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    R6011758 Unit 20 Issues in Human Resource Management


    The human resource management is being adopted by almost every firm because of its sustained benefits. However, due to rapidly transforming business landscape, many human resource management challenges and issues are continuously evolving from years to come. Because of the fluctuating economy and various local and global advancements, numerous alterations are occurring and are significantly influencing the Human resource in a wide range of issues (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008). At times, it becomes necessary on the part of HR managers to work on these issues and effectively prevent the activities of the company from getting obstructed. Though, it is first important to identify and highlight those issues and challenges. Concerning this, the present research report aims to determine varied challenges and issues related to human Resource management.

    For this purpose, Inter-continental group of hotels (IHG) is being taken into consideration. IHG is a public owned organization that has its operation in many parts of UK and other nations as well. It is one of the largest and global hotels Company all across the world. The main priority of the management is to develop their people throughout the globe and thus, they are strengthening it by effective resource and staff planning (About us, 2018). Thus, the report will focus on analyzing the existing recruitment and selection process of Inter-continental group of hotels and design job description, person specification and appraisal methods for selecting the candidates.

    Task – 1

    Recruitment and selection process of Inter-continental group of hotels

    Recruitment is defined as a process wherein the applications of the candidate are being accepted and the capabilities of the applicants are being identified. The inter-continental group of hotels has a set procedure in order to recruit people into their business. Whatever the role on the business it applies, they have the same procedure to follow. The employees are regarded as the important stakeholders and without their presence the hotel cannot carry out their operations. They need more effective workers in order to cope up with the increased sales, filling the vacancies and rising competition (Hoque, 2013). The hotel currently makes use of internal as well as external source for recruiting the employees. The internal recruitment is being performed through transfers, promotion, demotion, upgrading, appointing retired employees, dependent and relative of deceased employee. On the other hand, external recruitment is being conducted by advertising, educational institute, employee referral, placement agencies and recruitment at factory gate. Furthermore, the recruitment and selection process of Inter-continental group of hotels involves various stages such as determining the vacancy, preparing job description and specification, advertising, management of response, short-listing, arrangement for interview, conducting interviews and making final decision.

    Talking in relation with the selection process of the hotel, the HR managers first carry out preliminary interview so as to reject those who are unmatched with the vacant job. Secondly, various tests are conducted such as ability test, aptitude tests etc. in order to judge the ability of an individual to perform the tasks (Routledge and Goss-Turner, 2013). Next, a formal and in-depth interview is carried out by the managers and if the applicants clear this stage, their reference and background is checked through formal letter or telephonic conversation. The managers then make the selection decision and conducts physical examination of the candidate. Finally, the job offer is being generated and respective employee is contacted by the HR. Recruitment and selection process of the hotel is affected by various recruitment policies, size of the firm, growth expansion, and cost of recruitment, unemployment rate, supply and demand, goodwill and competitors. Thus, it is important for the hotel to evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process so as to cope up with these upcoming challenges (Crick and Spencer, 2012).

    Effectiveness of recruitment and selection processes

    The effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process can be evaluated by considering various factors. Seeking help through these factors, Inter-continental group of hotel can identify flaws and errors in their recruitment and selection processes and can work upon it to take suitable corrective actions (Davidson, McPhail and Barry, 2012). Explanation of these factors is as follows:

    • Cost of the recruitment – This is considered as one of the most important factor in order to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process. The inter-continental group of hotels takes into consideration internal and external source for recruitment. Vacancies are often fulfilled internally through promotion, transfers and up gradation, which is generally less costly in comparison with the external source of recruitment. The major costs are incurred in advertising for the job and selecting through campus placements.
    • Retention rate and performance of applicant – Retention as well as performance of the candidates being selected effectively helps in determining that the recruitment and selection process being adopted by the hotel is appropriate or not. The increased sales as well as less labor turnover in the hotel are the evidence of appropriateness of these processes (Bratton and Gold, 2012).
    • Time to fill – This factor provides support in analyzing the total time consumed by the HR managers in order to fill the vacant jobs. The main rationale behind this is vacant position cost money and it is better for the organization if the vacancies of positions are filled up faster. The HR managers of Inter-continental group of hotel makes significant efforts to fill up the vacancies as fast as possible.
    • Suitable candidate for selection – It is also vital for evaluating the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection processes of the company. The performance of the new hire should be compared with the existing one. Through this, the firm can determine the performance gap if any and can conclude whether their decision was right or wrong (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).

    Creative advertisement for job of Human Resource Manager

    The very first step into the process of external source of recruitment and selection is creating advertisement (Bamberger, Biron and Meshoulam, 2014). Here for the current research report, job advertisement for Human Resource Manager of Inter-continental group of hotel will be created and it is being described below: 

    Human resource Manager

    The Inter-continental group of Hotels is seeking for Human Resource Managers with great inter-personal and communication skills, which can further build up strong relationships with the line managers and who can offer professional Human Resource services to our business.

    Responsibilities include:

    • Developing human resource policies and procedures
    • Delivering performance management programs
    • Recruiting and selecting efficient employees
    • Training and development programs
    • Providing coaching and mentoring sub-ordinates

    Candidates required:

    • An individual having extensive knowledge and experience in the field of Human Resource or within the HR environment
    • A tertiary qualification in regards with the human resource management and business management
    • High quality communication, leadership, inter-personal and managerial skills
    • A track record of developing and establishing human resource policies and objectives in multi-business organizations
    • Ability to influence people and their behavior

    Don’t miss this attractive and rewarding opportunity and apply for this job by forwarding your resume to Paris hunter at Parirhunter@email.com

    Paris Hunter

    Senior consultant

    Inter-continental group of hotels

    Denham, Buckinghamshire United Kingdom

    Job analysis (Job description and person specification)

    Job Description

    Human Resource Managers with great inter-personal and communication skills, which can further build up strong relationships with the line managers and who can offer professional Human Resource services to our business (Trullen and et.al., 2016). The responsibilities as HR manager of Inter-continental group of hotels are as follows:

    • Developing human resource policies and procedures for the hotel
    • Delivering performance management programs for the employees
    • Recruiting and selecting efficient employees for various departments like room service, food and beverage, house-keeping department etc.
    • Training and development programs for ground staff and line managers
    • Providing coaching and mentoring sub-ordinates in complex issues and tasks

    Person specification

    Required qualification

    ·         A tertiary qualification in human resource management and business management from dignified University is essential.


    Personal individualities

    ·         Communication and inter-personal skills

    ·         Basic computer skills

    ·         Ability to influence people and their behavior 

    ·         Good command over languages

    Experience required

    ·         More than 10 years of experience in HR environment or as HR manager in hotel

    Interview questions 

    • Give description about your previous work experience in hotel industry?
    • What are your plans to speed up the operations of the hotel if you get this job?
    • How will you manage the training of hotel staff? (Sexton, 2015)
    • How you have reduced the cost of hotel in your previous job?
    • How you handle negative feedback from your boss?

    Professional CV and covering letter

    Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    Career Abstract

    I am very focused towards by goal and work ethics. I am quite passionate towards improving myself and want to excel in areas where I can manage the valuable resource of any organization. I will definitely add value to your organization with my excellence in communication as well as leadership skills.

    Work Experience

    5 years of experience in Marriot hotel as Human resource Manager and 6 years of experience as HR Assistant in travel and tourism company

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    Our intention is to help numerous students worldwide through effective and accurate work.

    Roles and Responsibilities:

    • Developed training and development programs
    • Performance management of employees
    • Recruiting and selecting candidates for various department
    • Human resource policies formulation and disseminating information to employees

    Education and qualification

    MBA – Human resource, Harvard University, 2014

    BBA – Business management, Harvard University, 2011

    Key skills

    • Working knowledge of MS Office and Internet Applications
    • Good communication, inter-personal, leadership and analytical skills

    Personal Details

    Birth date:                   17th May 1986

    Interests:                     Travelling and reading books.

    Languages:                  English, German

    Cover letter for resume

    Peter jazz

    432, Watling Street


    Date: 27th April 2018

    Paris Hunter 

    Senior consultant

    Inter-continental group of hotels

    Denham, Buckinghamshire United Kingdom

    Dear Mr. Paris Hunter

    I am interested in the position of Human Resource Manager in your Hotel. I believe that my skills and experience will contribute towards organizational effectiveness. I have acquired abilities in varied areas and this makes me a perfect candidate for the current job vacancy in Inter-continental group of hotels. The details of my experience and previous jobs are enclosed in the Curriculum Vitae. I look forward to meet you and discuss my qualifications and other aspects in more details


    Peter Jazz

    Appraisal methods used by Inter-continental group of hotels for selecting the candidates

    Inter-continental group of hotels takes into consideration various methods to recruit the best candidate to fill up the vacancies. Once, the pool of applicants is made available, eligible candidates are shortlisted by the managers, who are then invited for interviews with the selection panel of the hotel (Storey, 2014). On clearing the stage, they are appraised by carrying out various types of tests such as aptitude tests, cognitive tests, tests related to behavior etc. In addition to this, For the purpose of identifying the best candidate, some selection criteria are developed and these are underneath:  

    • Qualification should be related to HR At least one year of experience
    • Decent communication, inter-personal and leadership skills
    • Skills related to computer languages and abilities to manage people
    • Between the age group of 35-45 years, child labor should be avoided as per the employment law
    • Applicant should be selected as per the fixed term employees regulation act 2002
    • Eligibility to work in UK under the eligibility act 2006.

    Job offer

    Once the recruitment process is finished after considering all the above mentioned selection criteria, it is important to check the selection process prior initiating the job offer such as reviewing the duties as well as responsibilities of the vacant position, confirming the questions of the interviews with the selection criteria, gaining the information about the candidate by screening the CV again etc. Once, this process is finished, the HR executives of the hotel initiates the job offer (Beardwell, 2004). As soon as the offer is accepted by the candidate, the HR coordinator generate an offer letter and make sure that there should be written acceptance by the applicant to all terms and conditions, regulations, timings and other benefits mentioned in the offer letter.

    Task – 2

    Analyzing the Issues and challenges related to human resource management in Inter-continental group of hotels

    The human resource management of Inter-continental group of hotel also come across with various issues and challenges that impacts the growth and performance of the hotel and these important issues are as follows: 

    • Retention of employees – Hiring is being regarded as one of the most crucial challenge for the HR managers of Inter-continental hotel, however retaining them is another challenge for them. Retention is quite difficult firstly because of the contingent employees. These includes employee who are part time, work from home and temporary employees. These people are not connected or attached with the hotel and can easily shift to other jobs. Secondly rising demand of expert employees in the job market such as technicians and professionals have increased the labor turnover rate in the hotel (Govaerts and et.al., 2013).
    • Training and development – In order to have smooth functioning within the hotel, training and development is the important key. HR managers of the hotel are responsible for arranging on the job and off the job training programs and it becomes a challenge for them in several ways i.e. way through which training can be made more effective, objective of training, methods of training, cost related to programs etc.
    • Globalization – With the rising globalization, issues related to language, management approach, work ethics, culture, tradition and attitude is also increasing at a fast pace. It becomes difficult for HRM of inter-continental group of hotels to deal with such heterogeneous functions.
    • Workforce diversity – Taking in relation with the present time, the diversity in the workforce is increasing tremendously due to globalization and market trends. Diversity in the inter-continental hotel is not only developed by age, gender, income level, religion, caste and educational background, but is created with nature, behavior, personality as well as background of the employees (Human Resource Management Challenges, 2018). With more diversification within the hotel, more issues pertaining to harassment, bullying, discrimination etc. takes place in the hotel.
    • Advancement in technology – Rising technological advancement require competent human force that poses an ability to cope up and learn with changing technology in the hotel. With the technological advancement taking place in preparation of food, managing data base and information, cleaning and maintenance, costing evaluation etc. human resource management of the hotel faces issues and challenges to make the employees adapt with these upcoming technologies. Further, they need to find those workers who are not able to adjust with the new technology. This again creates a new challenge for the HR managers to fill up the vacancies (Challenges and Issues in Human Resource Management, 2018).


    Consequently, it can be said that Human resource management within the organization is responsible for managing all chaos related to employees. Due to changing market trends and complex human behavior, there are many issues and challenges that hamper the managers to achieve the desired goals and objectives. The managers of the inter-continental group of hotels are required to make effective plans and strategies to cope up with these challenges. Further, by evaluating the recruitment and selection processes of the hotel, it can be said that the hotel should improve their talent selection metrics. In this regards, it is suggested to send a survey to the new hire after a reasonable time period and should quantify that the new recruitment is working out or not. Through this small action, the HR managers can check the minute flaws and can bring small results. By starting with this small achievement, tremendous value can be added to improve the overall process of recruitment and selection of the hotel.


    • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
    • Bamberger, P.A., Biron, M. and Meshoulam, I., 2014. Human resource strategy: Formulation, implementation, and impact. Routledge.
    • Beardwell, I., 2004. Human Resource Management a Contemporary  Approach. 4thed. Prentice Hall.
    • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Crick, A. and Spencer, A., 2012. Hospitality quality: new directions and new challenges. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(4), pp.463-478.

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