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    M/508/9860 - Evaluate Critical Understanding Of Key Concept Of Tourism Industry

    University: UK College of Business and Computing

    • Unit No: 9
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 9 / Words 2336
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: M/508/9860
    • Downloads: 1269
    Question :

    The main aim of this unit is to critically evaluation of research paper based on gender inequality in tourism industry and for analyzing sense of difference among male and female 

    • Evaluate critical understanding of key concept of tourism industry related to gender difference
    • Critically appraise academic literature on tourism industry.
    Answer :

    Tourism Concepts and issues

    Critically analysing a research paper helps in ensuring that whether the researcher article prepared by the researchers is effective enough or not. It also helps in ascertaining that if appropriate set of results are being framed or not. The present essay will help in preparing comprehensive discussion regarding which methods of research adopted by the researcher are effective and which of its set is not. The essay then discuses regarding data analysis method in order to ascertain that whether the ultimate results framed are effective enough or not. The main aim of present research is related to gender inequality in tourism. In the end, the research will help in discussing that whether overall research conducted by the researcher is effective or not (Figueroa-Domecq and, 2015).

    The research article with the topic “Tourism gender research: A critical accounting” seeks to arise a debate workings of tourism enquiry as a knowledge-generating system through its critical accounting of the sub-field of tourism gender research. Tourism is considered to be a conglomeration of various human behaviour, practices and consumption. It has been gendered through consumption, presentation and construction. The researcher defined gender difference as a matter of belief and practices that are being adopted with a sense of difference in the form of women and men. The difference is produced, sustained as well as renewed with the help of various practices of the society. As per the views of researcher, the method of traveling of men and women can diligently vary. Women have been noticed travelling for centuries and have been able to become tourism decision makers as well, in various types of society (Sharpley and Telfer, 2014). However, it has also been stated that it has led to overall increase sexual and economic exploitation. The researcher has also focussed upon ascertaining the relationship between tourism and gender and its impact that can be found on overall flow of tourism industry. The paper specifies the structure to bring context regarding various sub fields of tourism enquiry.

    Tourism industry have been able to experience exceptional growth where, growth in tourism related to studies have been able to grow substantially. Majority of the growth in tourism i9s also linked to vocationally oriented business and management schools due to increase in scholarship being given to the individual so as to have an expanded aspect of studies connected to the countries all over the world. The researcher has not been able to gather regarding negative aspects related to tourism and has presented maximum of literature review data in favour of tourism. The researcher then talks regarding gender related to feminism related tourism is also experienced at increasing phase, where, girls or women are not preferred to be sent to other countries or location for studies. It is quite common in patriarchal societies. Gender have been a wider as well as quite common issue that tend to exist in tourism. Senior male academics are provided with rather more opportunities in comparison to that of females (Cohen, Prayag and Moital, 2014). This aspect has clearly been explained in the research article. However, the only issue related to it is that problems affecting females and solutions to the same have not been presented extensively which has clearly being discussed in various research articles by other researchers.

    Researchers of the present articles then describe research methodology that has been used by them so as to fulfil the requirements of present aims and objectives being framed. The researchers have used and presented the information with the help of bibliometric analysis which describes corpus regarding gender research and improved development in this field. The paper is responsible for providing critical accounting of tourism gender research so that encourage can be encouraged on the prevailing issue in the society (Cooper, 2012). The concepts that are being discussed in the article are very well connected to social and economical issue that are prevailing in the environment. The method that has been adopted by the researcher for analysis of subject matter is bibliometric research design which helps in analysing only those researcher articles that are being published in indexed journals. It excludes all type of books, book reviews and conference papers. Its analysis has also omitted industry, business and development agency related researches as well that are classified in grey literature which ultimately helps in understanding the perspective of some other researchers related to the subject matter. Critically analysing this aspect, it can be stated that there can be various secondary research sources whose research could have proved to be beneficial for the present investigation. In this scenario, the facts and figures that are being presented by the researchers can be deviated which ultimately leads to presentation of ineffective results (Smith, 2015).

    The researcher has considered ISI web and Scopus databases for the purpose of gathering of data as they are the international level leading databases that are available online carrying numerous articles on tourism publications. The limitation that has been noticed by the researcher is related to incompetency in understanding non-English Journals which could have proved to be beneficial in ascertaining various aspects related to tourism. Scopus have been able to have more extensive researches on its data base in comparison to that of other databases. However, relying on the two without trying out others can lead to production of ineffective results. Keyword selection technique has been used so as to find out appropriate researches and journals. Critically analysing this aspects keyword plays an important role in ascertaining the research articles that are beneficial for the research and help in drawing out appropriate results out of it (Dewe, 2016). Having availability access to large data base may also affect the overall search of articles where, it can become difficult for the researcher to study each and every article and make use of it for research purposes. RefWorks software has been used so as to remove any type of duplication in the articles. It has helped the researcher to invest time in rather more important activities. However, since, the overall allotted time for the overall research is specific and all the activities are required to be covered in that duration only, it is important to ensure that only important activities are initiated by the researchers rather than adoption of all the activities whose conduction may not be possible for the researcher in detail ultimately affecting overall results of research (Cohen and Cohen, 2012).

    Both qualitative and quantitative type of research methods will be used by the researcher in order to ensure that the ultimate output produced by it effective enough so as to reach to the specific conclusion. The research has also been able to state that adoption of both the methods for research can help in finding out sound results for the readers. Both the methodologies are appropriately being used in a manner that the data can be kept consistent and any type of discrepancies attached to it can be eliminated. The researchers have considered the sample of 60 papers and three other authors have been selected for extensive research. These authors were separately coded based on 95 to 96 papers each so as to come up with new subject codes. In order to perform analysis on the data of research being conducted, SPSS tool will be used for Windows 20 and descriptive analysis of all the variables involved is calculated (Salazar, 2012). However, the main issue is that it can be difficult to judge the effectiveness of data based upon certain variables that may be present in one article and may not exist in the other.

    The researcher has been able to effectively use the bibliometric analysis so as to analyse the viewpoint of various researchers. In this scenario, out of 466 journals papers all the inclusion and exclusion criteria have been applied so as to reach to certain specific papers that may prove to be helpful in satisfying overall requirements of the aim and objectives. Analysing the authorship and date of publication so as to ensure that latest published papers are considered for analysis purposes. It has also been analysed by the researcher that there are very less papers that has been prepared considering the subject of tourism and females relating to each other various issues faced by them due to gender inequality (Veal, 2017). Results of various countries with respect to this have also been assessed through it. The order of importance of various researches have also been taken into consideration so as to ensure that data from the specific results are appropriately being assessed. It has helped in understanding one or the other aspect that is related to the aim of present research appropriately. Purchasing behaviour and tourism behaviour are the important aspects that are being identified in detail due to assessment of these research papers. Methodology have also been helpful in analysing the non-numerical data as well which has helped in addressing the issue in a well-defined manner. It can be stated that the method in which approaches of research methodology have been used are effective enough so as to come up with effective set of results (Waligo, Clarke and Hawkins, 2013).

    Statistical analysis of data has been helpful in assessing significant or non-significant association between the two variables ion a manner that it can help in revealing specific patterns. Analysing the results received though analysis, it can be stated that females have different requirements that are required to be fulfilled while expecting any type of enhancement in female tourism. The expectations are also significantly different in case of men and women. The researcher has been able to define this difference in a well defined manner in order to reach to the specific and well defined solution. The researchers have mentioned regarding potential tourism that may increase their work practice in other countries. The inequality assessment has been made based on gender pay gap, horizontal gender segregation, abusive employment practices, vertical gender segregation and sexual harassment at the workplace. Gender technology engagement and gender tourism market and representation are the two other themes that can be taken into consideration while analysing the concept of global sex trade and tourism (Buhalis, Darcy and Ambrose, 2012). The research also identifies the countries where issue is maximum aggravated. Gender awareness is the prime concept that is required to be adopted by these countries in order to enhance women tourism. Funding regimes are also being discussed in the research in such a manner that, majority of the male tours are funded by the corporation rather than initiating chances to some female travel. It can be stated that this is one point where differentiation is commonly initiated by the researchers

    The research also discusses regarding quantitative and qualitative female divide which helps in offering debate over male centric tourism aspects. The issue faced by the researcher and with the results of ultimate study is that, not all the studies that has been chosen by them are women centric. It represents that activities being adopted by these researchers do not carry any kind of information regarding feminist tourism. It can deviate the results of overall study leading to find loopholes in ultimate concept generated by it. The researcher has been able to effectively apply on tourism industry. Bibliometric analysis has been able to present upward trajectory with respect to tourism gender and making an assessment of issues in a manner that maximum output out of it can be generated by the research being conducted on subject matter (Sharpley and Telfer, 2015). Hence, it can be stated that analysis being adopted by the researcher for present research may also be a bit deviated in comparison to that of what could have been expected out of appropriate analysis of the research.

    The conclusion of the present research helps in specifying that it is important to initiate gender awareness so as to ensure that tourism has strong relationship of gender currently. Researcher have been able to state that there is adequate amount of difference in location preferences, type of journey chosen and ultimate experience one have as per the specification of gender. It can be analysed that the researcher has been able to reach to the ultimate goals which was actually formed in the beginning of the research. However, the overall research could have been framed in rather more specific manner by having effective research methodology, sample size and data analysis methods.

    From the above essay, it can be concluded that the research article with the topic “Tourism gender research: A critical accounting” seeks tourism is considered to be a conglomeration of various human behaviour, practices and consumption. Tourism industry have been able to experience exceptional growth where, growth in tourism related to studies have been able to grow substantially. Researchers of the present articles then describe research methodology that has been used by them so as to fulfil the requirements of present aims and objectives being framed. The researcher has considered ISI web and Scopus databases for the purpose of gathering of data as they are the international level leading databases that are available online carrying numerous articles on tourism publications. Both qualitative and quantitative type of research methods will be used by the researcher in order to ensure that the ultimate output produced by it effective enough so as to reach to the specific conclusion. Statistical analysis of data has been helpful in assessing significant or non-significant association between the two variables in a manner that it can help in revealing specific patterns (Sharpley and Telfer, 2015).

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