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    Health-care Environment

    Introduction to Health-care Environment

    Today’s time health care environment is important for the adults, children and every one. Healthcare sectors one of the complex and competitive industry which requires to expertise in this field. These types of the organisation provide healthcare services to its clients which can help to increase customer satisfaction level. It is important for the management and administration department is that to provide a quality services to their customers. The organisation of Park Day Centre provides different treatments regarding illness, injury, from prevention of diseases, etc. (Swayne, Duncan and Ginter, 2012).Park Day Centre provides the services of health to its customers effectively. This report is based on the park day centre which is healthcare service provider firm in UK. In this report, SWOT analysis Park Day Centre has been carried out.


    1. Describe The Current Organisational Structure and Culture at Park Day Centre

    The organisational structure of the every company defines that how the task are allocated to the departments and how to supervise them and to make coordination in the department. The structure of the organisation is used to define the hierarchy of the organisation. The structure of the company defines the objectives of the organisation which have to be achieved in a specific time period (Derrida, 2012). It determines the way that how to communicate the objectives to the lower level people in different departments. There are some criteria which can design the organisational structure in the department

    • functional contribution
    • effective coordination
    • clarity and contribution of the individual roles
    • appropriate supporting system

    The organisational structure of the company are based on three structures i.e. hierarchy, horizontal/flat, matrix structure.

    Hierarchy Structure

    the employees of the organisation are grouped with the every manager of the company who supervise them. The grouping of the employees are done on the basis of the factors like functions, geography, products etc... In function the employees are divided according what they can performed the function. The function of organisation are human resource, finance, marketing etc..

    Horizontal Structure

    this type of structure is normally adopted by the small business companies. It is impossible for the large organisation to adopt this structure. This structure enables the employees to take decision fast. In small companies there work and efforts are transparent. But it does not mean that employees are not supervise with the expert.

    Matrix Structure 

    this structure is combination of the hierarchy and horizontal structure. In this structure all the employees of the one department has to report to the manager of the that department. Park day centre works in a matrix structure, that all the employees of the different department have to report to the their department managers(Billings and Halstead, 2015). this structure include the different departments finance, human resource, marketing etc.. these are departments have to coordinate with the other departments to achieve the goals of the organisation.

    The culture of the Park Day Centre is week because nobody take the responsibility to handle the problems which are faced by the employees. If the any employee take the leaves in the organisation then nobody know that who is absent and who is present. There should be a proper responsibilities of the senior department manager to provide proper attendance list of the employees and maintain them regularly. So that no employees can not take the leave without the permission of the top management of level people. Sometime the managers support the work of individuals and teams and motivates the employees regarding their work. The organisation wants to provides the healthy environment to the employees. Park Day Culture Centre follows the rules and regulations of health care to satisfy the needs of the employees. They research different different treatments to prevent the diseases. The main aim of the Park Day centre is to provide best treatment to the patients at a affordable price. This centre provides the education facility to the members or staff also regarding the medical so that they can easily provide the medicines to the patients on regularly basis(Page, Wilson and Parkin, 2009).

    2) Identify Relevant Stakeholders in Park Day Centre and Analyse Their Perspectives of Quality in Park

    There are so many stakeholders in the organisation. They help the organisation in building reputation in the market. There are two types of internal stakeholders i.e. Internal and external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders of the organisation are employees, vendors, etc. the organisation is  mainly affected by the external stakeholders that include governments, societies, and competitors in the market (Ball, Weaver and Kiel, 2013). Some of the stakeholders of the Park Day Centre are patients, suppliers, financial community, government, insurance company. Their roles and responsibilities in the organisation are important.


    In the Park Day Centre, patients are the important stakeholders of the organisation. Patients are adults, children and old age person. They can provide good treatments to their patients and make profit accordingly which can leads to increase the client loyalty in the business unit.


    In the organisation, suppliers are the one who provides treatments regarding the diseases, illness, injury to the patients.

    Financial community

    In this category the organisation take loan from different person to give treatment to the patients. The loan can be taken from banking companies, on-banking companies and other companies which are approved by the banking companies.Government -. The government make rules, policies, and regulations regarding the health of people. Park Day Centre has to follow rules, laws which are made by the government. Park Day Centre is influenced by the laws, rules which are made by the government (Velarde, Fry and Tveit, 2007).

    Insurance company

    This insurance to the patients at a specific point of the period..

    3) Discuss Leo’s Roles and Responsibilities as The New Healthcare Manager of Park Day Centre

    There are various roles and responsibilities which can be performed by healthcare manager of Park Day Centre. It is the responsibility of the manager to manage and administered all business activities in an organisation. As the manger, the individual should have knowledge and experience in the field of medical and healthcare services (Cochrane and et. al., 2007). There are various roles and responsibilities which can be performed by a manager which are as follows:

    Managerial role and responsibilities

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    Interpersonal Communication

    It is the responsibility of the manager of Park Day centre to  communicate with their staff member on a regular basis. They can share the company vision and mission with them which can increase the  confidence and motivation level of their staff members.

    Strategic planning

    Strategic planning is related with the long term business plan and strategies which can help to attain their short and long term goals and objective (Wellington and et. al., 2013). Manager of Park Day Centre Leo's requires making strategic planning and strategies which can help to attain firm’s short and long term goals and objectives effectively. It can help to develop the strategic advantage of the organisation.


    A motivated employee can increase performance and efficiency of the job. It is the responsibility of a manager to motivate their member that can help to enhance their profitability. There are various tools and techniques which can be used to motivate them, for example, Leo's can increase the performance-based incentives it which can aid in increasing the productivity of their employees to a great extent.


    A sound relationship can help to build and develop a good working environment at the workplace. The main role of the manager is to maintain good relation with them (Kerr and Snelling, 2009).


    Technology is having a significant role in the modern healthcare services. Leo is required to use advanced and new technology in the Park Day Centre which can enhance services of their clients. It can also reduce the operational cost of the company which can increase the profitability of the firm.

    Policies and procedures

    Another important role of the manager is to make various policies and procedures which can help to maintain discipline at the workplace. It is significant for the manager to follow the government rules and regulations so that they can increase satisfaction level of their clients.

    Training and development

    As we know that business environment is change over a period of time which requires to improve the skills and capabilities of the firm accordingly. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the manager to cope up with these changes and provide consistency in the business (Grass, Rensing and Solioz, 2011). To meet that change they have to provide training and development programmes to their staff. It can enhance their skills and capabilities and increase the productivity and performance of the organisation.

    4) SWOT Analysis of Park Day Centre

    Park Day Centre is a care home for the adults who are suffering from Dementia. To conduct the SWOT analysis of Park Day Centre, it is important to consider all information related to the care home. It helps to analyze the the internal environment and the attitude of people towards the work (Browall and, 2013). There are some of the changes which were made by the manager and to implement those changes as per the requirement.Swot analysis is as follows:


    • The main strength of Park Day Centre is that they follow a laissez-faire attitude of leadership in which they consider different ideas and opinions.
    • They also take help from the employees in the process of decision making which provide different ideas to attain the goals.
    • They also conduct training for the staff members which motivate them towards the work and enhance skills and knowledge (Spaulding and, 2015).


    • The weakness is that the manager spends less for development process.
    • The staff is not able to provide quality services to the children and which have negative impacts on the people.
    • The care centre have narrow focus on the open events and not the activities of partnerships.


    • There is always an opportunity for growth which not only increases the number of children, but it will also leads increase the number of buildings which will help in providing large number of benefits to the care home(Weber, Anderson and Rutala, 2013).
    • Park Day centre can also provide care for the adults who have low-income facilities and give the services which are required by them.
    • With the increase in the popularity of health care, new healthcare programs can be developed which will increase the funds.


    • he factor which negatively affects the performance of healthcare is the political insecurity which is considered as a threat for Park Day Centre (Delmatoff, 2014).
    • Further, due to the increase in the demand for an expensive technology in medical,so that people cannot afford those expensive services.

    Therefore, above mentioned SWOT analysis helps to manage the internal situations of the centre analyze the conditions of the environment at the workplace. It is helpful to determine profitability of the centre and there is an analysis of internal environment and helps to make changes as per the requirement and to find out the solutions of the different issues. Further, to overcome the threats, it is required to develop training program which can help people to learn new things which is beneficial for them (Bartel and, 2014). It can be stated that the management of Park Day Centre must ensure the safety and security of people and provide them appropriate services so that they can satisfy themselves. Thus, it can be said that considering all the aspects of SWOT analysis, the manager have to make changes which is beneficial for the organisation.

    5) Suggest Two Changes and implementation of Those Changes With The Use of Change Management Theory

    The concept of change management can be defined as the changes which are developed by the members of the organisation which depends upon on the nature of the enterprise. Besides this, there are various people who are involved in it. It also includes the different aspects in which they use the methods and convince the people to implement the changes. In the present scenario, after the evaluation of SWOT analysis, there is a requirement to make some of the changes which can help the care home to manage different activities in an effective manner. There are three main stages in the change management theory which involves unfreeze, change and refreeze (Martin and Sutton, 2015). The stages of change management theory


    In this stage of change management theory, it is the responsibility of Leo to convince members of the organisation and provide them the idea to build a new way to adopt those changes.  There is also one of the most important aspects that are related to the values, beliefs and the behaviours so that in the context of it the changes can be made for the people.  Further, it is change which is required to implement the first change to make limited expenses but at the same time provide quality services to the children (Ball, Weaver and Kiel, 2013). The second one is to provide different activities and to increase the level of satisfaction of the service users. These changes must be accepted by other people to solve the various issues, and the management can resolve these problems which will be beneficial for the day centre.


    After the stage of unfreezing, in this stage, the manager resolves  issues and provides different way to do the things  which helps to believe and support for making changes.. In context of this, Leo make changes as per the requirement of centre including expenses to provide appropriate quality services which are beneficial for the children. It is also important for them to prevent them from the serious issues and give them satisfactory services. Expenses made to provide the healthy and positive environment and to  increase in the level of their treatment  health (Yoder-Wise, 2014). It is also necessary for providing treatment to incapable children and those whose condition is serious so that they can get proper treatment which is required by them.

    On the other side, to make changes in the service users on a daily basis  provide the activities such as exercises and other activities which can help them to manage various tasks on their own. This change is beneficial for the organisation as they can get solutions to the different issues at centre (Weber and Rutala, 2013). Thus, it can be stated that Leo must implement these changes and it is beneficial for the adults and it is beneficial for their health.


    In this stage of Change management theory, the changes take place at the workplace so that the people have to learn new aspects of working and the workplace is ready to refreeze. In the present scenario, the changes such as to provide the quality service with spending money  and to conduct the different activities which gives positive attitude to the adults. In the context of this, it will provide positive outcomes which are  beneficial for the people at the workplace (Page, 2014). Further, it is also advantageous for the management of Park Day Centre which gives priority to the different ideas of the people  which will help in increasing satisfaction level of different people.

    Thus, it can be stated that the manager of Park Day Centre, can make appropriate changes and implement those changes as per the requirement at workplace and motivate adults in order to manage health issues.. It can be concluded that the changes are implemented will provide benefits to the management in an effective manner.


    From the above report, it can be concluded that healthcare environment plays an important role in the health care centre and provide appropriate ideas in order to manage people.  In this report, Park Day Centre that is operating for last eight years and  description of culture and structure of the organisation. Further, it has been examined  relevant stakeholder and their role to manage the different activities at the stated centre. It also includes the roles and responsibilities of the new manager and their work at at centre that covers different activities for the profitability of the organistion.. Moreover, there is SWOT analysis which helps to manage internal environment of the healthcare centre so that they can identify the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and it also helps to resolve the issues at the workplace. It also involves the different changes which are required to implement, and that can be done with the help relevant change management theory which includes three stages including the unfreeze, change and refreeze so that Leo make changes by this theory which is helpful for them to implement the changes at the workplace. The changes occurred at the workplace are beneficial and provide positive changes to the people.


    • Ball, M., Weaver, C. and Kiel, J. Eds., 2013. Healthcare information management systems: Cases, strategies, and solutions. Springer Science & Business Media.
    • Bartel, A.P. and, 2014. Human capital and productivity in a team environment: evidence from the healthcare sector. American Economic Journal. Applied Economics. 6(2). p.231.
    • Billings, D.M. and Halstead, J.A., 2015. Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. Elsevier Health Sciences.
    • Browall, M. and, 2013. Patients' experience of important factors in the healthcare environment in oncology care.International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being. 8.
    • Cochrane, L.J., and et. al., 2007. Gaps between knowing and doing: understanding and assessing the barriers to optimal health care. Journal of continuing education in the health professions. 27(2). pp.94-102

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