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    A Sample Case Study Cruise Family

    Introduction To Cruise Family

    This report is all about the social issue faced by a cruise family which means its all about overall description of a societal problems occurs in the society due to which weaker sections of society get influenced. In fact this report is going to explains the different-different theories applicable on the given scenario of a cruise family who is facing a financial problems due to which they can't able to live their livelihood properly (Ajzenstadt, 2010). Apart from this it shows the worst condition of cruise family which affect the overall society and due to which it influence the economy of the country.

    Appropriate theories applicable on the cruise family

    Theories are mainly invented to understand the complex concept in a efficient manner so that it would be apply according to the need of particular theory. In fact in the given scenario one of the major problem faced by the cruise family is a shortage of capital or money to fulfil their basic needs and wants. Mainly due to the insufficient money in their family disputes and conflicts are taking place between family members which have a greater impact on the overall society (Gal, 2010). Apart from this now-a-days many more families are existing who are suffering from the this kind of problem which influence the overall development of a country or a nation. In other words this kind of social problems are describe in a brief with the help of two most important and effective theory of the social work are-

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    Systems theory:- Systems theory is mainly describes the overall nature of the individuals towards complex systems of the social work implemented by the government. In fact systems theory explains the systematic method which was amended by the government for the betterment of overall society (Andriotis, 2010). Mainly this theory explains the effective systems implemented by the authors based on society needs, rewards, remunerations, expectations, etc. According to the systems theory all the members, enterprises, families living in the society always ready to help other member of their society. Apart from this they need to follow all the rules and regulation or norms implement by overall society with the consent every member living there. It means systems are applicable on everyone so it is the responsibility of all the members of society to help them to overcome from their worst situation.

    Social learning theory:- This theory is based on Albert Bandura's idea which comes through observation and copying some ideas of others. The main motive of the social learning theory is to learn or acquire ideas and learning from others by co-operating with each other to improve their learning skills so that they can eradicate their own problems (Agiomirgianakis, 2010). In fact in given scenario of the cruise family they need to learn and acquire more and more information from outer world to overcome their problems due to which they are not able to live their life comfortably. Apart from this, social learning are very useful and appropriate in solving major issues faced by cited family for example-

    • Occurrence of conflicts due to insufficient fund.
    • Absence of mutual understanding and trust in between family members.
    • Lack of co-operation.
    • Absence of politeness and manners.
    • Demanding nature of their children.

    By concluding this it shows that both the above theories are very much useful and effective in nature to solve the problems or issues faced by the cruise family by taking help from other with the help of appropriate methods or techniques (Brida, and et. al., 2012).

    Explain Empowerment, AOP or feminism

    Empowerment, AOP or feminism all the three are very much different from each other due to their roles and meaning towards society.

    Empowerment:- Empowerment is the term which shows the authority given by the employees to performs their major role towards personal goals and professional goals. In fact this term motivate the employees and individuals to enhance their knowledge and skills by acquiring more and more information (Cruise, 2010). In other words it describes the power of a employees and knowledge gain by them by taking part in a decision making process as well as tries to organize or performs all the functions.

    AOP:- AOP is a term which refers to anti-oppressive practices which means to create a environment free from any oppression and discrimination. The main motive of this term is to implement a various programmes to eradicate poverty or to solve the problems faced by the weaker sections of the society (Filipi, 2011). In fact anti-oppressive is the institution invented by the government to protect the rights of the individual by removing the discrimination from existing society which was taking place everywhere in the world.

    Feminism :- This term describes the various attractive political movements, social movements or programmes are establish just to protect the rights of the women. The main motive of the feminism is to build a nation or society free from discrimination in between male and female. In fact governments tries to implement a effective policies and rules or regulations to treat women's equally everywhere in the world on the basis of their talents and skills (Singh, 2010). Apart from this feminist movements continue their protest to protect the rights of the women's including right to vote, equal opportunity at a workplace, equal rights and authority in a marriage, equal rights in taking part in a decision making process as well as education.

    According to the given case study of a cruise family AOP (anti-oppressive practices) plays a very vital in removing discrimination in between overall society so that cruise family able to solve their personal problems by taking help from various institutions. In fact anti-oppressive practices act as a effective tool and techniques of overcoming their personal problems by demanding help from this institution or from society (Quiney, 2010). Apart from this many more measures are available in the society which help the cited family to cope up with upcoming challenges and risks. Government tries to implement more and more strategies and plans to improve the living standard of the weaker sections of the society by fulfilling their needs and wants with the help of introduction of new business.

    Last but not the least anti-oppressive practices are very much helpful and useful for the cited case study to solve the existing issues or problems faced by the family with the help of effective techniques or creative ideas (Adornato, 2011).

    Explain post-structuralism, solution based or strengths

    Post structuralism, solution based or strengths all the three terms are appropriate to understand the cited case study in a brief by resolving their problems.

    Post structuralism :- Post structuralism is a term which comes in a late 20th century and consider as modern structure by expanding the structure of the society with adoption of various techniques and methods (Delgado, 2013). Mainly structure of the movements are changes due to the emergence of many more trends and ideas of performing various task and activities to learn more and more things. In fact post structuralism is a intellectual movements which focussed on modern structures of the society used analytical concepts. In other words this particular term describes the new and advanced structure movements implemented by the advisory bodies for the society betterment by considering all the relevant facts and figures.

    Solution based:- Solution based is the term which shows the appropriate solution based movements to resolve the problems of the cited family by considering internal and external factors. In fact solution based techniques are mainly helpful and useful in resolving personal and professional issues with the help of many more effective institutions (Prats, 2013). Apart from this most of the movements are establish by the central government or local authority to solve the problems which occur on daily basis by implementing effective methods.

    Strengths:- Strengths are the power of the individual or particular movements or theories which differentiate them from others. Just like that all the above theories are full of positive strengths which are mainly most appropriate for the cited case study to improve their worst condition. In fact strengths of the theories are helpful in overcoming all the society problems with the help of useful data and information to eradicate all the hidden problems (Sridhar, 2013).

    At the end all the above three plays a very eminent role in the cited case study but strength of the theories act as a very relevant tool because it can help in identifying hidden issues by applying appropriate theory. In fact strength of the theories are consider as a power and positivity of the various movements to resolve all the issues in a effective and efficient manner by acquiring accurate data and information. In additional it act as a useful tool to overcome the problems of the cruise family with the help of various attractive movements and institutions (Foo, and et. al., 2011).

    Literature review on above theories

    From the above theories it is analyse that the above two theories are applicable on the given case study because it helps in fulfilling the demand of the cruise family by resolving their existing issues.

    According to me above theories are very much appropriate and applicable on the given scenario to improve their worst condition with the help of various techniques and methods. In fact I observed that social learning theory and systems theory both are very much useful and full of positive vibes which helps cruise family to choose best alternatives for resolving their problems. Basically social learning theory highlights the human nature which means learn from observation, copying ideas from others and acquire information from outer world. Cruise family is going through weird circumstances which creates a conflicts and disputes between their family members just because of insufficient funds.

    On the contrary to this I observed the other theory that is system theory which also plays a very eminent role in the given scenario because according to this theory overall society must follows some sort of rules and regulation which somehow creates an environment of equality. Therefore this systematic theory tries to establish a society free from discrimination and any social disparities which may be very helpful in protecting the rights of the cruise members. In fact both the theories are very much useful to bring change in the attitude of the Anthony child of Jill and Bob.

    By concluding this review I can say that both the theories are appropriate and useful in resolving the issue of the cited family with the help of accurate information and data by taking effective decisions with the help of overall society. Lastly I observed that cruise family is going through very complicated situation so they required some public support to solve their issues.

    Analysis of the cited case study from the perspective of above two theories

    Both the theories are very much applicable on the cited family because cruise family is facing a social problems which requires a support of society and all the movements whose main motive is to support the society for their development and growth. In fact Jil and Bob don't have enough money to fulfil the demand of their children's which creates a trust problems between all the members of the family (Kajiura, 2010). Mainly social learning theory is the term whose main motive is to brings a co-operation in between every member living in the society by supporting each other. In fact this social learning theory believes in togetherness of all the humans existing in the society so cited family is also living in a public rental housing where societies may help them in their critical situations.

    Apart from this, systems theory have their own perspectives for cruise family as this theory is based on the appropriate systems which follows the rules and regulations or norms to perform any task and activities (Cornett, 2010). But the aim of the system theory is also to support the society by creating new and innovative ideas by fulfilling the individual needs and wants by applying systematic methods or theories. On the contrary to this, a cited family suffering from various complex circumstances so both the theories are very much applicable and effective in resolving the issues of their family (Yopak, 2010).

    According to the perspectives of the social learning theory and system theory cruise family need to consider all the facts and figures which are helpful for them to resolve their problems by understanding the nature and features of the both the cited theory. At the end perspectives of the theories are very much different-different views and opinions towards the cited cruise family suffering from social and financial issues (Lee, 2011).

    Principles of the cited theories

    Social learning theories and systems theories both have their own principles according to their norms and policies which affect the overall society in every aspect (Kim, 2013). Basically principles are the norms, beliefs and policies of the particular theories which differentiate them according to their terms and understanding towards society.

    Some of the useful and effective principles of the social learning theory are-

    Attention :- Attention plays a very indispensable role in the learning theory because if we are not attentive towards anything then we cannot learn it properly. It means focussed is very much important to acquire accurate and useful information essential for the society as well as personally (Holland, 2013).

    Retention :- Retention is a term which means recalling of a previous information or data to use it practically whenever situation demands. Therefore retention shows the practically applied the data on the situation.

    Motivation :- Motivation is also one of the indispensable principle of a social learning theory because it encourage the individuals to take action and try to achieve their personal goals and objectives (Han, 2013).

    Reproduction :- Reproduction is a principle of reproducing past information and data whenever it requires or situation demand.

    Some of the principles of the system theory-

    • Systems theory is mainly based on the effective and appropriate systematic method or procedure to perform the task of the system theory.
    • System theory is based on the high level system to overcome the failure of a theory.
    • In fact one of the major principle of the system theory is that overall performance and work are functions and organize by a managers to run it smoothly by reducing their errors and future mistakes (Langerhans,2010).
    • Apart from all the above principles one of the indispensable principle is that system theory is a interdisciplinary theory related to the complex system of the nature.


    This report describes all the relevant theories related to the social work which main motive is to protect the rights of the individuals and overall society with the help of appropriate methods and techniques. In fact this report relates these theories with one of the poorest family who is going through a financial and social crisis and not able to fulfil their basic needs and wants. Basically it shows the essential and indispensable movements whose main motive is to protest for the betterment or development of weaker sections of the society. Last but not the least the main motive of the theories is to improve the worst condition of the cruise family with the help of various other movements.


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