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    Improving Learning Outcomes Through Assessment

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 13 / Words 3234
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 383



    This report focuses on a family living in an underprivileged area, in contrast to Dagenham, a district and suburban town in East London, England. Dagenham is an underdeveloped village with limited healthcare facilities and hospitals. The report will explore the concepts of health and well-being, emphasizing the importance of health promotion in encouraging good health and preventing illness across the lifespan. It introduces a family from an underserved area and assesses their key health needs based on observations and analysis of epidemiological and demographic data, explaining the health and well-being challenges in the region. The report will address behavioral risk factors and health inequalities that affect underprivileged families and discuss health promotion interventions that can prevent illness, protect and improve health, and promote well-being. It will also highlight the roles nurses can play in influencing and preventing health issues. The family's situation reflects high levels of unemployment, health risks, pollution, and a lack of access to medical care, contributing to poor health outcomes. Poverty and environmental factors are identified as major contributors to the family's health problems and illnesses.

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    2. Concept of health and well-being

    Health refers to physical, mental, and social welfare, which is used as resources for living the life joyfully. While illness, also known as disease or sickness, can be defined as the sick health the human being who can recognize disease or symptoms themselves. In simple words, illness refers to a feeling of pain, weakness, discomfort and fatigue. On other hand, disease occurs by illness (Haber, 2019). It can be determined by the person and can take medication themselves, while disease can be identified and diagnosed by medical expert and physician. Health promotion is defined as the procedure of authorizing peoples to enhance their control as result of getting health and wealthy profile. It is behavioural social science, which is designed from biological, environmental, sensual, and medical science for improving health and reducing disease, disability, and immature death from some factors, i.e., behaviour change activity. Thus, health promotion maintains well-being of human being and alerts them to stay away from disease. To promote health, there are some principles of health promotion. It can be defined as an approach that includes interaction, legislation, education, financial measurement, structural change, and the development of community and natural activities against health risk (Park, Donoff and Saldana, 2017)

    This approach helps the people to improve their life cycle and maintain well-being in society. Health promotion plays a significant role in promoting good health and preventing ill health. For example, based on the approach, develop alertness about the health status of individual persons, families, communities, locals, and nations so that they are aware of their life span. On the other hand, health promotion decreases premature death by giving education and telling them what activity can have a negative impact on the people's health. Approaches also suggest the person adapt some habits, like quitting smoking, doing exercise, etc., that can improve the quality of life for the individual, community, and nation.


    3. Health profile of family

    Health is most important for everyone if they fit mentally and physically, as a result can be socially active. If they are unwell physiologically, as result, they are unable to maintain well-being in society. That's why health plays significant role in human life. While Dagenham is undeveloped village where unemployment is in high, that's poverty range is heightened. Due to poverty, families are unable to spend money on their health. second reason families have addiction to smoke and liquor (alcohol). Region is the main reason for the families who survive their life (Eichbaum, 2017). The total population of Dagenham is approx. 211,998, which is enhanced approx. 1,300 in 2017. Children ratio (person age between 0 and 15), which is equal to 27% of the population. While 134,378 peoples have employment, which is equal to 63% of total population, and 19,755 people are retired (65 and above), equal to 9% of total population. The workless families' approx 14,250 (27.2%) where they come in below the poverty line in Dagenham. On other hand, larger families' ratio is approx. 3,890 (6%) where they come in poverty line. Income deprivation of families is approx. 22.5% and employment ratio is approx. 22.5%; that's reason for the poverty. In Dagenham, education deprivation is approx. 13.5% while crime estimation is approx. 9.3%. Families health deprivation and disability ratio approx. 13.5%. number of families who have own house are low, while homeless family ratio is higher in Dagenham. A number of families suffer from health illness which transform into disease due to lack of health treatment resources. The main reason for poverty is to social, political, economical and environmental issues. Homelessness for the family in Dagenham is approx 15.9%. The main reason of the health illness are health inequalities like smoking and obesity. It directly has impact on families' lifespans, such as disability in a newborn baby, mental illness, etc. Dagenham is an undeveloped area in England where fewer facilities are available for the people; that's why a large number of families suffer from diabetes and heart disease (Battel-Kirk and Barry 2019). On other hand, children suffer from malnourishment because their family is unable to provide proper food facilities due to unemployment. In simple terms, we can define poverty as the reason of malnourishment. Adults, which includes male and females who suffers from heart disease, obesity, asthma and cancer type of disease, which enhances premature death ratio. The reason behind of the disease is alcohol consumption and smoking. The healthcare department finds large number of families suffer from asthma and cardiovascular disease in the survey of Dagenham. While children suffers from malnourishment due to poverty.

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    Key health needs

    During the survey of Dagenham, it was observed that a large number of children suffer from malnourishment, and adults suffer from non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and respiratory disease. The reason behind of the disease is alcohol consumption and smoking. al data on patterns of mobility That's why 13.9% of the total population suffers from health disease. 27% children's suffer from malnourishment; in simple terms, there parents are unable to provide proper food facilities, which leads disability in children (Eichbaum, 2017). Through the national and local healthcare report, observation finds that there side population requires health care and social care needs, which can improve their health quality and well-being in society. Health needs are:

    Healthcare services: It includes education, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, terminal care and health care needs which are required for families who survive their life in Dagenham. Based on national and local reports, there are fewer hospitals in Dagenham, which is why number of people don't get proper medication for diagnosed disease. Another reason is the lack of medical expert in available hospitals, which causes families to don't get healthcare services. Deprivation of medical store in Dagenham leads less pharmaceutical care for the peoples. Social organization food strategy isn't available for families who don't have money for buying food and as result, children suffers from malnutrition. Adults, in which males and females are addicted from alcohol and smoking, doesn't have rehab centres for them, which causes premature death ratio to increase. Unemployment is also a reason of the malnourishment and alcohol consumption because job opportunity are too limited for the families. Families attitudes are also a big reason for the health disease (Rootman and O’Neill 2017). These are the reason of the health issues. To improve morality and quality of family life requires healthcare facilities for the families so that their well-being is maintained in society. The total ratio of smokers is approx 14.7% in Dagenham. While alcohol ratio is approx. 40% of total population in the undeveloped district. If number of hospital and organization food centers is increased in the Dagenham, can improve families lifespan.

    Health education: Education plays significant role in health well-being. Based on the local and national report, education deprivation is 13.9% in Dagenham. where large number of adults consumes alcohol, which leads heart disease. Number of people unaware that excessive alcohol damages heart wall and leads heart arrest, which causes people get premature death. Those families who consume alcohol regularly for overcoming starvation that has negative impact on mental and physical health. The report finds large number of female suffer from asthma disease due to smoking. The main reason is the unawareness of families about smoke side effect. Regular smoking leads insufficiency in oxygen filtration, which is done by lungs. While chain-smoking leads impairment in respiratory function, as result, asthma occurs. That's why number of families suffer from health disease. Malnourishment is also a big issue for the children's who suffers due to poverty. The malnourishment refers the children or person who don't eat properly due to lack of resources. In simple terms, deprivation of protein known as malnourishment.

    Disease prevention: Heart disease, malnourishment and asthma are the main reason of health diseases, which requires high-standard healthcare and pharmaceutical care. There side hospital and medical expert are deprived, which enhance death ratio of the peoples. Based on the governmental report, it finds that medical resources are very fewer in hospitals, which utilizes them for disease treatment (Tengland, 2016). second healthcare organization isn't available in Dagenham, which leads to a negative attitude in public health.

    Drug abuse: based on the annual report a large number of teenager are addicted from drugs like heroin, sativum, etc., which leads disability in their health. Teenagers are unaware about side effect. The side also finds that large number of people who have family are addicted from alcohol and smoking in Dagenham (John and Fallavollita 2020). The reason for the addiction is unemployment and deprivation of rehab centre that can make them understand that smoking and alcohol both gives negative impact on life and lead to premature death as well. To reduces ratio of alcohol addiction, rehab centers require.



    There are various factors that have an impact on the family's health status and reduce their well-being in society. These factor lead premature death in the Dagenham

    Lack of employment: Dagenham is an underprivileged area of London where poverty is heightened, which is why a large number of families survival rates have become lower. The main reason of the poverty is the unemployment ratio. Job opportunity are fewer for the people who lead a whole family. Due to fewer opportunity doesn't get job as result unable to get proper resources for the family. The ratio of unemployment approx 27.2% on other hand employment ratio also same. In simple terms, fifty percent of people have job and fifty percent don't have job. Those families who have job but get a low salary, which is insufficient for the families. This is the reason for the ill health, which reduces well-being of the families and enhances ratio of premature death. There is an example for understanding the concept. When a person has responsibility of the whole family, which includes five member. Where they don't get job in that state, they consume alcohol to reducing stress and become addicted by and by as result, health disease take place. A governmental report finds that education, skill, and development deprivation ratio is approx. 9%, which is the second reason for the unemployment (John and Fallavollita 2020). To get high-profile job, people don't have proper skills which can match for the job position; that's why they're unable to get high salary.

    Ineffective government strategies:

    Dagenham is an undeveloped town that is situated outside of England. That's why families are unable to take advantage of governmental strategies. Second, what ever strategies are implemented in town for the families, these are in effective. For example, the government offers employment opportunity in Dagenham so that a number of people who don't have job can get the job and live their life effectively. Where fewer people get the job while rest are unemployed. Those people who get job opportunities gets insufficient salaries, which is not survival for the people and their families. Some governmental hospitals are available so that people can take pharmaceuticals and healthcare facilities but lack of nursing staff makes people unable to take healthcare medication. Even diagnosis equipment is limited in the hospital, which causes families unable to take treatment of the disease (Sharma, 2016). government offers rehab centre facilities for the teenager who are addicted from drugs but trainer aren't available for guidance and monitoring their activities. Social organizing food strategy also introduces by the government for children's and the family who suffers from malnourishment but fewer families are able to take advantage of the strategy; the remaining are incapable of taking advantage. Thus, whatever strategies run by the government are ineffective for the families because they don't involve.

    Behavioural risk factors

    It refers to the individual person or families who lose their capacity to alter diet, tobacco, smoking, and consumption of alcohol, which have negative impacts on health such as inefficient physical action, dietary hazards, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels, which are the major risks of the development of chronic disease. In Dagenham, large number of the families consume alcohol and smoke, which has negative impact on their health. These factor influence health illness, which is transformed into chronic disease. The main reason for the behavioural risk factor is attitude towards health.

    Attitude towards health: Families attitude towards health is negative; in simple definition, there side people are carefree for the health. The main reason of the negative attitude is unawareness of the people for their health. Families don't know smoking and alcohol can have injurious impact on their heart and respirator. The main reason behind such a kind attitude is lack of health education. In Dagenham, peoples are out updated for their health condition and side effects of smoking, alcohol, etc. (Jack, Hamshire and Chambers, 2017). There is another reason lack of employment in the undeveloped town reduces well-being of the family, which is why premature death ratio is raised in Dagenham. To remove the issues requires health education, which makes them aware that alcohol has impact on heart and leads chronic heart disease. On other hand, smoking has impact on the respiratory system and leads asthma disease in peoples. Even updates female who are pregnant and smoke on a regular basis that smoking leads disability in newborn babies. Thus, they people able to change their attitude towards health.

    Impact of health inequalities

    Smoking, alcohol consumption, etc. have a negative impact on the family, which includes males, females, children, and old people. Due to excessive smoking and high consumption of alcohol, this leads premature morality and can lead disability in upcoming generation, which is injurious for the family. Even alcohol consumption leads metal and physical disability in new-born baby or child, which can be unavoidable for the medical expert. Alcohol consumption not only has negative impact on heart but also leads to disability in mind and physical action. While smoking not only has injurious impact on the active people but is also injurious for the passive peoples. Passive people refer who don't smoking but breathing in smoke on other hand active person who smokes and directly breaths smoke.

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    4. Role of nurse and health opportunity for influencing health

    Role of Nurse

    Various duties and responsibilities nurses needs to fulfil. Such role and duties can be summarized as follows:

    Prevent Health Care: To prevent health care is among the prime responsibility nurses need to fulfil. Preventive health checkups involve all the care of patients suffering from asthma and heart disease. The nurses need to cope up with all the satisfactory measures while conducting all the associated operations, such as taking care of patient, proving time-to-time medication, and giving regular checkups for asthma and heart diseases. Timely medication and regular health check ups related to the various aspects of asthma and heart diseases are crucial aspect of the job role of the nurses.

    Maintain Hygiene: To maintain the proper hygiene in the surrounding of patient to enable the health care is also the major role a nurse has to play. Asthma and Heart Disease are among the serious disease that many times the patient losses their life in the absence of proper hygiene maintained around the patient. The nurses also instruct to the relatives of the patient to keep the surrounding area of the patient hygienic.

    Record Medical History and Symptoms of Patient: To record the medical history of the patient is also among the major role of nurses. To keep precise records about all the symptoms attached to the health of the patient (Lopez, 2019). To maintain all the records of medication attached to the patient and guide the hospital management about the patient in anytime in the future.

    Collaborate with Team: To collaborate with the team of doctors while operating the patient for Asthma and Heart Disease is also the prime role of the nurses in hospitals. Nurses collaborate with the entire team in the entire process of medication to improve the convenience for patient and doctors as well.

    The information plays a significant role in the planning of the health promotion actively in various places, i.e., locally and nationally, which is done by the individual nurse. nurse observes patient consultation and monitors patient activities towards the instruction. Thus, nursing staff is aware about patient performance and health improvement (Lake and Rhynders 2019). In the health promotion planning, nurse gives information to ratio of patient who suffers from cardiac disease and asthma. Based on the data information, the government is able to introduce new governmental strategies which have effectiveness and improve the quality of health.


    This report can summarize the health status of the families who live in underprivileged areas. Assignment Help & plagiarism check Free services can assist in ensuring the accuracy and originality of such analyses. In this report, family well-being and the quality of health have been concluded. The principle of health promotion and its importance have also been addressed. Health profile data, including the mortality ratio, employment ratio, unemployment ratio, alcoholic and smoker ratio, education ratio, etc., have been summarized. This report has also discussed the role of nurses, which includes preventive health care, maintaining hygiene, collaborating with the team, and recording the medical history and symptoms of patients. It can be concluded that behavioral risk factors, inequalities in health factors, and other additional factors, such as lack of employment and the ineffectiveness of government strategies, have been highlighted. Lastly, this report has summarized key health needs, which include health education, drug abuse prevention, and disease prevention.

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