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    Marketing Essentials


    Marketing is continuous process that is followed in every organization to do business and achieve the desired goals and objectives. With the assistance of this concept the products and services are made available at the place of its use from the point of its manufacturing (Pike, 2015). There are different tactics which are involved in it and which needs to be closely monitored as the success of any organizations rely much on it. Marriot is a known hotel brand in hospitality industry and with the continuous growth and demand in market it is planning to expand its operations in UK. The following report will discuss how it can be done using marketing and hence concepts related to same will be elaborated in the given study below.

    1.1 Marketing

    According to Deepak pore marketing is a process of creating delivering, communicating and exchanging of something that has value for the customers, society. Through this process the desires of the markets are fulfilled by making the products and services available at the location where it is demanded.

    1.2 Marketing key roles and responsibilities

    • Marriot is operating at huge level and is delivering range of services. Marketing helps it in reaching to maximum customers and facilitates growth through performing the given below roles and responsibilities.

    Market research –

    In order to facilitate better and improved services it is crucial that the company is updated with the latest trends that are present in the market. Information regarding same is made available by the marketing department as it does the study of the other companies and finds the changes which should be implemented in own business. It helps in maintaining the competitive advantage (Larson and Draper, 2015).

    Product development -  

    Customers art h eking of market and gets bored with the repetitive services. They want continuous improvements in the offerings of the company and information regarding same as how better products can be delivered is made available by the marketing department. It does the market analyses and identifies what all innovations can be done in the product and services of Marriott’s so that it can deliver better satisfaction to the users.

    Promotion –

    In order to maximize the total sales of Marriot this is very important that the marketing of goods and services which are offered by the company are done in proper wat as it has direct influence on the total sales. This is another crucial role and duty of the marketing department to promote the brand in the market in a way that company can attract maximum customers.

    1.3 Marketing environment and roles and responsibilities

    Marriott’s operates in business surroundings which keeps on fluctuating due to the continuous variations in the micro and macro factors. Sometimes the changes are in favour and many time they are against the benefit of the company. In context of the marketing it is very important that improvements that are made in the environment in the promotion tools and techniques are timely adopted by the concern department of Marriott’s also so as to maintain the competitive advantage (Larson and Draper, 2015). It is prime social responsibility to ensure that the products and services are well advertise so that maximum customers can get to know about the changes which are made by the brand.

    1.4 Roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to the wider organisational context

    Marketing is not a department which is confined to itself only. Together with the other departments too it carries out the work and hence assist the firm in reaching to higher success. The interrelation of marketing with other departments are as follows:

    Finance and marketing –

    promotion division to carry out its activities require funds which are made available by the finance department only. Also to make the future budgets the money department needs to have knowledge of the future expenses which is made available by the marketing division and in this way they together work in the wider organisation context.

    HR and Marketing –

    Human resource is one of the racial section of the Marriott as without it no operation can be carried out. With the help of marketing section, the HR executives are made a viable as per the need by advertising the requirements of the personnel’s for different vacancies in the organisation.

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    1.5 Significance of interrelationships between marketing and other functional units

    Marketing is a vital department as it performs range of functions like buying selling storing transportation etc. without which company cannot run smoothly (Lammenett, 2011). It also facilitates the other departments with the required resources and ensures continuity in the working. Given below Figure 1 shows more functions that are performed by this division which further add value to it. All these roles are not performed solely by marketing but together with the assistance of other sections also through which the overall company’s objectives are achieved.


    Figure 1Importance of marketing

    1.6 key elements of the marketing function 

    Perreault, (2018) found that the marketing division of Marriott’s works with the finance HR and other departments. It facilitates them with the required information and other resources so that the work is carried out in most appropriate manner. It assists in dealing with the micro and macro factors which keeps on fluctuating in the business environment.

    1.7 Marketing plan to meet marketing objectives

    Marriott’s is a prat of hospitality industry in which there are many other close competitors who are giving a tough competition to each other for their survival. It is planning to further expand its operations in UK with the help of marketing campaign in which it would be advertising its products and services.

    Mission: To enrich the lives of the visitors by delivering excellent experience of their stay at the hotel

    Vision: To be the premiere provider and enabler of ease & holiday experiences in the world.

    1.8 Objective

    • To expand its operation in the UK
    • To promote its product and services

    1.9 Situational analyses

    SWOT analyses is an effective tool through which the strength weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the firm can be identified. It helps in making the plans for future as more importance is given to the competencies and arrangements for the predictable threats is done so that the objective is achieved.

    Strength –

    the most important strong aspect of the company is that it is very strict with the norms which it does not change for anyone (Lancaster and Massingham, 2010). Every human resource has to follow same in every situation and this way its operations are effective. Thereafter its global presence further adds more competency to it as it is widely known to people. Marriott’s believes in doing innovations.

    Weaknesses –

    The services of Marriot are very expensive and cannot be afforded by every person and hence this way it has limited customers. 

    Opportunities –

    Now the trend of travelling has increased much in people and this is a positive change for Marriot. There is huge unexploited market where it can start its services.

    Threats –

    Marriott’s is a big brand and therefore prone to terror attacks. Thereafter, from last many years there is continuous fall in the economic conditions and recession may affect the future sales of this brand.

    1.10 Promotional tool for marketing strategy 

    In order to market the product and services in the market Marriott’s marketing department can use different tools and techniques. The most appropriate one are as follows:

    Advertising –

    It is one of the most effective mode of reaching to maximum customers. Attractive advertisements can be given on televisions and other platforms through which maximum reach to people can be ensured (Baines, Fill and Page, 2013). Apart from this as it is not possible to have access to all advertising helps in increasing the total scope of coverage. This way company can attract more people specially those who were unaware about the brand.

    Personal selling –

    Though it is not widely used due to the limitation of its limited scope it can help in better delivering of information to the selected clients. Here the sale is made by interacting with potential customers and communicating them about the products and services of brand.

    Social media –

    Facebook, Instagram, twitter are different platforms which are now widely in use. People take their decision by going through the reviews of different individuals and hence it can be used a medium of promotion.

    1.11 Market segmentation

    Market segment is a process through which the overall customers are divided into small groups who respond similarly to products and services. Here the major segment are families and business delegates (Blythe, 2012.).

    Families -

    This would be attracted by offering good packages as they come in groups and look forward for most effective option which can give them maximum satisfaction.

    Business delegates –

    These are the people who do not pay themselves for the bookings and desire for most comfortable services. They can be influenced by maintaining excellence in services during their stay and by making all the arrangements in advance which are required for a business meet.

    1.12 Marketing mix-4 Ps

    Product –

    As the targeted customers are families and business delegates there would be focus on arranging entertainment facilities, comfortable beds, availability of b conference rooms etc.

    Place –

    In order to keep the access easy for visitors the locations will be chosen which are not very far and has easy transpiration facilities. Places which are close to the city would be more prefer so that clients do not find it difficult to reach and also can enjoy the peaceful surroundings in the outside areas (Simkin and Dibb, 2013).

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    Promotion –

    Maximum use of social media and emailing would be done as this way more customers can be reached.

    Price –

    People are more cautious with the brand name and most of them judge the quality and standards with the prices paid for using the services. Therefore, premium prising policy will be kept and the prices will range from £250 to £350 (Babin and Zikmund, 2015).

    1.13 Evaluation for the marketing plan

    In order to evaluate the overall plan use of the following table will be made as this will show how effectivity eh different marketing tool are working.

    Table 1: Marketing Evaluation Process
















    Social media marketing

    Customer Response





    3 months

    Close to effective

    1.14 Conclusion and Recommendations 

    From the above report this has been concluded that the marketing department plays an important role in carrying out the daily operations of the company. it has assisted Marriott’s in achieving its desired objectives to a great extent. It is required that more efforts are made by the concern section so that the total revenues earned are maximum. For same better utilisation of the marketing tools should be done so that the total coverage area is improved.


    • Pike, S., 2015. Destination marketing: essentials. Routledge.
    • Simkin, L. and Dibb, S., 2013. Marketing essentials. Cengage Learning EMEA.
    • Babin, B.J. and Zikmund, W.G., 2015. Essentials of marketing research. Nelson Education.
    • Blythe, J., 2012. CIM Coursebook Marketing Essentials. Routledge.
    • Baines, P., Fill, C. and Page, K., 2013. Essentials of marketing. Oxford University Press.
    • Lancaster, G. and Massingham, L., 2010. Essentials of marketing management. Routledge.

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