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    How Technology is Impacting Street Shops and Malls


    • Unit No: 6
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 6 / Words 1445
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: D/601/0578
    • Downloads: 810
    Question :

    Undertaking of primary and secondary research on the topic “How is technological innovation and the evolution of multichannel shopping impacting on high street shops and malls? This will help in determination of factors, motivation, socio-economic impact and platforms used.

    • Planning a survey for Amazon.
    • Summarising and analysis of data which has been collected through primary and secondary sources.
    • Presentation and reporting findings through spreadsheet graphs.
    • Identifying the manner in which information based software serve at different levels of management.
    Answer :


    Technology is essential part of normal life of individuals. It is observed that individuals of the society prefer to conduct their functions with the aid of technologies to save their time and cost. Adoption of innovative technologies within the organisation provides the opportunity is to influence the buying behaviour of customers. There are many other benefits which are derived by organisation includes high productivity, good administration, improved quality of products, effective distribution channels etc. Advancement of technology evolved multi-channel shopping which results in providence of products through use of online platforms. It reduces the attractiveness of small shops because customers can purchase products from their homes now. Amazon is e-commerce company which is known as largest internet retailer in terms of revenue and market capitalisation (Bayne and Woolcock, 2011).

    In the present report explain about, formulation of plan to ascertain the views of respondents, presentation of research methodologies and sample framing, preparation of questionnaire, interpretation of data with the help of mean, median and mode, evaluation of data using measures of dispersion, use of quartiles, percentiles and correlation coefficient to draw conclusions. Also, creation of trend line to ascertain information about future trends, application of information processing tools to improve communication and use financial tools to choose best profitable alternative.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Creation of plan for collection of data

    In today's era main role is played by the technology in advancement of business activities. Implementation of new technologies not only helps in development of internal structure and strength of organisation but also evolves new channels of conducting business. Use of internet to conduct their business functions is most effective platform which is emerged to use of technologies. It provides the opportunity is to provide their products worldwide through using internet facilities and online platforms. There are many organisation which adopts this technology and develops many channels in providence of their products and services.

    Amazon is an electronic commerce and cloud computing organisation which was founded in 1994. It terms of revenue and market capitalisation and revenue considered as largest internet retailer. Amazon serve their functions worldwide. Almost all the products are provided by Amazon except few. The main products in which organisation deals includes food, furniture, electronics, books, software's, toys and jewellery.

    It has been observed after the success of online shopping, huge adverse impact is faced by high street shops and malls on their business. To ascertain the amount of impact of technological innovation research is conducted with the help of primary and secondary methods to grab the views of respondents and collect the information from market through analysing the past sales and revenue data of organisation. Also, tries to find out how online platform changes the shopping habit of consumers, factors which supports in this process, the reasons which provides support to accept the changes and the socio-economic impact of technological innovation and evolution of multichannel shopping.

    Primary method: The process which is used as per this method includes collection of information directly from respondents by the way of their views and feedbacks. It is most reliable and accurate information free from bias. The results attained from the information collected with the help of primary method is true in nature. Here, Direct research related topics and questions are asked to respondents. The various tolls of primary method are defined below:

    • Interview: It is also called as personal interview where researcher makes face to face interaction with respondent to know their views. It helps in interpretation of information from their facial expressions and attitudes (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 2015).
    • Questionnaire: Most common primary method used to collect data. It includes formulation of research questions on the basis of objective. Mainly which is used in research process is close-ended questionnaire where different options are attached with questions.

    Secondary sources: The main sources which are used to collect the information by researcher includes newspapers, articles and magazines. All these sources are such where the information is already published from where it is gathered as per research requirement. The main benefit which is received by researcher includes saving of time and cost.

    1.2 Presentation of survey methodologies and formulation of sample frame

    Amazon is organisation which uses digital plat form to conduct their business activities. To make their business more effective and improves their decision-making management of organisation decided to the take the views of customers upon the technologies are used by them. In this regard, research is conduct with the aim of collecting information about different aspects such as:

    • Impact of technological advancement and multi-channel shopping upon business performance of shops and malls
    • Impact of technology regarding influencing consumer behaviour
    • Determination of the factors which drive changes
    • Impact of digital platform upon the economic and social development

    Survey methodologies: This includes about the method which is used for the purpose of conducting research effectively. In this regard, main method which helps to attain the actual views of respondents is primary method where questionnaire is prepared having 10 different research questions. Here, actual views are attained regarding importance of implementation of technology within the organisation regarding improvement of profitability and sales and influencing the behaviour of consumers. It improves the decision making of manager which contributes in determination of actual position of in market (Ford and Richardson, 2013).

    Sample frame: Here, describe about the methods which are used regarding selection of the respondents from total population. There are many methods are present which can be used in this regard includes random, cluster and stratifies. The main two categories under which all these methods are defined includes probability and non probability sampling. All the methods have their different functions in the process of research attached with various types of benefits. In the present report, Random sampling method is used by researcher to select respondents. With the helps of this method 30 respondents are selected to know their views about the research questions. The collected information is analysed with the help of different statistical tools like Mean, Median and Mode (García-Peñalvo and Conde, 2014).

    1.3 Designing of questionnaire to attain the respondents






    Q1. What product you buy most from online platform?

    • Electronic
    • Clothing
    • Furniture

    Q2. which mode of you like most for shopping?

    • Offline through shops
    • Online
    • Door to Door

    Q3. Does technological innovation and multi-channel shopping reduce the attractiveness of high street shops?

    • Agree
    • Disagree
    • Cant say

    Q4. Do you think technological advancement effectively contributes in expansion of business worldwide?

    • Highly effective
    • Moderate
    • No effect

    Q5. Does emergence of multi-channel shopping influence the consumer behaviour related shopping?

    • Highly influential
    • Average
    • Not impact

    Q6. Do you think risk is associated with the use of online mode of buying?

    • High risk
    • Average amount of risk
    • Low risk

    Q7. Does innovation and online platform helps Amazon to grow effectively in future period of time?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Cant say

    Q8. Does price of online products are low in comparison to high street shops and malls?

    • Agree
    • Disagree
    • Cant say

    Q9. Are you satisfied with the fact that online technology overrides businesses of offline organisations?

    • Highly satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Dissatisfied

    Q10. What you want to recommend for development of future operation of Amazon?

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