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    AB406H8 Hospitality Consumer Behaviour | Royal Lancaster London

    Brief :

    Learning Outcomes

    LO1 Analyse the factors that impact hospitality consumer behaviour and attitudes.

    LO2 Determine the ability to show a path to purchase in a hospitality context, including the decision-making process attractions

    LO3 Discuss appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the hospitality consumer decision-making process

    LO4 Determine how marketers influence the different stages of the hospitality consumer decision making process.

    Scenario and Activities

    Activity 1- Giving a Presentation on Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Attitude

    A company that specialises in consumer behaviour insight and analytics have recently appointed as a consumer behaviour specialist at

    Give your valuable advice in relation to a leading hospitality client about consumer behaviour dynamics. Your first activity for this client is to be in the form of a presentation, giving specific facts and findings, with sources in support.

    Your presentation should include the following: -

    • a brief overview of consumer behaviour;
    • an evaluation of the factors that impact hospitality consumer behaviour and attitudes - cultural, social, personal and psychological; and
    • an examination of how consumer trends are changing due to the impact of digital technology in the hospitality industry.

    For an outstanding presentation you would go on to; -

    • Evaluate how cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes are changing and driving trends in the hospitality industry; and even
    • Briefly evaluate the emerging trends in consumer behaviour and attitudes using specific examples from the hospitality industry to support your arguments

    Activity 2- Reporting on Consumer Decision-Making

     Next you are asked to; -

    • analyse the stages of the consumer decision-making journey (you might want to consider e.g. problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, product/ service choice and outcomes);
    • draw a path to the purchasing for a specific hospitality service (any service of your choice – here you might want to consider e.g. the consumer decision journey through from pre-purchase, purchase, and receipt to post-purchase)

     Additionally, you are required to prepare some further supporting material in which you; -

    • examine why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand consumer decision-making in the hospitality sector.

    (Here it is suggested that you might want to discuss matters such as the following; (a) the four views of hospitality consumer decision-making - economic, passive, emotional and cognitive; (b) factors that impact decision-making; (c) the impact of heuristics on decision making; (d) the impact of elements of the marketing mix on decision-making; and (e) the impact of new technologies.)

    For a better evaluation, you should either; -

    • analyse how marketers are responding to the decision-making process, applying relevant examples from the above hospitality sector business; and, if you can,
    • briefly analyse the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that influence and impact upon the hospitality decision-making process, supported by specific hospitality examples and contexts.

    Activity 3 - Evaluating Forms of Research on the Decision-Making Process in Hospitality

    Your manager has requested you to continue on the project and write another report to analyse some of the forms of research on how the decision-making process is impacted.

    For this work to be considered at least satisfactory, it should; -

    • determine the differences between the decision-making process in the hospitality industry for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B);
    • evaluate the key differences in the decision-making processes between B2B and B2C, giving specific examples from the hospitality industry.
    • examine some of the different approaches to market research and offer your evaluation; and
    • discuss some of the different approaches to methods of research that are used to understand the customer decision-making process and offer your evaluation of them.

    Once again, a better evaluation will; -

    • present a coherent and justified evaluation of how different factors influence hospitality decision-making and buying behaviour, supported by specific hospitality examples; and
    • briefly analyse the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that influence and impact upon the hospitality decision-making process, supported by specific hospitality examples and contexts

    Activity 4 - Analysing the Marketers’ Influence on the Consumer Decision-Making Process 

    You are finally asked to make an additional section to be added on to your report. You are informed that this document needs to; -

    • explain and analyse how marketers can influence the different stages of the hospitality consumer decision-making process, give specific examples from the hospitality industry.

     Yet again your work will receive a higher evaluation if you can;

    • briefly analyse how marketers influence each stage of the decision-making process with reference to relevant methods and models applied; or
    • briefly analyse the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that influence and impact upon the hospitality decision-making process, supported by specific hospitality examples and contexts

    Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




    LO1 Determine the factors that influence hospitality consumer behaviour and attitudes

    D1 Briefly evaluate the emerging trends in consumer behaviour and attitudes, using specific examples from the hospitality industry to support your arguments

    P1 Evaluate the different cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes within a hospitality context

    P2 Examine how consumer trends are changing due to the impact of digital technology

    M1 Evaluate how cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes are changing and driving trends in hospitality

    LO2 Discuss the ability to map a path to purchase in a hospitality context, including the decision-making process

    LO2 LO3 LO4

    D2 Briefly analyse the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that influence and impact upon the hospitality decision-making process, supported by specific hospitality examples and contexts

    P3 Analyse the stages of the consumer decision-making journey and map a path to the purchasing for a given hospitality service

    P4 Evaluate why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand consumer decision-making in the hospitality sector

    M2 Analyse how marketers are responding to the decision-making process, applying relevant examples from the hospitality sector

    LO3 Analyse appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the hospitality consumer decision-making process

    P5 Evaluate the key differences of the hospitality decision-making process in the context of B2C and B2B, using specific hospitality examples

    P6 Analyse the different approaches to market research and methods of research used for understanding the decision-making process

    M3 Give a coherent and justified evaluation of how different factors influence hospitality decision-making and buying behaviour, supported by specific hospitality examples

    LO4 Analyse how marketers influence the different stages of the hospitality consumer decision-making process

    D2 (as above)

    P7 Analyse how marketers can influence the different stages of the hospitality decision-making process, giving specific hospitality examples

    M4 Briefly analyse how marketers influence each stage of the decision-making process, with reference to relevant methods and models applied

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