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    1. How effective is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in treating mental health patients with depression?

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    How effective is cognitive behavioral therapy in treating mental health patients with depression?


    Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a practical problem-solving method commonly used in clinical settings. It integrates the best available evidence, patient preferences, well-conducted studies, and the expertise of healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about patient care (Johnsen and Friborg, 2015). EBP plays a crucial role in improving patient health outcomes. This study focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating depression in mental health patients. It will also explore the literature search process relevant to nursing practice, with a focus on key research articles that align with the study’s objective.

    An evidence-based practice model involves gathering, processing, and critically analyzing research findings to enhance clinical practice. Using EBP allows healthcare providers to deliver high-quality care in a cost-effective way. The primary goal of EBP is to improve patient outcomes by providing the most effective care, tailored to individual needs. This approach not only improves professional expertise but also reduces costs associated with patient care. EBP in nursing helps assess the risks of treatment and standardize healthcare services to deliver exceptional, value-added care. This study will also explore why cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective method for treating depression in mental health patients

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    Keywords: cognitive behaviour therapy, diabetes, depression, effectiveness, symptoms, anxiety, multi-modal CBT, evidence-based practice, intervention, psychiatric condition, LLTTF classes, multimedia CBT, hybrid CBT, one-day CBT, self-confidence.

    I have evaluated that depression tends to affect a large number of people across the world, which is mainly associated with personal, economic, and social morbidity and productivity. This in turn results in a higher level of health and care services, which in turn leads to a higher level of care services for the individual. It is very crucial for the nurses and health care practitioners to effectively optimize the use of various health resources. Despite the high prevalence rate and several numerous barriers, it has been assessed that depression is considered to be one of the major factors, which in turn results in better health care outcomes.

    I have determined that, by the year 2030, depression is considered to be one of the leading factors of disease burden at a global scale. The key aim of carrying out the particular study is to gain wider knowledge on the subject matter, which is mainly associated with gaining wider knowledge on CBT in order to treat people with depression and anxiety. This article is selected in order to assess the cost effectiveness and efficiency of the one-day cognitive behavioural therapy self-confidence workshops, which are mainly associated with the reduction in depression. This article is also very useful in demonstrating the various indicators associated with self-esteem, anxiety, and prognostic factors. The researcher of the study has determined that, despite the higher prevalence, the individual seeking help for depression is quite low.

    I have evaluated that depression and anxiety tend to place a very significant burden on the health services. This study will help in critically analysing and assessing the effectiveness of 8-week community-based CBT approach for self-help group classes in order to evaluate symptoms associated with anxiety, depression and social functions.

    This article is selected by the researcher in order to identify whether CBT is effective among the individuals who are at high risk of diabetes suffering from depression (Fernandez et al., 2015). This helps in determining whether CBT is an effective tool in order to reduce depressive symptoms and improve glycaemic control with depressed diabetic patients.

    This article is selected by the researcher in order to effectively determine the effectiveness of a multimodal CBT approach for treating symptoms related with anxiety and depression in relation with primary care (Manber et al., 2016).

    Rationale: The main reason for carrying out the research on the particular research topic is because of the academic interest in order to critically analyze the cognitive behaviour therapy in order to treat mental health patients who are suffering from depression. The researcher has also carried out this study because depression is a current issue and it helps in determining wider knowledge on how effective is CBT in order to treat individuals suffering from depression, anxiety and impaired disorders. 

    The search of these articles were carried out through CINHAL site, which helped the researcher in gaining important articles, which in turn is useful in grasping relevant knowledge and insight on the particular subject matter. This study helps in determining the various particular subject matter through qualitative research study and gained relevant data base by exploring the internet by finding relevant topics associated with cognitive behaviour therapy in order to treat depression.

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    Process and delivery of CBT for depression in adults

    Garber, Frankel and Herrington (2016) sought to determine the fact that cognitive behaviour therapy is considered to be as an effective approach which helps in treating depressed adults. The interventions associated with the CBT is very complex. The major depressive disorder is mainly linked up with psychiatric condition of an individual, which in turn causes disability worldwide. CBT interventions are considered complex because it tend to include various related therapies, which in turn can be delivered in numerous ways in order to treat adults who are suffering from depression. CBT is considered a family-related therapy because it tends to range from several components, which mainly includes behavioural activation, psycho education, homework, problem solving, etc. Watkins (2018) argued that the overall benefit of the CBT intervention is that it helps in improving the depressive symptoms, which in turn is considered to be the most effective approach which tends to help in improving the health outcomes of the people who are suffering from depression. Hybrid CBT intervention is considered to be one of the most effective interventions, which is the combination of both face-to-face CBT sessions and multimedia CBT. Hybrid CBT and multimedia CBT are effective and consist of promising alternative in order to improve the coverage associated with the depressing adults. Multimedia CBT is mainly an effective approach which is useful in treating people with severe depression among adults. Face-to-face CBT is an effective approach which is useful in changing the thought patterns of the individual suffering from depression.

    One-day CBT self-confidence workshops for individuals suffering from depression.

    Stiles-Shields et al.  (2015) said that CBT is an effective intervention approach, which in turn helps in assessing the cost effectiveness of one-day CBT approach, which is very useful in reducing depression, which in turn leads to long-term sustainable growth and efficiency of the individual. CBT is considered to be as an effective meditation, which in turn helps in severe depression and also focuses on long-term benefits to the individual. This psycho-educational self-confidence approach is important because it helps in development of low self-confidence and various other emotional components associated with the individual. The second session mainly consists of cognitive components, which is associated with self-confidence. This in turn is very useful in determining the negative thoughts of an individual. Johnsen and Friborg (2015) argued that behavioral methods is considered to be an effective approach because it help in improving low self-confidence among individuals by effectively identifying problem-serving approach. One-day CBT self-confidence workshops for individuals suffering from depression mainly helps in reducing anxiety and is very beneficial in improving the self-esteem of an individual. A self-confidence workshop is considered effective because it helps in effectively appearing towards cost and clinical effectiveness. It also helps in accessing to engage several different groups.

    Community-based group which is guided by self-help intervention in relation with low mood and stress.

    Huguet et al.  (2016) sought to determine the fact that depression can be effectively treated with the help of primary care, which helps in treating individual with depression in order to attain better health care outcomes. Living life to the fullest (LLTTF) intervention is tended to be delivered by charitable organizations, which in turn helps in treating people with depression. LLTTF classes help in treating people with symptoms of depression, where the individuals will help in improving the problems associated with the depression, anxiety and impaired disability. It has been evaluated that this intervention is very effective because it helps in providing alternative route of management with no additional cost to various health and social care services. Zettle and Hayes (2015) argued that community-based intervention is considered to be as an effective approach because it helps in providing promising and additional approach in order to improve mental health care services. Community-based intervention at a primary care level helps in fast recovery of depression, which in turn helps in treating depression.

    Effectiveness of CBT for depressed patients with diabetes.

    Weitz et al.  (2015) sought to determine the fact that CBT is considered to be an effective approach which is useful in treating patients with high diabetes who are suffering from depression. Depression in people who have diabetes tend to have a negative impact on the quality of life. This requires careful management because it has several negative impact on the quality of life of an individual. Computerized cognitive behavioural therapy is an effective intervention that, in turn, uses computer in order to deliver effective and interactive cognitive behavioral therapy sessions. The major advantage associated with the CCBT approach is that it helps in providing various treatment choices for the patients in order to have access to various mental health care services. Ebert et al.  (2015) argued that CCBT is an effective approach in treating diabetic patients with depression in order to improve health and care services. CBT approach is useful because it tends to have positive impact on various depressive symptoms and also tends to have betterment in glycated haemoglobin. It helps in improving the self-concept and self-efficacy in order to successfully manage diabetes and depression.

    Effectiveness of CBT for depression and anxiety in primary care: meta-analysis

    Fernandez et al.  (2015) sought to determine the fact that CBT has been increasingly delivered in primary care, which is mainly based on self-care CBT, computerized CBT, telephone-based CBT and one-to-one CBT. Meta-analysis is very useful in demonstrating that CBT is considered to be as an effective approach because it helps in treating several mental health difficulties, which is mainly associated with treating anxiety and depression. CBT is considered to be a very effective approach which is useful in treating anxiety and depression in relation with primary care. Manber et al.  (2016) argued that the multimodal CBT approach is very useful in treating individuals to effectively treat and identify a mental disorder. It is very useful in optimizing the treatment of various mental disorders, which in turn helps in improving the health outcomes of an individual. Multi modal is considered to be as an effective approach because it helps in effectively treating individuals with depression and anxiety. Meta-analysis helps in determining that multimodal CBT is considered to be one of the most effective as compared to primary care. It is very useful in determining the effectiveness of the CBT modal in relation to primary care.


    From the above-conducted study, it has been summarized that evidence-based practice helps in improving the health outcomes of the patients. This is very useful because it is considered to be an effective problem-solving approach, which is mainly used in clinical practice. Use of an evidence-based practice model helps in providing high-quality care services in the most cost-efficient manner. Assignment Help in the field of evidence-based practice emphasizes how cognitive behaviour therapy is considered to be a complex approach that helps in treating depressed adults. Hybrid CBT and multimedia CBT are effective and consist of promising alternatives in order to improve the coverage associated with the depressing adults. Furthermore, the next article helps in evaluating one-day CBT self-confidence workshops for individuals suffering from depression, which mainly help in reducing anxiety and are very beneficial in improving the self-esteem of an individual. Another research article helps in summarizing that LLTTF classes help in treating people with symptoms of depression, where the individuals will help in improving the problems associated with the depression, anxiety, and impaired disability. This study report also helps in gaining that the CCBT intervention approach helps in providing various treatment choices for the patients in order to have access to various mental health care services. Assignment Help is also valuable when evaluating the multimodal CBT approach, which is very useful in treating individuals to effectively treat and identify a mental disorder.

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    The psychological intervention for effective treatment associated with adult depression tends to attain better care results, which leads to higher care outcomes and results associated with people suffering from depression. Nursing essay help often focuses on how technology is increasingly adapted in relation to CBT intervention in order to prevent depression (Garber, Frankel, and Herrington, 2016). Hybrid CBT and multimedia CBT are considered to be one of the most effective approaches as compared with face-to-face CBT.The self-confidence workshop program is considered to be an effective approach that helps individuals in the treatment of depression. This is an effective psychological program, which in turn is an effective intervention for the people suffering from depression.

    The implications of LLTTF intervention are considered to be effective because it helps in demonstrating that low-intensity CBT classes are effectively delivered within a particular community because it is considered to be an effective and cost-efficient approach. This in turn helps in management of the anxiety, depression and impaired social function.

    The implications of this approach by the health care practitioners are considered to be very effective for the future because it helps in delivering the best possible health care outcomes (Watkins, 2018). CCBT is an effective approach in treating diabetic patients with depression in order to improve health and care services.

    Metaanalysis tends to provide effective preliminary evidence, which in turn leads to the effectiveness of multimodal treatment, which is mainly associated with treating people who are suffering from depression and anxiety (Stiles-Shields et al., 2015). This is considered to be an economically viable approach, which is very useful in increasing the roll-out associated with multimodal CBT in primary care.

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