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    Unit 08 Manager Social Responsibility Level 5 Icon College

    Case 1 : Termination of a Colleague and Friend.

    Ethical issues – Who is the decision maker and what are competing pressure they are facing.

    As a Human resource manager for information Systems (IS) Department at BMI Industries, I am responsible for coordinating employee termination. This job responsibility has developed an ethical dilemma for the termination of Lee. According the situation I need to choose among the two alternatives which is very difficult and undesirable. The two choices I have to face are as mentioned below -

    1. Inform Lee about his termination, but it can risk my job as the information regarding termination is very confidential(Abrams and, 2014).
    2. Not informing Lee about his termination, and It will affect our friendship.

    Ethical Dilemma

    The Ethical Dilemma which is faced by me is -

    “To inform Lee about his termination” OR “Not to inform Lee about his termination”

    I am facing two critical situations due to the ethical dilemma, one will lead to a punishment which can affect my job or career in the company. Another situation of choice can affect Lee and my relationship which is also a major loss. Lee is my close friend I do not want him to suffer and break relation with me, on the other I also don't want to lose my job.


    The Kantian ethical theory is otherwise called Deontological Ethics which for the most part converts into Dury Ethics, a basic component which should be considered is that as per this hypothesis every single individual ought to be dealt with as a closures and never as a means(Bjelica and, 2016).The Kent theory of moral commitments expresses a man ought to make the best choice which is appropriate for his obligation yet it is correct just in the event that he or she isn't getting reward for doing that specific thing or act. As indicated by the Kentianism parties engaged with the moral quandary are as following -

    • Myself
    • Lee
    • BMI industry

    Consequences of informing Lee about his termination

    The major consequence of informing Lee about his termination is that it is against regulations of the company and I may face strict punishment for this. It is not at all acceptable by the company that I share termination information with employees. I may also get terminated from the company for sharing confidential information with an employee. They can also take legal action against me.

    Consequences of not informing Lee about his termination

    In a case I do not inform Lee about the termination, he will sell his house and buy the new one which is very costly. Lee thinks that his job is secure and due to this he planned to buy a new house. If in case I do not tell him that he is going to be terminated he will not be able to save his house and without job it will be difficult for him to buy the new house. It will affect our friendship and he may break all the relations with me. I will be treated as a selfish person because I got the job with Lee's support(Gibson and, 2017).

    Kantianism calculation

    After conducting Kentianism analysis it is concluded that the ethical dilemma option that is providing maximum good for is to inform Lee about his termination. If I inform Lee that the company is terminating him, he will appropriately take decision about selling and buying house. The Kantianism theory states that an individual should do his duty, Lee is my close friend and it's my duty to make him aware of problem he might face due to the termination. In order to keep Lee and his family away from a great loss it is necessary to inform him about the termination. It is very important for Lee to get prepare for the termination, find a new job and postponed selling his house and buying the new one.


    According to the above analysis it is easy to understand that I should choose to inform Lee about his termination as planned by the company. In order to save myself from punishment I will rather inform his wife who is also my friend. It is important to stop him from selling his house as it is a big decision that Lee made just because of his job. It is not sure that I wont get punished by my employer or the company, but as analysed by Kentianism it is my duty to inform him. The company is not getting any harm from this so it should be taken as a breach of regulation as well as help my friend to overcome this problem.

    Case 2 : The FORD Pinto – An Amazing True Story!

    Ethical issues (Who is the decision maker, and what competing pressures they are experiencing).

    Ford motors are facing a great issue or problem regarding their newly launched a car named Pinto which is catching fire and people are getting injured. The major reason of this issue was found out to be the fuel tank of the cars, In order to resolve this issue company identified that they can redesign the fuel think of the cars. The customers are getting harmed and even losing their lives due to the low quality of the fuel tank. Due to this, an ethical dilemma is developed with this situation. This dilemma provides two choices for the company which are as mention

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