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    Unit 2 Is Strategy And It Management Structures Btec Hnc/D Level 4


    The effective assessment of the information system and IT tools and techniques that will help the firm to have a better productivity and manage the wide range of business operations in a very effective way. The effective setting of IS strategy and IT management will help the business firm to have a better growth and rise in market (Bedford, Malmi and Sandelin, 2016). It helps in better risk assessment and execute the business operations in a very effective way. For the report, Tesco plc is been taken in consideration. It is a UK based firm working in retail sector. The report will lay emphasis on the various sort of digital and IS strategies, laying an impact on its business operations besides this, the roles and responsibilities of managers and risk mitigation approaches are been taken in thought process. Also, the impact of the internal and external factors of the execution of the business operations is been taken in effective consideration.

    Main body

    The nature of the business

    Every business has its own nature. It depends on how its size and the sector in which it operates. Along with this the nature of business depends upon its operations. It shows how well business is able to perform its operations using information technology systems. Moreover, every business requires an effective IT systems in order to maintain and manages its operations and management. It helps firm to improve its efficiency and control overall operations. The nature of cited firm belongs to retail sector where it is operating in wide area. It operates at global level that requires large and effective IT components and network (Purce, 2014.). The nature of business depends upon its growth and development. Thus, in retail sector every business is having complex information system strategy. It has to develop strategy to manage its IT resources. TESCO belongs to retail sector thus it has a variety of products and services. Also, it includes various departments that has to be interconnected with each other. It is because to have quick and effective communication between them. Furthermore, company is having a large customer base. So they have to keep data and information of customers secure and protected. This has to be done in order to maintain confidentiality of customer data.

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    The IS and IT systems need to have proper network so that it is easy for TESCO to run its operations. Apart from this, the nature of retail industry changes according to change in taste and preference of customers. TESCO has to develop products in order to satisfy needs of people. So they should install or implement advance IT system to maintain its growth. TESCO generally uses technology in their organisation to maintain smooth flow of operations. Their strategy and system are flexible in nature that can be modified according to change in technology. In retail sector changes often occurs due to market conditions. This forces business to change its strategy regarding how communication will take place. Hence, it can be said that nature of TESCO is fluctuates and requires frequent changes in technology (Stafford and Taylor, 2016. ).

    The governance structures, processes, and policies it has in place

    IT governance is related to providing a structure to develop business strategy. It provides certain standards through which organisation is able to measure its IT systems. It provides policies for staff and employee to be followed. Implementing IT system for TESCO is not sufficient. Besides this, it requires to certain strong policies and structure so that overall sharing of data and information is done accordingly. Along with this, IT system must be authorised by government. It must be approved by government so that it does not lead to any harm or damage to company. Thus, TESCO has also implemented certain policies and processes. It shows that how IT system will work and what roles and responsibilities employee will have. By following policies' data and information is kept secure and protected (Olson and Olson, 2016). Also, IT system is useful in protecting copyrights and patents of enterprise. Furthermore, following policies gives an insight on whether company is using its IT system in proper way or not. It gives a clear instruction to TESCO on how to use IT system in maintaining data of customers.

    TESCO is having an effective governance structure through which overall IS strategy is developed. For this first of all TESCO has determined what systems they require and how overall functioning of system will take place. Employee have to follow several policies. They have to ensure that confidential data is been stored in separate database. Also, the systems that they are using is authorised by IT department. Also, systems need to be ISO authorised. The structure should be implemented in such a way that management is able to communicate in proper way. Also, this they have to ensure employee follow rules and regulations so that there is no breach of data (Monczka and Patterson, 2015).

    The process that is followed by TESCO in IT system is whatever issues and problems are there in system firstly it has to be informed to manager. Then actions and measures has to be taken by manager to solve them. There are several government structure and procedure as mentioned below :-

    Data protection policy-

    It states that customer data must be protected by business. Moreover, data regarding product features and employees must be protected by TESCO.

    Health and safety-

    This states that employee must be provided an environment in which it is easy for them to work. TESCO is providing tools and equipments to ensure safety of staff.

    Data security policy-

    Data must be secured in separate database. Only access should be given to those employees who are having their ID and password. Unauthorised access must be blocked by installing high security measures.

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    Role of corporate officers as per the public documentation.

    The corporate officers at Tesco Plc will play a very vital and crucial role in the execution and setting up of the different sort of IS strategies and IT management tools. They will analyse and implement the various sort of business operations that are been associated with IT and IS functionality of organisations (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). The different corporate officers or executives in firm will perform various duties and responsibilities that will help in the better growth and rise in the operational capacity of the cited retail firm. Some major roles played by the different IT officers are as follows:

    • Project Manager: they will look after setting of any target or goal as a project to be taken in effective consideration by the firm and will help the business organisation to handle the wide variety of business operations by using appropriate IS strategies and IT tools and techniques to carry out the business functions. At Tesco plc, they will help the cited business firm to have a better productivity and manage its logistics, auditing, marketing and other sort of business operations to meet its targeted goals. Besides this, with the better utilization of IS strategies and IT tools and techniques like MIS or CRM, the manager will see through the specific market segment like fashion wear to gain a competitive advantages over its rivals.
    • IT administrator: He will be the responsible person to play the very important role in the execution of the various sort of Information system and IT tools that will help the company to grow and develop in a better and significant manner (Abdillah, 2014). He will be analysing the better IT tools and techniques like effective implementation of a MIS, CRM or ERP system and will look after the effective measure to execute the functions of commercial enterprise with impeccability. This approach will help the firm to establish a better IT management structure and handle the business operations in a better and significant way.
    • Employee's: The employee's of Tesco plc will help the firm to handle the wide range of business operations that will help the business organisation to gain a better productivity and profitability. They will be handling the tools and will implement IT techniques that will help in better handling of the wide range of business operations to provide the cited retail firm with good revenue and profitability.
    • Human resource manager: The workforce will be working of the system thus, the human resource of Tesco plc have to provide them with proper knowledge and training giving out the effective output (Bulgurcu, Cavusoglu and Benbasat, 2010.). Besides this, they will hire the trainers and experts of the implemented system like MIS, CRM or ERP to effectively manage their business relationship. Other than this, the effective use of these systems will improve the communication between the various departments of company and handle the different business operations in a better way.

    Do the governance structure and policies reflect regulatory requirements

    The governmental policies and the structures lay a very deep and significant impact on the overall operations and the quality of education that will help in the better handling of different sort of business operations. Which will help in meeting the needs and demands of retail organisation. The government will keep a check on the overall operations that are been performed by Tesco plc to gain a better handling of business operations. Other than this, the effective utilization of the different IS and IT tools and techniques will help the business firm to meet the requirements of their clients (Scholes, 2015). Effective utilisation of IS strategies like data filtration, analysis and handling and IT tools like ERP or CRM will help the cited business firm to meet the needs and demands of users in a better and significant way. The better utilization of IT tools and techniques will help the cited business firm to meet quality standards and levels, that are been set by government. It will help in meeting the needs and requirements of user in a very effective and significant manner. The utilization of CRM to get the good insight of requirements of Tesco plc customers and utilizing the ERP module to develop high quality product and services to provide them with better satisfaction level.

    The governmental policies will help the business organisation top reflect the overall functionality and handling of different sort of business solutions like ERP or CRM will help Tesco plc to fulfil the needs and demands of their clients and stakeholders operations and handle the business operations in a better way to meet the needs and demands of their customers. It will help the cited retail firm to maintain their quality level and have access to requirements of users in a better way. Other than this, the better handling of business operations will help the firm to get effective governmental support to execute its business operations in a better way.

    How the organisation will address and mitigate the risk

    The effective utilisation of IS strategy and IT tools and techniques will help organisation to meet the needs and demands of its users in a better way (Escobar, 2018.). The effective utilisation of ERP, MIS and CRM models or system will help the firm to gain a better handling of a wide range of business operations that will lay a significant impact on the overall handling of business operations and reduce the risk. Various risk factors and their mitigation method is a follows:

    • Proper training for utilising the system: Tesco plc will look after the better training process of different sort of business operations associated with usage of IT tools, that will help in meeting the needs and demands of its users in a better way. The HR department of firm will take the help of an expert or trainer to guide its employee's over the appropriate utilization of the ERP or CRM system tools.
    • Analysing the feasibility and compatibility: Tesco plc will look after effective usage of the latest tools with organisational functions to gain the better productivity. For this, IT administrator or support team will check the feasibility and effectiveness of the different IT tools and IS strategies that are been implemented at cited retail business firm. The proper training and guidance will help the work force of business organisation to have the better control over the operations and execute the business operations of Tesco plc in a very effective way.
    • Maintaining data security and intellectual property of business firm: the data analyst and IT administrator will look after the effective handling of various business operations to maintain the different sort of data or information that is been owned or possessed by the cited business firm. This will help in meeting the needs and demands of the users and handling a wide range of business operations to fulfil the requirements of their users. The intellectual property or confidential data like the client details, strategies, revenue details etc that are very important for the firm will help the business organisation to grow and develop. Thus, the organisation is required to safeguard this details in order to sustain the details and growth in the market. The firm will take in consideration a wide range of business operations to maintain and ensure the better security of data that is been used by the firm for effective growth and development. Other than this, it will help the firm to have a competitive advantage over its rivals.

    Implication of the internal changes and external factors

    In the Tesco company, in order to improve the internal environment, it is very important for management to develop such effective strategy, policies and practices that assists in information management structure of the Tesco. Company have to implement some information technology policies and legislation through which all work can impressively organise at workplace. By help of IT related policies and practices, performance of the business can improve and address determined objective (Bulgurcu, Cavusoglu and Benbasat, 2010). With help of the effective practices and strategy company can easily improve the internal condition of the business and quality of services. In addition to these employees are another one of the crucial part for enhance the internal environment.

    For enhancing the internal environment, company have to provide the training and development so as personnels can learn the new skill, ability and criteria to operate the business function and activities in effective manner. With help of the training and development program, corporation can provide the opportunity to employees for increase their personality and professionalism. With help of these practices, they can learn to operate the information technology and equipment at workplace and address the determined objective of Tesco company. Another major internal improvement is regarding proper update the technology. As company will use several kinds of software, application and highly advanced technology for implement the information technology (Abdillah, 2014) . Thus, it is very important for the corporation to update the regular changes within the software and application so as right outcome can obtain by the representatives regarding the operation of business. With help of regular update he technology, company can easily increase the sped and quality of business operation and activities. This changes in the internal environment can bring the innovation as well as necessary improvement in IT system.

    It is very important for tesco to make changes in its IS strategy and systems. This has to be done because due to change in internal and external factors there will be high impact on business operations (Escobar, 2018.). In external factor there will it is expected that their will be change in technology in coming 2-3 years. As Tesco major operations are technologically related they need to make changes in its system and strategies. This will help them to improve its business efficiency and leading to better environment. Moreover, they will have to change their methods of providing training to employees. Along with this, company needs to set standards so that employee performance can be measured. It will help in improving employee productivity. Besides this, tesco needs to change it policies on how data is maintained and systems are used by employees. There will be improvements in structure and process of developing information strategy. Systems will be updated with new software and programs.

    More Resources:

    Apart from this, the overall network of sharing data and information has to be improved. Change in technology will also have impact on tesco IT infrastructure and policies (Scholes, 2015). Due to change in these company needs to develop policy and infrastructure in order to maintain its flow of business operations. Within 2-3 years tesco IT management will be transformed. There will high level of communication between employees. Highly experienced people will be hired to develop effective network. The implementation of new systems and strategy will lead to improvement in employee efficiency. The overall business operations will work at a great pace. Besides this, tesco will be able to modify its structure according to change in technology. Enterprise will develop a flexible process so that it is easy to use updated systems.


    From this assignment Online it is concluded that TESCO is operating in retail sector. Thus, they require an effective IS and IT systems to maintain data and information of customers. For this, they have to use follow certain government processes and policies. Besides this, the manager and employees working in IT department has some roles has to be followed by them is discussed. Also, how TESCO addresses and mitigate risk by using and implementing strategies is described in this report. At last what impact or improvements have been done in IS strategy and IT system due to change in internal and external factors within 2-3 year is described in this assignment.


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    • Stafford, S. and Taylor, J., 2016. Transnational education as an internationalisation strategy: meeting the institutional management challenges.Journal of higher education policy and management. 38(6). pp.625-636.
    • Olson, E.M. and Olson, K.M., 2016. Strategy, structure, and culture within the English Premier League: an examination of large clubs.Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal. 6(1). pp.55-75.
    • Monczka, R.M. and Patterson, J.L., 2015.Purchasing and supply chain management. Cengage Learning.

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