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    PRS3702/4700 Environmental Management and Assessment, Level 6, MiddleSex University, London


    Risk management is an essential process that is adopted by management system in order to minimize the threat and overall hazards that may arise in conducting particular events. There are different type and nature of risks and there are number of factors that may arise in the organisation system. This report focuses on developing risk management plan in accordance to risk assessment and identify best option out of it. There are certain principles of organisational culture, psychology and human behaviour that has to be properly formulated by the system. Report highlight the case of an engineering company which have several health and risk involved in it.

    Task 1

    Principles of Risk management in relation to occupational safety and health risks

    An engineering company, which is in a period of high growth as the demand for engineers is at boom, but due to several problems that are faced by the organisation previously hence there is difficulty in growing and earning profits. The directors are under pressure in order to diversify in new markets and the existing team faces problem in relation to change in strategies and personnel rules (Lam, 2014). It is the duty of health and safety officer to assess the risk which is conducted in five steps that are discussed below:

    • Principle of Risk Identification: It is the duty of manager of an engineering company to locate areas that give rise of number of hazards. The major area include that electrical engineers face a wiring mistake and results into shock that cause health hazard to them. There are other situation that involve mechanical engineer cause his finger hurt due to unprotected motor (Beck, 2013). There is lack of presence of safety shoes and hard hats which is mandatory for every worker working in organisation. This has been put upon focus by health and safety officer that risk assessment process must be properly undertaken.
    • Principle of finding out employees facing risk: This involve finding out who is facing the risk in the organisation system. As per the case study, more risks are faced by electrical engineers, mechanical engineers and operations mangers who have to come across several situation that lead to harm.


    • Principle of risk assessment: Under this, managers keep record of all the risks that get raised in the organisation system as it render full information related to risk assessment and contain all the data related to actions that has been taken to reduce the risks so that it can be taken as a proof that the assessment process has been carried out.
    • Principle of correct action: It is the duty of health and safety officer to make decisions regarding framing of steps that has to be taken to reduce the identified risk. According to the case study, proper training should be imparted to all mechanical and electrical engineers to work according to set norms and principles.
    • Principle of review and management: After performing all the four above steps, the last step involve reviewing the risk assessment procedure so that proper working process must be executed in the organisational system. It also include that all instructions that are given by safety manager must be followed by every worker in then organisation. If the need arises to introduce new machinery and equipments it must be installed in the organisation (Benedict, and Zivadinov, 2011).

    From the above formulated steps of risk management it can be concluded that every employee working in the organisation must be safe and secure so that no health issues must rise that may hinder their performance.

    Organisational Culture and Psychology

    The organisational culture of an engineering company is not complex as it is a period of high growth (Hoge, 2011). But due to trouble that occur in past is hindering their performance in respect of growth and earning profits. As admission of new CEO, he focused on diversifying the existing business so that there are number of changes that occur in strategy and personnel that poses huge pressure of leaders to execute it in proper manner so that sustainable growth could be accomplished. Thus, the risk in introducing changes arises in organisational system. Due to adoption of new project to build and install a new processing plant, there is a lack of space for the control systems hence, there is a risk of limited space in infrastructure and future maintenance. On the other hand, various employees faces hazard while working that include wiring mistake that lead to a nasty shock and lack of safety equipments. The major risk faced by the workers related to health hazards and level. Thus, it is the responsibility of the organisation to introduce such culture that promote safety of individuals.

    According to the case study it is the responsibility to the CEO for combination of health and safety to tendered bids for work process. He is responsible for assessing the safety issues so that employee can work in conducive working environment. The leadership theory that can be applied in this organisation is contingency theory that define that leaders must play important role in motivating their team members so that they could work in accordance to set rules and regulations and lead to the achievement of final goals and objectives in conducing manner. As it is facing many problems related to working process hence, it is indispensable to make them motivated in order to achieve the set targets in particular time period (Burke, 2013).

    Action Plan


    Plan of action


    Material resources

    Time period

    Monitoring strategy

    Reduction of Risks while working.

    Management have to provide proper training and development programmes to the workers

    Reduction of health issues of employees.

    On the job training

    1-1.5 months

    Observation of employees while working.

    Recruitment of potential candidates possessing correct skills and knowledge

    Proper recruitment strategy must be imposed by management system.

    Potential and knowledgable employees will be employed.

    Proper strategy and rules.

     1 Month

    Reviewing recruitment plans frequently.

    Creation of space for infrastructural to build and install a food processing plant

    Expand the existing infrastructure

    Space for control room

    Infrastructure materials and equipments

    2 Months

    Proper functioning of work process

    Risk assessment on the basis of legislations, standards and best practice

    According to the section 19 of the health, safety and welfare at work act 2005 it has been formulated that every worker or employees working in organisation system must evaluate the hazard or issues that may occur in the working premises on the same hand assess the various type of risks associated with it. The management system play a vital role in this respect as they have to frame proper policies and procedures regarding these guidelines and always ensure that employee do not get hurt and remain safe and secure. Thus, health and safety manager of an engineering company must ensure that all the norms that are framed under this act should be properly implemented. As there are several mistakes that are being made that include wiring mistake conducted by electrical engineer as he got a nasty shock and mechanical engineer caught his finger on an unprotected motor. It is important to put focus on these issues properly so that risks can be minimized at significant level (Chen, 2012).

    It is require to draft proper safety statement that involve following all steps and procedures in correct manner so that creation of healthy environment can be created. There are basically three reasons that is essential to carry out the risk management process which are as follows:

    • Legal Factors: There is a proper rule and regulation that involve proper visiting of health and safety authority inspectors at work places and evaluate the working process to identify lacking area. Hence, if unfavourable events are find out proper assessment is done that may pose a obstacle in front of them.
    • Financial Factors: Ineffective implementation of health and safety measures will lead to rise in cost related to ill health and accidents. Thus, it is essential to allocate total finance in effective manner so that extra cost could not be occurred that may hinder the overall performance of the organisation (Von Krogh, 2012).  
    • Ethical Factors: It is the duty of management to carry out the work process ethically so that employees or workers do not get injure in work place. Superiors have ethical duty to provide full attention on their team ambers so that they could not able to suffer a serious accident and illness. In order to maintain sustainable market growth and image it is necessary to full fill all ethical guidelines and rules.

    From the above discussion, it can be concluded that it is essential to carry out the risk assessment process in prospective way so that proper conduction of work could take place that does not allow any mismanagement in the organisational system. These standards provide base for carrying out the whole process in effective manner (Grobauer, Walloschek, and Stocker, 2011).

    Reasons to draft the aims and objectives for safety and health measures by the organisation

    As engineering company is facing many problems and issues related to health and safety of all workers working there. Thus it become important to formulate certain objectives and aims  for safety and health measures sue to several reasons, that are discussed below:

    • It is essential to follow all the rules and regulations that are farmed by the health standards so that proper functioning of business would take place.
    • It is the duty of management to draft standards so that every worker could perform according to it and actual performance could be measured in order to remain any deviations that may arise.
    • Identification of various types of risks that may either hinder or foster the performance of the organisation. Proper examination will lead to taking of corrective actions to face such issues and assignment online.
    • Every managers that are present in organisation must perform their work in coordinated nature so that every rule regarding health and safety issues could be met out properly without any hindrance.

    From the above discussion it has been concluded that there are several reason in order to frame aims and purposes for safety and health measures. Similarly, in order to remove the health related issues that are present in engineering company proper norms and rules must be formulated to remove any barrier that is directly linked with health problems and issues of employees. It is require to make employees happy and feel secure so that they can able to contribute with high productivity and efficient so that best outcome and results could be realised in set time period (Haimes, 2015).

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    From the above case study about engineering company that is growing with sustainable ratios but is having problems related to health issues of employees that are working there. Thus, it is important to execute norms related to health and safety of the workers and proper standards must be maintained. Managers must play proper attention regarding working style so that they do not face problems related to health issues.


    From the above prepared report it can be concluded that risk management is an important process carried by management that impact the organisational culture in many ways. This report highlight the examination of basic principles and aspects of risk management and organisational psychology as it is directly connected with occupational health and safety. Report is based upon the case study of an engineering company that is full of several problems related to health and safety of workers working there. Thus, it is important to formulate risk management strategies in order to face these issues effective and efficiently. There are certain standards, legislations that behave to adopted by organisation system in order to face all issues related to safety measures.


    • Beck, U., 2013. Risk Society Revisited: eory, Politics and Research Programmes. In The sociology of risk and gambling reader (pp. 68-90). Routledge.
    • Benedict, R.H. and Zivadinov, R., 2011. Risk factors for and management of cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Nature Reviews Neurology, 7(6), p.332.
    • Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.
    • Chen, L., 2012. Interest rate dynamics, derivatives pricing, and risk management (Vol. 435). Springer Science & Business Media.
    • Grobauer, B., Walloschek, T. and Stocker, E., 2011. Understanding cloud computing vulnerabilities. IEEE Security & Privacy, 9(2), pp.50-57.
    • Haimes, Y.Y., 2015. Risk modeling, assessment, and management. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Hoge, R.D., 2011. Youth level of service/case management inventory. In Handbook of violence risk assessment (pp. 91-106). Routledge.


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