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    Construction Technology

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 18 / Words 4405
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 121

    Table of Contents

    TASK 14

    Differences between residential, commercial, and industrial buildings4

    Ways in which sustainability can be promoted in building projects

    Apply the terminology used in construction technology to a given building construction project

    TASK 27

    Describe the pre-design studies carried out and types of information collected for a given construction site

    Construction of different foundations & their suitability for use

    How site information impacts foundation design.8

    TASK 39

    Functional characteristics of elements of the superstructure and the design selection criteria for their use9

    Describe the pre-design studies carried out and types of information collected for a given construction site.10

    Parts of an element allow it to fulfill its function10

    Compare different types of structural frames used to carry the primary and secondary elements of the superstructure10

    TASK 411

    Techniques used for re-mediating the site prior to construction commencing11

    Types of substructure works required for the infrastructures11

    Identify superstructure, substructure and civil engineering structures necessary for a given building construction project12

    TASK 513

    Supply arrangements for primary services13

    Distribution arrangements for primary services13

    Elements of the superstructure used to facilitate the primary services14

    Distribution of the primary services impacts on the overall design of the building14



    Books and Journals15


    Construction is generally considered as an initial part of civil engineering which is associated in direct or indirect form with human beings who want attractive, comfortable, and secure buildings. It has been analyzed that the main concept of construction was started to develop a safe shelter for customers, but by each passing time this concept modified with technological involvement. It is a project which relies on construction technology, used for creating a hotel building complex (Chew, 2017). The main location of the site is near a motorway which is linked with Heathrow International Airport. In addition to this, it has been identified that the investor decides to create a 5-storey hotel-building complex which is approximately 1 km away from the motorway. This report includes various sections which cover a discussion about various types of buildings. Along with this, it describes various techniques used to develop a structure. Furthermore, it also includes different sorts of civil engineering technology used to construct a building. At the end of this, a discussion about distribution as well as supply of different kinds of services with their effective application. For additional support, Assignment Help can provide valuable assistance in understanding and developing these concepts

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    TASK 1

    Differences between residential, commercial and industrial buildings

    Construction technology is a very valuable concept that is beneficial in construction of buildings by using different kind of materials such as stone, glass, timber, concrete etc. It consists of different types of projects that are mainly dependent on the need and requirement of customers. It is evaluated that there are different types of construction erection which are being developed for various purpose such as industrial, commercial and residential purpose.

    It is examined that various type of building for construction need different kind of technology that is helpful in their creation. The major difference among these type of technologies is evaluated with the help of table in order to analyse their efficiency in an effectual and planned manner (Zavadskas and et. al., 2012).

    Ways in which sustainability can be promoted in building projects

    The construction of a secure and safe building is the sole responsibility of the contractor as they are designing building which will be owned by different people. In context with the hotel it is overall responsibility of inspector working at the site in order to use different plan and strategies for enhancing durability of the buildings (Xianwei, Honggang and Xusheng, 2012). The ways which are best suitable for the hotel industry are evaluated below as:

    Material selection

    In this factor the main concern is of the constructor available at site in order to select among the best quality of materials which will be used for designing of building. Here the main duty of the inspector is related with analyzing the necessity of raw ingredients and accordingly, they should be used for designing of the buildings. This will result in enhancing sustainability of different type of buildings used for construction (Sepasgozar, Razkenari and Barati, 2015).

    Develop energy-efficient premises

    The most vital factor is use of energy efficient tools which are used for building in order to enhance sustainability. It is evaluated that the inspector at site is using energy material which are highly efficient then it results in maximising the capacity of buildings so as to use excessive level of energy. It also motivates the commercial dealers for using these types of building for their working as they are having capacity of dealing with high power. This result in enhancing overall business sustainability.

    Construction waste management

    The management of eth waste materials are the most important factor at the construction site as it results in utilising the available resources in most effectual and planned ways. It is the overall responsibility of Manager in order to use the products which can be easily recycled during designing of the building. For example, the project head at Hotel can use the leftover concrete by mixing & crushing and using it in the lower area of parking. This activity will result in maximising sustainability of erections as the resources are used in efficient manner with minimum wastage (Guichun, Wujuan and Xingxin, 2012).

    Apply the terminology used in construction technology to a given building construction project

    The construction technology comprising of different type of terminology that has been influenced over the durability of the construction project. In regards with the given case of designing five storey building it is required by the manager dealing with the project to use appropriate terminology which result in designing of best building for commercial use. The major terminology which are being used by the management team while designing building are described below as:


    It is described as the number of rooms which are constructed at ground level. The inspector at Hotel project construction is making plan in order to design a large basement so that area can be covered for warehouse or parking after it is completed (Johnson and Covello, 2012).


    It is evaluated as the device which are being used for the determination of lifting very high components during the tenure of construction. It is the most useful tool which is used for construction as it makes the work simpler.


    It is defined as the material which is used for motor in ceiling and covering that walls that are being designed with the mix of sand and water. In relation with the construction of Hotel the most vital factor for inspector is to select among the superiority of plaster in order to develop plane base for the construction of Hotel (Li and DENG, 2013).

    TASK 2

    Describe the pre-design studies carried out and types of information collected for a given construction site

    Constructing a structure or building need lot of work which as a result required detail study on all the collected information and data. If gathered information or facts goes incorrect then there might be chances that the building will not be able to sustain for a longer period of time. In the context of given case scenario, it is essential by the site inspector to collect all the necessary information about the site so that they can build or construct a perfect, attractive and secure building for hotel. In this, there are some essential elements which need to be considered by the site inspector which are going to be discussed as follows:

    Local soil condition

    It is the element where site inspector of the project collect all the data and information on soil where they are going to construct a building. This will assist in increasing the understanding about the quality of soil. This as a result help in identifying whether soil is comfortable for setting pipes effectively or not. Information about soil also includes, where they will be able to know in which category this belongs to. Categories of soil consist of clayey silts, clay, sandy clays, sandy silts and many more (Zhang and et. al., 2013). In addition to this, it includes the capability of soil which helps in identifying whether it will support the required loads. All the collected information is quite beneficial in identifying whether it is appropriate for the construction or not.

    Building weight

    Apart from the above mentioned, another most essential data and information which is needed to be gathered by the site inspector is to examine the ability of foundation whether it will be able to bear the weight of hotel or not. All these pre studies material assist the site inspector in order to develop an effective foundation in order to identify that they will be able to bear the heavy weight in future once the whole construction is completed.

    Construction of different foundations & their suitability for use

    Foundation essentially defines as the lower part of a building upon which any other building can stand effectively. It will assist in sharing load from the construction to soil in a direct and secure manner. It has been analysed that there are mainly of two kind of foundation which are deep foundation & shallow foundation (Baoxing, 2015).

    Shallow foundations

    These are the type of foundations, found nearby finished and smooth ground surface where foundation level is less than the width of footing as well as less than 3m. These are the foundations that are generally used when the soil of surface is strong as well as stiff in order to support the load which is imposed by the constructor on them. In addition to this, shallow foundations are distinguished into pad raft and strip foundations as well as popularly known as spread footings various times.

    Deep foundations

    It refers to the foundations, generally found and situated in too depth under a finished surface and the reason behind this is load bearing ability mainly affected by the condition of surface. It can be used by sharing high load into deeper & much capable strata if unfit kind of soils available at the surface. Various kind of deep foundations consist of piers, piles, caissons as well as compensated foundations.

    How site information impact on foundation design.

    Design of foundation as well as performance generally depends on two factors which are nature of the ground and site visit. Various structure, size, layout surface affect the whole choice of foundation design. Impact is going to be discussed as follows:

    Load from the building – It is one of the first and foremost element which need to be considered while constructing a building (JIANG and LIU, 2012). It has been analysed that how big or large a build is going to include a floor in it. It is very essential for identifying all the factors in an effective manner which includes load which can be bear by them, pressure of air and many other factors while constructing a building.

    Kind of soil – It has been analysed that there are ample number of levels of soil which is under the surface area. It is said that soil which is beneath the surface is at the top as well as just below there is the sub soil. This extent is used for the making of small sites.

    TASK 3

    Functional characteristics of elements of superstructure and the design selection criteria for their use

    Superstructure define as an extension where the current framework or building which already exist create more level above from the ground. In general words, it has been said that superstructure refers to the actual or existing area which is developed or constructed to use it. In context to the construction of building, it has been identified that superstructure place is located just above the ground level (Costin, Pradhananga and Teizer, 2012). There are some of the key essential factor of superstructure which are going to be discussed as follows:

    Floors ground & intermediate

    Another essential characteristic is the durability which is needed to have in both ground as well as floor which is going to be created. Therefore, it is essential for the site inspector to use use high quality raw material which assist in enhancing the overall durability of the building which is going to be constructed.


    Primary structural necessity for wall is the strength on which the building will be constructed by using high quality materials. It is mandatory by a site inspector to examine that all the raw material used by them are high in quality or not. With the help of this, that is cement or concrete is of good quality or not. This checking of raw material will help building perfect strengthen wall (Zhou, Ding and Chen, 2013).


    Primary feature of roof is to identify the own ability in order to refuse the passage of heat. In the present context of hotel, it is the most essential characteristic used to maintain the temperature within hotel area once the construction is completion.


    It has been said that main characteristic of the staircase within hotel is essential to have the ability of ground moisture resistance. This will assist in increasing the stability as well as sustainability and also secure them in order to use staircase in an effective manner. Therefore, it has been said that for a site inspector it is essential to adopt high quality concrete and raw material so that they can provide them secure building (LIU and JIANG, 2012).

    With the help of above mentioned functional characteristics of superstructure element, it has been said that the project operator need to consider all the characteristic, so that they can develop strong building in an effective manner.

    Describe the pre-design studies carried out and types of information collected for a given construction site.

    The pre designing of studies is considered as the most vital part of construction site as it results in analysing the situation which is prevailing at the site. In context with the construction of Hotel the responsible site officer needs to collect information about the condition at site in order to know about the accessibility of the resources. Here it is examined that collection of the data will be based on the availability of electricity on the site location or not for the completion of the construction working with the effective use of electricity(Wong and et. al., 2013).

    Apart from this factor the pre studies also consist of information on the convenience of labour available to design five storey erection as it is the basic need which is to be fulfilled in an efficient manner. In relation with this the inspector at the site should make plans to collect information on transportation. It is evaluated that construction working is required to have raw material in bulk quantity which can be moved from one location to another with the help of carriage. Thus it is most important to check the status of available raw materials.

    Component parts of an element allow it to fulfil its function

    It is essential for every manager dealing in project to design an effective structure according to the needs of client. Thus the most vital factor is to final the elements according to the substance (Eastman, 2018). On the basis of above it is determined that major constituent of flooring needs to be water resistant, durability which are evaluated below as:


    This factor is defined as the mixture of raw materials which are being used in construction work. It is examined that while designing strong and effective floor for Hotel. The concrete is the basic component without that the working cannot be completed.

    Floor sheet

    This is also one of the important components which is being used for construction purpose. In relation with building a water resistant flooring at Hotel it is essential for Manager to have a durable and quality sheet of floor.

    Compare different types of structural frame used to carry the primary and secondary elements of the superstructure

    Most of the engineers in the current time are using various type of framing structures that can be flexible, rigid and breaced and these are mainly used by the individual persons. In relation to this the detailed decision is examined underneath as:

    Rigid Frame Structure

    The rigid structure implies which is fixed and that is not at all flexible. This is considered as one of the strong form of structure in construction. The structure is designed from beam with relation to columns consisting of a single portion that is useful for civil engineers in building hotels very strong(Zhao and et. al., 2015).

    Braced Frame Structure

    This structure is beneficial for building in order to remove effects of earthquakes or high wind effects. Here it is analysed that beam along with column result in holding a vertical structure.

    TASK 4

    Techniques used for re-mediating the site prior to construction commencing

    The process which is used to make accurate things is known as Remediation. In construction industry, it means the techniques that is adopted by civil engineers in prior of beginning construction. With reference to Hotel building construction, it is essential for civil engineers to follow several remediation that helps companies in maintaining sustainability for long term. After the analysis, it has been stated that most of the civil engineers focuses on giving treatment soil in order to developing substructure(Sih, Carpinteri and Surace, 2013).

    Chemical Treatment

    The site location comes under Thames Valley which is basically a periphery area. This increases the possibility of issues regarding soil such as clayey, extra wet etc. it is analysed that the sustainability of five storey building declines because of ineffective soil. It is recommended that to remediate soil, Civil engineers uses various chemical treatments to fortify soil such as chemical Immobilization, Oxidation and so on. With the help of chemical treatments, the soil is strengthen as per the necessity of construction.

    Types of substructure works required for the infrastructures

    Substructure consist of place that is on ground level. The work basically involves the area of basement & foundation that is going to construct on site. As per mentioned situation of hotel building, the site operator mainly focuses on making strong substructure that consist of different types of work(Chew, 2017). The various kinds of work are discussed below:


    In this, the main focus is on the workforce and on the techniques that they follow to construct substructure in an effective way. It consist of work setting as per the construction plan with a motive to build it stable & strong.


    It refers to structural members which are used by construction industries in order to support loads. These members are temporarily in industry. With reference to Hotel building, it supports in building and provides extra power to substructure while construction.

    Identify superstructure, substructure and civil engineering structures necessary for a given building construction project


    superstructure is the main & upper section of construction that is construction which is above the ground level. It includes doors, walls, terrace, floor, roof and so on. In context to Five storey building, the upper level authorities finalize these elements as per the area as well as requirements of Hotel (Zavadskas and et. al., 2012).


    Raft foundation is a thick slab of steel that covers the structure area. It can be an appropriate kind of substructure for constructing Hotel building. It covers the overall ground area. In addition to this, it also involves pillars that supports and holds the weight of building. It is examine that Raft foundation is most suitable and appropriate type of substructure which assist in building five storey hotel with a good space of parking.


    Construction substructure, 2019)

    Civil Engineer Structure

    In this structure, the civil engineers makes designing of building and makes an environment of constructing(Yuguang, 2012). This structure also said an art that includes the design of bridges, dams, canals, buildings and so on. The design is build according to the area of construction.

    TASK 5

    Supply arrangements for primary services

    For building or constructing a hotel building, it is required by the site inspector to arrange various kinds of primary services so that it will help them in order to support them while constructing the programs in an effective manner. For this, it is essential to use high quality raw material which will help them in order to build hotel in an appropriate manner(Xianwei, Honggang and Xusheng, 2012). This includes various primary services which are electricity, energy supply, fire safety, bricks, water, labour, cement, drainage, escalators and many more. Furthermore, the site inspector needs to control and manage all the required resources effectively and so that they can virtually construct the building.

    Apart from this, it has been said that supply of all the primary services consist of an understanding about the actual requirements in order to build people, hotel, raw material, logistics and activities. Therefore, it is essential to develop an effective plan of action so that workers can perform their functions in an effective manner. Furthermore, it is very necessary for the site inspector to form a contract with their supplier so that there might not be any kind of delay while constructing a building(Sepasgozar, Razkenari and Barati, 2015).

    Distribution arrangements for primary services

    It has been said that distribution arrangements refers to the allocation of various kinds of resources and tasks to the people who are expertise in their filed so that they can produce positive outcome. It is essential to apply effective policies, strategies and techniques so that there must be proper allocation of primary services. For this, it is required to conduct proper planning which includes two main factors cost oriented as well as schedule oriented. Therefore, it is essential for the site inspector to conduct effective utilisation of raw material, labour, equipment and techniques so that positive outcome will be produced(Guichun, Wujuan and Xingxin, 2012). Site inspector use various strategies which are track time, identify scope, be realistic, think holistically, get authentic information about current resources as well as know employees efficiencies. Therefore, all these strategies and policies assist in distributing various tasks with adequate resources to the workers in order to construct unique and attractive hotel.

    Elements of the superstructure used to facilitate the primary services

    The superstructure consist different types of factors which are roofs, walls, floors, staircase, windows & doors. It has been said that there are various types of primary services such as fire safety, escalators, energy supply which can easily be used by the site inspector due to some favourable super structure which are windows, walls, floors, doors and many more. Therefore, in order to facilitating all the primary services, it consist of fire safety in an appropriate way with the help of exit windows and doors(Johnson and Covello, 2012). All the individuals are enough capable in order to save themselves with the help of these elements. For instance, if there is any kind of fire emergency arise within the building, workers will be capable enough to exit from windows and doors for securing there life while working. On the other hand, with the help of effective lifts and escalators, labour will be able to take all the raw material at the required place so that there might not be any kind of delay in the construction process.

    Distribution of the primary services impact on the overall design of the building

    It is said that distribution of all the primary services help design the building because of enough amount of resources in order to establish effective designing of plan. Site inspector need to design the building in a correct manner and for this adequate amount of resources are required for effectively completing the construction. Apart from this, for better and effective design, high quality of resources are required(Li and DENG, 2013).

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    With the assistance of the above-stated report, it has been concluded that it is very essential to conduct proper planning before constructing a hotel along with an adequate amount of funds and resources. It consists of different types of factors of superstructure which include roofs, walls, floors, doors, windows, staircase & finishes which all are used in order to facilitate the primary services. Yet, a better and more attractive design is helpful to assign different types of resources & activities to the workers according to their expertise field in terms of attaining the required result. This, as a result, will support in building of attractive buildings and hotels in an accurate manner which assist in grabbing the attention of a large number of customers in the near future.

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