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In the modern world, marketing play an important role for any organisation to achieve competitive advantages. It consists several market study for analysing and understanding the market trends, fashions, customers choices, preferences, demands, maintain goodwill, build effective relations, provide better quality of goods and services, and adopt best tools or techniques for the purpose of running an organisation and increasing profits or productivities of the firm. Marketing department play significant role in every business firm to conduct such marketing study and analysing customers demands towards products or services. it is important to undertake several tools or techniques regarding marketing including punch line, slogan, celebrities endorsement, packaging and designing and many others for creating awareness among targeted audiences and increase more sales in the marketplace (Baines and Fill, 2013). This report is based on McDonald's that an American fast food restaurant and it is situated in the California, US. This company is dealing with variety of products including Hamburgers, Chicken, Deserts, breakfasts, soft drinks, milkshakes, coffee and French Fries. This report will explain roles and responsibilities of marketing functions and its relations with organisation. It compare marketing mix tool with other company and produce or develop a plan for achieving business goals.
Marketing is an essential tool for every successful organisation because it helps in building good image ins the marketplace by creating brand awareness among people in an effective manner. In this included a set of procedure for manufacturing, designing, purchasing or selling, distributing and delivering any products or services to the targeted audiences for satisfy their desired needs or expectations in well manner (Page, 2013). It consists various effective tools or techniques which are beneficial for the organisation in increasing demands and create good position in the marketplace in more effective manner. This can be helpful in generating more profits and productivities by analysing the market conditions so that sales volume can be enhanced and also support in creating market awareness. Every organisation focus on proper environmental screening so that they conduct an study for market research in which they gather information regarding market trends, customers behaviours and choices, current situations or fashions about good or services so that company can take corrective actions or formulate plans for providing better quality of goods and services in an effective manner. Marketings department play a crucial role in getting accurate data or information to the manufacturing department so that they can make decisions about producing better quality of products and sell it into market place. In this included several components such as marketing planning, products, research or survey, tools or techniques, promotional activities, sales functions, customer relationship managements and their level of satisfaction which are required to increase the brand image and developing particular business in the competitive environment (Bowie, 2014). McDonald's is most famous fast food company and restaurant that deals in number of food items in the international marketplace.
McDonald's is providing several food and drinks at the global market and opened several restaurants in different places so that they can reach at potentials customers. They always consider market survey or research process that conducts for analysing consumer tastes or preferences and also find various competitors in the particular areas. There are several branches or franchisees can be seen of McDonald's in different countries or places because their main focus on increasing growth and achieve competitive advantages for the purpose of becoming market leader in the food and beverages sector. Management undertakes some important functions that helps in increasing sales volume and generate higher profits or revenues. In involves production process, marketing strategies, sales support, products development, distribution channels, communication or promotional activities and selling of specific goods and services in more effective manner (Paraskevas, 2014). There are defined some marketing functions and their roles or responsibilities within the McDonald's firm such as:
Functions of marketing:
Marketing strategies: This is an important function that play vital role in the organisation as it describe various activities that must be performed by every firm to get succeed and achieve competitive advantages as well. In this function, marketing manager focus on formulating particular strategies and make decisions regarding conducting survey and use appropriate method for creating awareness so that they can reach at potentials customers or targeted audiences. It is beneficial for company to increasing market share and growth to attain predetermined goals or objectives.
Conduct market research or survey: It is another important functions which must be considered while expanding business at other countries as well as enters into new market. They always focus on finding target customers, several opportunities, and try to grab such opportunity to achieve goals or objectives. Many of firms conduct survey and gather data or informations about particular market trends, current situations, new customers, environment conditions, and strong competitors which are beneficial in making decisions for producing or delivering goods and services in an effective manner (Mariussen, 2014). McDonald's is generally undertake such study to analyse customers tastes and preferences regarding food products.
Developing products and services: Marketing department play an important role in providing better information regarding environment and take decisions about improving quality of goods and services in an efficient way. Company try to increase maximum sales and increase demands about products and also generate revenues by taking corrective actions such as modification in existing products or launching new items so that customers can be satisfy in better manner.
Communication process: It is most important decisions that taken by the company and marketing department as they found better communication process for providing information in the market by analysing potentials customers who wants to take these services in an effective way. McDonald's is also focusing on reaching at target audience by creating awareness such as Advertisement, promotional methods or activities, commercial ads, print media, brochure and email marketing and other promotional tools for providing appropriate informations to targeted audiences as well.
McDonald's is dealing in several products such as milkshakes, Hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks, Chickens, Mc Puff pizza, desserts, and coffee in its restaurant that established in number of places at different countries and also focus on expanding the business at various areas for the purpose of becoming number one company in the world (Brassington, 2013). They also consider better strategies and effective plans for expanding business and attracts more customers to achieve competitive advantages. They perform several functions such as:
Finance: It is very necessary function and important aspects that required to run an organisation and operates its activities in well manner. Without funding, a business cannot be run so it is necessary to provide adequate funds or proper financing so that company can produce appropriate goods and services and also perform several tasks or activities in a better way. Marketing department use proper finance facilities for promoting goods and services of McDonald's company. Manager take responsibilities for managing the balance of material as maintains their quality or quantity for controlling occurring wastages or costs. They undertake effective strategies such as manage and balance the material and ensure about food stuff or its durability to increase sales.
Distribution channels: The major role of marketing department is to make decisions regarding distributing or delivering of goods and services so that customers can fulfil their desired expectations and demands as well (Pettitt, 2013). McDonald's consider the supply chain or distribution networks to reach at customers, therefore they are serving their products by using counters and restaurant facilities for providing foods to targeted customers.
Pricing strategies: In this, company make proper decisions and corrective strategies for making charges or decide prices of particular goods or services. it is an essentials to attracts more individuals and get attentions of targeted audiences towards firm. McDonald's generally charge effective and affordable price on its food items so that every customers can take advantages and get products to satisfy their needs or wants in an effective way. They use competitors based strategies so they sell their items in less prices as compare to its competitors including Burger King, KFC and Domino's as well.
Promotional channels: This is another important aspects which must be require for creating awareness and selling maximum products in the marketplace. Marketing department play vital role in choosing best promotional tools or techniques so that company can promote the business among competitors in the marketplace (Cleverley, 2017). McDonald's is considering various methods such as brochure, magazines, banners, hoardings, bill boards, mobile application and many more to provide proper information.
In this defined various roles and responsibilities that an organisation perform regarding marketing activities or functions . These are very beneficial for every business firm as they help to manage or develop the business with increasing more demands and also enhance growth in well manner. Many of firms focus on adopting best tools or methods for promoting goods or services and also use some important aspects such as advertisement, promotional strategies, segmentation, targeting and positioning of the company in the market place.
In this consider a particular marketing study for the purpose of analysing target customers and find the effective tools to attracts them towards company. It includes proper research regarding customers behaviours such as their choices, demands, desired expectations, tastes, preferences, and strategies which are required to achieve competitive advantages. McDonald's company also consider this elements and try to find consumers tastes such as some of them likes low fat food, spicy, lights and delicious to satisfy needs (Clow and James, 2013). Some of customers are health conscious who do not prefer junk foods so company make such types of foods as per the clients requirements. Here is define some roles and responsibilities of marketing functions for McDonald's company such as:
Market research: Marketing manager always focus on analysing appropriate trends, situations and conditions of particular market by conducting a survey or research which is beneficial for organisation. Company undertake this for getting information about customers choices and tastes as McDonald's does same and provide delicious or better quality of foods to customers for satisfying needs or wants.
Transportation: Marketing department also describe the better transportation facilities which are required to provide better quality of foods in limited time period as McDonald's focus on its supply chain management systems. This will support in creating effective goods or services in well manner. They adopted suitable method which is Just In Time (JIT) to balance the supply and demand and reduce maximum wastages within the firm.
Maintain the quality of products: It is another aspect that perform by the marketing department as they provide accurate information about the products or services to the manufacturing department and focus on making decisions to maintain its quality and add some unique features to attracts number of people towards firm (Desai, 2013). McDonald's also formulated strategies and considered Total Quality Management (TQM) for managing and maintaining the quality of goods or services and make them more efficient.
Risk assessment: Risk is one of the major force that have direct impacts on the business operations and its functions. McDonald's also needs to consider such aspects that can create barriers while selling good or services in the marketplace. They have formulate better strategies and make appropriate decisions so that company can run effectively and efficiently.
New product development: In this, manager take decisions to regarding modify existing products or launch new products or services to satisfy customers needs or wants in more effective manner. It is an essential for every business firm in increasing demands and fulfil customers desired expectations.
Administration: in this, marketing department ensure about various tasks or activities that divided among people and also set effective policies so that business can be run with appropriate management or administration. McDonald's also manage its entire performance and business operations by collaborating and cooperating with various department for achieving common goals or objectives (Dibb, 2013). They also focusing on managing or maintaining relationship with customers and make them loyal towards firm.
Better customers services: This is an important and effective tool which support in attracting customers and increasing sales volume or generate profits within the firm. Every firm try to satisfy its customers and win their trust by providing them better quality of goods so that long term benefits can be get. McDonald's also focus on customers services and increase their satisfaction level so that brand image can be increased. They consider the method or get feedbacks from them regarding goods and services which support in improving the quality and tastes of particular products.
Human resource: This is an important function which helps in creating better workforce and find suitable candidates who can perform several tasks or activities in well manner. Their main purpose is to manage the people and workforce in such manner so that maximum outcomes can be get and also increase productivity and also focus on providing training or learnings sessions to the people for enhancing skills or knowledges in better ways (Simkin, 2013). McDonald's is dealing with fast foods and soft drinks so they have to maintain their workforce with appropriate management. There is requires skilled, educated and knowledgable person who can understand customers and can interact with them in better manner. They also conducts training and learning sessions to develop employees abilities as these support in enhancing knowledge, capabilities and skills such as how to manage public if crowed, billing system maintain quality of food and create better or safe environment within the restaurant.
Marketing mix consist various components or elements such as 4ps and 7ps which are required to formulate the strategies and action plan for the purpose of developing business and create good position in the marketplace. These must be necessary to consider while making favourable decisions and adopt suitable strategies so that goals or targets can be achieved in well manner. McDonald's is one of the best or famous company that provide fast food and drinks in the market at global level (Durmaz, 2011). In this included variety of foods such as hamburgers, Chickens, soft drinks, coffee, French fries, Mc Puff and many food stuffs that satisfy customers needs or wants and meet their hunger. They focus on reaching at potentials customers or target audiences in an efficient manner. This will help in creating and maintaining customers relationship with long time and also make them loyal towards business firm.
There is defined some comparison of McDonald's and CADBURY who used marketing mix tools for formulating business strategies and perform several functions for the purpose of creating better position in the marketplace and also achieve competitive advantages. There are as following such as:
Marketing mix tools |
McDonald's |
Products |
Products may be consider as the item or material which customers take in exchange of values (Fazlollahtabar, 2012). McDonald's is selling variety of foods and drinks in the markets including hamburgers, milkshakes, chickens, French fries, coffee etc. |
Cadbury is dealing in confectionery products in the marketplace such as chocolates, biscuits, bars, dairy milk, crème egg, ice cream and different items in the international market. |
Price |
Price is consider as the value that receive by company from customers. McDonald's make pricing strategies by considering the various facilities such as proper sitting arrangements, air conditioner restaurants, mineral water, wash room, appropriate infrastructure and many more facilities provided by them to the customers so they use cost based pricing and competitors based strategies. |
This firm do not provide these kinds of facilities as they charge less price on their products as compare to McDonald's. They are selling chocolates at 2 pounds in the UK. They undertake marketing penetrations, competitors based and cost leadership while making pricing strategies (Aghasi and Forte, 2012). |
Place |
Place must be suitable for operating business as it is require to select best place according to target market. McDonald's consider the locations such as big cities, developed location, and urban areas because owner thinks that people from rural areas could not be afford due to high charges. |
Cadbury is selling number of confectionery items in the market at world wide in the global market. They focus on adopting best suitable distribution network or channels to deliver the particular goods to the targeted audiences. |
Promotions |
It consider several promotional tools or techniques that must be adopted by the firms for the purpose of creating market awareness (F̱̉rat, 2013). McDonald's firm spend less money for advertisements as they provide information through commercial ads, TV, brochure and hoarding etc. |
Cadbury is also focusing on best tools or techniques for promoting business and goods or services so that number of customers can be aware as well as attracts towards firm (Gertner, 2011). They use celebrities endorsement, TV, hoarding, commercial ads etc. |
People |
People play an important role to run the business and achieve competitive advantages. McDonald's also concentrate on developing people so that they can treat customers in well manner. They do not give importance to the stakeholders within the firm. |
Cadbury undertake its stakeholders and give them importance including customers, investors, suppliers and employees as they must be satisfied. They also organise training and development program to enhance employees skills or abilities. |
Process |
In this consider the appropriate procedures for the purpose of producing goods and services and also decide transportation for delivering them to the potentials customer (Hamilton, 2011). McDonald's used transparent techniques for society welfare and good relations. |
They focus on providing better quality of goods and services including confectionery items. Therefore, they follow their own process and produce best quality of goods as per customer health. |
Physical evidence |
McDonald's sell its products or services in the restaurants where also provide several facilities such as cleanness, sitting arrangements, wash room, air conditioner, dust bean and mineral water for the purpose of creating better positive environment and give various facilities with foods. |
They provide various facilities and services with their confectionery brands (Jones and Rowley, 2011). There is no any restaurants or place so they provide their products in the retail shops or other chain stores where customers can reach at the potentials consumer as well as targeted audiences. |
Marketing plan is a document which is prepared by the management of organisation at the beginning of year which includes forecasting about adverting functions and marketing efforts which performed through out the year. Such plans are prepared for the guidance of employees which helps in deployment of their activities with expertise. The main of developing marketing plan is to achieve their sales target within a set time frame (Joshi, 2012). Such plan also includes different strategies and tactics through which they influence the behaviour of customers that choose their product instead of their rivals. Here, also make plan regarding segmentation of market through of STP model to identify the needs of customer of different segments. It provides the opportunity is to make their products according to such preferences to grab the trust and loyalty of customer towards their activities. In the present report, marketing plan is developed by McDonald's for improving their number of sales and effectively compete in market with competitors (Khan and Adil, 2013). The different aspects which are covered under such marketing plan of McDonald's includes Vision, Mission, Objectives, SWOT, budget and target market etc. The marketing plan of McDonald's is defined below:
Vision: The vision of McDonald's is to become the world's largest fast food provider through providing good quality food items and services.
Mission: The mission of McDonald's is about build themselves as preferred consumer place through bring improvements in their operations and satisfaction of the requirements of customers.
SWOT analysis of McDonald's
Marketing Budget
Marketing budget |
 | ||||
Particulars |
1st year |
2nd year |
3rd year |
4th year |
5th year |
Initial money |
50000 |
13000 |
14000 |
22000 |
19000 |
Investment |
20000 |
11500 |
16000 |
14200 |
Total |
50000 |
33000 |
25500 |
38000 |
33200 |
Marketing expenditures |
 |  |  |  |  |
Advertisement |
8600 |
7700 |
7200 |
7000 |
6800 |
Sales promotion |
3000 |
4000 |
3500 |
3000 |
7500 |
Direct marketing |
8000 |
7000 |
3000 |
6000 |
3000 |
Total |
19600 |
18700 |
13700 |
16000 |
17300 |
Available balance |
30400 |
14300 |
11800 |
22000 |
15900 |
PEST Analysis
There are several environmental factors that are present in outside business environment and affect the overall functioning of the organisation hence have to be properly evaluated through PEST analysis which is described below:
From the above prepared report it has been concluded that marketing play a essential role in business organisation as focuses on carrying out activity to promote their products and services in market place. The report highlights the case of Mc Donald that is among the fast food restaurant established at various place in world. Report also focuses on several roles and functions that is played by marketing as well as the importance of marketing mix concept. Apart from it, marketing plans are also developed by the manager of company that involve several steps that is conduced in marketing function.
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