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    Unit 3 E-MARKETING Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diplma Business Regent College Higher Education


    Marketing is essential part of business, that supports firms in expanding firm and attracting more consumers towards the brand. Technological advancement has helped the entities in market their products and services through electronic medium. Facebook, Twitter etc. are various marketing tools that are recently used by many big organizations. Present study is based on Tesla which is the global car manufacture. It is and American firm that is popular for its solar panel manufacturing, electrical vehicles, energy cars etc. Report will discuss best social media platform and tools to market Tesla Roadster. Furthermore, it will explain marketing theories and its benefit for the business unit.



    Tesla is the global automobile firm which is conducting its operations across the world. It provides variety of car products to consumers as per their requirements (Strauss and Frost, 2016). Tesla Roadster is the new model of the firm which is the electronic battery powered sports car. But electrical cars are now sell by any other automobile firms such as Toyota etc. In such condition it becomes very difficult for the Tesla that to market its products and enhance sales of the products. In order to market its products Tesla is targeting to young people those who have adequate income sources and are aged between 25-40. These people have more interest in sports cars. There are various marketing tools and platform that can be used by Tesla in order to market its Tesla Roadster car. In the modern era young people take support of internet and social media frequently (Baker and Saren, 2016). They get to know about new products and its features through these platforms. Thus, company can use social media marketing sites. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram help the firm in making effective communication with the clients and resolving their quarries immediately. By this way entity can make them positive and can influence their buying decision as well.

    In the recent time 96% marketers are applying social media for marketing their goods and services. It helps them in reaching to the mass audience and expanding the products across the world. Tesla needs to use Facebook in order to make effective communication with the target buyers (Constantinides, 2014). People aged between 25-40 use Facebook frequently and they regularly check updates on Facebook and further comment over it. This is the platform that circulate the messages frequently and increase communication chain. It is cost effective medium that can assist Tesla in syndicating content and increasing brand visibility. By using this medium cited firm can be able to make more people aware with benefits and features of Tesla Roadster so that more people can get to know about its unique features. There are many other social media platforms as well but Facebook is the platform on which interaction is very easy. Company can share pictures, videos, content message on Facebook easily. If any person like the product and comment over it then their friends and family members get to know about the new product of Tesla easily (Sheikh, Shahzad and Ishak, 2016). In this manner cited firm can market its products easily. Though, it can impact negatively also on the business unit because if someone do not like the new car of Tesla then individual may give negative reviews which can make others negatively. But it is the easiest sources of making connection with large number of people. Thus, use of Face social media tool will help the Tesla in market the new product Tesla Roadster effectively.

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    Earlier companies were focusing more on their own benefits but now a days these firm are paying attention on needs of consumers and are offering them products that can fulfill their these requirements. In the modern era marketing concepts have been applied in different manner. Social marketing concept is the modern theory that believes that organization are required to determine needs of target markets and accordingly provide them products and services. This helps in developing strong relationship with them and improving brand image as well. Modern approach of marketing or marketing concepts pays attention on consumers the most. Clients are life blood of business, if they are satisfied then entity can be able to sustain in the market for longer duration. 7P’s marketing theory explains that companies need to focus on seven major P elements (Abrar and et.al, 2016). These are: product, place, promotion, price, physical evidence, people and process. If all these factors have been considered by the firm then it will help in providing satisfactory products to consumers and retaining them in the brand for longer duration. Promotion mix is another marketing theory that explains that it is essential for the business that to promote products in right manner so that maximum people can make their mind to buy it. Social media marketing is the new concept of marketing. This assist the Tesla in attracting more people and interacting more with the target audience. This assist in making them aware with products and identifying their needs, It assist in improving quality of business and offering them such products that can met with their needs significantly (Top 5 Modern Marketing Concepts, 2017). Online communication through Facebook, Twitter etc. brings new opportunity for the firm and make them able to listen consumer’s views effectively. This is the way that can aid the Tesla in market its new products Tesla Roadster. In this medium company gives more respect to research and innovation so that it can matched up with expectation of clients and can retain them in workplace for longer duration. Social media marketing is the new modern marketing concept that is beneficial for the Tesla in promoting its products across the world and raising revenues to great extent (Sheikh, Shahzad and Ishak, 2016).


    From the above report it can be concluded that social media marketing is the modern concept that supports the firm in making close connection with mass audience. This assist the company in identifying needs of consumers and providing them products that can fulfill these needs. This aids in gaining success and earning more profit.


    Tesla should defiantly try Facebook for market its new model Tesla Roadster. This weill be easiest, cost effective and beneficial platform that will help in promoting product across the world.


    • Abrar, M. and et.al., 2016. E-Marketing Development and Its Application in Textile Sector of Pakistan—A Theoretical Review.Journal of Service Science and Management.9(03).pp.243.
    • Baker, M.J. and Saren, M., 2016.Marketing theory: a student text. Sage.
    • Constantinides, E., 2014. Foundations of social media marketing.Procedia-Social and behavioral sciences.148. pp.40-57.
    • Sheikh, A.A., Shahzad, A. and Ishak, A.B.K., 2016. The mediating impact of e-marketing adoption on export performance of firms: A conceptual study.Journal of Technology and Operations Management.11(1).pp.48-58.
    • Strauss, J. and Frost, R.D., 2016.E-marketing: Instructor's Review Copy. Routledge.

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