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    Hospitality and Business Environment for Cardiff Marriott Hotel

    Brief :

    Module Learning Outcomes

    Evaluate all the critical understanding in which the business environment and the managerial activities are being drawn also evaluate all the personnel experience and the analysation of the resources thorough which the influence in the environment is being generalised. Also provide the external and the internal factors that helps in evaluating the recruitment, socialisation, performance and the other mobilise activities and functions.

    TASK Description

    A 2000-word presentation report is required to be made and that will r4equire the supporting notes and the slides with all the lectures being undergone in it. The presentation will also cover the secondary research that will be practised on the theme.

     Hotel International is being used as the main hotel in this report and you are appointed as a general manager in this.

    You are required to prepare a report for the next task and the present station.

    Task 1 Evaluate a do a PESTLE Analysis which is an external environmental factor that helps to get the critical understanding about the management and all the functions of the business environment with the personnel working.

    Tad 2 With effective examples being undertaken try to manage and evaluate all the recruitment and the selection process which are being undertaken by the hotel industry in order to manage and compete all the sustain advantages.

    Task 3 Give all the factors which will impact on the diversity, culture, equality in the organisation.

    Task 4 describe and evaluate all the principles with the undergone factors that helps to known the main methods in the performance management and also the ways through which the target of the organisation is being achieved.

    Task 5 You will also have to finalise the report by submitting all the outline of the plan and the appropriate recommendation on the issues which are being raised in the hotel industry in the presentation. The whole plan will be based on managing people for exceeding targets and also to sustain all the competitive areas with their advantages in the hotel sector.

    Guidance for the Students

    1. Engagement in all the literature skills- The students are requiring to manage all the credible information to be maintained in it. And there is also needed to have all the credible source of information which is being laid in the work.
    2. Knowledge and understanding- All the theories, concepts, models and the applicability is required to be made by the student with all the effective knowledge. There is needed to have all the grades and marring according to such source and working.
    3. Cognitive and intellectual skill- You are required to provide the effective evidence and also all the learning through which the demonstration of the work and the evidential source of working can be gained. Recommendations is needed to be proposed so as to maintain the work and the proposed functions.

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