. Besides this, they employ people and improve their social life as well. Thus, if there is any downfall in the construction sector it highly impact on overall GDP. Moreover, there are many other sectors as well that are dependent on the construction industry's growth and development. The industries are cement, steel, etc.

    As said by Balchin and Rhoden,  2019 UK is a developed nation. It has a high-tech and advanced infrastructure. There are many types of houses and buildings in the UK. The geographical area of the UK is 95,960 square metres and its population is 66 million as of 2018. As the UK area is small and the population is rising there is a need to develop houses in local areas away from the city.  But in recent times, the country is highly facing crises in the construction sector. This is because of different factors that is affecting the growth of this sector. Furthermore, investment done by government and other companies is decreased. So, due to this, construction companies are not able to develop houses and proceed with other projects. There are many projects which are pending or stuck. Along with it, banks are also not able to provide funds to companies. The crises have not only occurred in the residential category but also the commercial. It is estimated that 8.4 million people are facing crises in the UK. The major ones are those who are living in crowded areas or in rental spaces. In research done almost 3.6 million live in crowded homes, 2.5 million are not able to afford their rent, and 1.4 million live in poor-quality homes. Besides that, 1.7 million live in such places where there is no outside space available. Other than this, every year there is a rise in the prices of property. So, it is impacting in rent or mortgage prices directly. Basically, in cities like London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, etc. people are facing housing crises.

    In the view of Edwards,  2016 there is a great effect of the housing crisis in the UK. Due to this, there is a high rise in the prices of property. Also, with less residential space available there is a rise in prices of rent as well. So, these both are not affordable to people living in the UK. In addition to it, with global financial crises, the interest rate is also low. The shortage of houses and the inflated price of homes that are offered for sale increase demand for rental buildings. Hence, people are paying more rent which is affecting their lifestyle. Due to crises, people are unable to save money. Their spending decreases and it leads to a decline in the growth of another sector. For example- people are not able to spend leisure time, they do not buy essential items from the market, etc. So, the flow and exchange of money is stopped within the economy. It highly affects on entire economic growth.

    As stated by Mccall and Mooney,  2018 people are out of cash and are depending on bank loans to pay their housing rent. Only rich and high-middle-class people can afford it. The rate of property that is kept empty by people is rising. It is also a reason for crises. The UK government announced some measures related to housing but no targets were included, nothing mentioned about social housing, etc. However, in 2015 the government announced to building of 200,000 affordable homes but not even a single one was built.

    As elucidated by McCrone and Stephens, 2017,  the government plays a vital role in solving any issue or crisis within the economy. They regulate different sectors and form policies and laws for the benefit of people. Basically, in construction government suggests solutions and monitors the overall industry. They develop plans and strategies for the future for how sector growth is boosted. Furthermore, laws and regulations are formed to control it. crises lead to many issues and problems in the economy. There is a rise in property rates. Also, prices of raw materials used in construction rise. There are some councils and associations as well that are responsible for this concern.

    As said by Mulhern,  2019, the housing crisis is the heart of the national economic breakdown. It is because of change in this high influence on the GDP of the nation. In this, either a new policy is reformed or an initiative is taken to boost the construction sector. A nation's infrastructure determines how well-developed it is. Besides that, it also shows rural and urban development. It reflects whether all people have affordable houses or not. A country’s future is also predicted through its infrastructure development. Many countries and cities are facing housing crises due to changes in laws, policy, and many other reasons. However, the crises have occurred only in developed countries as cities are highly crowded and there is a lack of space for people to live. For example- in California housing crises occurred due to changes in framework. Likewise, the UK is also a developed nation so this situation occurred there as well. According to () there are many causes of housing crises. It can be either due to government regulation, debt obligation, interest-only mortgage, etc. These all impact in different ways on the construction sector but the end result is the same. The ineffective and poor credit policy is also the reason for the housing crisis.

    In a study conducted by Robertson,  2017, it has been evaluated that at present, many types of houses are built by the government. It includes flat pack homes, smart homes, etc. in that many new concepts and techniques are applied to construct them. so, building these all has enabled in fulfillment of the needs of people. it is supporting developed and developing countries to solve the issue of housing crises. Smart homes can save and consume energy in such a way that people are easily able to afford it. Along with it, in small spaces, these houses are built. Hence, it provides more space for people to live in. Now, major construction projects are undertaken regarding smart homes.


    Aim- To analyze the reasons for housing crises in the UK. A case study on the construction industry.


    • To investigate reasons behind housing crises
    • To identify the council's duties to address housing crises
    • To recommend energy solutions to address housing cost

    Research questions

    • What are the reasons behind the housing crises?
    • What are the council's duties to address housing crises?
    • How energy solutions can be used to address housing costs?


    Many research methods will be undertaken in conducting the study. They are as follows :

    Research philosophy- it is a framework through which entire research is done and data is gathered. It clarifies the scope and nature of the study. There are different philosophies available like positivism, interpretivism, realism, etc. In the context of this study, positivism philosophy will be used.

    Research type-  this shows how data is to be gathered. The overall outcomes are based on data collection. Usually, there are two types qualitative and quantitative. The researcher will use qualitative research types to gather data and information (Stephens  and Stephenson,  2016)

    Research approach – it provides the plan or procedure in which data is interpreted. This makes it easy to understand and get insight of how relevant outcomes are attained. Inductive, deductive, and abductive are three approaches used. Here, the scholar will use an inductive approach.

    Data collection – It refers to the process or framework of how and from where data is gathered. This element plays a vital role in generating outcomes as they are dependent on the data collection method. Primary and secondary are two data collection methods. In the present study, the researcher will use both primary and secondary methods to gather precise and accurate data from reliable sources.

    Sampling – the process of selecting a sample from the population on which research is to be done. there are two common methods in this which is probability and nonprobability. In both, there are some other methods as well. Here, the scholar will use a random sampling method. The participants will be 20 managers of construction companies.

    Data analysis – the technique or tool through which data and information is interpreted and analyzed. it is necessary to obtain relevant and precise data so that the research question is answered. Also, the use of data analysis techniques depends on the nature and type of research. in this thematic analysis will be used as a data analysis technique (Watt and Minton, 2016).



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    Identify research topic











    Review of Literature











    Drafting Methodologies











    Complete Proposal











    Designing questionnaire











    Collection of data











    Analysing data and interpretation











    Discussion and Conclusion

























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    Resources- There are some resources required like human resources, software, server, etc. in research. Thus, better and more efficient resources aid in bringing systematic working within the enterprise.

    Cost – this is an essential component that enables in allocation of resources. Cost is required to travel, stationery items, photocopy, etc. For this research total cost required will be approx. €1500.

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