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    Steps to Publish a Successful Research Article

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 6 / Words 1604
    • Paper Type: Case Study
    • Course Code: NUR131
    • Downloads: 61

    Research Article


    A research article is a scholarly work that presents the results of original scientific or academic research. It typically follows a structured format, including sections such as an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The primary purpose of a research article is to contribute new knowledge or insights to a particular field by investigating a specific question or problem.

    These articles are usually peer-reviewed, meaning they are evaluated by experts in the field before publication to ensure their quality, accuracy, and relevance. Research articles are a key component of academic literature and are published in journals to share findings with the wider scientific or academic community. They can focus on experimental studies, theoretical analyses, or reviews of existing research. Researchers, students, and professionals rely on these articles to stay informed and guide future research endeavors.

    (A study into new nursing and midwifery graduates' uptake of social media)

    Explain the purpose of the study. Use the PICO or PICo format to identify the research question. 4

    Discuss the design used in the research. 4

    Identify and explain sampling and recruitment procedures used in the research. 4

    Identify and discuss the ethical considerations for this study. 5

    Explain how the data was collected and analysed. 7

    Briefly summarise the results of this study. 7

    Discuss implications for health professionals practice.

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    Explain the purpose of the study. Use the PICO or PICo format to identify the research question.

    (150 words)

    main purpose of this study is to describe the better use of social media by New Zealand and Australian nursing and also midwifery graduates. In order to identify research questions, PICO strategy will be applied. This is an evidence-based model that uses a process for framing useful questions. This format includes four elements, which are P =Problem, I =Intervention, C = comparison, and O =Outcome.




    What is the use of social media for New Zealand and Australian nursing?


    How social media help New Zealand and Australia nurses conduct their work in more effective manner?


    Which form of social media they are using?


    Are there any purposes for which you believe social media should not be used?

    Discuss the design used in the research.

    (150 words)

    The design used in the research is a survey, which is a procedure for conducting surveys with the motive of receiving maximum insights from survey research. Online assignment help services can assist in crafting and refining such research designs. Within this, an online survey tool has been utilized to design the survey from scratch or by using ready-made survey templates. GeS is an international longitudinal web-based workforce study, conducted in collaboration with 6 universities from Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand. This entire study was developed as part of studies using the e-cohort web platform, created by the former School of Nursing and Midwifery as well as the University of Queensland. Apart from this, the main purpose of the larger GeS study was to evaluate the employment choices of graduate nurses and midwives from these universities, both immediately after graduation and in the years following.

    Identify and explain sampling and recruitment procedures used in the research.

    (200 words)

    Sampling is the procedure utilized in statistical analysis within that predetermined number of observations that have been taken from a larger population. In addition to this, the methodology used for sampling from a larger population totally depends on the type of analysis being performed. This method may include simple random sampling or systematic sampling. In this article, the sample n = 121 were mostly women, i.e., 96%; registered nurses are 93%; those who completed their graduation in 2009 are 60%; and remaining 40% in 2008. In addition to this, the participant sample was roughly split, out of which 54% have received their original degree in New Zealand as well as 46% in Australia. Moreover, the majority of nurses or midwives, i.e., 92%, were currently employed.

    Recruitment is the procedure of attracting, short-listing, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for vacant job position in an organisation. Along with this, recruitment also refer to the procedure which involves selecting individuals for unpaid roles. Managers, human resource generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked with carrying out recruitment, but in some cases public-sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake parts of the process. There is proper process of it, i.e., Job analysis, sourcing, screening and selection.

    Identify and discuss the ethical considerations for this study.

    (200 words)

    Ethical consideration is specified within research as it is one of the essentials in entire research. There are several principles of ethical consideration which researcher have to include in research, such as: investigator should not have to harm any participant in any manner who are involved within research. It is important to prioritise the respect for dignity of research participants. In addition to this, adequate levels of confidentiality of research data have to be making sure.

    In order to address ethical consideration aspects of the dissertation in an effective manner, there is requirement to expand discussion some more, such as Voluntary participation of respondents in the research, which is important. Moreover, participants have rights to withdraw from the study at any stage if they wish to do so. voluntary participation of respondents in the research is essential. Along with this, participants have rights to withdraw from the study at any stage if they wish to do so. Within this ethical consideration, approval was granted or given by Human Research Ethics Committees of all participating universities.

    Explain how the data was collected and analysed.

    (200 words)

    data collection method has been implemented within research as it helps in collecting information in more effective manner as per the requirement. There are two method of Data Collection that are primary and secondary full stop for conducting this research. The primary method of Data Collection has It helped them in gathering information as well as data in more effective manner as per the requirement of topic. Several methods of data collection are primary methods, such as questionnaire, interviews, observations, and many more.

    For conducting this search, the researcher uses primary method within that questionnaire that has been implemented by an investigator for analysing information and data according to the topic in effective manner.

    Data collection and analysis are important part of research because considering participants point of view is essential for an organisation while implementing new thing within their work. Along with this, primary method of Data Collection is essential, as it help in gathering first and fresh data which has never been used before by anyone. Through this, the researcher can collect information and data in more effective manner as per the requirement of topic.

    Briefly summarise the results of this study

    (200 words)

    After going through the entire discussion, it has been found that the total number of respondents is 121, out of which 112 (93%) provided complete data. Of the n = 112 sample with complete responses, 93% indicated they used social media. Data on the frequency of use were not collected. Free grammar check services can help refine the clarity of such findings. In addition to this, it has been summarized that almost every participant is aware of the concept of social media and its different tools, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many more. This awareness makes it easier to gather their viewpoints on the implementation of social media tools within the workplace.Along with this, they had suggested which tool will be most effective for New Zealand and Australian nursing. Nearly three-quarters (n= 81; 72%) of the participants responded that they were aware of governing standards for the use of social media for their respective professions. This did mean, however, that the remainder (n= 31; 28%) thought there is no, or were unsure about, any policy or standard for the use of social media in their respective professions.

    Discuss implications for health professionals practice.

    (400 words)

    Healthcare professionals are those who provide services to people as well as help them overcome with their health services. Health professionals are those who help in uplifting society as well as assist them in overcoming problems.

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