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Recruitment and managing all activities of human resource should required to be properly done by HR management of an organisation with a motive of giving proper direction and achieve desired goals and objectives within limited period of time. Therefore, the growth and success of an organisation is depend on the performance of employees so it is essentially required for company to have skilled and knowledgeable human resource so as to contribute more in the performance of an organisation. Health and social care homes such as NHS requires an individual who are capable to utilise available resources and can offer quality services to their customers. Through formulating an effective HR strategy and adopting right style of leadership management, Health and social care homes can able to identify the issues regarding recruitment and selection. The project covers different plans which need to be consider while recruiting employees in health and social care homes (Ahuja, 2011)
Recruitment is an important factor which help an organisation to attained skilled and knowledgeable employees who are capable to contribute maximum efforts in achieving growth and success in future. In context of health and social care, there are various elements which need to be considered while making recruitment planning. Such elements includes internal and external which affects such recruitment plan. The first and foremost element which should require to consider is to identify the main aim of enterprise behind making recruitment plan and consider what an organisation wants to achieve. For example, Before recruiting an individual, an organisation must need to identify the skills and competencies of an individual which are needed by an enterprise. Further, firm also need to consider the requirement of employees and accordingly recruit either through internal or external source (Bagnoli and Megali, 2011). The firm also need to consider the deviation which restricts employees to perform better.
Along with this, changes in demand for health care need and available budget should require to consider by firm while formulating recruitment plan. To attain profitable outcome from recruitment plan, it is important that person and job specification need to consider by health and social care homes. The recruitment plan should be made in such an effective ways that will help an organisation in getting right individual at right time for the vacant position.
Internal factors:
Due to lack of employment opportunities, large number of people are unemployed due to which more qualified workers apply for the vacant position.
An organisation attaining good image or goodwill can easily attract lots of applicants to apply for them job due to which the company has lots of option to select qualified employees (Bamberger, , Meshoulam and Biron, 2014).
There is huge competition in Social and health care sector which influences the interest and behaviour of candidate to apply for the job available in company.
Some the various factors given below which are needing to consider at the time of recruitment planning:
It is related with demand of health services which may arise in near future due to which an effective strategies and plans are formulated by HR manager. It makes employees more capable to dealing with rising demands in future due to which the image and reputation of an organisation goes high.
Forecasting is a process of seeing future contingencies and complexity occur so as to deal with them in an effective and efficient manner. Under this, it is an estimation of the supply of HR which should required to be consider by Human Resource. As HR manager, supply forecasting assist in identifying the skills and competencies of employees so as to provide an appropriate direction and guidance in order to achieve desired goals and objectives.
There are various legislations which restricts the recruitment and selection of individuals in UK. Such acts includes Equality act 2010, Employment rights act 1996, industry care standards and race relations act 2000. All such act are formulated with an objective of minimising the discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, disability etc. in terms of recruitment process. Through all such acts, the government directs an organisation to make recruitment plan more effective and provide job opportunities to eligible individual. These all supports management in making labour policy more flexible.
Apart from this, health and social care homes are build their own policy in order to control recruitment and selection process which includes various elements such as anti-discrimination. For example, General social care council, 2010 introduced a code of practice for social care employers. This practice has been developed with a motive of complying with government's legislations in order to fulfil the requirements for employment of social care employees. Through such policy, the management are ensure that their employees are more comfortable to work at workplace and also required to consider the rules and regulations in order to protect employee from any exploitation and discrimination.
Children and Families Act, 2014:
This act states that an individual if work for at least 26 weeks with their employer are entitled to flexible working. As a new HR manager, it must required to comply with this law in order to provide flexible working options to their employees so as to meet their meet their family and personal circumstances. It increases employee morale and satisfaction level of employees.
It states that the management should required to treat employees equally irrespective of the position attained in an organisation. Having legal employability, the employees has attained rights to get all facilities provided by management which results in increasing satisfaction level and performance level.
The process of selection starts with the submission of CV by candidates who are willing to apply for the vacant job. After submission, the HR manager should carefully examine all application forms and select an individual who fulfil all requirements needed by management for vacant job position. After examining all documents, the candidates must called for interview. In the interview, specific questions should be asked by HR manager on the basis of which suitable candidate should be selected after analysing their communication skills and confidence level.
In case of recruiting and selecting candidates in social care homes, an additional test should be conducted in order to determine whether they are capable to work for the betterment of society instead of maximising their own interest (Barcelo and et. al., 2014).
The next approach which need to apply in social and care homes while hiring best candidates in use of Peer staff which help in identifying suitable candidate who are capable to perform roles and responsibilities attached to vacant job position. Such approach has drawback as well as it consists business of peers which increases the chances of making wrong decision.
Another approach for selection and recruitment is assessment centres in which different activities are required to be done. Such activities includes psychometric tests, capability identifying questions, group discussions or role plays etc. Through observing candidate's skills and abilities of such activities, the manager can able to reach to an effective decision regarding appointment of candidates for vacant job position.
Interview: It is an effective process in which specific questions has been asked relating to their capabilities, past experiences and background of family.
Psychometric test: Such kind of test is conducted for searching skills and quality of an individuals.
Working in a team and interacting with each others related to the completion of business activities always brings profitable result to company. Supporting each other and sharing views and ideas increases the chances of identifying optimum solution in order to achieve desired target within pre-determined period of time. In the context of social and health care homes, team work also play an influencing role. To support team work, there are various theories which need to be adopted by management in order to motivate its employees to work together. Among various, the major theory is Tuckma's model. In such theory, interaction of team has been divided into four phases such as forming, storming, norming and performing which are briefly discussed under below:
In this stage, the employees doesn't know the benefits of working in a team due to which they are more anxious to work and share vies and ideas with one another. Here, the leader should required to act as dominant role as the roles and responsibilities of team members are not clear. In this stage, the people show their willingness to work in a team and acquire new knowledge from others (Glendon, Clarke and McKenna, 2016).
In this stage, an individuals trying to pushes their limits and perform in different ways in order to achieve better possible outcomes. Sometimes, adopting different working styles may causes problems and issues thus the team members focuses on developing ideas to solve the issues.
In this stage, the team members are more engaged and interact with each others and put their maximum efforts in resolving differences arises among between them. They ensures leader to give their best and perform allotted task in more effective and efficient manner.
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In this last stage, team members are focusing towards performing task delegated by leader with a motive of achieving desired goals and objectives. The members provide full support to each other and performing as a group rather than individual.
All above elements help and motivate employees to work in a team rather than giving efforts at individual level. This will enhances their skills and capabilities which directly make positive impact on the overall performance of an organisation as well.
Such theory was introduced by Belbin & Woodstock with the purpose of diving task into two parts such as task and maintenance. In this, task includes achievement of objectives, problem solving, sharing of ideas etc. which can be done through working in a team. On the other hand, maintenance functions includes maintaining good relation with members, encouraging them, providing basic facilities etc. Such theory indicates that an effective team can be formed if an organisation has attained a sharp coordinator, a manager who are capable to make an effective decisions and plans, a leader who has an ability to motivate workers etc.
There are number of approaches which must required to adopt by Health and social care homes such as NHS in order to form, develop and promote team work to achieve better possible outcomes. In the context of team work, there are some leadership theories which need to be adopted by social care homes:
Such theory of leadership state the behaviour of leader while performing in different situations. As the leaders gained experience over time which increases their capabilities to make an effective decision after with the help of experience gained from the past (Hendry, 2012). Engaging in providing Home and Social care activities requires huge knowledge and experience through which an individual is able to perform in right way. Therefore, NHS need to appoint leaders who are more experience and learned from past which may utilised in performing future activities.
It helps in building confidence among employees which results in increasing performance level.
It mainly ignores the mental processes that are engaged in learning.
As business environment is complex and contingent in nature which brings so may difficulties and issues towards leader in order to achieve desired target. Therefore, to deal with such situations arise due to such complex environment the leader should have attained strong personality and must be self-confident as well as positive attitude. As working in health and social care homes such NHS, there are lots of situation arises which are essentially required to compete with them in more effective and efficient manner. Here, leader should required to play an effective role through making an effective decision and plans with the help of using their skills and knowledge.
It helps company to make their employees ready and competitive in order to deal with different complex situation arises due to business environment which are contingent in nature.
It is a flexible approach to management which gives more emphasis on immediate need due to which the attention towards achieving desire goals and objectives may be shifted to handling particular situation.
This leadership style directs leaders to provide an opportunity to their staff members to take participate in decision making process and collecting their valuable feedbacks and opinions. Such leadership style are also called as participative leadership style as it gives equal rights to employees to share their views and opinions freely and on the basis of which an effective decision should be made. Therefore, giving importance to views and suggestions of employees brings motivation and self-confidence which directly make positive impact on the performance of an organisation as well (Purce, 2014).
It helps management to motivate employees to perform in a team rather than performing individually so that maximum contribution ot be made in achieving desired objectives.
It becomes ineffective while dealing with issues which is more urgent to resolve. AS it consumes more time due to getting suggestion for their employees which results in losing competitive opportunities.
It is the responsibility of HR management to control and monitor performance of their employees in order to provide them proper direction to perform in an effective and efficient manner so as to bring profitable outcome to company. Thus, monitoring performance is very essential and it can be done in various ways. The first step is to identify the current performance level of employees and analyse them carefully through comparing actual with standard performance which help them in finding out deviations if any, which restrict workers to give their best. This will help HR manager to make an effective decisions and plans after consulting with workers in order to rectify or eliminate such deviations as quickly as possible. Therefore, it will help an organisation in developing human resources.
Identifying and analysing the performance of workforce can be done through collecting feedbacks from them which directs them to make an effective decision. The other way of evaluating performance of individual is known as performance appraisal. HR manager need to first assign roles ad responsibilities according to the skills and knowledge of employees and set a specific goals for them which need to be matched by them in near future. To determine the more effective employees, the manager need to give ratings to them on the basis of their performance and accordingly provide them awards, salary, bonuses etc. and conduct training programs to those who failed to perform as per the standard (Rajput and et. al., 2013)..
HR department also set guidelines to all employees to improve their performance in upcoming years which brings motivation among them to perm well. Community care should required to implement software through which they can tract every employee's performance and at the end of the year. On the basis of information the performance of employee can be monitored and analysed.
Management by objective is valuable concepts which contributes maximum in increasing the performance level of employee at workplace. Under this, 3600-degree must used by company with an objective of providing better appraisals to employees in order to enhance their performance level. Along with this, 360-degree is an effective method of performance management which describes as well as provides feedbacks and views of workers towards the management of an organisation due to which maximum efforts has been given by them to resolve their problems and deviation in their performance.
Training and development programs is always an important for every organisation irrespective of the nature whether retail or social care organisation. As every organisation has attained huge amount of workers and the managers has made expectations from them which can be fulfilled by employees only when they have attained effective skills and capabilities. In the given case study, training gaps has been identified which need to be resolved by HR management through conducting training and learning programs in order to achieve desired goals and objectives of an organisation. Due to having insufficient skills and improper allocation of roles and responsibilities affects the performance of an individual . According to the given case study, the management of community care are failed to comply with rules and regulation implemented by government thus the need of training programs also been identified. Therefore the management should required to carefully assess the problems faced b y employees at workplace and accordingly organise significant training sessions and development programs within or outside of an organisation (Saks and Haccoun, 2010). There are also some other ways through which the management can identify the needs of training of an individuals in health and social care homes such as NHS which are given as below:
To identify the training needs of employees, the management required to carry out a training needs analysis which consist of three stages:
In this step, training needs are carefully evaluated through the management can analysing the future skills needs due to changes in products, equipment, economical factors etc. It will help in maximising the performance of employees.
At this level, comparing the performance of employees with the desired performance will help in finding out the deviation due to which training needs are easily identified. It will help in increasing potentiality of employees so that they can perform allotted task in profitable manner.
At this stage, the training need of each employee are identified. It can be possible through collecting information from performance reviews and appraisal system. Feedback form also be given to employees in order to give an opportunity to employees to provide recommendation to solve problems that may faced by them on daily basis. It will help in maximising the interest and buying behaviour of employees at workplace.
HR department is held liable to enhance the performance of their employees through conducting training and learning programs on regular basis so as to enhance their capabilities to perform allotted task in an effective and efficient manner. The overall performance of company is totally depend on the performance their employees thus it is essentially required for HR management to make an effective strategies and plans in order to develop human resource. Such strategies may related with providing rewards, compensation and incentives etc. which brings motivation and self confidence among employees which directly affect their performance in positive manner (Swierz III and et. al.,, 2017).
In order to promote continuous development of staff members, it is important for health and social care homes to introduce learning culture and systems which help in providing sufficient support workers to achieve growth and success in their professional career. Further, budget has also need to be prepared specifically for organising training and development programs at workplace on regular basis. Giving proper guidance and coaching to the employees are also enable them to perform their roles and responsibilities in an effective manner.
The concept of benchmarking also required to introduce in organisation through which the manager of social and health care homes able to identify the deviation between the actual and standard performance of employees which help manager to identify the requirements of training at workplace (Human Resource Management, 2018).
There are different strategies that will bring beneficial outcomes to company. Such strategies includes:
Such strategies shall required to be implemented in order to identifying the issues and problems that may faced by employees through asking them during research. It will help management in resolving issues as quickly as possible which brings motivation and maximises the satisfaction of employees due to which their performance level will also increased.
It refers to extra payment made by management to their employees on the basis of their extra ordinary performance which brings motivation and self confidence thus contributing maximum efforts in achieving desired goals and objectives.
It can be in the form of tangible and intangible form. Tangible form includes monetary payment, awards, certificate etc. whereas intangible rewards includes recognition, promotion etc. Thus, it will encourages employees in performing better so as to get rewards from the company which in results increasing productivity of employees as well as an organisation.
It has been concluded from the above project report that there are various elements which need to consider by HR management of social and health car homes while formulating recruitment selection plan for employees. There are number of policy and legislative frameworks which made huge impact on the employment of an individuals in health and social care homes. Monitoring the performance of employees and conducting training programs is also essentially required to be done in order to provide them right direction to achieve desire goals and objectives of an organisation.
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