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    Impact of branding strategy on customer buying behavior

    Conslusion and Recommendations

    From the above mentioned analysis in regard to the entire objective it has been analyzed that different strategies to become a brand are the most helpful for the Apple company to achieve objectives. Further, the respective strategies play a very key or significant role in the current enterprise to become brand in software industry worldwide. From the above thematic analysis it can be summarized that objective to identify as well as implement in the Apple business organization is achieved up to the greater extent with the proper way.

    Apart from the respective goals and objectives the company wants to analyze regarding impact and influence of different branding strategies on the behavior of buying on customers is also achieved. It can be analysed that when a company created high image and become a brand then more number of consumers attract towards it in order to purchase its products and services. Being a well known brand worldwide Apple able to increase customers and market share at the national and international both levels.

    It can be concluded that in the corporate world each and every business enterprise wants to create a highly effective image and reputation in the industry where it operates. Higher and better effective image of the firm lead to become a brand in overall industry. Most of the customers wants to use branded products because these types of goods and services are highly effective, reliable and durable. In context to this, the brand creates highly positive image in eyes of customers and influence buying decisions of them as well. In the present case scenario there is the Apple Inc. Company is to be used for analyse influence of branding strategy on the buying behaviour of customers and users. The company is a highly effective and has intellectual brand image in software, electronic and digital distribution industry.

    Further, it has brand name across the globe because it provides products and services effective and in proper manner to the potential consumers. Along with products and services, logo of the Apple Company is also better by which any customers and community able to identify name of the firm on the basis of logo or symbol.

    Furthermore, branding strategies are always lead to influence buying decisions of customers in positive way in order to purchase products and services. It can be analysed from the above mentioned analysis that, better the brand provide better and durable products and services without any defective. Hence, customers attract to purchase its products and services by which it can be said that branding strategies affects to the buyers in order to consume Apple's goods and services. Apart from this it can be analysed that branding strategies are plays highly significant role in each and every business organisation in order to attract more number of customers.

    Further, it leads to achieve its goals and objectives in an appropriate and smooth manner as well. In context to brand due to using branded product the customers and users give response to the Apple in positive manner which lead to enhance financial position and performance of the firm in their respective industry. Hence, it can be summarized that branding strategies are highly affected to the firm and consumers as well in positive manner and favourable situation.

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    In addition to this, as per the theme of customer buying behavior and decision making it can be analysed that the brand name helps to make changes in buying or purchasing decision of products and services offered by it. Before few times the company launch new mobile that is iPhone 7 by which the customers are move forwards towards it for purchasing it. When the customers looking for branded products and services then they not look towards the pricing factor of them. No matter it charges how much price but brand itself attract customers without caring about pricing factors. In context to this it can be said that higher the branding strategies and position lead to enhance level of customers and market share as well of the company.

    It can be summarized from the above dissertation that, branded product lead to influence purchasing decisions of buyers in positive way. When the company uses branding strategies to become a brand in its respective industry then customers like to purchase its goods and services such as iPhones, laptops etc. in frequent manner. It can be analysed that brand creates highly effective image which lead to increase purchasing power of them towards consuming products and services of it. It can be said that to the branded goods and services number of buyers give responses in comparison to non branded and semi branded items and services. Hence, it can be analysed that branded product and strategies make changes in buying behavior and purchase products and services frequently.

    In addition to this, it can be asserted that customers are loyal in order to purchase electronic gazettes and products of Apple due to having a branding position in its respective industry. The key reason to become more loyal of customers towards Apple is that, management of the business enterprise uses highly effective branding strategies as well as provide more effective products and services. It can be analysed that branding position lead to make the customers and buyers more loyal and reliable which helps to the Apple in order to enhance market share and customers as well.

    Apart from the above mentioned conclusion it can be summarized that, buying decisions of customers affects from social as well as friendship circle or groups in positive and negative manner as well. In this context, if friend circle uses branded products and services then it will influence to the particular person in order to purchase such types of good and services. Along with this buying behavior of branded items depends and affected by the lifestyle of customers and individuals. When income, living standard and lifestyle of a particular person of buyer is low then it will not prefer such items.

    In opposite to this, it he has higher income level and lifestyle then he will prefer branded products as well. Further, it can be analysed that lifestyle and friend and social group impact on the buying decisions and behavior of branded products and services which lead to influence Apple company as well. Moreover, brand plays an important and very significant role in the life of local community and specially those people who have high living of standard and lifestyle. When they will use branded products then able to create better image in the society and it shows that respective person has luxurious life. Most of the people uses such types of goods and services for create better image in eyes of local community.

    Apart from this, it can be analyzed from branding strategies of Apple that, higher the branded products and services have very high quality and durability. Further, quality is a big concern for every customer because they want to use high quality of products along with more durability. It can be said that better quality of goods and services is always beneficial for the potential customers because it not affects in negative way after using such items. Along with the quality, aspects of the branded products are also better and effective which influence buying decision of customers in order purchase electronic gazettes and items as well as services offered by Apple Inc. Furthermore, it can be assessed that higher the quality lead to charge higher prices of goods and services in comparison to semi branded and non branded business entities.

    In context to this the person who looking for purchasing branded products, avoid pricing factor. Being a high brand across the globe the Apple Inc. organization charges very high prices of products and services offered by it such as iPhone, iPad, laptops, watch, earphones, televisions, Online apple store, apple music etc. Charging high prices is not a big concern for customers when they want to purchase branded products. Hence, it can be analyzed that branded companies always charge high prices of their goods and services, even customers purchases on frequently basis.

    Moreover, on the basis of the above carried out analysis of dissertation it can be depicted that, when personnel or employees of Apple going to take decision about purchasing electronic products and gazettes then they will always look towards firm's products. The reason is that the potential employees know that which kind of products and services offered by it, what is process to make such items and up to which extent these are beneficial and durable. Further, due to providing services to the Apple its employees will always consider respective firm while taking decision of purchasing electronic gazettes such as mobile, laptop, television etc. Apart from this, it can be summarized from above analysis that the Apple Inc. organization is a leading brand in electronic and software industry cross the world.

    In respective industry it has various competitors such as HTC, Sony, Samsung, Nokia etc. but it has leading branding position. Very key strategy to become a leading brand is that provide very innovative products and electronic gazettes along with new and attractive features. People want to use innovative and updated products and services and the Apple provides such types of gazettes in order to fulfill needs and requirements of customers. Further, it launches updates and innovative gazettes within specific period of time so it able to create high image in eyes of potential customers and local community as well.

    Along with this it can be analyzed that, Apple uses new as well as advanced technology in order to produce electronic gazettes and provide services to the customers and buyers. This is the main reason which leads to become leading brand and gain competitive advantage in the electronic as well as software sector across the globe. Further, such these ways Apple differs from its rivalry firms and brands as well which operates in software and electronic industry. It can be concluded that branding image lead to increase purchasing behavior of customers by which it able to generate more sales and profit in the industry.

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    Buyer behavior related to electronic gazettes market position that presents effectiveness of Apple. As per market survey, it is obtained that customer decides to purchase goods by looking at products' value and demand in market. Including this, it involves varieties of factors for determining place of firm for facing competition. It is critically evaluated that organization sets high level of price for product service so all customers’ remains unable to afford cost.

    Therefore, this graph is presented by analysing all angles of company and respondents' views over product features. Hence, it is considered that Apple Company has significant and effective value in global market according to survey recognition. Customers of Apple make focus on purchasing laptop, mobile phones etc. which are offered by it with the aim to reflect their high living standard. Moreover, people who carry phones and other gazettes of Apple are considered as high income group. This aspect shows that perception level of customers toward Apple is very high in terms of quality, brand, price etc. Along with this, differentiation in logo and tag line is also beneficial to consider. With an assistance of this, key measures can be advanced effectively in order to meet key goals and objectives so that long term sustainability can be advanced. my assignment help


    • As the Apple company is having a good brand image in the mind of customers, this is good for the company and it should maintain in long run. The company has only focused upon high class people, it should plan for the lower than high class people also.
    • Apple is continuously coming up with new gadgets in the technologies which may be not easily understandable by the people. Moreover, it can come up with more attractive advertisement strategy for attracting and understandable by the customer.
    • It is very important for the company the its customer should be satisfied in all way, for this it should be very much careful about their products and services which are providing by them.
    • Company can not change the buying behaviour of the customers, but it can attract them by demonstrating, conducting marketing campaign etc.
    • Creating enough faith in the customer's mind so they move on to the company.
    • Every customer wants after sales services, so the company should also take care for this.
    • Formulating such kind of attractive information on each type of media so that customer can avail it easily and get influenced by it. Because it is natural that before purchasing customer tries to gather all type of information related to the product and services.
    • Instead of putting ads into magazines because customer doesn't have so much faith on them, give more efforts on ads through radios, big television outside showrooms or stores etc.
    • For branding company should deliver relevant content to the customers.
    • Company should more focused about quality engagement instead of quantity for improving branding.
    • Company should be helpful an be open in front of customers.
    • Brand image and customer satisfaction are interrelated terms because customer creates the brand and brand creates more customers. It should consider by the company.
    • Company should also consider that brand image does not put direct impact on customer's loyalty, but it can put impact through customer satisfaction.
    • The product should have enough worth for creating desire of purchasing in the mind of customers. Because generally, people do not buy things only after seeing the good advertisement. The fact should be into consideration that only attractive advertisements are not enough for impulsive buying decision of customer, as they also think about the quality and the economic conditions.
    • Usage and advantages of the product should be very clear to the customer for purchasing.
    • The disposable income plays a major role and it is depend upon the income level of an individual. So, company should formulate competent marketing strategy.
    • Company should always take care of its brand loyal customers.
    • Company must know that lifestyle or living standard plays major role in buying behaviour of customers. As Apple's customers are frequent buyer of its new product.
    • Though Apple products are comparatively more complex in function while operating, which may feel difficult in use. Company should take this point into consideration.
    • Company like Apple always come forward with innovative product. This is the strength for company, it should take advantage of this for connecting more and more customers.


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