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    Factors Involved in Becoming Effective Leader

    University: REGENT COLLEGE

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 8 / Words 1883
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: M/508/9860
    • Downloads: 936
    Question :
    ' This unit state to perform reflection on key issues to be reviews in understanding leadership and factors involved in becoming effective leader What is involved in being a successful leader Can good leadership be developed, and if so, how What distinguishes leadership from management What have you learnt about leadership from your own experiences? '
    Answer :


    Leaders play a most important role with internal department of organisation. They guide each and every worker for future development. This report is focus on leaders that have the right traits, skills and styles to perform effectively (Hrebiniak, 2017). This report is based on Holiday inn Express organisation, which is basically located in United Kingdom and provide different kind of services in hospitality sector. On the other hand, understand the requirements of employees and a good team leader. Further, it covered effective quality to exploring their strategies for business development.

    Illustration I: Different Types of Leadership Styles

    (Source: Small business Pro, 2018)

    1. What is involved in being a successful leader?

    According to Katz, although a successful leader must have good conceptual skills, which are the ability to visualize the organization as a whole (Kalargyrou and Woods, 2009), human skills are also significant. Being a leader is critical and challenging task as a leader has to influence his or her team in the right direction so that corporate goals and objectives can be accomplished.  On the other hand, a leader is also must consequential to motivate security to get followers a leader hence they should to have adequate skills, aim, and guidance and improve them with some explicit, opinion and human action (Maynard, 2017).

    Successful leader are the power and intellect behind their organizations. They are the visionaries charged with steering their brand around pitfalls. They must know when to seize opportunities and how to rally employees to work hard toward their company’s goals.  It may seem like some people are just gifted with these skills, but the truth is most leadership traits can be learned and sharpened with time and practice.


    In order to identify individual traits, the Big Five Personality model will be used (Maynard, 2017). In contemporary psychology, the Big Five factors of personality are five broad domains which define human personality and account for individual differences. The description of the model is described below:

    • Openness: Openness describes the trait of people and leaders who are open to learn new and innovative things effectively and efficiently. This trait includes traits like being insightful and imaginative and having a wide variety of interests. This is help to build the success leader in organisation (Goleman, 2014).  To be open minded with each team member and trait link a friend at the time to solve problem. 
    • Conscientiousness: Individual and leaders who possess high degree of conscientiousness are reliable and prompt. These types of individuals possess high degree of self discipline and prefer to follow plan rather than act spontaneously.
    • Extraversion: Extraversion describes how social and outgoing a person is. These type of personalities tends to participate in social gatherings and are full of energy. A person who have less extraversion tends to live in isolation or prefer to talk and interact less with people. The traits include cheerfulness, friendliness, excitement seeking, etc. (Kalargyrou and Woods 2009).
    • Agreeableness:  A person who have low level of agreeableness put their own interest above others and tend to be distant, unfriendly and uncooperative. Leader will be friendly with each team member in organisation (Johansen  and Voto 2014). This is help to understand every team member and there quality of working ability.


    Successful leaders are able to adapt their approach to meet the need of different situations and people.

    Situational Leadership

    Situational leadership style is the leadership style followed by leaders where they change the style of leadership according to the situations. Situational leadership style was developed by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey. The Situational Leadership® Model provides leaders with an understanding of the relationship between an effective style of leadership and the level of readiness followers exhibit for a specific task (Coccia, 2015). Leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of their subordinates.” The emphasis is on adapting leadership style to meet the demands of different situations and people.

    For example : There are no good and bad leadership theories. But there are leadership styles that work best for certain situations, tasks and people. To be an effective leader, regardless of one’s leadership approach, one must be able to assess the current situation properly, choose and apply the best style for the situation at hand and review one’s choice continuously. 


    Successful leaders are able to develop positive and valuable relationships with people.

    Transformational Leadership

    Under transformational leadership, leaders work together with team in order to identify the areas of change and transformations. Here leader establishes a vision to guide the change by inspiring and executing the change with committed members of groups

    Transformational leadership is a style of leadership where a leader works with subordinates to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a group..Their style tends to use rapport, inspiration, or empathy to engage followers. They are known to possess courage, confidence, and the willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good (Goetsch, 2014).

    For example : Gandhi talked about truth and love and preached the same through his non-violence resistance movements such as satyagraha (The word Satyagraha is from the Sanskrit words satya (meaning truth) and Agraha. For Gandhi, Satyagraha went far beyond just "passive resistance (resisting without taking action). His non-violence also became his strength)and non-cooperation. Sacrifices like time away from family and long fasting periods for social protest. Gandhi held several meetings to talk about the issues faced by people and the importance of following his values to fight for the country's independence

    Quality of good leader

    • A good leader is confident and focuses every activity in internal working environment. This is help to manage the work or improve productivity and profitability of organisation. This is somebody who improves level of confident to increase market structure (Anthony, 2017).
    • A good leader, as well as conformation the main end in focusing, is able to think calculus. Not only does a good individual view a state of affairs as an entire, but is able to break it behind into sub environment for person examination (Algahtani, 2014).

    On the other hand, some approaches is used to improve to increase current level performance as well as future conditions. This is help to increase overall development of market growth rate (Klettner  2014). In this context, take new representatives according to the capacity or ability of doing work. In this sort of pioneer will be future or result situated and gather activity turn out to be more costly.


    Leadership quality is one of the important factors that would be valuable for the growth of any organization. There are many top organizations that can managing business process. It can be identified the business requirement in which the successful firms are always thinking about the leader because Team leader can be important part of organization to improve the performance the firm in which they will explore the business in all over the world through their skills and knowledge (Harrison, 2018.) For example- Holidays Inn Express is the top organization to expanding their business in all around the world. They hire those people who have capabilities to maintain the whole team in effectively and efficiently. This organization has effective leader to maintain the process in proper manner to provide the best services to their customer.

    There are various type of skills and traits needed to develop good leadership on the basis of Individual perspectives :

    • People Oriented Skills- This is very important skills  to understand the requirement of employee and a good team leader will always think about all people and can be connected to other employee in proper ways.  (Surya and Syahputra, 2017 )
    • Taking Hard Decision- Most of the peoples are avoiding the critical decision in his life but the Team leader can take many decision on critical situation in which they will handle the situation in every efficiently(Carr, and, 2018.)
    • Planning Strategies- This strategy is maintained the coordination in between the employee and customer. The team leader of organization is always planning new strategies for business planning because without planning cannot be manage the business process and it is only based on the management planning to handle challenges that occurred in a business process..(Rittle-Johnson and Boice, 2018.) .
    • Effective Communication Skills- It is a major advantages of Leader because through the communication skill, they are building an effective relationship between the company and client. It is very important role play in  .(Guetterma and et.a., 2017.)
    • Leadership Quality- leadership is the best quality to motivate the other person because some people cannot have any time management but Team leader will come on time and manage the whole management. (Ma nd Schapira, 2017).

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    How these skills can developed the good leadership:

    As observed from the experience within Holidays Inn, this Organization is taking some suggestion to their team member and finally they are taking a hard decision. Holidays Inn has skill people to provide an effective services in which it will maintain their facility and provided on time. They are always tried to learn some things new and putting some effort for the other employment development. They can be constantly creating new opportunities for development that would be helpful for growth Holiday inn Express is a fast growing company when the decision is take by the leader. They are always developing a new strategy and planning for growth and development in organization. This is very helpful to increasing their productivity and profitability in market. Holiday's Inn to provide the best leader to communicated with their regular in effective manner. In this Holidays Inn, leadership quality is very effective because with the help of these techniques, it is easily gaining lot of values towards the company and people(Vossius and Rousselle, 2017)

    As per the experience, it can be find out the people oriented, skills that helps for organization to understand the requirement of people. They are always interacted to other people and identifying the actual business requirement. A leader always connected to other people to maintain their relationship. A good leader is always tried to planning an effective strategy for growth and development. A good leader has an effective quality so that it can be communicated to other people effectively and efficiently in every organization.

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