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    Introduction to Management Pearson Qualifications BTEC HNCD


    There are many factors which affect business. These factors include internal and external elements. There is requirement of different factors which include business growth. It is essential that company has to make policies which help them to compete with other firms. Hotel industry has great scope and at the same time there are many competitors also (Ashkanasy, Härtel and Zerbe, 2016). There is requirement of various approach which manager has to follow to overcome problems facing by organisation. These days changes are taking place very frequently and hence company has to modify their strategies too. It is essential that manager must convey modifications to workers so they can also perform task in same direction. This report is based on Imperial Hotel, London. This is one of the best hotels which has good brand name in market and this hotel is situated in porch area. They have numerous staff which help in achieving goals and objectives. In this report there is discussion about poor guest satisfaction. There is requirement of proper planning which help in performing activities in better way (Gattorna, 2017). It is essential that organisation has top perform actions which help in achieving business objectives. In hotel industry there is requirement of proper judgement when there is some problem related to management. There are some strategies which help in achieving targets and proper satisfaction to consumer. There is requirement proper judgement which help in performing and improvement of actions in more better way. There are various factors which affect business operations and it is essential that company has to frame policies which help competing with outer world.


    Issue- Analysis Of Poor Guest Satisfaction

    There is difference in perception of employees so there is requirement of proper management which help in performing task in better way. Management of all about managing things and as per change in actions. It is important that company has to perform activities which can be helpful in achieving targets on time. There is requirement of proper guidance which help employees to know what has to be done and how it can be performed. This issue is very big and important for the growth of company, then there is requirement of various policies which help to reduce hurdle in their operations (Getahun and et. al., 2015). Hotel is the industry where revenue can be generated by guest satisfactions. As Imperial Hotel has good name in market, though they must give emphasise on research and development, so regular changes can be according to need of customer. There are various factors which help company to perform task in better way for competing with external bodies.

    Imperial Hotel is one of the biggest hotel in London. There is need of policies which can be targeted to perform activities in better way. It is possible that company has to frame policies which can be effective with the joint efforts of employer and employee. There are policies which can be formed by manager but regular analysis must be there (Hazen and et. al., 2014). This report is based on dissatisfaction of customer so this is biggest problem which arise many other problems such as high labour turnover, negative impact of culture, inefficiency of management of company, lack of guidance, etc. Imperial Hotel is facing downfall in their sales and revenue, so it affects its goodwill in market. According to survey, customers are not satisfied b y their room service, staff cooperation, billing error, technical problems in check in and check out, etc. so these are very basic problems which affect business a lot. There is requirement of proper management leadership so they can set problem accordingly. There are many factors which get affected to change in plans and policies. Manager can only help employees to performs activities in better way.

    Top level management can only frame policies but there is need of proper guidance which help, them in knowing what can be done and what not (Khan and Hashemi, 2017). There are many components manager has to consider otherwise there will adverse effect on performance of company. When employees are leaving organisation, in this case manager must conduct personal interviews which help them to know the reasons of increasing employees turnover and corrective measures can be taken. As per case customer are dissatisfied because of improper behaviour of employee's. This can be corrective with the help of management interference. There are some management theories which help company to perform task under proper management guidance. This helps in achieving targets with efficiency. There is requirement of various policies which can be done through performing actions in better way. There are some theories which must be followed by management of Imperial Hotel (Management theory, 2018).

    Human Relation theory- There are many human being deal to run business. They have different perception regarding same issue, so in this case there is requirement of training to worker which help them to perform activities calmly and cooperatively (Mackenzie, Golembiewski and Rahim, 2018). As per this theory business can achieve targets only when there is good relations among them. As Imperial Hotel has good name in market, so there are many workers and their satisfaction is responsibility of management. According to this theory there is needed of customer satisfaction which help in achieving targets and customer satisfaction. There are technical problems which are facing by management of company in check in and check out of guest so there is requirement of front office personnel to calm and listen problems of customer. This must be properly convey to technical department so solve must be get resolved (MITCHELL and NØRREKLIT, 2017).

    There are many problems occur in business, so there must be good relations among people so it can be resolved frequently. Hotel has many departments which has inter related activities, so there is need of proper communication with does not affect operations of company. This helps in solving customer problems frequently and provide chance to perform activities in better way. There are many changes which take place in Hotel if they are convey properly to workers, then it helps in achievt8infg targets more frequently. There is important role of manager to achieve targets in better way. Human relation in company helps to perform tasks in better way and when there is requirement of various modifications it can be implemented in proper way. Hotel must analyse market also and activities must be conducted which assist in competing with external manner. It is essential that manager must try to create environment which help in creating satisfaction among consumer. This helps in reducing labour turnover and absenteeism of workers.

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    Scientific management theory- This theory is given by Frederick Taylor. As per this theory there is requirement of numerical data which help association to plan future activities. There is requirement of various policies which provide data so management of Hotel Imperial can make policies which help them in assigning duties in better way and take actions which are helpful in improving profitability and production. In Imperial Hotels there is requirement of various policies which help manager to discuss data with employees and motivate them to be good and calm with customer. “Customer is god of business.” this line is very true for hotel industry (Nonaka, 2017). There must be training given to workers to perform activities in way sop they can handle query of customer very frequently. It is essential that organisation must give emphasise on their technical issues. As Imperial Hotel is big name in market so there is requirement of better technology which reduces waiting time and give appropriate information to consumer. As in case of wrong billing, amount is charged twice, then it is preferable to check it twice so customer may not get hyper.

    Peter Famsworth can solve business problems in following ways-

    Customer perspective- There is requirement of focus on customer need. It is essential that Hotel has to perform activities in better way. There are possibilities that due to change in customer need company has to modify policies. Hotel take feedback from people, so there is need to implement them in better way. This helps conmaony to create loyalty in mind of customer and their need gets satisfied timely. Top level management must analyse problem and frame policies through which they can solve this (Stark, 2015). Policies framed must be conveyed to workers so employees can also perform task in better way.

    Employee's engagement- Employees are the main issue which Hotel Imperial is facing. There is need of different employees which help them to perform activities in better way. There are many policies which are modified, they must be discussed with team leader on the behalf of workers and it is necessary to consider them. This will help to motivate them and they will enjoy this work. There are many prospects which has to be undertaken by management of company. It is essential that organisation has to give opportunities to worker to know what top level management is thinking, so they will take are of budget. As customer is facing problem in infrastructure of Hotel, then it must be renovated. But as per technological changes there is requirement of employees through which they can come with views which help in achieving targets.

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    Training of staff- There are many factors which helps company to achiever targets in better way. It is essential that organisation has to make policies through which they can perform task in better way. There is requirement of various factors which has to be undertaken while Hotel wants to train personnel. As in case of Imperial Hotel, when customers are complaining about their employee's behaviour, inn this case there must be training to face problems of workers. It is suggested that Hotel Imperial must use updated technology so waiting time of workers get reduced and training must be provided to workers.

    Importance to feedback- As there is provision of Feedback from visitors, so it is essential to take acre of it. There is requirement of various factors which must be taken care so there will not be possibilities of negative results (Tomczak, Reinecke and Kuss, 2018). Visitors are the best source through which they can achieve targets and solve problems. It is essential that problems faced by customer must not be feedback of prospective visitors. This feedback is effective when company apply correct policies. It is essential that company must motivate workers to know what problems are facing by visitors. This feedback helps to know where Hotel Imperial is standing and how they can perform activities. There are various policies which help company to perform activities in proper and best way. There is requirement of various policies related to employees so management of Hotel can know reason about labour turnover and hence positive results can be generated.


    Customer satisfaction is the keep source which help in making company growing. As there is change in demand them it must be considered so company can compete with external world. Feedback taken from customer must be considered and corrective measures must be taken. There is requirement of various policies which attract customer. Company can appoint personnel to improve quality of product and services. There is requirement of various policies which work to achieve targets and provide satisfaction to customer. There are possibilities that manager has to change policies and then there is requirement of motivation of workers. There are various factors which create hurdle in employee's performance, so manager must analysis regular and take actions which help them in performing actions in correction manner. It is responsibility of manager that they can create combination of performance and their appraisal, which help in achieving targets and improving performance of company. There are possibilities that change in management of company may affect performance of workers, so it is essential that decision of employees must be considered in management functions. There are possibilities that organisation has to achieve targets on time so customer demand can be satisfied. Employees are the source through which targets can be achieved and hence there satisfaction is also compulsory. There are possibilities that workers may get affect due to change in working style. There are various reasons due to which business operations many get affected so it is necessary to over come them.


    • Ashkanasy, N. M., Härtel, C. E. and Zerbe, W. J., 2016. Introduction. InEmotions and Organizational Governance(pp. xvii-xviii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
    • Gattorna, J., 2017. Introduction. InStrategic supply chain alignment(pp. 15-21). Routledge.
    • Getahun, H. and et. al., 2015. Management of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: WHO guidelines for low tuberculosis burden countries.European Respiratory Journal, pp.ERJ-01245.
    • Hazen, B. T. and et. al., 2014. Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in supply chain management: An introduction to the problem and suggestions for research and applications.International Journal of Production Economics,154, pp.72-80.

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