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    Handwashing for Reducing infection in Aged Care Facilities

    University: Careers Australia Institute of Education & training

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 10 / Words 2479
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: CHCPOL003
    • Downloads: 56

    Topic 1: Hand washing for reducing infection in Aged Care Facilities

    1. Areas related to the topic

    To manage and prevent infections in aged care facilities, two key focus areas have been identified: reducing infections like the common cold and preventing systemic infections such as viral illnesses, along with local infections like food poisoning. In these settings, common infections often spread due to inadequate handwashing among elderly residents, who are particularly susceptible to disease transmission (Sakihama et al., 2016). Therefore, it is crucial for older adults to practice proper hand hygiene. Effective handwashing can significantly contribute to the prevention and control of infections in aged care facilities.

    2. Reason for undertaking the research

    There are various reason for undertaking the research one of the reason is that researcher want to know the importance of hand washing and how it can help in prevention of disease and infection in old care facilities. As within in old care facilities, old people are not able to take care of themselves in an effective manner and are not able to care of their hygiene. So, this research can help a researcher understand the importance of hand washing in old care facilities. Another logical reason behind this research is that researcher wants to increase the knowledge and improve its own practices in health care services.

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    3. Research questions or hypothesis

    Research question: Does hand washing help in controlling the infection in aged care facilities?

    Research hypothesis: Infections in aged care facilities get passed by hand washing with soap and normal water rather than using of sanitizers after hand washing.

    Nursing intervention related to this research are related in a manner in which nurses consider hand washing practices and their routine of hand washing (Sreenivasan et al., 2015).They plays significant role in age care facilities and come in direct contact with old people so washing and hand hygiene are very important. All kind of nursing care units use this, especially intensive care units, as patients in this are not able to take care of themselves and nurses are required for them.

    4. General Research Objective

    Research objective, which is Hand washing for Reducing infection in aging Care Facilities. This objective is SMART; this can be justified as

    Specific: To establish hand washing techniques to reduce infection in aged care facilities.

    Measurable: To determine the success of an objective reduction in the rate of illness caused by infections that spread through unhygienic hands is helpful.

    Attainable—this objective is definitely attainable.

    Relevant: This objective is relevant to nursing field.

    A time limit in form of month and year can be decided for this and also compared with starting point and difference achieved.

    5. Other disciplines that could be connected to this research activity

    Another discipline that can be connected with this research activity is providing training to the nursing staff so that they can understand the importance of hand washing and also various methods that can be used for hand hygiene. There are various strategies that can be used at aged care facilities by nursing staff to maintain hand hygiene (Farhoudi et al., 2016). This disciple has been chosen here so that all the nursing staff can be trained about importance and practice of hand washing and this is also important, as without knowledge of the practice, how the staff will consider hand washing while their work of aged care.

    6. sources from which data was gathered

    Source 1:

    Source 2:

    7. Methods of gathering information

    There are various methods that can be used to gather information and the two methods that have been selected for this research are a literature review and interviews. Literature review has been chosen as lot of information that cannot be found anywhere is available in literature like books and journals on healthcare and hygiene. The other method that could be used for this purpose is interview, as information collected from interview is more like practicable as the interviewees have gone through the use and effect of this practices and are well aware of its significance and importance (Sunkesula et al., 2015). For the purpose of this report, interviews can be undertaken with senior nursing staff, as they know many things about hand hygiene and currently prevailing practices for hand washing and its importance more regarding aged care facilities.

    8. Gather Information

    As per the view of Purva Mathur, proper hygiene is most inexpensive means of reducing prevalence of HAIs and antimicrobial resistance. MRSA that invariably occurs in hands of HCPs that work in ICU can be reduced by proper hand washing compliance. The hand hygiene liaison group found nine controlled studies and all of them were effective in reducing infection-related illness. Evidence suggest that proper hand hygiene practices has significantly reduces rates of acquisition of pathogens on hands and has ultimately reduced the rates of HAIs in hospitals.

    According to Takahashi et al., hand washing during the work and gloves use required by standard precautions were regarded as hand hygiene compliant group and non-compliant hygiene group includes hand washing before direct contact with residents, washing hands after direct contact with residents, washing hands when moving from a contaminated body site to a clean one during aged care, hand washing after removing gloves, washing hands before eating and after using the restroom, hand washing during busy work, and the use of a new pair of gloves for each care and glove use in the presence of possible infection.

    Evaluation: Article one explains why it is important to wash hands; the other information from second article suggest when nursing staff is required to wash hands in their work schedule.

    Analysis: Both are important but second article is more about when nursing staff needs to wash hands, which gives clear instruction and suggests its practice.

    9. Relevant and irrelevant information

    Information that is gathered from article 2 is more relevant, giving clear instructions when nursing staff needs to wash hands and maintain hand hygiene. Information in article 1 is less relevant as that gives information related to importance that is also in complicated form that everyone cannot understand. Article 2 also does not contain any information regarding how nursing staff can maintain hand hygiene, which is more important. When it comes to hand hygiene, article 2 also contain information regarding use of gloves while treating and caring for elderly people. Any such information and importance concerned with using gloves is also not in article 1, making it less relevant.

    10. Organization of information

    Keywords that have been used for this research are nursing, hand washing, and aged care facilities, and those articles that have been mentioned as answers to question 9.

    In this article, 1 suggests importance of hand washing in aged care facilities and 2nd article is about when nursing staff needs to maintain hand hygiene along with the practices that they can use for maintaining hand hygiene (Sadule-Rios & Aguilera, 2017). 2nd article also suggested using gloves for hand hygiene and article 1 clarifies what the benefits of hand washing are, how it reduces chances of illness that is caused by infection and that nursing staff working in ICU need to be more careful about their hand hygiene.

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    On the basis of content provided by the article, they can be organised on the basis of article one

    • ·Importance of hand washing
    • ·When and how hands are required to be washed by nursing staff.

    11. Prioritization of information

    The information in this article, article 2nd, has been kept at priority and than comes article 1st, as article 2nd provides more precise information about hand washing and also includes hand hygiene practices. These two articles have been kept for rest of the project for comparison and contrasting. These articles have also been kept because they provide most relevant information about hand washing its importance and practices at aged care facilities (Stuart et al., 2015). On the basis of their organization, article 1st will be kept at priority as it informs about the importance of hand washing and then article 2nd as it provides information about practices that need to be followed by nursing staff.

    12. Comparison and contrasting of both articles

    Article 1

    Article 2




    Study findings

    Importance of hand washing

    Practices of hand washing

    Strength of study

    This research has been made on the basis of literature review.

    This study also have been made on the basis of an extensive literature review.

    Relevance to objectives

    In this article, why hand washing is important for nursing staff who are working at aged care facilities have been defined.

    This article defines how and when aged care facilities ‘nursing staff should wash their hands so that chances of illness caused by infection can be reduced.


    Eighty percent out of a hundred percent study yield the same result.

    Sixty percent times study yield same result.


    Benefits of this study are that during training nursing staff about hand hygiene, this will enable us to communicate to them information about the importance of hand hygiene in their profession.

    Information from this article will help to design practices to be followed by nursing staff at aged care facilities.


    risk factor does not exist in this article.

    All the practices suggested in this article are not required to be followed at all the aged care facilities.

    Feasibility associated with information

    This information is very precise and easy to use, as it enables to know very accurate data and findings that are concerned with hand washing.

    This information can directly be used at aged care facilities and does not even require any kind of simplification or amendment in the content.


    To enable nursing staff to maintain their hand hygiene so that they can reduce chances of illness that spread through infection (Little et al., 2015). Nursing must consider this factor as they come in contact of many patients, including those who are contaminated and those who are not and staff should see that infection does not pass from contaminated patients to other patients. 

    This is another important factor regarding hand washing and maintaining hand hygiene, as without knowledge of what to do and when do it, knowing importance of the subject will become meaningless. This article provides very clear information about practices that are required to be followed for hand washing at aged care facilities. Because at such places this is more required as old people cannot lookafter themselves and nursing staff have to come in contact with them.


    On the basis of information collected, mentioned, and analyzed earlier, it can be concluded that hand washing is very important for nursing staff at aged care facilities as many people at these places are not able to perform basic activities and also require medical treatment, and because of that, nursing staff have to come in direct contact with old people, and that increases the chances of illness that is caused by infections as nursing staff also come in contact with many other patients, and if they have come in contact with any patient who is contaminated, the chances of those illnesses in other patients are higher. For this reason, nursing staff have to maintain their hand hygiene. To maintain their hand hygiene, they can wash their hands with soap; they can also use hand sanitizer.

    15. Impact of conclusion at workplace

    To use this information at the workplace, the most effective and easy way is to give training to the nursing staff working at aged care facilities (Kramer et al., 2017). This will make sure that they wash their hands whenever required and with the best possible method of washing hands. So that elderly people do not get ill because of any kind of infection.

    16. Reflection of learning

    This learning has enabled me to have the very best knowledge of hand washing practices, and one area that can be improved at the workplace is that using sanitizer instead of washing hands all the time is easy and convenient, and nursing staff can carry the sanitizers along with them wherever they go. Using this practice will also ensure hand hygiene of all the staff working at aged care facilities.

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    17. Issues require further research

    Issues such as the illnesses that easily spread through infection and unhygienic hands are of significant concern. Nursing essay help can provide valuable insights into these topics. Nursing staff who come into contact with many contaminated patients and then interact with those who are not increase the chances of spreading infection. Understanding what kinds of infections are more likely to spread and what practices need to be followed to prevent this requires more research.

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