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    M/508/0494 - Analyse Different Factors Being A Successful Leader

    University: UK College of Business and Computing

    • Unit No: 9
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 7 / Words 1803
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: M/508/0494
    • Downloads: 879
    Question :
    ' The main purpose of this assignment is to develop learner’s knowledge towards leadership, its approaches, different styles and practices. Therefore, it is required to state own experience and views of different articles towards leading approaches of leadership. Analyse different factors which involved in being a successful leader. State if a good leadership be developed, and if yes so, how? Explain what distinguishes leadership from management? Provide own consideration over leadership. '
    Answer :


    Leadership and management plays a significant role to perform various function of any establishment. This helps in performing the various operations of an of an enterprise (Yukl, 2013). Leaders are the individuals who motivate employee various roles of organisation in effective manner. A number of leadership theories that are used by the leaders which helps them to fulfil variety of activities of organisation in effective way. Leaders conducts a number of approach that helps to maximise the profit of company in effective manner. In this report it is explain about the steps which are involve being successful leader, way to develop the good leadership approaches, difference between leadership and management and reflective view to become better leaders. There are different types of leadership approach which are involve in order to improve the skills and knowledge (Archer, & Pullan, 2013).

    1. Different element involved in being a successful leader?

    Leaders are those people which have quality to guide the people to perform number of activities to attain final results. An individual which have the right traits, skills and styles to perform variety of functions and operations. Leaders plays an in avoidable function in an enterprise which assist in the achievement of goals. A talented leaders have the some traits which assist the management in carrying out its activities in the most appropriate way:

    Perspire: In business world, Perspire means staying calm and executing all tasks without building up stress. This element plays a crucial role in life of leaders when it comes to perform tasks in order to enhance profitability and productivity of organisation. It take different types of initiative steps helps to prepare employee to inculcate with the challenges in future.

    • Show grace under pressure: Leaders have the quality to show their gesture when the performance of organisation is reducing then leaders implement their approaches in order to increase the performance of organisation. (Barcley & Shanker, HR, 2015). They focus on raising the talent and abilities of work force who are part of an enterprise and are working in company.
    • Have integrity: Employee working in the organisation needs that there should be honest and show their integrity to give equal chance to their employee to show their talent. It has been analysed that, if leaders consists with integrity then it is may be possible that tasks which has been given to employees by leader they start performing well.

    There are some approaches of leadership which are ascertain by leaders are as follows:

    • Great Man theory of leadership: As per this theory, Leadership calls for the specific quality are such as attraction, influencing nature, strong behaviour, great level of institution, judgement, cleverness, action direction (Renz and Herman, 2016). A measure of divinity is attributed to leaders and their actions. Under this, it is necessary that leaders should have the specific quality to guide employees and also conduct all activities in an effective manner. In leaders skills and abilities should be better.
    • Katz’s Three Skills Model: This theory model was proposed by the Robert Katz in 1955. as per this theory a leader should have three types of skills they are:

    Technical skills: A leaders have better knowledge of technology by which he can solve issues of employee while performing operations of an institution in the best possible way.

    Human skills: These skill helps the leaders to carry out the allotted work in a smart way. This aids to motivate the work force which is a part of administration in order to perform the duties and roles of an enterprise in a way the full capacity utilisation of resources can be made.

    Conceptual skill: A leaders have the capability to operate the functions in a way that it is acceptable. The individuals have abilities to complete variety of task in stipulated time period (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013).

    A range of approaches that are used by leaders to carry out its daily operations are as follows:

    Situational Approach: This approach is concerned about to setting of values and attitudes with the with which the person of group of individuals has deals in the process of activity and with regard to which this activity is planned and its results appreciated.

    Contingency model: Leaders implement this model in order to motivate their employee working in the organisation. It is a responsibility of a leader to increase motivation of staff members so that they can conduct their activities in an effective or better manner. Leaders should have ability to perform activities in a better manner.

    Path goal theory: This theory is based on the specifying a leader's style, that fit the employee and implement suitable environment to attain goals and objectives of organisation. With the help of using this theory, leaders can enhance empowerment, satisfaction, motivation of team members so that they can enhance their performance level.

    In relational context there are some leadership approaches which are ascertain by Tesco. That are describe below:

    Servant leadership: it is the philosophy which related to the traditional leadership which influence about the power of exercise. (DUDEN, 2011).

    Transformational leadership: This is a type of leading where the leaders perform activities of organisation as per their subordinate to determine the needs to change by inspiring and executing changes.

    Leader Member Exchange Theory: This theory is ascertaining by leaders in order to build healthy relationship with employee working in firm to attain set goals and objectives. Through this theory, leader can develop better relationship with team members so that they can focus on achieving specific aims of firm with in given time period.

    2. Good leadership be developed, and if so, how?

    Any company attain success by the helps of good leaders because they are the person who properly guide their employee working in the company which aid to increase the productivity of company (Titus, 2014). This leads to increase the productivity of company. Without implementing effective leadership company cannot increase the efficiency of enterprise in effective way. This move towards achieve desires of administration in effective style. Various variety of activities which are carried out in an establishment in effective means. BY implementing all the leadership approaches leader easily motivate as well guide workers to perform their activities for attaining set goals and objectives. Leadership skills aids to make more effective decision which is focus on to develop and growth of organisation this leads to achieve all the of activities of an establishment in a an impressive way.

    Individuals perspective:

    It is a responsibility of leader to ascertain the behaviour of the individuals which monitor the performance of work force who is a part of the referred institution. This leads to the maintenance of appropriateness in the range of activities performed in organisation. Leaders implement various variety of techniques that aids to resolve the diverse matters and difficulties that took place which doing different types of activities of organisation in effective manner. It is quality of leaders is to prepare different types of plans and policies which are implemented by he organisation in order to perform different types of activities of organisation in effective manner (McKimm and Swanwick, 2011).

    Traits can be considered difficult to develop:

    Traits are the factors which are developed by born or the individuals can ascertain by practising different types of work in effective manner. Leaders put their effort in order to maintain effectiveness in performing different types of activities of organisation in effective manner. Traits are generated by inculcating different types of situations and condition in order to ascertain different types of strategies which helps to impact on the performance of organisation in proper manner. This leads to maximise the profit of organisation. Ascertaining traits helps to make effective decision in order to attain growth of different employee working in the organisation. This leads to maximise the level of profit of company in proper manner.

    Skills and styles can be developed over time:

    This is concerned with the development of skills and knowledge of employee working in the organisation. There are different types of strategies which are implemented by leaders in order to enhance skills and knowledge of employee this develop by organisation. This aids to maintain effectiveness in performing different types of activities of organisation in effective manner. Skills and knowledge are ascertain by leaders in order to accomplish goals and objectives of organisation in effective manner (Birasnav Rangnekar and Dalpati, 2011).

    In the contextual perspective leaders can developed the skills by implementing different types of skills and knowledge and also ascertain by past experience this leads to accomplish goals and objectives of organisation in short time period. They implement different types of approaches which aid to perform various roles in order to increase the effectiveness in performing different types of activities in proper manner. Leaders also focus on to improve the skills and knowledge of employee working in the organisation. This leads to maintain effectiveness in performing different types of activities of company.

    Maintain effectiveness in relationship:

    Leaders plays an important role in order to maintain effectiveness in performing different types of activities of organisation in effective manner. This leads to increase productivity in an effective manner. Leaders concentrate over the effectiveness in performing different types of activity of company in effective manner. Leaders put their effort in order to fulfil the demand and desire of organisation in effective manner. This leads to maximise the level of organisation in proper manner. There are various initiatives taken by the organisation in order to maximise the working experience of organisation (Gold and Thorpe, 2016). This leads to minimise the cost of production of company. Leaders encourage their subordinate to

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