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    Impact of Digital Technologies in Transforming Business Activities-Unicorn Grocery

    University: The University of Newcastle

    • Unit No: 15
    • Level: Post Graduate/University
    • Pages: 25 / Words 6158
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MBAZ9150
    • Downloads: 1137


    In business world, digitalization term can be understood as implication of new and updated digital technology in an organisation so that every single thing get digitised. On the other hand, when it comes to manage business whether it is small or big company it has been located that technology carries both positive and negative nature. Most of the time, when a firm adopts a new technology, organisation gets ample number of opportunities when they look forward to take their business to a whole new level (Bengtsson and Johansson, 2014). Therefore, it is very much required for business enterprises to adopt best and suitable technology which is befitting so that benefits can be gained right on time. Effective digital technology helps in keeping data which is related to customers and other important documents can be kept safe for years along with it can be used whenever organisation is looking forward to use.

    Small enterprise, has been taken under this assessment i.e. Unicorn Grocery which was found in the year of 1996 and head quartered in Manchester, England. At current moment firm is having almost 70 employees that are delivering effective services to customers. This report will directly focus on operations of this company and impact of digital technology on it. Assignment is going to enclose aims and objectives of business firms and project management plan. Along with this, Gantt chart and work break down structure is also included under this assignment.

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    TASK 1

    P1. Objectives and aims of project

    Modern world is filled with ample number of opportunities for business organisations that are looking forward to reach at some heights. Digitalisation term can taken as an effective tool that can be taken under in use by business firm when it comes to gain competitive advantages. In present context, Unicorn Grocery which is small but well known brand of Manchester City, England is trying to expand their business. This can only be done if firm set some goals and objectives. Through this, competitive advantages can be gained at marketplace of United Kingdom. On the other hand, it has been analyzed that implication of digital technology at business aid in developing few things like administration, communication, storage and distribution and production in much efficient manner. Some of tools of digital technology like cloud, use of social media and different effective software systems can be use by Unicorn Grocery in order to develop its operational department. This may lead this organisation in reaching to consumers in an easy manner where they can deliver products and services as well to them at their houses.

    On the other hand, it has also been located that customer's data can be collected with the help of many digital tools. In last few years, famous digital tool which has been taken under in use by business organisations in all over world is Cloud System. This can be considered as one of best and effective digital instrument which can help Unicorn Grocery to keep information of customers, important documents, images, videos and other essential presentation can easily be stored. It is effective as it do not require much time and stores data without investing on anything. Along with this, at the moment Unicorn Grocery are using these technologies in order to make appropriate strategies so that they can perform their activities in a systematic manner. company is using technologies for making its customers aware about the new and innovative designs they have prepared in order to influence its clients. Other than this , technology provides various kinds of channels through which they can communicate with customers in different locations in limited period of time. As a result company is being able to giving advantages and benefits to its targeted customers (Berends and et. al., 2014).

    But, it has also been located that if Unicorn Grocery is not developing goals and objectives (short and long term) right on time, then it is may be possible that firm may not grab good position at marketplace of United Kingdom. Aims and objectives of this project are being presented beneath:

    Aim: “To determine the impact of digital technologies in transforming business activities. A case study based on Unicorn Grocery.”


    • To ascertain the advantages of digital technologies within an organization.
    • To analyses the need of business transformation.
    • To Evaluate the requirement of business transformation in various sub departments of the firm.

    Research questions:

    • What are the advantages of digital technology in business firms?
    • How to analyse need of business transformation in detailed manner?
    • What are the requirements of business transformation in various sub departments of organisation?

    P2. Project management plan that cover time, cost, quality, communication and cost of project

    Project management plan is a document that consist with various approaches which can be taken under in use by business firms when they are looking forward to attain set goals and objectives(The Project Management Plan (PMP). 2015). On the other hand, it has been analysed that there are ample number of elements like cost, quality, communication and time as well that a firm needs to take proper care at the time of developing or executing a project management plan. Apart from this, it has also been located that It is important that company look out to various factors like cost, risk, quality, means of communications etc., Therefore, it can be said that project management plan is crucial for operating its business in an appropriate way (Glaub and et. al., 2014). Technology is helping in providing a platform to companies for increasing its sales and profitability.

    Apart from this, it has also been analysed that if Unicorn Grocery will not directly develop a plan, then it is may be possible that organisation may not hit its targets. Therefore, it is very much required for business firms to analyse the market and look into different aspects that can reduce impact of implication of a project management plan in Unicorn Grocery. Managers along with market researchers should have a healthy relationship because then only a plan can be executed right on time. In present context, Unicorn Grocery have to look into some of aspects and these are given beneath:

    • Scope of project: It has been located that, as technology carrying a rapid changing nature, just like that consumers can also get relate with them because their perceptions, needs and requirements get changes on a regulatory manner.Thus, it is much necessary for seniors of Unicorn Grocery to see their wants, then adopt them and implement in existing products (innovation) and deliver a final modified good according to trends. This may lead business firms in hitting their targets.
    • Risk administration: It has been analysed that, risk can be stated as a unavoidable factor of each venture. Each venture related with business comprises different sort of hazard. For handle the hazard, supervisor of Unicorn Grocery is mindful to recognize the central point that offer ascent to chance. Computation of each sort of hazard is exceptionally basic as this assistance in plan better methodologies and approaches. With this it can diminish the cost of undertaking (Whyte, Stasis and Lindkvist, 2016). As Unicorn Grocery is anything but a much well known brand in fabricate of watch so chance include in extension of business exercises is high. It is fundamental or chief of Unicorn Grocery to oversee hazard in legitimate way.
    • Quality control: Quality is known as one of the real component of each undertaking. Different measures must be take mind by the administrator to keep up the nature of entire venture as this expansion the odds of undertaking being effective. If there should be an occurrence of Unicorn Grocery, organization produce and offer great quality watches to its clients which help undertaking in fulfil the requirements of its customers and in the meantime help in create more benefits. For make development and progress, it is fundamental for organization to keep up a similar quality.
    • Cost: Execution of huge venture require more measure of assets. It is essential for supervisor to deal with all the accessible supports in fitting way. Absence of assets make pointless hindrances and defers so it is critical that substance ought to have required measure of assets. Planning assume a critical part in fulfilment of entire undertaking. Absence of arranging increment time to finish the venture and increment its cost. Legitimate composed arrangement ought to be plan by supervisor to control all exercises related with venture. This help organization in get positive outcomes.
    • Correspondence: This can be understood as, standout amongst the most imperative component of each undertaking. There ought to be powerful correspondence among different business branch of firm and for this correct channel of correspondence ought to be utilized at work environment. This expel disarray from psyche of representatives and help them in play out their parts in a compelling way. This expansion achievement rate of venture and bolster substance in get greatest advantage of it (Ghobakhloo and et. al., 2012).

    P3. Gantt chart and work breakdown structure to offer stages and time frames of project

    It has been examined that in order to hit the targets, it is required for management of a Unicorn Grocery to develop plans. On the other hand, after developing it, it is very much required for business firms to set time frame for every single activity so that plan can get successfully accomplished. With the help of this, Unicorn Grocery may not face issues like increase in cost, wastage of time and many more. On the other hand, some of other important elements like activities, strategies and policies can be taken as vital ones which may aid in making alterations in operational systems. In present context, Unicorn Grocery is looking forward to see the impact on operations which has been done by digital technology. It has been located that there are two methods which is being taken under in use by Unicorn Grocery in order to develop a plan and these are given below:

    Work Breakdown Structure - WBSis one of component that can be adopted and taken under in use by business firms that give an overview ofestimation of cost so that benefits can be gained and with the help of this, proper execution of plan can be done by Unicorn Grocery. Apart from this, it has been analysed that employers of Unicorn Grocery wants to control the cost just because they cannot face any sort of rise in expenses because they are carrying limited liquidity funds (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). On the other hand, WBS consists with vertical as a tree structure and horizontal outline form.

    Illustration 1: Work Break Down Structure

    Gantt chart - As given by Henry L. Gantt who was an American mechanical engineer and a great consultant. He have mentioned that, a Gantt chart carries horizontal bars that helps in developing a graphical illustration of a business plan. Apart from this, This strategy is utilized to assign time to various fragmented exercises of an errand with the goal that destinations of principle undertaking can be finished on time (Larson and Chang, 2016). As this outline is developed on Cartesian Plane in which flat pivot speaks to add up to time taken for finishing a venture and vertical one mirrors the significant undertakings utilized as a part of making a task. Subsequently, it gives a representation of status of an undertaking in a reasonable and compact way (What is a Gantt Chart?,2018). Along these lines, for directing legitimate research, directors of a firm are required to utilize following after advances:

    • Problem identification
    • Literature review
    • Identify main issues
    • State and define concept of study
    • Choice of respondents which are going to implement project research
    • Development plan
    • Data collection
    • Analysis and review

    TASK 2

    P4. Use of qualitative and quantitative research methods for carry out research

    Research is conducted in order to get effective results, which can be further evaluated for getting effective outcomes through which a valid conclusion can be drawn. Thus, there are various approaches that can be used for getting appropriate results that can be used by researcher for validating a suitable outcomes and conclusion (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). Further respondents that are taken for accomplish the research is 50 respondents that will be enough for conducting this research. Therefore, investigator has collected data and information from various sources that are explained below:

    Qualitative : Other than information that are collected as non-numerical data. This includes symbols, description of things, concepts, definitions etc., Qualitative approach is used in academic fields so that they can have better understandingof human behaviour.

    Quantitative : Data which are collected are basically are based on quantities and which are used for quantifiable measurement process. Informations that are recorded are on the basis of descriptives, subjective or things that are difficult to measure. Therefore, it is a scientific investigation that provides statistical data (Peters, Blohm and Leimeister, 2015).

    Other methods of data collection :

    Primary method: It is considered as an authentic data that are gathered with the help of questionnaire, interview, survey etc., information that are gathered cannot be used by others. Further for conducting this research a questionnaire is made by Unicorn Grocery, and respondents are giving answers according to the choices and preferences that are mentioned as an option.






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    Q1) Whether digitalisation is helping Unicorn Grocery in expanding its business in different areas as well?

    • Agree
    • Disagree

    Q2) Unicorn Grocery, through digitalisation is being able to provide long term benefits to the company?

    • Accepted
    • Not accepted

    Q3) Does digitalisation is having positive impact on business operations?

    • Fully agree
    • Not completely agree
    • Fully disagree

    Q4) Whether digitalisation must be adopted by Unicorn Grocery for having better results in terms of their sales and profitability?

    • Yes
    • No

    Q5) Does digitalisation helps organisation in transforming business activities in an appropriate manner?

    • Yes
    • No

    Q6) Which are the areas that provide maximum benefits after adopting digitalisation?

    • Improves skillfulness of business activities.
    • Make sure about the activities that are to be performed in time.
    • Save cost and time

    Q7) What kind of marketing tools must be incorporated by the firm, according to the current market environment or scenario?

    • Traditional
    • Modern

    Q8) In order to minimise red tapism, it is necessary that Unicorn Grocery confines its business activities?

    • Yes
    • No

    Q9) How digitalisation have its impact on business operations?

    • Positive
    • Negative

    Q10) Further, any kind of recommendations respondents wants to give for Unicorn Grocery, so as to implement digitalisation in a better manner?

    Secondary data : Under this information that are gathered from different sources like books, journals, magazines etc., all these are helping Unicorn Grocery in operating its business in a better manner (Pinto, 2015). As it is providing company with the results are related to sales and profits along with this, it saves time and cost for evaluating the result in an appropriate manner.

    Case study of Unicorn Grocery : Company is working for providing excellent quality services to its customers as it is a departmental store that provide with materials that are required on a regular basis. Their price rates as compared to other firms are comparatively low because of which they attract a large number of customers (Bradley, Wiklund and Shepherd, 2011). As a result it assist them in increasing its sales and profitability in speculated time period. Therefore, research is conducted in order to evaluate perception of customers in terms of their products and services they are providing to its end customers.

    TASK 3

    P5. Examine of research information with right techniques and tools

    P5 Interpretation and evaluate the project outcome



    Q1) Whether digitalisation is helping Unicorn Grocery in expanding its business in different areas as well?

    a) Agree


    b) Disagrees


    Q2 Unicorn Grocery, through digitalisation is being able to provide long term benefits to the company?

    a) Accepted


    b) Not Accepted


    Q3) Does digitalisation is having positive impact on business operations?

    a) Fully Agree


    b) Not completely Agree


    c) Highly Disagree


    Q4) Whether digitalisation must be adopted by Unicorn Grocery for having better results in terms of their sales and profitability?

    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q5) Does digitalisation helps organisation in transforming business activities in an appropriate manner?

    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q6) Which are the areas that provide maximum benefits after adopting digitalisation?

    a) Improves skilfulness of business activities


    b) Make sure about the activities that are to be performed in time.


    c)Save cost and time


    Q7) What kind of marketing tools must be incorporated by the firm, according to the current market environment or scenario?

    a) Traditional


    b) Modern


    Q8) In order to minimise red tapism, it is necessary that Unicorn Grocery confines its business activities?

    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q9) How digitalisation have its impact on business operations?

    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q10) Further, any kind of recommendations respondents wants to give for Unicorn Grocery, so as to implement digitalisation in a better manner?

    Theme 1: Digitalisation is helping Unicorn Grocery in expanding its business

    Interpretation : As per modernisation, Unicorn has adopted adopted latest technologies in business and make it digitalise. So, it has interpreted from this graph that digitalisation help this company in expanding business in a more economical way. It aid this firm in improving its sales performance by completing demands of customers in an efficient and effective manner. This would assist in generating high profitability also. As shown in above representation that major portion of respondents that is near about 45 out of 50 are agreed on making business digitalised aid them giving better services. While rest of them are not much agree on the same comment.

    Theme 2 : Digitalisation is being able to provide long term benefits

    Interpretation : When a firm digitalise its business then through this technique management can promote brands in major part of marketplace. Along with this, they can attain minds of many customers as well as understand their demands and provide the same in appropriate way. Thus, by attaining and keeping interest of people towards services of company aids in generating long term profitability. From this mention graph, it has interpreted that large numbers of respondents i.e. 48 from 50 have accepted that firms which use digital technique in business activities help in obtaining higher profitability of business. While rest of them which is only 2 in each 50 respondents haven't accepted that it is fruitful.

    Theme 3 : Digitalisation is having positive impact on business operations

    Interpretation : Digitalisation impacts on operational activities of business in both positive and negative manner. As introducing this demands a large investment by employers of a firm which shows negative point. But this will help in gaining higher profitability also as through this a firm can enhance its sales performance, productivity and image of business in a more efficient manner. In addition to this, it also helps in understanding and completing demands of customers in proper way. As shown in this report, it has seen that out of 50, 22 are fully agree that digitalisation impacts majorly in positive manner. While 18 are not completely satisfied with this statement

    Theme 4 : Digitalisation must be adopted by Unicorn Grocery for having better result

    Interpretation : As per the above graphical presentation, it get analysed that digitalisation plays a vital role in growth and success of every business organisations. In context of Unicorn Grocery, digitalisation helps in gaining high competitive edge to firm and accomplish its goals and objectives in the best possible manner. Digital tools develop customers' experience at marketplace. In addition to this, it increases value and quality of products which gives maximum level of satisfaction to Unicorn Grocery. With the viewpoint of 36 respondents digitalisation helps in raising sales and profitability of the company in a certain time period. Apart from this, 14 participants are totally disagree with this statement, they say that management needs to make certain other modifications in order to attain sales targets and high profit margins. Therefore, digitalisation is a vital concept that supports in improving efficiency of Unicorn grocery and enable to do all activities in the best possible manner.

    Theme 5 : Digitalisation helps organisation in transforming business activities

    Interpretation : From the above mentioned graph, it can be summarized that, concept of digitalization play vital role in developing as well as transforming all the business activities. as it contribute in reducing the chances of arising any kind of issues and obstacles at the time of performing activities within the company. in this 37 respondents are said that digital technologies are contribute in implementing all the activities with the purpose of attaining desirable results. As it helps in enhancing brand image of the company at market place. on the other side, 13 people are said that digitalization may increase cost of the company.

    Theme 6 : Areas that provide maximum benefits after adopting digitalization

    Interpretation: From above given graph, it is being analysed that skilfulness may adopt a great position right on time if firm will hit their targets right on time. On the other hand, it has also been concluded that most of people have clearly mentioned that if all activities gets completed right on time, then it is may be possible firm may not grab a good position if tasks will not get perform right on time. Away with this, if firm needs to look into different so that benefits can be raised at and through this targets will directly get attained in much efficient manner.

    Theme 7: Marketing tools used by Unicorn for transforming digitalisation into business

    Interpretation: Digitization provides various kinds of tools and techniques to all departments of a company in operating their functions. In this manner, through these techniques marketing divisions can conduct its various operations in a proper manner. It includes identifying demands of customers having different taste and preferences, conducting research on market era, determining new trends and promote brands of company. Thus, in this process, marketing managers can advantage to enlarge customer base of company. In this manner, Unicorn Company use both traditional and modern techniques of marketing. So, by conducting research on 50 respondents, it has concluded from this graph that 32 people are agreed that modern marketing is good for business while rest of them believed that traditional marketing is more effective.

    Theme 8: In order to minimize red tapism, it is necessary that Unicorn Grocery confines its business activities

    Interpretation : From above mentioned graph, it has been concluded that almost 60 % of respondents have clearly mentioned that with the help of updated technology it has been analyzed that Unicorn Grocery can hit their targets with reducing red tapism. On the other hand, it has also been examined that if management of Unicorn Grocery adopts much beneficial approach then it is may be possible that firm can hold up a great position right on time. Apart from this, around 40 % of respondents were not in favour of this.

    Theme 9: Impact of digitization on business operations

    Interpretation: With the help of above mentioned graph, conclusion which has been made is that Unicorn Grocery needs to adopt updated technology whenever they see or look into it. Because then only they can grab good position at marketplace of United Kingdom in short period of time. On the other hand, technology plays an essential role in context of Unicorn Grocery to develop a system so that personnel data of both employees and customers can be adopted in much effective and appropriate manner. In graph, it has been interpreted around 29 are almost agreeing at that digital technology can be much helpful at workstation if it comes to carry private information stored for a longer period of time. On the other hand, around 21 candidates do not agree with right situations.

    P6. Recommendation for draw conclusions

    Unicorn Grocery is United kingdom is doing business at small level, but just because of its quality based products, its preference among customers are enhancing on a regular basis. In UK's market this firm is selling different sort of organic products at marketplace. But, because of changes in trends, tools and updates in technology, it has been analyzed that it is much required for This would help in providing innovative products or services to customers in a better manner as well as increasing brand value of business also. From this research it has seen that making a business successful and expansion all over the globe or at different domestic places. It is very much required for Unicorn Grocery to develop products and services both at the same time. Through this, management can develop a proper plan with looking at different marketing trends along with needs of customers. Through this, only Unicorn Grocery can grab a good position at marketplace of UK and can hit their targets on a regular basis. Be that as it may, because of ascend in rivalry and fast changes in patterns, this firm needs to make alterations in framework. This would help in giving creative items or administrations to clients in a superior way and in addition expanding brand estimation of business too.

    From this examination it has seen that making a business effective and grow in different areas, its administration is required to make act of spontaneity in business condition. By directing this exploration. According to explore, it is cleared that Unicorn Company is required to make some change in strategies. It ought to embrace most recent innovations in relationship through which different offices like advertising, fund, operational administration and more can do their capacities in more particular way (Chava and et. al., 2013).

    It has seen that since this organization bargains in independent company area however yet has made a decent notoriety in UK commercial centre. Along these lines, it doesn't have to make changes in whole business exercises. It needs to make adjustments in showcasing and generation division just with the goal that brains of clients can be pulled in more exact way. As research is led by essential and auxiliary source both so criticism of individuals can be picked up in an appropriate way. In this manner, it has prescribed that this firm needs to define an appropriate arrangement in which set destinations and objectives are given and in addition exercises used to finish the same.

    For More Visit : Impact of Digital Technology on Business Activity-THIRD WAY

    TASK 4

    P7. Reflection on undertake research

    Being as a researcher, I have analyzed that conduction of an investigation is not an easy task. Full concentration, use of different concepts, applying various skills and many more things that needs to be done or executed by an investigator. Then only proper implementation of a plan can get done in much effective and in appropriate manner (Dudin and et. al., 2013). Along with this, I have also measured that there are ample number of issues that takes place when a firm looks forward to expand their business. Some of problems like, less information was gathered from internal and external resources, respondents did not had good knowledge which resulted in grabbing less effective knowledge (Fu, Pietrobelli and Soete, 2011). On the other hand, it has also been located that less effectiveness at workstation may reduce chances of pulling out effective results. Therefore, it is very much required for me to go through every single aspect whenever I will get the same sort project in near future. On the other hand, it has also been found by me that digital technology carries both opportunities along with different risks as well.

    Apart from this, it has also been analysand by me that problems can easily be resolved if researcher would not make any changes in things which are going right and make alterations under the things which are not. Through this, investigations can be easily conducted where outcomes can be brought up. Away with this, it is responsibility of investigator to set time frame and cost at the same time of every single things because then only delay process can be reduced to zero. I saw that taking under in use of random sampling in order to select 50 candidates and use of qualitative method so that to collect data has helped me out in best possible way where I can clearly see that information which was gathered by me help out in drawing conclusions right on time. On the other hand, it was found by me funds plays a crucial role. Here, it is very much required for me to develop a proper plan through which benefits can be easily raised.


    From the above report it has been concluded that, digitization has played a important role for both humans and companies as well. Now people can operate their activities just by sitting in a room in one click. They can now access and order whatever they want and things are delivered in quick time. In terms of companies new technologies has helps them in executing their activities in an effective manner. Tools and machinates are making them eligible in manufacturing goods in certain time frame and of superior quality. Through this report researcher will get to know about the fields in which company wants to work in order to gain maximum benefits. Thus, for this, they are gathering information trough primary and secondary sources along with this, they are making use of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Further more, work breakdown structure and Gantt Chart as well for framing their work in timely manner as a result it will help them in operating its business in a systematic manner.


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